The Tale of An Chéad Toshi: Uruk IC Thread

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Original poster
This is a sci-fi/fantasy RP. The Players are young Mages who have been brought to the Academy in order to develop their magical talent and protect their city. They will fight monsters that roam in the wilderness, investigate nefarious plots against King and Country, and so on. But that is all in their future. For now, after a bit of general plot setup, let us have the characters meet up, get to know one another, etc. We can feed them to monsters later.

The plot so far:
The students meet their teacher, Professor Yuki Okamoto, and have their first few days of instruction.

About a week into their Academy life, they are unexpectedly sent out on a mission to investigate the town of Normaden. They learn that a Witch, a powerful monster that sometimes grows from humans with magical potential, has developed in the region. Their Professor takes on the role of exterminating the Witch itself, leaving the students to handle some of its Familiars. During the students' fight, though, they are unexpectedly brought face to face with an Angel. After a fierce fight, the students are victorious and return to their homes safely.

Back in Uruk, the plots grow thicker. A massive force of Angels has gathered near Babylon, and the head honchos discuss plans of how to deal with the threat. The Academy's Headmaster learns that the Angel that the students encountered was sent by the Chief of the Galileians. What could Chief Herschel be plotting, and why involve these young Mages?

Completely unaware of these plots, the students are assigned another mission: to resolve an incident over who should possess a valuable research subject. They will be escorted and monitored by Essence Parker, one of the academy's Student Council members...

To chat, give feedback, watch us fool around OOC, etc, please join the Discord

For a brief bit of worldbuilding or to create a character, please refer to the OOC thread

This club prides itself on having a very detailed combat and character system. For more information on said system, please refer to the System Info/Extra Lore thread.

To see a list of some detailed NPC sheets, please view this thread.
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Essence Parker

The door opened not long after professor Steele finished his introduction, suggesting Essence had been waiting for his signal to enter. Before she could walk through the door, however, a bird-like spirit flew in and landed atop the teacher's desk at the front of the classroom.


From the position, the spirit seemed to silently judge everyone in the room. For as far as her bird's eyes revealed what she was thinking, the conclusions didn't exactly seem to be all that positive. Without mentioning it, Essence soon walked in and gave a short bow towards Steele.

She was closely followed by a canine spirit, whom sat down in the front of the class. Unlike the earlier bird, this one didn't seem to be after the judgment worm. For better or worse, the dog seemed to barely be interested in the ones in front of him.


Lastly, a mole-like spirit dragged himself into the room. If the dog had been showing little interest, this particular spirits' showing of interest was in the negatives, if that was even possible. It was clear they didn't want to be here.


Having all entered the room, Essence spoke up. "Good morning everyone, I'm Essence Parker, Secretary and Sixth Year Representative in the Student Council." She kept it short, but she seemed to be debating something not long after she spoke. "Some higher level of introduction would be advantageous… How about we all state our name and our speciality as mages or spirits?" She glared at the three spirits she'd brought along. "Starting off with you three."

For as far as a dog could make a sighing noise, they did, but then they continued at a low, almost growling voice. "I'm Stanley Barker. I'm quite trained at using my sense of smell."

The bird was up next, at a fairly high voice with the occasional rasp. "I'm Ruya Proudfeather, of the grand flock of Proudfeathers. My flight and sight know no equal, save for the one whom I deem worthy to share it with!"

Finally was the mole, whom was still standing near the door. "Name's Kerr Underground. I dig 'n stuff."

"Right, and I specialize in conducting all sorts of investigations. Your turns." Essence nodded in the direction of the class. She'd give those present, human and spirit alike, a chance to introduce themselves whilst silently seeming to take equal note on was said and on the way in which it was said.

Once all introductions were out of the way, she skipped to the topic of their mission. "As for the mission we've been assigned. It's roughly as follows. A researcher and former mage named Ahn Walahfrid, working as a semi-independent researcher into the magical conductivity of alien alloys for the Thaumaturgical Society claims to have been attacked by Ewald Themistocles, a researcher working at the Galileian's Department of Lacertan Technology. They were on a joined mission when they stumbled upon the hull of a Lacertan spaceship and got into a fight about whom found it first and whom would thereby have the rights to research it first. Both seem to have recently started to climb through the ladders in their respective societies, so it seems like they both want this to be their big breakthrough. All in all they're making quite a fuss. We're to investigate the truth to these claims." Essence paused for a bit.

"Well… I'm saying 'we' but I mostly mean 'you,' as I've been asked to merely observe and to see how far you'd all get with little to no advice. I can, however, take care of the logistics, such as getting access to files, arranging transport to the site, or arranging meetings with the people involved, or whatever else you can come up with. I'll see about what questions I can or cannot answer when I get them… right, questions. Anyone?" It seemed like now was the time to ask questions.

With sharp eyes, Elisa watched at the new addition arrive to the classroom. Someone part of the student council. With curiosity Elisa turned her head around with a gleeful smile only to find herself watch at the empty seat of Almeida. Elisa's mood dropped for a brief moment, only to pounce back up as she followed the introductions.

Elisa distracted herself for a moment looking at the notebook like it was giving her confidence, and then the introductions. Given that she had now exhausted the options of mage and a witch, she had a third thing in her mind.

"Elisa..." The girl froze like cat had caught her tongue. "Sorceress." Elisa was quite happy with that introduction. What could have gone wrong. She didn't say that she was a mage nor did she label herself as a witch. "I don't have a spirit... So I suppose I am the impossible girl who can do magic without help. It's all mirrors and no smoke." Elisa would smile, hoping that her pun would fall through.

