The Unknown Crisis (Open for new players)

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I'll answer as directly as possible, I've had quite a few interesting discussions on this ability alone on facebook.
1: Simple logic needs to be applied here. The point of where a projectile starts is only affected by the draw back force of the fired shot. Case point, one who uses these projectiles regularly become used to the draw back force, and at current Cryrax has been using the ability for two years. It's not a matter of being immune here, the ability doesn't touch the instigator.
2: Close, and very similar. The only thing is you're dealing with a friction component here.
3: No, he's too young to literally have ANY control over his ability. Plus it goes against logic to use an empathic ability without the required emotion present. The best he can do is get angrier or calm down. I've put a lot of limitations on the ability, mainly because of its potential power, and lack of limitations if complete control was given.
I see. It's interesting to have someone with such a unique ability in the team.

Darkeela: Cryrax Forgotten
It's a rarity to find originality these days. Instead of complaining, I did it :P Time to make a mess of things. XD
Yes it is
Mushishi: Jikan

I will add all who are missing on the list tomorrow. It's late here (4:00 AM), have some mercy.
You can post already if you want though.
Trying to figure out the die thing here, I can't find an option for it. Is it a PC only feature or something?
This can be done after you posted, click on "More options" in the lower right corner of your post, and throw it 6 times.
By the way. I will continue tomorrow. Sorry but i don't feel like continuing this today.
Next post will be tomorrow for sure.
Cool as. I'm just glad my character won't be missing out lol
Mushinshi acquired a new skill: Dice throw.
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Here the information from the first post.

In certain situations, you will have to throw 6 6-Faced dices. This can be done after you posted, click on "More options" in the lower right corner of your post, and throw it 6 times.

Depending on the numbers and result, different things can happen.

Very bad




Very good

But not only the result is important. If you get a chain of some special numbers (they must be side by side), the result changes, regardless of the sum of them.


Very bad

Critical bad.


Very Good

Critical good.

Q:What if i get two chains?
A:The first chain will be used.
3-4-5 is not a sequence that is registered. So it has no special effect and is counted like normal numbers
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