The Sword of Weathers. (OOC)

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So, around 4'4 (132cm)?
Wow you're tall. I guess he would be maybe 100 - 110cm?

I edited his character sheet. The weasel or ferret kin height differ for each species of ferrets. He is the shorter and smaller kin. Maybe the same height as dwarves. For a weasel, he could go through any hole the size of his head.

And I didn't feel comfortable moving the story ahead without everybody posting first. So I edited my post, ridding off some advancing stuff.

@So we only need to wait for @Lucius Cypher to post.
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Hey since @Lucius Cypher's character, Yama, and @Shade_XY character, Doctor Weaselhoffer, have guns, let all the characters have guns! Hooray! Guns for all! Gunsfalooza! For @Einws, I give you a bazooka. For Majem, I give you a nucklear rocket. For @Sir Pinkleton, I give you a god damn gundam mecha. Who else? Who did I forget? Oh yes, @Cody. Your character will have a magical spear gun with unlimited harpoon.
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@Lucius Cypher , your character is really awesome. Although Yama was struggling with money, she was able to employ her nanny, buy an expensive gun, an expensive gem, and buy a dangerous looking armor. Where does she live? Does she live in a mansion? How much does she pay her nanny? She isn't ridiculous at all. The noblemen was actually the king right? He gave Yama all the gold in the world to fund her studies, right? Fabulous. You don't have to mention all that in the bio. No, you don't have to. Just make it magically appear in the IC. No one would mind that. Certainly not me. I'm all okay with that. Now excuse me, I'm just gonna fry my face for a while.
Well, I had fun writing these. They're not meant to be applications, just wanted to try my hand at a wizard. See what the fuss is about.

Name: Lanziver Hisworth

Age: 96 (the equivalent of a 32yr old human)

Gender: Male

Race: Gnome

Profession: Arcane Artist


This meek, even for his kind, gnome stands at a short 3ft and weighs only 35lbs. His right arm is completely made of rock.

Lanziver was born early to a tribe of gnomes living inside of a cavern. While all of his kind are extremely tiny at birth, he was even smaller than that, but the most notable defect about his birth was the lack of a right arm. Luckily for him, his tribe had been living inside that cave for two generations now and managed to create family bonds despite their usual chaotic behaviour, so the unfitting child would not be left to their own fate as he would've with others of his kind.

The tribe he lived in had discovered a cave with small ruins of a simple city, covered in intricate runes. The gnomes quickly learned these runes were not to be removed as they seemed to ward off any predators that would come close to the cave. They have done so one time, and lost half of their newfound city to wolves thanks to it. Instead, the gnomes began to dig deeper into the mountain and repair the ruins to become habitable again, all the while copying the runes onto everything. After a few decades, they even managed to tame the wolves to be used as working animals to carry chipped away rock towards the smelter, or to be thrown away. Other than rock, however, the gnomes often found gemstones of incredible beauty. Naturally, they were bedazzled by these things and would wear them as accessories, making mining one of the more desired jobs within the Gnome society.

Despite being fed, Lanziver could not aid his kin in any way other than preparing food and even that was sub-par. Ofttimes he'd spend his time watching his fellow gnomes excavating, or working on houses and such. While impressive, it was more impressive that the swarms of gnomes running and jumping about were actually able to finish anything without knowing what exactly they were doing. But, from a distance, Lanziver had an overview of the gnomes' work and he'd often shout instructions at them if they were doing something wrong, or if an accident was about to happen.

One day, when the gnomes decided to go for the wolves' den and capture the last remaining predators, they returned with not only a handful of extra wolves, but a human skeleton as well. Around the bones still hung parts of shredded clothing, but the most interesting part was a satchel that was largely unharmed. It contained notes the human had taken before his death as well as a few gemstones, though these weren't like the ones the gnomes found in the ground. There was a magical feeling to them, they radiated with power.
As the only gnome who didn't have a task, Lanziver was to read the human's notes, and so he did. The notes described the man's travels which in itself were boring, but they also contained several translations to the ancient language. Spells, magic, a dictionary to these runes on the walls was written on these pieces of paper in Lanziver's hand. Driven by divine purpose, Lanziver went about attempting to translate the runes he'd been looking at his entire life, and for the most part he succeeded. In essence, the runes described in great detail and poetry to avert malicious entities from this place.