. . .

When it came time for questions, Elisa would lift up her hand. When given a turn to ask, she would ask a childish yet a snarky question: "If it is such of an important task, why would anyone in their wildest dreams consider about throwing a group of brats, whom were stolen from their lives not longer than a few weeks ago and expect them to investigate such of an important claim? -- Now then. You would have to be mad to think something like that. Or have a glimpse of ingenuity not seen in the likes of men. So what are we? A misdirection, a distraction? -- So someone | At this point Elisa pointed her index finger casually towards Essence.| would run behind the scenes while a group of kids go around and make noise."

"Or would it have been better for us to not figure out? ~ Miss, Essence was it? Impossible things don't happen without a reason. And sending a group of children unguided is totally unheard of and an impossible thing for an organization of prestige." Elisa would then stare at Essence with a cold stare. If she did confirm this to be case, Elisa was going to be visibly agitated... Or worse, if it brought up a disposition of ineptitude of academy, her view towards the lady would become hostile.
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Londo Sperry THE GREAT!

Location: The Academy - Classroom 107


Aura: 100 / 100
Prana: 100 / 100
Stamina: 100 / 100


As Londo strut to his seat, the professor asked him a few questions. Of course he'd want to know, but Londo had other things in store!

"Yup! Alice is with me!-" "..." "But I think she's still sleeping.. Anyways, I got this blessing from Cadwgan, God of Glory! What the blessing does is a secret! Only three other people know, besides me, Alice, and Cadwgan of course! And I guess some other spirits, but those don't count! If you really want to know this Blessing's power, then you'll have to wait until the moment I gloriously reveal it!" Londo said, ending with his foot on the desk, then sitting back down.

Then after that, the ultimate detective made her way into the room. Apparently, she wanted them to do detective work.

So during introductions, Londo felt the need to let everyone know how good he was, " I am Londo Sperry, the GREAT!, I punch things hard and love to fight! Alice is my spirit and she does death magic, pretty cool huh? I am a disciple of Glory, one of Cadwgan's own followers, proven by this sweet necklace I got!" Londo said, showing off the necklace then sitting back down.

That went off well!

Detective work? Londo loves that! He was an amazing detective!!!! "So you want us to do detective work? Amazing! I, Londo the Great, have done detective work in past lives, saving many children from fearsome bandits! So I know exactly what a detective does!"

Hibiscus Oswald

Location: The Academy - Classroom 107

Status: Normal

Aura: 75 / 75
Prana: 150 / 150
Stamina: 75 / 75

Weapon: Lyka is dormant

It seemed like the teacher was sick because she was out drinking with her sisters. That was a relief... Wait, was it? Hibiscus was confused whether that was a good thing or bad thing, but she thanked the teacher regardless.

Pretty soon, after all the exchanges and late students, another person came into the classroom, introducing herself as the student council representative. Hibiscus sat up a bit straighter, she had never seen a Student Council member in the flesh before! It was enough to wipe the sleep from her eyes and Hibiscus stared at her as if she were an idol.

Eventually introductions got passed around and it was hibiscus's turn to speak. She cleared her throat and spoke, "Ahem. My name is Hibiscus Oswald! I am the supporter in our team, using uh... Blood magic to heal everyone. My spirit is-"

Hibiscus's fairy, Lyka, appeared in the flesh and rocked rockstar symbols with her fingers, rock on, "YO BITCHES! The names Lyka! Fuck the student council!" Lyka said, dodging all of Hibiscus's attempts to catch her, "L-L-Lyka! P-Please stop! You're embarassing m-me!!!" She said in a panic. Fortunately, Lyka got the hint after flipping off the Student council rep a few more times, disappearing back into her orb.

Hibiscus, whos face was bloodred from embarassment, hid her head in her hoodie, "Uuuuuuuuu..." And hoped people would get the hint and continue with introductions.

Aura: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Weapon Durability: 75/75
Buffs: N/A
Debuffs: N/A


Overall Statistics
Aura: 1
Prana: 5/5
Stamina: 10/10

Strength - E
Vitality - E
Willpower - E
Resistance - E
Speed - E
Agility - E
Perception - E
Recovery - E
Effect: Inflict a Normal Level 1 Perception Debuff upon a single target in melee.
Cost: 10 Stamina
Duration: 1 Phase
Overall Statistics
Aura: 1/1
Prana: 5/5
Stamina: 110/110

Strength - E
Vitality - E
Willpower - E
Resistance - E
Speed - C
Agility - D
Perception - C
Recovery - B
Effect: Inflict a Normal Level 3 Vitality Debuff upon a single target at a range.
Cost: 70 Stamina
Duration: 3 Phases
Effect: Inflict a Great Level 2 Vitality Debuff upon a single target at melee.
Cost: 40 Stamina
Duration: 1 Phase
Overall Statistics
Aura: 1/1
Prana: 5/5
Stamina: 50/50

Strength - C
Vitality - E
Willpower - E
Resistance - E
Speed - D
Agility - D
Perception - E
Recovery - E
Effect: Inflict a Normal Level 2 Strength Debuff upon a single target. Inflict 10 Damage.
Cost: 40 Stamina
Duration: 1 Phase
Attribute Modifier: Strength

Huh, right back at it, eh?

