The Unclaimed World

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Minor Event: Beginnings​
An echo rippled throughout the land, starting as a gentle hum before growing in volume. No doubt originating from one of the massive beings called gods. Peculiar, seeing as these calls were a rarity across any of the known lands. A number of cultures declare that this marks the coming of a new Era, though the true meaning is unknown. All one can truly guess, is that something is changing, as it always is.​

A gentle warmness was finally whispering amongst the cold winds that have passed. Colors were being regained within the trees' of the plains, as well the animals became more lively. Spring was beginning for most parts of the world, making it only fitting that the call of beginnings would ring at this time. Surely the scattered sanctuaries known as civilization would begin some form of festivity, celebrating what is to come. Games will be had, and currency will likely be spent loosely in exchange for jubilance. Even if one were not to partake, this comforting breeze will fill the air. Creatures, weakened by winter, are yet to regain their former power, making lands easier to travel. As well, the pillars of light would return.

Selphine would look to the land with neither joy nor sorrow, a deathly drop lurking below her. Supporting her frame was a single branch from a tree within the great forest. Her crimson eye looked to the world before her, not seeking excitement from the gods, but tranquility. Then again, if it had not been for the week she spent climbing this massive tree, she would have probably welcomed the coming of festivities.
"The gods.... Such miserable timing they have." The girl's voice escaped her, followed by a soft sigh as she leaned into the comfort of the branch. To think this climb was made merely because of a rumor that it would bring luck.
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[BCOLOR=#000000]As Dante awoke from his deep slumber he found himself in a strange land. It had been as far as he could tell only weeks since he had left Paradiso and he had no idea of where this place was located. He couldn't help but wonder am i actually dead this time or is this just another teaching from god himself, but little did he know this god he knew no longer exists within this world. As he looked around he saw a great forest and a large tree greater than any he had seen before and in the corners of his eye he caught a glimpse of something red. Curious he thought what could have made it up so far? So as any good man of god would do he went and traveled in that direction surrounded by the everlasting darkness he had not seen since inferno but instead of large voids and cave walls it was surrounded by luscious canopy's of giant trees but the great tree still stood tallest of them all as if it was growing from the soul of a giant it self. He always did like forests he supposed it grew from his child hood but that is something he tended to ignore for reasons that he and only he shall know.... for now.[/BCOLOR]
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The blood of Iluti royals flowed with energy and adventure, a drive by some and certain doom by others. But it was by personal decision that Amarok left the safety of his bedchamber in the palace in favor of the world just outside his window, a wide open space of freedom in the golden eyes of the Prince. And to anyone who knew Amarok, freedom was born in his spirit at such a young age that the word had become near synonymous with him.

He knew of the gods from the old tales told to him by his progenitor, the ancient stories of shimmering shafts of light power and their importance in history. They were a source of adventure, a reward drawing in explorers from across the vastness of the land. His immense need to reach these lights had overridden his fear of reprimanding by his father, and so he found himself sneaking through the halls on practiced and light feet, all he'd need held in a simply pouch at his hip.

The night was new and crisp, and the stars stood out brightly against the inky canvas of the sky. Amarok breathed in deeply and vaulted over the intricately carved wall around the city; it was built, he noted, to keep out evil, not enemies.

Far off from the valley where he stood shown a new light, new and intriguing and drawing him in like a moth to his reading candle.

[BCOLOR=transparent]With his head lifted high, Amarok grinned and began his journey.[/BCOLOR]
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"O mother, mother, make my bed,
To lay me down in sorrow.
My love has died for me today,
I'll die for him tomorrow."

Aia finished the song with a simple chord then bowed and hopped off the stage as the tavern erupted into applause. This is an excellent haul, she thought, passing her worn hat around the rowdy crowd and brushing a strand of long white hair out of her eyes. She made sure that her beloved lute was safely in it's case before slinging it over her shoulder, smiling all the while while the audience slowly went back to their drinks.

It had been almost three hours since she had stepped up on the makeshift wooden stage and begun her performance of folk songs and ballads, but it was well worth it. A free meal from the tavern keeper, and a heavy coin-purse worth of gold.

Being a musician was an excellent profession, she reflected. And it was. For three years, she had been traveling, exploring, and singing. Aia loved it.

