The Unknown Crisis (Open for new players)

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ok well do thanks (ps so need to watch this thread XD forgot to lolz)
Eve lilith Angelson: That's fine. And in case you will be as active as i hope, i might even use that ability to progress the story from time to time.

Hunter: Thomas

I can already see how you and Captain Scrubz race.
Thanks yeah by all means use my power any way you see that will progress the story.
Name: Jikan
Race: Time and space
Age: (old) looks; 12
Appearance: she wears three things.
One: two: Mostly Three:

Explanation of ability (if needed) (me: *sigh* fine just giving in three)

Stopping time: just for small things like knife or what not's but only for a short time.
Accelerating time: she would be allowed to make small things move faster.
Slowing time: she would move like usual of course but cant move people or items

Background/Biography: She the sister of Space (I will think of something later)

Personality: She sleepy al the time and she kind caring when she not a sleep.

Other: she likes cookies.
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Name: Miyu Kitzu
Age: 26
Race: Human
Power: She was born mortal, but events in life messed with her system. Her blood became poisonious and she began to age extremelly slowly. She is able to use chakra and her own hair in battle but still calls herself a mere mortal.
Appearance: Stands at 5ft5"

Special Ability: Her blood is poisonous and she able to use chakra to control her hair aka like a whip. She can use surrounding elements mixed with her chakra.
Background/Biography: Miyu was rescued by her friend who used her own blood to cure the woman after being poisoned by her own clan. With that happening, Miyu ended up gaining poisonous blood. Years down the line, she met a rogue ninja. After a long battle, the two ended up getting together and got married. Miyu lived in the ninja clan for sometime, learning ways of the ninja including on how to use chakra. The marriage went downhill when her husband went power crazy and destroyed the whole village and tried to kill Miyu. After that, Miyu left that area and vanished back in to the forest.
Personality: Appears to be quite cold at first but she is pretty laid back, sarcastic and flirtatious.
Other: She is very cold towards people at first, she doesn't like children and people tend to think her humor is quite bitter
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Miyu Kitzu: Miyu Kitzu
I luckily know what chakra is, how hairs can be used for combat, and even some ways of using poisoned blood.
There is one thing that i would like to know before i accept you. What jutsu/elemental styles/kekkeigenkai can she use, beside her hair style?

And also: With race i mean something like, human, demon, elf, ect.

I'll just leave this friendly little link here and leave it to you to find out what it means.

Let your characters arrive for now. I will give you a reason later to gather.
Sorry, i am laughing so much about the race thing right now, such a human response. But yes, she is a human.
She really only uses Jutsu, i honestly can't remember all the names, i have had Miyu for so many years and her history was created through rp on myspace (so old!)
The way she uses her chakra is even unknown to her, she just remembers signs and manipulates whatever is around her to use it to her advantage, just using her chakra like how she uses her hair. I put my own style to it.
Miyu Kitzu: Miyu Kitzu

But i'll keep an eye on you. Excpecially since you posted ^that^ in the rp thread and i had to move it. Watch it will you?
The name is a bit strange if you ask me. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but it... i don't know.
If i may make a suggestion: Just use the word Time in another language.
Chinese: Shijian (時間)
German: Zeit <- the ei is spelled like the I from time
Greek: Chronos (χρόνος)
Japanese: Jikan (時間)
Latin: Tempus
Russian: Vremya <-Spelled Wrema (время)
Name: Penelope
Race: Human
Age: 16
Appearance: Long, wavy, strawberry blonde hair and large azure eyes. 5' 4" and slim. Very pale.
Special Ability: Can morph into animals
Explanation of ability (if needed): None
Background/Biography: Lives in a small village immersed in a forest. She keeps to herself ever since her parents died.
Personality: She's very shy and usually quiet but she has a nasty temper if you push the right buttons. Also very observant.
Other: Her favourite animals to morph into are a chickadee or a border collie
Genevieve Hyde: Penelope
Its started hun you can still catch up we have all just meet in a park
Now this is intriguing. I'd love to participate in this.

Name: Cryrax Forgotten
Age: 16
Race: Human/Mutant
Appearance: (File attached)
Special ability: Rage Limit
Explanation of ability: Bear with me on this one, and feel free to ask questions, for this ability is unique. Rage limit, in essence, is the anger or "rage" of the user becoming tangible on a raw and highly destructive scale. The strength of this ability is determined by how angry the user is. Imagine the Hulk. The angrier he is, the stronger he becomes. The same logic applies here. The form of the ability takes the shape of how the user imagines their anger visually. For Cryrax's case, this is fire. So obviously the ability would be seen as flames. Please don't confuse this with actual flames, for the two are unrelated. The colour of the flames, due to the empathic nature, takes on that which holds the most significant value. For Cryrax, this is deep blue, the hair colour of one deceased that made a huge impact on his life. So logically, we have blue flames. Now for what it actually does. I did mention it was highly destructive, it works in a similar way to say psi, except on an emotional level. These blue flames once produced viciously beat at the energy given off by objects or say magic, based on the universal energy law. To say it melts away what it touches is the most basic explanation I can possibly give. Due to it being empathic, it creates a shield for the user from such abilities that target the mind, aura, or emotions.

Background: His parentage is unknown, in fact his whole existence up until the age of five is a mystery, one that even he could not recall. Put in foster cares immediately, he never stayed in one for long, due to his aggressive nature towards the others in care with him. This continued until he was nine, where he took to the streets. It was there he found someone to care for, that cared for him in return. Details of this individual are sketchy at best, the only description Cryrax will give is that they had blue hair, and that he loved them. Upon their death at fourteen years old, one could say he completely broke down, inside and out. As proof, the whites of his eyes have been replaced by an empty abyss of black. That's when the flames began...

Personality: Being as young as he is, as one would expect, he can be quite immature. He is unreasonable with if things don't go his way, and very set in stone once he wants something. Neither a leader nor a follower, he finds the path of his own to be the only one he needs. Though he is immature, his intellect itself is commendable. Very easily angered, he can be a danger to others in the worst of situations.


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Now that is a interesting ability. I have a rough image of it, but have of course few questions.
1: Is he immune to his own ability?
2: Guessing by the explanation of the effect of the flame, i can guess how it burns things down. Am i right if i guess that this flame is not just simply heat, but is a matter that is in a state between particles and waves? This would mean that it doesn't melt down, but changes the molecules it touches and weakens their connections.
3: Can he use the flames without anger to a certain level?
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