Suilen wasn't sure if she should be surprised or not that, just one day after returning from one incident, they were now thrust into another one. An investigation this time, supported by a purple-haired goon from the student council. Three spirits, all of them animals of sorts too. Drafi certainly felt intimidated by that big bird that looked like it should have been much smaller than its size and proportions suggested, and the owl scurried under Suilen's desk, knowing when the weak should fear the strong. She nudged him out of that hiding place, of course; his feathers made her legs ticklish, in a way that wasn't all too pleasant.

Still, while she wasn't all too interested in doing stuff like talking to people and interviewing people, it did sound to Suilen that they would be able to check out an alien spaceship as part of their investigation...which was pretty cool. Almost as cool as Elisa's bold declaration that she was a witch. Which was really whack. As in, whack enough that Suilen had to ask again, ignore Hibiscus's embarrassment and Londo's grandstanding, "Wait, Elisa, you're a Witch?" Were they going to have to kill her, or was that just a weird joke?

Hm, maybe it was a bit rude to turn this into an Elisa Q&A session.

"Essense, what's it like, having three Spirits? Compared to when you had one."
Essence Parker

As Essence attempted to get a quick mental profile sketch of each student, the first of them to speak up was already quite puzzling. A spiritless mage, yet not exactly a witch, but a self-proclaimed sorceress. With how little Essence knew about Elisa, the pun didn't exactly land. It seemed like one of Elisa's own classmates was equally surprised about their status though, which meant their previous days together hadn't been able to make this class know each-other as well as Essence would like for them to know each-other. Truth be told, the existence of this spiritless mage in itself seemed like an interesting puzzle to solve, but it wasn't one that had any priority. Not right now, anyway.

The second student to introduce himself seemed troublesome in his own right. A kid that was quite full of himself with a spirit that didn't wish to introduce themselves. Well… with professor Steele around, Essence could guess why that might be, on the presumption that Alice was looking humanoid and old enough. One thing that stood out, however, was that the kid seemed to a legitimate disciple of Cadwgan. That, at least, was something Essence would have to respect.

The next to introduce herself was a blood magic using supporter, which was a pretty odd combination. At least she was polite… unlike their spirit. Upon seeing the spirits behaviour, Stanley started to growl and bare his teeth. If he wasn't as well-trained as he was, he'd have probably made an early lunch out of the fairy. The bird ignored them altogether. The mole, on the other hand… "Yeah, fuck the system!" He yelled from his corner of the room. Upon getting a stern looking-at from Essence, he turned it into a rumbling earthy laugh.

The remaining four students abstained from introductions. One of them (Suilen) simply didn't seem to care, two others (Ryan, Lavi) would have to be retconned in later, and the final one seemed to be… asleep. "Ruya, if you could." Essence asked, nodding at Ozymandius. Following up on the command, the bird would fly over to peck at Ozy's head until he woke up. If that were to fail, she'd pull out his hairs until there was nothing left but a bloody scalp. Upon seeing Ozy awaken, Essence would state; "I'll see if we can make room for some moments of rest later on, but for now I'd like it if you and your spirit could introduce yourselves, and listen to the mission we've been assigned."

With introductions out of the way, for as far as students and spirits had actually introduced themselves or would need to be retconned in later, Essence explained the mission and went on with the Q&A.

The first question heading Essence's way wasn't exactly a question, but more of an opinion piece on the current situation. 'Did I make this mission really sound that important?' Essence realised she might've underestimate how serious these kids were. If anything, Essence's own guess was that the current situation only existed because Headmaster couldn't care less about the outcome for the Galileans or Thaumaturgical society. Heck, he might just be trolling them by sending in the most inexperienced class in the entire Academy. The best possible interpretation was that he wanted to see how these kids would respond to the new situation, or that this was his way of introducing them to two of the institutions they might end up working with in the near future.

'Screw it, I'll just be straight with them.' Showing no disdain towards the situation would probably be more suspicious than suddenly being totally okay with babysitting these kids. "You've got a sharp mind for your age, which is promising, but you're going by some wrong assumptions. If I was tasked with solving this, I wouldn't want any distractions messing up possible clues and leads. My reputation is enough for people with a bad conscience to be wary of me regardless of whom is making noise, so the only ones you'd really be distracting would be me and my spirits. Instead, I'm tasked with trying to get you guys to solve it. It seems like your education is deemed more important than the outcome of this investigation." If she didn't know any better, she'd think the Headmaster had figured out that she was more than a little suspicious of him, and had decided to give her something to keep her occupied.

The again, she didn't feel like arguing with the kids she was supposed to babysit. "Well, it's not all bad. It'll be a good chance for all of you to get more familiar with the Galileans and the Thaumaturgical Society, and maybe it'll teach you all some coordination and teamwork. Besides, people thought that a class with utterly new students would never be able to bring down an angel, yet now it's starting to become the talk of the Academy. You might be able to surprise everyone once more." Essence surely hoped the latter would be the case. If not, she'd have to disobey her orders and redo the investigation on her own in her free time.

As for the 'question' asked by the red-haired kid, it was just another way to praise himself, so Essence ignored it. She didn't exactly trust his words, but she wasn't rude enough to outright shut him up. Not yet, at least.

Another kid had a question, albeit fairly off topic. 'What was the thing on dealing with kids again… sticks and carrots? Right. Sticks and carrots.' Coming to a conclusion, Essence would put her limited pedagogical knowledge on trial. "I'll gladly tell you all about it if you and your spirit introduce yourself like you were asked too." Essence hoped this kind of stuff worked, otherwise it'd be a long day.