She had rested most of the day, preferring to perform in the evening and then travel at night, so she pushed her way out of the tavern and made her way to the adjacent stables. Finding her steed, a small, shaggy creature that was somewhere between a ram and a horse, she secured her instrument to the saddlebags and hoisted the heavy saddle onto the beast's back. "We follow the moon," she whispered to the animal as she swung onto it's back. It seemed to nod in understanding before shooting off into the night.
As Dante walked through this magnificent scene he wondered why he had not been here before for this was on no map of earth. He stumbled around for a while trying to reach the great and might behemoth of a tree. When he eventually reached it he decided he would try and climb it he mad it a couple feet then fell injuring his leg he cussed loudly startling near by birds "Fuck". He had decided he had enough for a day and leaned against the tree slowly making a stretcher for his wrist from a near by tree.
Aia rode hard and fast, passing into the territory of the Iluti after just a few hours. She wouldn't dare go inside the city walls with all the crowds and gates and guards, but this far out would be fine.
Catching sight of a light off in the distance, she pulled back on the reins sharply, causing her steed to utter a huff of protest. "Sorry Lano," she murmured, rubbing the beast's head before looking back towards the light.

Aia avoided the lights like the plague. Yes, apparently they gave the recipient magical abilities, but Aia was perfectly happy without any of that mumbo-jumbo. She didn't need first hand experience to sing about such things.

Turning her rjoran slighlty to the left, she set off on a route that would take her a tad closer to the wall but further from the bright glow to her right.

Night or day, Seriven would fly.

Night, in all honesty, was often a fantastic time for flight, despite the visibility downgrade. When the sky was cloudless and the stars were glimmering, millions and millions of them high, high above, it was an entrancing, magical experience. The air passed along in a cool, revitalizing breeze. There was a new energy in the air, something that sent wonderful chills through him each time he entered the maze of a forest, or dropped to rest by a lazy, glimmering river bank. Every nerve sparked to life, every limb felt stronger, every step and wing-beat could be felt more intensely. It was always a wonderful time for the gods to reawaken, to share their energy with the world.

He soared over the landscapes, wings spread to their fullest, arms opened wide, and expression in utter exaltation. Flight never got old. With an enthusiastic "Woo-hoo!", he folded his wings in and dove, the wind whistling past him. His heart was pounding with adrenaline as he flared his wings out and did a strong wing-beat skyward again, coming out of the dip fluidly. In the skies, you didn't have to care about anything. It was just a wide, endless space that was the true, pristine definition of freedom.

Minutes passed as he dipped and spun, and rolled without any restraint. To his disappointment, though, energy was limited, and with time, his intense flight session began to drain him of energy. He decided to dive closer to the ground to find a good tree to rest on. Sleep would be good for him, and in the enormous trees of the forest, predators were a rarity to come across.

His gaze flickered from towering tree to towering tree, until he saw one that was near to a huge, deep cliff. It looked ancient, and it's branches appeared thick and strong. With calculating eyes, he dipped again, and aimed his feet towards the ground. His toes opened, claws exposed, and with multiple wing-beats to slow himself down, he landed safely on one of the branches near the top, a thick one that he'd surely be safe resting on. He'd probably find another tree later on to sleep in, but with the view next to this tree, he simply couldn't resist stopping by for a while.

He folded his wings in slightly to balance himself, his landing causing the branch to shake lightly, leaves from the branch ends fluttering downwards. He steadied himself, perched momentarily, and then stood tall, doing a practiced walk towards where the branch and the trunk met seamlessly. He nestled himself down, got comfortable, and allowed the energy in the air to saturate him. His breaths turned deeper and slower. The forests were a calming place, especially for animal halflings. They felt the energy more strongly than humans, or creatures of more human origin.

With a deep inhale and long, drawn out exhale, his magenta eyes calmed, wind-blown hair settling, and he let his wings relax, hanging off the sides of the branch loosely.

- | -


"You're lucky, you know."

The satyr spoke in a calm, yet matter-of-factly tone as she bound the traveler's leg. She had come across him while she was traversing the forest, his leg holding a bite mark that appeared to be from some sort of canine, that was definitely infected. Out of the goodness of her heart, she had helped him to a less exposed portion of the forest and offered her services. In her travels, she had begun to carry a leather bag of herbs, spices, remedy ingredients, and bandage materials with her. It proved to be extremely useful, in her own personal injuries and in getting quick help for the unfortunate enough to not know how to care for wounds.

