The Ultimate Comic Book Roleplaying Universe (OoC)

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That... might actually placate him in some cases, so long as Bruce is willing to go pretty far.
Woah, that's a dark Batman.
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Whaaaaatever. Still Batman in my mind :3
I actually think I need to drop out :[ Sorry.
I'm sorry to hear that, @Polystical. Best of luck with your other RP's ^^

Also, darn the people who have seen Age of Ultron before me!

Must... Resist... Reading... Wikipedia article... Spoiling... Everything!
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I'm sorry to hear that, @Polystical. Best of luck with your other RP's ^^

Also, darn the people who have seen Age of Ultron before me!

Must... Resist... Reading... Wikipedia article... Spoiling... Everything!
It sucks to have to wait for April 30th >.< Eh at least i get to see it a day before it actually comes out in Canada/America
You are officially banned from this RP for being able to see Age of Ultron before me. You suck.

Kidding, don't leave! I love all my RP pals!
You are officially banned from this RP for being able to see Age of Ultron before me. You suck.

Kidding, don't leave! I love all my RP pals!
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The Sample post was a bit short then what i was hoping but the cs is finished.
[warning=red]A HOMOSEXUAL CHARACTER?[/warning]
So, I finally plan on making 'Stray' AKA Tim drake as the sidekick of catwoman.
Since theres age and racial diversity in my opinion, is it a bother to make this character homosexual?
I just thought the role-play could be even more diverse sexually or something <-<

PERFECTLY understandable if you don't want a homosexual character around -i'm aware of some role-players finding it uncomfortable/just not suited in role-play-. I just rarely see a masked vigilante/criminal in role-play form -in a superhero role-play i should say-. Only once in the blue moon despite comics including homosexual characters :). But this one, i'm pretty serious on mixing Tim Drake as being Gay :d. The ones i see once in the blue moon, sure they're homosexuals but they don't really emphasize it much in role-play.. I DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT I'M SORRY. Like They play the character normally and theres not a single post involving not even one little thing like,"HE/SHE WAS IN THE CLOSET ABOUT CRUSHING ON THE SAME SEX"
Its just.. the ones that i see, when they put that in, they use it more like a title/label rather than actually play it out/show it <-<

But YEHHHHH. Is it fine to mix Tim Drake and make him like men? Or both genders.. But preferably the same sex just to make it more interesting and whatnot I guess..

I mean I get people like canon characters not to be 'tainted' with this sort of thing, which is also why i'm checking in with you guys. Opinions.. please? I'll totally be clean in IC with Tim, but I WILL type shit up like,"He was checking spiderman booty" "He thought the kids in class were hot... the males."

Expect some changes with him here and there as well. Who knows, He'll probably partially or 50/50 be molded to an OC/Canon

Opinion is needed :)
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I APPROVE!!!!! I APPROVE!!!!!!!!!!!! I APPROVEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was thinking of making a lesbian character as well​
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So, I finally plan on making 'Stray' AKA Tim drake as the sidekick of catwoman.
Since theres age and racial diversity in my opinion, is it a bother to make this character homosexual?
I just thought the role-play could be even more diverse sexually or something <-<

PERFECTLY understandable if you don't want a homosexual character around -i'm aware of some role-players finding it uncomfortable/just not suited in role-play-. I just rarely see a masked vigilante/criminal in role-play form -in a superhero role-play i should say-. Only once in the blue moon despite comics including homosexual characters :). But this one, i'm pretty serious on mixing Tim Drake as being Gay :d. The ones i see once in the blue moon, sure they're homosexuals but they don't really emphasize it much in role-play.. I DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT I'M SORRY. Like They play the character normally and theres not a single post involving not even one little thing like,"HE/SHE WAS IN THE CLOSET ABOUT CRUSHING ON THE SAME SEX"
Its just.. the ones that i see, when they put that in, they use it more like a title rather than actually play it out/show it <-<

But YEHHHHH. Is it fine to mix Tim Drake and make him like men? Or both genders.. But preferably the same sex just to make it more interesting and whatnot I guess..

I mean I get people like canon characters not to be 'tainted' with this sort of thing, which is also why i'm checking in with you guys. Opinions.. please? I'll totally be clean in IC with Tim, but I WILL type shit up like,"He was checking spiderman booty" "He thought the kids in class were hot... the males."