[OOC:]I'll give another 30-ish hours to reply (and for Lavi and Ryan to retcon in a reply to the previous post as well). After that, the next Essence post will move the main plot out of the classroom.

Ozymandius Jorgenson
Location: A Forest
Mentioned: Everyone
Aura: 100
Prana: 0
Stamina: 100

Machinegunner: 0/1 summoned
Current Stats: Prana: 30, Stamina: 10, Aura: 11

Description: The gunner has 30 prana, 10 stamina, and 11 aura. The gunner has D rank vitality, C rank perception, C rank Dexterity, and E rank for every other stat. The gun is allowed to fire 3 times per phase with 4 bullets fired per shot in a cone. The bullets travel at C rank speed.

Riflemen: 0/3 summoned
Current Stats: [Rifleman 1] Prana: 5, Stamina: 10, Aura: 1 [Rifleman 2] Perished, [Rifleman 3] Perished

Description: Each rifleman is armed with an M16A4 Assault Rifle, they may spend 3 prana to fire the rifle. Every time it fires, it shoots 3 shots in a burst that travels in a straight line at C rank Speed. It may fire once per phase. The rifle has 1 durability. Each Rifleman has E rank stats.

If he had not been sleeping in class Ozymandius would have been upset given the circumstances of his awakening as he sat up and brushed the bird off. He briefly wondered if he could get away with stonewalling the person who had woke him up and go back to sleep, but a hard kick to the shin from his spirit under the table (who was now sitting beside him in a chair), ruined any thoughts of that. "Yeah, yeah. Ozymandius Jorgenson. This is Exceritus, summoner spirit." His words came out as one might expect from someone who had just woken up. He didn't look to well for wear and didn't feel it, and he also didn't fancy the idea of playing secondary baby sitter for the kids again. Aside from that the mission did sound a little odd to just be giving out to a bunch of greenhorns, but hey he wasn't the headmaster after all.

"Did you really hear me say - witch?" Elisa turned her gaze towards the one comment made at her. It was clear that the comment did make her bit unhappy, although Elisa did shrug it off very fast.


Elisa gave a sigh and rubbed her temple. This academy was really a lot of a headache for her to deal with. After having to finally come with terms with how her new life was going to look like, the quality of the education appeared to be deteriorating right before her eyes.

"So you are as much of a victim as we are. I do feel sorry for you. If I was in student council, I'd really change a few things in here... Maybe I'll run for student council. Sorry for being rude." Elisa would bow her head and then look back at the two, the teacher and the student council representative.

Hibiscus Oswald

Location: The Academy - Classroom 107

Status: Normal

Aura: 75 / 75
Prana: 150 / 150
Stamina: 75 / 75

Weapon: Lyka is dormant

Hibiscus was too embarassed to say anything during the rest of the exchange, instead silently fuming underneath her hoodie. Lyka was really going to be in for it later...

After that whole incident seemed to be forgotten, and the group was onto other things, like the detective explaining how this was...

"Sorry if you said this already, but what you're saying is that this is going to be teaching us? What happens if we fail?" "Miss student council FUCKING DI-" "W-WHAT I MEAN TO SAY IS!-" Hibiscus said, trying to smother Lyka's core in her hoodie and drown out her voice, "We should take this serious, but are there any big bad results to failing? I don't want to go in knowing I might kill people...." Hibiscus said, trailing off, her red face now paling at the thought of accidentally killing someone as a consequence of this mission.

Londo Sperry THE GREAT!

Location: The Academy - Classroom 107


Aura: 100 / 100
Prana: 100 / 100
Stamina: 100 / 100


Londo's head was blank the entire time, listening to the drone and monotony of everything going on, but when the detective mentioned them killing an angel, Londo perked up, "Ah ha! Yes! We killed an angel! It was amazing! I distracted it with my glorious being while everyone else also helped attack it! The angel was a piece of cake, so this detective work will be as well! Just give it to us straight already!" Londo said, patting Alice's spirit core, "I'll have you know Alice can vouch for me in detective work!"


The silence was defeaning to Londo, and he laughed with the intent of someone who knew how to laugh intently, "Haha! Stunned into silence! Well anyways, give us the deets! I'm bored of sitting around and I wanna punch something, either with my fists or my words!"

"Someone who isn't Roland please get me out of this classroom..."
Ryan Gamaris


Changes - Nimble Module
Aura - 100
Prana - 100
Stamina - 100

Strength - E
Vitality - E
Willpower - E
Resistance - E
Speed - C
Agility - D
Perception - E
Recovery - E

Ryan's prediction became certain, as the substitute teacher asked the group to take seat. Class settled quickly, and Roland proceeded to inform them that they had another mission. Ryan was puzzled. "So soon!? We have basically just arrived here, and we're being thrown into action, with just a day of rest... Not that it actually made a big difference, but they were now going on a diplomatic mission. His brow furrowed slightly as Roland transitioned to introducing their actual leader for the mission. As if waiting for the cue, the door opened and a Swellow huge bird took the teacher's desk to elegantly rest over it. Then a girl, along with other two pokemon spirits entered the room.
Introductions started, with the three spirits talking about their specialties. All introductions fell into the expected, a highlight would be Lyka's introductory message though, which managed to get a quiet chuckle out of him when he heard Kerr's support of the message. Eventually, Ryan's turn was up. He hated being put on the spot, but he was stuck here. "Uh... My name is R-Ryan... Gamaris, I... fight up close. And my spirit, er... he...-""My name is Tidrog. Tidrog Zokkendov." The voice of Tidrog sounded as he manifested behind Ryan, giving him a pat or two in the shoulder, hoping to reassure Ryan, and then he added "I can manipulate time" With that said and done, Ryan sighed, relieved to end with that endeavor. Of course, having Tidrog sit in the spot behind his helped him feel better. Waiting for the questions that Essence looked for.
Ryan had enough talking for now, so he allowed others to do that for him. Surprisingly, Elisa went full Almeida on Essence, which was odd, but their senpai upperclasswoman was quick to defuse the situation. Having done his part, he looked around. Hibiscus was still dying of embarrassment, and Elisa, now that he actually paid attention to her, appeared way more confident than usual... As if her impersonation wasn't enough proof.
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Lavi Fluér