She glanced up at him as she expertly wrapped the treated wound, one eyebrow rising slightly on her otherwise placid expression. "If you had left this infection any longer, you would've died in a matter of a few more hours."

The man, who held a time-worn face and roguish features, huffed. "It was damn painful, that's fer sure. Couldn't've been more grateful when yeh came along." Vae simply smiled, her eyes turning back down to her wrapping. "Well, I do what I can to help the people I pass by. When you're a traveler, you start to latch on to whatever will keep you busy, it seems." The man did a hearty chuckle. "Oh yeah, I get that. Yeh seem real handy though. Hard t'believe yeh were just'a traveler a' first."

At that, the grin grew a tad. "You pick things up when you're traversing the world, I guess." She spoke in a more relaxed tone at that. She then finished the wrapping, taping down the material and rummaging through her bag. She pulled out a small object with an almost wooden texture, a container of unique shape, and a roll of bandages, and handed it to the traveler. "Make sure to change your bandages every once in a while. This should help clear up the infection." She bounced the hand with the container a tad before the traveler took them, smiling a crinkly-eyed smile that lit up his otherwise tired face.

"I sure appreciate it, lass. Y'know ... " He stood shakily, gaining his balance on his now bandaged leg, and pulled a small bag off of his waist, handing it to her. "I'd feel ruddy mean jus' leavin' without a token o' thanks." He grinned one more time and picked up a large, sheathed broadsword, slinging it over him. They exchanged good wishes of travel to one another, and when he was out of sight, she opened the bag. Surely enough, inside were a good amount of gold coins. He must have been a treasure hunter of some sort to just give her such a hefty amount of money.

However curious it made her, her eyes lit up with graciousness. She dropped the bag of money into her medicine bag, and slung it over her shoulder. She had also managed to attain a leather belt, with a sheath that held a dagger for self-defense. Though the lands were relatively peaceful, it was never a bad idea to have some type of weapon on you.

With a roll of her shoulders and a glance towards the rising moon, she inhaled and exhaled deeply. Back to business. She shifted the bag a bit and started a stride out of the small clearing she had found, and back into the trees.​
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The green valley that was home to Amarok's Kingdom was bordered to the right by a thickly wooded forest, and to the left by sloping hills and vast plains. The Iluti prince would not go there, not yet and not with his meager supplies, but he marked it off in ink on a brand new cloth map, a reminder to visit later when he was better supplied. He stuffed the map back into the small pouch at his hip, his short golden hair ruffling a bit in the cool night breeze.

Beneath the low shadow of the wall, Amarok's golden eyes peered outward for the well worn path leading from the city, just making out a pale path of dirt that rose up on his side of a rather steep hill before dipping down the leeward side. This road would lead him to any neighboring settlements where he could purchase more long-term supplies with the priceless golden coins of his people.

Amarok guided his gaze towards the entrance gate into the city, where the lanterns glowed fully and the guardsmen -- pleasant men and women who offered him the grandest of advice -- stood firm and watchful, as always. A bit beyond that, he spotted movement. Not the prowl of a beast, or the loping gait of a demon. No, this was something different, a person perched atop a beast he didn't recognize from this distance. Iluti did not utilize mounts, so it was understandable that he was confused.

He moved away from the wall and brought himself closer, away from the wall and the glare of the lanterns, and forced his eyes to focus on the shadows up ahead.

Definitely not Iluti, then. Amarok cocked his head to one side, and went through a list of possibilities. A merchant from another kingdom. A wanderer or rogue here on a short visit. His swayed against the soft grass and curled around the golden brace around his left ankle. His curiosity got the better of him when he waved the stranger over to a spot out of sight of the lanterns or guardsmen. Indeed, as he had just proven, Amarok was the Hand of Rogues, the Helper of Strangers. At least the titles fit.
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Lano sensed the figure before she did, his gait changing ever so slightly and his head dipping forward to tug on the reins. Aia tapped her knees against the sides of the animal in response.

The figure looked like it was waving, so she hesitantly turned Lano towards it. "Alert," she whispered, and the rjoran snorted as an answer. The kell's eyes flicked towards what she now recognized as guards, and she spurred her animal forward. She did not want to have to bother with a city at the moment.