Expect some changes with him here and there as well. Who knows, He'll probably partially or 50/50 be molded to an OC/Canon

Opinion is needed :)
Hell yeah ;) There should be more gay superheroes out there, you also have my seal of approval
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[warning=#C9BE62] Please keep in mind that things are altered with Tim Drake. Such as his sexuality and secret Identity of being Catwoman's sidekick.[/warning]

Name: Timothy "Tim" Drake
Alias: Stray (currently)
Hero, Walking-the-line, or Villain: Walking the Line ; More of a hero.
Occupation: None. I guess being a conman would be one. Other then that he doesn't attend school -yet- or anything.
Age: 17


Timothy Drake grew up in WITSEC and is the son of a police detective and a secretary. At 3 years old, his father murdered another officer and thus had gotten himself arrested, not being able to help raise tim anymore. After the murder, his mom told Tim that his father had died while taking out a bunch of bad guys, and Tim grew up wanting to be just like him: intending to be a police officer and training with guns. He didn't necessarily live in poor conditions, and his mother was financially fine for just the two of them only.

As a single mother, Emily worked long and hard hours to support Tim. But because she was always constantly busy or tired, Tim was most of the times on his own and therefore independent at an early age. Tim didn't necessarily feel abandoned in any type of way. He understood the situation well and accepted it. And since he wasn't registered to go into a public school and have a proper education, his mother would attempt to homeschool him herself instead. But despite her efforts, Tim always went to the library and self-taught himself before coming home and telling her what he learned -as proof he was teaching himself-. He proved to be quite knowledgeable with books, but out in the streets came off more as a surprise.

In the streets, Tim would learn from the poor kids of the slums. They were nice kids and would teach him what it was like in the streets, and how to 'survive' if he were to be alone. They called it 'street smarts' not 'book smarts' and this was another type of learning that would become just as useful in the future for Tim. At one point Tim even said some slang words and swears to his mom -by accident- only to also be taught that vulgar language like that were meant to be for the streets, and not home or to an adult/relative. Tim also got into the habit of stealing high class things as well and became a tiny greedy dragon.

Tim pickpocketed for others, stole for others, and helped others commit a crime and con and such. He was pretty much being manipulated by small petty criminals but would soon learn how to manipulate others later. Being taken in by the hood, Tim was taught to con others in order to get what he wanted and watch out for people who may try and take advantage of him. At the time, he didn't quite understand how bad it would be, but it wasn't like anyone would blame a kid anyways. Then when he was 13, Chris smith, his father's former partner, told him the truth: His father is still alive, but is not a hero. His father had been arrested for the murder of a fellow police officer when Timothy was only 3 years old.

The now known information changed Tim, and he became more of a rebel. Upon finding out this information, Tim left WITSEC and took his mother's maiden name, Drake -with her permission as well-. Now, he can still use guns, but prefers not to, and shows strong distaste towards firearms in general. He got more wiser with conning others and running heists, and was already proficient in strategizing such things as well as manipulating others. He was only 16 when he had taken up the 'Stray' identity.

Despite self-educating himself he is actually quite intellectual than credited for as well all these years.

  • Martial Arts Master: Tim has been trained by Lady Shiva and assorted others in a wide assortment of martial arts disciplines. His abilities with the bo-staff gives him an extra edge with his fighting. Although he has not mastered near as many fighting styles as his mentors, he has managed to use the training given to be considered a highly skilled combatant for a youngster.
  • Escapologist: Catwoman has trained Tim to be skilled in escaping from any trap, lock or captivity. In the future though, he will be trained further and much more properly by Cheshire.
  • Master Tactician and Strategist: Tim, is also a brilliant and experienced strategist with impressive leadership skills. However he refuses to be the leader of any situation in truth and has his doubts. He will do whatever it takes in order to avoid being the leader of a group.
  • Gifted Intellect: His naturally high intellect allows him to excel in computer science and more importantly as a skilled detective. Further more, Tim apparently has a firm grasp of assorted scientific techniques including biology, engineering and genetics. Usually this just takes high concentration, logics, knowledge, and observation. He's pretty much like a young Sherlock in a way, observing around.
  • Stealth
  • Disguise
  • Thievery
Weaknesses/Tragic Flaw:








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