Location: Classroom 107

Attempting to simply walk forward, the forehead of Lavi bounced backwards from the translucent barrier that was placed within the door without her notice. Shaking from the small concussion force that pushed her backwards, her attention was certainly obtained as her unresponsive face looked attentively forwards. As Roland cussed, or more appropriately attempted to chew Lavi out for her unbecoming behavior only received a silent response from Lavi herself. He could even swear she had the face of a cat as her eyes stared towards and the milk carton began to crumple up rapidly. ''Good morning, I presume a substitute teacher. Sorry for our late arrival, I had a hard time getting her out of bed.'' The right of her mouth rised up to become a one sided smirk, as she looked into his eyes. ''Please, please calm yourself.''

The sigils faded and she stepped forwards into the classroom. Keeping her eyes on the teacher until he was not even a haze she could barely see beside herself and had sat down. She pressed the base of her right elbow against the wooden surface of the desk and rested her chin in the palm of her hand. Whilst Phoebe simply stood next to her, her eyes following Roland and Essence with her entrance.

With their introductions due Lavi simply didn't seem to bring much attention to the fact nor Essence for that matter it seemed, whilst Phoebe was instead the one whom spoke up. ''This one's name is Phoebe and the name of my partner here is Lavi. I was born governing the concept of Pneuma.''

. . .

When questions began to become discussed, there seemed to be a larger margin of tension. As discussion was had on the reasoning behind their participations. For good reasoning, as it was lesser a task that seemed to lack any reason to be done by them and should be handled by folk more suited for the task. Like a bureau's or a court case with magic users whom could read the mind of the offenders in order to identify what the truth behind the case may be, instead of folk training at the academy.

''If I might voice my opinion. I don't believe you should get your hopes up too much. After all the academy was from my understanding never established to replace detective agencies or the police, but as a force that could counteract folk or creatures which were separate from the law rather then avoiding it.''

Aura: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Weapon Durability: 75/75
Buffs: N/A
Debuffs: N/A


Overall Statistics
Aura: 1
Prana: 5/5
Stamina: 10/10

Strength - E
Vitality - E
Willpower - E
Resistance - E
Speed - E
Agility - E
Perception - E
Recovery - E
Effect: Inflict a Normal Level 1 Perception Debuff upon a single target in melee.
Cost: 10 Stamina
Duration: 1 Phase
Overall Statistics
Aura: 1/1
Prana: 5/5
Stamina: 110/110

Strength - E
Vitality - E
Willpower - E
Resistance - E
Speed - C
Agility - D
Perception - C
Recovery - B
Effect: Inflict a Normal Level 3 Vitality Debuff upon a single target at a range.
Cost: 70 Stamina
Duration: 3 Phases
Effect: Inflict a Great Level 2 Vitality Debuff upon a single target at melee.
Cost: 40 Stamina
Duration: 1 Phase
Overall Statistics
Aura: 1/1
Prana: 5/5
Stamina: 50/50

Strength - C
Vitality - E
Willpower - E
Resistance - E
Speed - D
Agility - D
Perception - E
Recovery - E
Effect: Inflict a Normal Level 2 Strength Debuff upon a single target. Inflict 10 Damage.
Cost: 40 Stamina
Duration: 1 Phase
Attribute Modifier: Strength

"Sorceresses are Witches. They're synonymous," Suilen said, rather matter-of-factly, having recovered now from her initial surprise. "If you're one, you're the other. So are you one, Elisa?"

Unfortunately, it didn't seem as if anyone else was interested in pursuing this particular line of inquiry. Was Suilen the only one who was left out of the loop in regards to Elisa being basically the same sort of person who Professor Okamoto murdered just a couple days prior? Were they all like Ozy, asleep in the brain this early in the morning? She could basically understand Londo as being the sort of person who doesn't care so long as he can verbally jack himself off, but hm...

Welp, gonna have to grill Professor Okamoto later.

"Suilen," she said, pointing to herself once Essence doubled down on her question. She kicked Drafi next, and the owl puffed up, trying to make himself as big as possible in the presence of the other big gird. "Drafi. We summon things too. Except animals instead of soldiers. Another question: can we go see that Lacertan Spaceship in order to further investigate and all?"
Essence Parker

As the only adult in the class woke up, he groggily introduced himself. 'Seems like he'd be about as much a handful as the kids, that's a shame.' There was little to do about it, sadly enough.

On a happier note, the self-declared sorceress backed-off her verbal charge. With regards to the mention of changing things though… "The previous first year representative went on to his second year, so the position should be free. Don't expect to be able to do too much though, especially the unique situation of your class is something that barely anyone gets to say something about." Although a new first year representative would be welcomed, it was likely going to be little more than ceremony regarding the conditions of their class.