A flash of crystal spires atop tall, shimmering buildings shot through her mind and she shook her head slightly, trying to clear it of the memories as the brand burned on her back. Focus on the present, she reprimanded herself. But it was a reminder of why she feared venturing into the civilization beyond the wall.

The figure slowly became recognizable, a tall male Iluti with blond hair and black horns. I wonder what he wants, Aia thought as she stiffened in the saddle, halting around ten feet away and eyeing him suspiciously.
Dante awoke a few hours later hungry and aching from his fall. As he slowly started to wonder around he thought he saw figure it almost looked as if it was one of Greek satyrs but that couldn't be they were all still in heretics one of the 8 circles due to there non belief. He approached the thing and saw it had one horn and quietly said in a soothing tone "If you are what you look like would you kindly help a poor soul with a broken wrist?" as he slowly approached it through the brush and undergrowth.
Amarok ceased his waving and approached her, both hands held palm up in the open to show that he meant no harm. He knew how these things worked.

He noted that, upon closer inspection, she was Kell. He recalled a vague memory of the race-- the name, more specifically, and he was pretty certain that his father had had dealings with them at some point, but he had been much too young to remember the details of the exchange. He shook his head, golden hair falling over his eyes in a ruffled mess. He brushed it back into place with one hand and began to speak, his eyes focused warily on the creature she rode.

"Your beast-- you were wise to keep it from the guards." Obviously, she had no intention of doing so. But he always had to make sure, out of fear that the guards would overreact and slay the animal. "I saw you riding in, and wondered what someone such as yourself was doing so far away from their home. It's late, and nobody comes by the gates unless they have business..." Amarok cocked his head to one side and grinned cheekily, "And you don't strike me as a business-type person, to be honest."

Not with a beast like that, no. Merchants came with all they needed on their backs, or perhaps on the back of a mighty drake. They were the only safe steeds that they were absolutely certain were not demons. And with the recent demon sieges... Paranoia had gotten the better of them.
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It was late morning when Lyla came upon a vast forest. All she could see for miles and miles were the green canopies of the trees. In the middle of the forest, it seemed as if she could see a tree. Not just any ordinary tree. This tree was bigger than all of the others. It was as if an ancient god had planted it there. From what she could tell, it had an extremely thick trunk paired with sturdy branches. It had begun to mist a cold Spring rain and Lyla grumbled to herself. She hated cold weather. She trudged forward into the forest, not exactly knowing what to expect. She had been hungry for days and was hoping that by entering this forest, there would be some food or reward within it. There wasn't much to eat mostly because she had fled the land of Amon where there had been a horrible famine. "Ughhh," she mumbled. Bushes, branches, and plants of all kinds were whipping her face as she walked through. There was no definite path leading anywhere. There was just different shades of greens and a rainbow of colors from the varying flowers and plants. It took several hours of moving branches out of her face until she had reached the huge tree in the middle. She was definitely correct on her guess of the size of the tree. Compared to the gargantuan tree, she looked like a wee speck of sand. She inspected her surroundings and listened for sounds of any sort. There wasn't much that she had noticed but she had thought she heard someone - or something, for that matter - in the distance. It was difficult to see because the plants and bushes were so dense. She squinted and walked closer to the dark figure walking around. The individual seemed to be talking to someone, but she didn't know who. "Hello, over there!" Lyla called to the person.
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Lano snorted angrily at being called a beast. Aia quieted him by scratching the top of his head, before responding. "I'm a bard," she said, indicating the instrument strapped to her pack. "And Lano doesn't appreciate the fact that you referred to him as a beast."

She dismounted and stretched her back. Aia was still a bit wary of the Iluti, but Lano obviously scared him, so she felt like she had the upper hand in this situation. "I simply came this way to avoid that," she added, gesturing in the direction of the glowing light.
Amarok grimaced apologetically, "Sorry, it's just... most of the animals around here classify as beasts, so... I just assumed," he sighed and shook his head. "Sorry again. He is magnificent in all honesty. Not in the same was a drake, but... a fine steed." Too much... wool, was that? For his tastes. But he supposed kell liked it that way, and moved on.

"A bard? Well, that's certainly new. I've never seen a bard in these parts, other than traveling bands hired by my father on my naming days. And they're never kell." Amarok folded his arms over the warmth of his chest, trying to remember the specific of each playing band he'd seen. It was a chilly night, but nothing much to the iluti-- the difference in clothing made that clear. But he wished he'd brought something to drape across his shoulders to keep the wind off his back.