The girl with a rebellious fairy also had a question, although when her fairy started to act up again, Essence instantly glared at Kerr to make sure he wouldn't join in once more. Luckily enough, it worked. With that out of the way, Essence could answer the question. "I'm not sure what your methods are, especially not if you fear you'll end up killing people, but you'd have to go out of your way to make that happen. A more likely worst case scenario would mean you're angering someone innocent by telling everyone they're guilty, in which case you'll give me the headache of having to try to rectify the mess in my free time." Essence sighed at the idea.

The louder one of red-haired kids proceeded to brag about killing the angel. He also made Essence realise why the purple haired girl was worried about murdering people on accident. This kid's logic seemed to be suggest his detective work was only guaranteed to catch the perpetrator because he'd keep going until someone snapped into confessing guilt just to make him stop.

In the meantime, the other red-haired kid seemed to be the polar opposite, as he had trouble with the introduction itself already. That said, for his Spirit to manipulate time was quite something.

Oddly enough, the next kid was introduced by her spirit, whom started with quite the inquiry later on. "Although the unique situation of this class might suggest otherwise, this place is still an academy, meant to teach young mages. To tie it back to Hibiscus' question, there is a lot to learn from a mission like this. It's a chance to get to know a little more about the Thaumaturgical Society and Galileans from the inside, the issues between the factions that they'd rarely show to outsiders. With some luck, you'll also learn some diplomacy and teamwork while working on this case, both skills that'll serve you well for the rest of your lives. After all, the sole fact that you're a mage will mean that you're going to deal with a lot of different people and factions in the future, whom will try to get your help and opinion on a lot of issues by the sole virtue of knowing you're powerful."

The last bit, however, was even more surprising to Essence. 'Yes, it actually worked!' The carrots and sticks method had actually gotten Suilen to introduce herself. It seemed like not all hope was lost after all. Well, that meant she had two questions to answer. "Truth be told, there's not a whole lot of difference. Ruya and Kerr often work alone, although being able to rely on their bonded magic during missions like these is quite useful. In general, I'd say having three Spirits simply means working in a bigger team, although it is a lot more permanent. It has both its pros and cons, depending on what spirits you're working with, so I'd suggest taking a lot of care when debating whether or not to bond with another spirit." She then turned to the owl. "Yes, I've been trying to see if I could arrange a flight to the scene itself, but don't expect much more than a chunk of metal. It's only worth something to those knowing how to study its composition, to the rest of us, you'd barely notice it was even part of a spaceship at one point. Still, the area itself might give us some clues."

With all that out of the way, Essence figured it'd be time to go over to the next order of business. "On that topic, there's a few things I can suggested you to do. One is the aforementioned visit to the scene itself, another is meeting with the people in question. A third option would be splitting into teams to do multiple of those things at once, in which case I'll have to stress the importance of keeping each-other updated. Anyway, I'm meant to leave it up to you to figure out what plans you wish to go by." Essence left a card on the front desk. "That's my number, I'm quickly going to check up on the status of our transport. Let me know when you've guys settled on a course of action." With that, Essence left the room with all three spirits in tow. Short after Essence left, but before the Students had a chance to leave, a guy that looked surprisingly plain for a mage academy rushed in.

Fenton Trask

"Oh, great, you're still here." He was breathing pretty heavily, indicating he had been running to get here. "I'm Fenton Trask, representative for the second years." He suddenly bowed down deeply after introducing himself. "I've got a favour to ask all of you! Please find out Essence's wish!" He blurted it out whilst still bending over in a bow far enough to almost tip over.

After a few silent moments, he suddenly seemed to realise how awkward he made things, turning upright again.

"Ah, wait, I'm sorry, I should explain! I'm a Disciple of Kiriyako and I'm trying to gain her grand blessing, and in order to do so, I've been tasked with making the wish of all of the council members come true because I joined the council in my first year and managed to stay a representative now that I'm in my second year, but during all that time, I haven't been able to get an inch closer, as most of them don't really want to talk about themselves, and we don't really see each-other, other than in the student council, as there isn't that much interaction between the lower years and upper years, but when I heard that she was going to be on a mission with you first years, I thought this was my chance, as she might be a lot more open in talking to you all, so please, try to find out her wish, I'll be forever in your depth!"

Another bow downwards, this time so deep that it was truly physics defying that he wasn't falling over at this point. Information on the Student Council can now be obtained and Frog's Fortune is now up as a quest.

[OOC:] That was a lot of post, so I'll give a day or two for people to react to it and to figure out OOC what they want to do with the IC mission and quest.

Hibiscus Oswald

Location: The Academy - Classroom 107

Status: Normal

Aura: 75 / 75
Prana: 150 / 150
Stamina: 75 / 75

Weapon: Lyka is dormant

Londo Sperry THE GREAT!

Location: The Academy - Classroom 107


Aura: 100 / 100
Prana: 100 / 100
Stamina: 100 / 100


Hibiscus tried to process all the information that was just thrown at them. Either they stayed in a group to do things, or split up. Hibiscus once again looked towards Almeida's seat. It seems that she was still absent. Hibiscus was starting to worry about it, but she chalked it down to just being tired like the teacher... Hopefully...