"I would invite you into the city, but I doubt you would be very willing to leave your animal behind."
Aia shook her head. "No thank you. I would prefer to continue riding tonight, I'd like to make it out of the Iluti territory before the end of tomorrow night. And as for my profession, I always enjoyed music as a child, so when I was ba... when I left," she hastily corrected herself, "I chose to do what I loved."
Calmly, Aia, don't reveal too much. She clenched her teeth, staring past the Iluti at the leafy foliage behind him. Lano nudged her shoulder with his wooly head comfortingly, a bit happier now that the Iluti had apologized, and she turned around to rub the area at the base of his horns. "And what brings an Iluti outside the wall at a time like this?" she asked, trying to draw attention away from her blunder.
Amarok pursed his lips; she had slipped, and he had noticed. But out of common decency, he remained silent and listened to her continue. He doubted many strangers would be allowed into the city at this time, anyway, but his word as prince had to hold some kind of weight. "If you say so." And he dropped the subject entirely. Besides, he'd been meaning to leave and search out the pillars of light, not bring strangers beyond the gates.

"I used to play-- a flute. It was something my mother made my do that I didn't enjoy," Amorak chuckled here, his eyes crinkling at the edges around his smile. "I preferred sports and hunting. But mothers can be...." He paused thoughtfully. "Pushy. Especially her."

How disappointed she'd been when he dropped the beautifully carved ceramic flute in favor of a sword. Father supported him wholly of course, glad his only son was taking up a more honorable pastime. Amarok thought over the kell's question for a moment. "I was... leaving? Yeah, leaving."
Aia had to smile at that. "And I assume they don't know this," she surmised, tilting her head towards the guards. "First time outside the wall?" she asked, adding a raised eyebrow to her smile. Lano snorted in amusement, making her smile even wider, one of her ears twitching.

Few Iluti males would have even touched seen a flute, let alone been forced to play one by their mothers. Interesting, Aia thought, studying his well-made clothing and rather heavy-looking satchel that seemed to jingle slightly when it moved.
"They don't," he muttered, following her gaze to the guards. "But this isn't my first time. I've been outside to hunt with my father, I've explored far beyond our walls. I'm not some locked-up prince who doesn't know about the world around him." He knew what adventuring involved, and he had left prepared and ready to take on any challenges. A scaled blade was only there for added protection, ad Amarok was a decent hunter and fighter without a tool to do the work.

"No, I'm sneaking out because, while my father would approve, my mother is protective. We've had demon problems for the past few weeks, and she doesn't think I can defend myself-- despite the fact that I've proven that I can." Amarok sighed and ran a hand through his hair between the space of his horns. "I don't suppose you ever had a protective mother? I love her, but she can be a bit much. But these lights-- I need to find out what they are!"

And his enthusiasm for the task he was to accomplish in the coming months made its presence known in his voice. He would leave tonight, and when he returned he'd be the greatest magic user in the whole of the Iluti kingdom.
Aia flinched at his comment about her mother. Her mother had been one of the ones who had voted in favor of her banishment, the one who had ignored her in the hour after the decision was made, the one who had watched impassively as a searing iron brand had been pressed onto her daughter's back.
No, she didn't suppose she did have a protective mother.

"You should avoid the lights. They let evil out into the land, and corrupt those who venture near," she advised, regaining most of her previous composure.
Amarok huffed at her attempt to dissuade him, but he persisted. "Not from what I've heard. Travelers enter our city, talking of the grand things emerging from those lights, the abilities bestowed upon those who find them. I would rather take my chances than go back to a life of bland privilege that bears no risk." The same daily routine for the rest of his life, no difference and nothing new. The same advisers and stuffy royals his father dealt with on a daily basis. The needy commoners who never seemed to be satisfied.

No, he'd postpone that for as long as he possibly could.

"There's something you're not speaking of." He paused suddenly, eyes flying open. "Sorry, that was a bit invasive. Ignore my question. Where were you headed?" He shuddered and sighed; a good save. Behind the kell, the lanterns were going out, one by one to signal that morning was to come soon. The moon still hung high in the sky, but iluti were early risers. The moon was their morning sun, and the rest of the day was the source of warmth until it fell again.
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