When the other student council student came into the classroom, Hibiscus basically had to force the entire hoodie around Lyka's spirit core to keep it quiet, silently blushing in the meantime. Hibiscus didn't know how they were expected to find out Essence's wish, but Londo stood up in respond to it, "Hahaha! Leave it to me! I am a natural at getting info out of people! It just comes naturally after I speak to them long enough! Worry not, for I, Londo Sperry, the GREAT!, will embark on this task to steal her heart and get her wish!" Londo said, jumping out of the desk before anyone could say anything and running out of the classroom, causing Hibiscus to panic, "W-W-Wait!?! We're supposed to work together-" Until she was interupted by a muffled-sounding Lyka, "Aaaah Don't worry Hibby, it'll get him out of the way so we can actually do some work!"

Hibiscus looked down at the orb, but didn't have a response. That was probably very true, and after Fenton left the class, "A-Alright then.... Anyways, guys?..." Hibiscus said to the rest of the class, "I think we should s-split up... We can keep in touch with each other through our Modules. We can try to find out Essence's wish in the meantime, but I think the mission Essence gave us should take priority."

Hibiscus didn't like much taking charge, but Ozy still seemed out of it, and Almeida wasn't her, so it was up to the kids to do something, "T-That said, we should probably choose the groups we go in. Is everyone ok with that?..." She asked the people who were still here.

Outside of the classroom:

Londo made his way around campus, looking for Essence. Unfortunately, he could not find her. So, he opted to go with the best option of asking around. If any teachers or students were around, he'd ask if they had seen Essence. Of course, that'd be after he gloriously introduced himself as a disciple of Cadwgan and Glorious individual!

Ozymandius Jorgenson
Location: A Forest
Mentioned: Everyone
Aura: 100
Prana: 0
Stamina: 100

Machinegunner: 0/1 summoned
Current Stats: Prana: 30, Stamina: 10, Aura: 11

Description: The gunner has 30 prana, 10 stamina, and 11 aura. The gunner has D rank vitality, C rank perception, C rank Dexterity, and E rank for every other stat. The gun is allowed to fire 3 times per phase with 4 bullets fired per shot in a cone. The bullets travel at C rank speed.

Riflemen: 0/3 summoned
Current Stats: [Rifleman 1] Prana: 5, Stamina: 10, Aura: 1 [Rifleman 2] Perished, [Rifleman 3] Perished

Description: Each rifleman is armed with an M16A4 Assault Rifle, they may spend 3 prana to fire the rifle. Every time it fires, it shoots 3 shots in a burst that travels in a straight line at C rank Speed. It may fire once per phase. The rifle has 1 durability. Each Rifleman has E rank stats.

Ozymandius didn't find himself in the mood to entertain Fenton's request. He crossed his arms until Hibiscus spoke, ignoring the pleads of the second year. "It all seems a bit odd and tedious, but I suppose the best thing to do would be to split into three groups. One group can question Walahfrid and his colleagues and another can question Themosticles. The third group should probably go to the sight of the supposed attack and take a look to see if there is any evidence that supports the claims of either party. Afterwards we can come back together and discuss it."

After the introductions were over and Essence left, Elisa went by and took a snap from the number, saving it into her bracelet. She was bit spooked as the bland looking boy jumped in, shortly introducing himself as the rep of second year students.

"What..?" Elisa asked bewildered as the boy asked the class to find out the wish of Essence.

A crush? He almost reminds me of Londo, except less... Kiriyako? What is that. A grand blessing? Blessing? Elisa's demeanor would change after blessing was mentioned. She wasn't taking the subject as lightly as some others would. Although her motives were different.

"Would this Kiriyako truly be pleased, if you asked us to..." Elisa paused for a moment and got up.

On her way to the front of the class room, Elisa fiddled with the aura modules communication features. After which she would walk next to the chalk board and tap it with her middle finger. An illusion would envelop it with three numbers in it. First one would read; Essence. Second one would read; Elisa. And third one was a link to a group chat on their communication module.

There were also diagrams on how to use the module to join a group and add a new number, all part of the illusion.

"I added a group that we can use for chatting. Took a while to figure out the communication side on this bracelet. Please join on the group. I'll be going grab some lunch while miss Essence takes care of our transportation arrangements."

Elisa sent a cat smiley into the class group.

Elisa then pointed out at her number and looked at Fenton: "Feel free to add my number. But if you do, please give me a message so that I know who it is."

Elisa would then walk to her seat and grab her green bag. She then walked to the door and gave a bow at the teacher. "Now then, if you'll excuse me. I don't want to go out on an empty stomach. You're free to join me, if you like to." Elisa left the class room and headed out to the cafeteria. Elisa was like a professional at skipping class. Making it appear all natural and with no hesitation. As she finished her sentence she just closed the door behind her gracefully and moved out.

On her way out on the hallway she sent a message to Essence: "Hey, it's Elisa. *Cat-smiley*"
She then sent another message: "Can you let me know when the airship departs. I'll forward that to my class."
She then sent one message to the group chat: "I asked Essence about the transport. I'll let you know when she knows when it departs."

Hibiscus Oswald

Location: The Academy - Classroom 107


Aura: 75 / 75
Prana: 150 / 150
Stamina: 75 / 75

Weapon: Lyka is dormant

Londo Sperry THE GREAT!

Location: The Academy


Aura: 100 / 100
Prana: 100 / 100
Stamina: 100 / 100


Hibiscus wanted everyone's opinion on who should go where, so after Elisa set up the group chat, Hibiscus messaged Londo with how to join, and Essence's number, since he seemed so insistant on going after her.

"Hiiii Londo, Elisa set up a group chat for us all. You should probably join it, and Essence left her number for us to talk to her, maybe you should do that. Heres the numbers."

Hibiscus then sent the message to Londo, along with info to join the group text. It was a pretty good thing that they exchanged info during their training sessions and that I can pull bullshit like this with two characters.

Hibiscus also sent a message to the group chat.

"hiiii~! Its Hibiscus! :)"

She then decided to talk out to the class, "Have we decided on who is going where? I think Ozy's plan to split up to those places is a good one, but who should go where? D-Does it even matter?"

Hibiscus then got a message back-

"Got it! Thanks for the info! I'll pay ya back with one of my patented Londo chocolates made in my image!"

Hibiscus laughed nervously at that, as she didn't know what to think about that.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the school:

Londo was calling up Essence, hoping she'd pick up, and if she didn't he'd call or text again saying it was him. When she finally picked up, Londo would answer with, "Yoooo, it's the glorious one in the class. I wanted to know where you are at, I wanted to discuss deets and stuff about the mission. Also I wanted to get to know you better because everyone wants a piece of the glory!" Is what he would send or say to her.

Aura: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Weapon Durability: 75/75
Buffs: N/A
Debuffs: N/A


Overall Statistics
Aura: 1
Prana: 5/5
Stamina: 10/10

Strength - E
Vitality - E
Willpower - E
Resistance - E
Speed - E
Agility - E
Perception - E
Recovery - E
Effect: Inflict a Normal Level 1 Perception Debuff upon a single target in melee.
Cost: 10 Stamina
Duration: 1 Phase
Overall Statistics
Aura: 1/1
Prana: 5/5
Stamina: 110/110

Strength - E
Vitality - E
Willpower - E
Resistance - E
Speed - C
Agility - D
Perception - C
Recovery - B
Effect: Inflict a Normal Level 3 Vitality Debuff upon a single target at a range.
Cost: 70 Stamina
Duration: 3 Phases
Effect: Inflict a Great Level 2 Vitality Debuff upon a single target at melee.
Cost: 40 Stamina
Duration: 1 Phase
Overall Statistics
Aura: 1/1
Prana: 5/5
Stamina: 50/50

Strength - C
Vitality - E
Willpower - E
Resistance - E
Speed - D
Agility - D
Perception - E
Recovery - E
Effect: Inflict a Normal Level 2 Strength Debuff upon a single target. Inflict 10 Damage.
Cost: 40 Stamina
Duration: 1 Phase
Attribute Modifier: Strength

Was Elisa just going to avoid the point now? Fine, that's fine. It'll be something to talk about later instead. Later group chat. With communications set up and exchanged, Suilen was just about ready to hop off. Human drama and such was fine and all, but in the light of being able to check out an alien spacecraft, Fenton's request seemed sorta...extra. Like a sidequest that you could put off indefinitely while pursuing greater adventures.

"I'm going to the Lacertan ship. So..."

Elisa, Londo, Ozymandias, Ryan, Lavi, Hibiscus, Alm- nevermind.

"...2-2-3 could work. 3 being the ship-group. I'm fine with anyone but Londo."

Well, she did want to field some more questions about his whole deal about the Blessing, but still. That was another sidequest that could be put off indefinitely. Lacertan vessels go first, and even if Essence called it a chunk of metal, it was still an alien chunk of metal. "Steele," Suilen said, having shifted from sitting on her chair to sitting on her desk, "How are we getting graded here?"
Location: Academy Hallways​
@LondotheGreat | Londo & @Inaru-sama | Elisa

As Londo was calling Essence, he'd get a notification saying she already had a call going on. In fact, that notification would keep popping up for a solid ten minutes or until Londo's patience would run dry and he'd end up texting. In either case, when he finally got a call back, he'd hear an already somewhat tired sounding Essence. "I'm heading to the Airdock, you can tell anyone interested in going to the scene itself to meet me there in 30 minutes." Of course, Essence didn't know that Londo had already rushed out on his own, and she royally ignored what she considered to be the mindless rumbling that was somehow meant to frame the question.

As for Elisa's text, Essence was at least enough of a detective to know that relying on Londo alone wasn't the best course of action, so she'd reply to Elisa with the same information and some additional stuff. [You can meet me at the Airdock in 30 minutes if you're going to the scene. Let me know if you plan on splitting up, so I can sent my spirits along with the other group.]

Location: Academy – Classroom 107​
@Inaru-sama | Elisa

Fenton Trask

Fenton was quite happy to find someone willing to help him out. In fact, that was already one more person helping him out than he feared he would end up with! The guy even rushed out before Fenton could thank him. It was a glorious sight indeed.

Upon Elisa's statement, he fiddled with his thumbs a bit. "Well, my task is to fulfil their wishes, but if they won't even tell me what they are, how can I fulfil them, right? Surely Kiriyako won't mind it if I get help with that…" When Elisa later gave him the number, he added and instantly sent a message reading [It's me, Fenton] followed by a weird frog emote.

With the rest of the people there ignoring him, he figured this was as good as it was going to get. Well, it was already better than expected, so he was happy. With one last bow towards the class, he said his goodbyes. "Thanks in advance, I've got to go to my next class." With that, he left the classroom.

Location: Academy – Classroom 107​
@ERode | Suilen

Professor Roland Steele

Roland watched as Londo escaped with Alice before he had been able to see her again. It made filling in for Okamoto a whole lot less inspiring, but painful as it was, he had a question coming his way. "Ah, yes, that is a good question. Due to the nature of this mission, we're keeping it relatively simple. If a satisfactory outcome is achieved, everyone will automatically pass, but any inappropriate behaviour will lead to remedial lessons, so don't expect to simply lean on the work of the others to pass."