Two decades long, Lanziver practiced the few spells written in the notes which had long since been carved into stone for everyone to read. He'd followed the man's instructions to crush gemstones to cover his body with the dust and infuse them with energy. He's also made a staff for himself as it said to ease the casting of spells. And as the most capable wizard, as well as the gnomes' foreman, Lanziver had risen to high power within his tribe. He appointed jobs to the weakest of gnomes, like himself, to overview work rather than join it and even made a school of magic to those willing, though this school was very limited and most found themselves giving up on it.
Too intrigues by magic, Lanziver wasn't satisfied by the one human's limited knowledge of magic. Once he'd mastered the few spells, he saddled up on a wolf and left for human territory. They were bound to know more.

- Elemental mastery: Lanziver can manipulate the elements to his will, though he's most proficient with earth, next fire, air and lastly water.
  • Earth: His mastery of earth goes so far that he's managed to create a new arm with it, though it's use is limited, the rock is stuck in his arm and needs no magic to be held in place. He can magically lift a rock half his size and throw it 50ft.
  • Fire: Lanziver can create a head-sized fireball to hurl at enemies (or use as a light source) and heat things until they're glowing hot. He can only use this on inanimate objects within 10ft. While fireballs will dissipate, heated items will not instantly lose their hotness once out of his reach.
  • Air: His mastery of air is limited to simple gusts of wind capable of knocking over an empty vase, but nothing more. It will feel like a semi-strong breeze to people.
  • Water: This element is very new to the wizard and limited to making water lightly flow or redirect rain to not fall on his head.
- Quick and nimble: Gnomes are light, durable and extremely hyperactive. Lanziver can and will jump around all the time without tiring. His speed makes him able to keep up with taller people.

- Bat whisperer: Lanziver has spent his entire life surrounded by bats and knows how to handle these animals. He's even got a pet bat who follows him around anywhere, though it usually rests on his earthen arm.


Name: Maulnar Davion Evermead

Age: 56

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Profession: Arcane Artist


Maulnar was born to high society and pushed by his parents to become a scholar. Luckily, the boy shared the interest his parents hoped he'd have and did as was told. From history, to biology, anatomy, chemistry and physics. Nothing was uninteresting to the man and he was fascinated by each subject, except for magic. The idea to give up your life the defy the laws of nature was a nightmarish ideal that he dared not study, let alone utilise.

One fateful day, as the old man was experimenting with a new concoction meant to create more powerful military equipment, he made a dangerous slip-up. The mixture was supposed to create and explosion more powerful than gunpowder, but it was more powerful and unstable than he had anticipated. The spoonful he made explode had managed to crack the container with the rest of it and because it was still burning, the container quickly caught on fire and blew up his entire house.
While he had managed to flee the room before the explosion, Maulnar wasn't spared from the explosion. Buried beneath the rubble of his home, with half his face torn off, he was most likely going to bleed out and die. However, the man awoke again, surprised as he was certain he couldn't survive that explosion. Not only did he survive, but the wounds he suffered were already gone and judging by the smoke still coming from his home, he couldn't have been unconscious for more than a few hours. Scientifically impossible, he figured he must've been saved by a mage, which made him rethink his prejudice of magic and actually start studying it as well.

- Deciphering: Maulnar knows of the ancient language and can decipher it.

- Calm: His air of tranquility, combined with his grandfatherly look and voice lets him soothe panicked or frightened people.

- Theory: While he knows many things, Maulnar has never used a single spell and refuses to do so. With his old age, he dares not use spells for he fears it'll kill him.

- Age: He's old and weak.
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Wow you're tall. I guess he would be maybe 100 - 110cm?
I went with 5'8 for a comparison height for you 3 quarters, but I just needed to know how tall he was for my posts. It'd be funny to have your boss barely come up to your belt.
Like I already said, she pour what was left of her scholarships funds from those who supported the Sundered Echo for this job. Life wad good when the royalties kept coming in, but after the Sundered Echo broke down suddenly Yama didn't have the money to sustain her high-expanse life. Maybe for a few more months, but without the support from the Sundered Echo she had a set budget. So she took what remained of that and used it to pay for her gear on this adventure. ny of her previous luxuries she might if had prior are forfeited until she comes back with a fortune to pay them off. And if she doesn't than she's deep in the red with debt.
I leave for a couple of days because of outside responsibilities and I come back to find the this thread in the middle of another brush-fire war.

@Lucius Cypher , your character is really awesome. Although Yama was struggling with money, she was able to employ her nanny, buy an expensive gun, an expensive gem, and buy a dangerous looking armor. Where does she live? Does she live in a mansion? How much does she pay her nanny? She isn't ridiculous at all. The noblemen was actually the king right? He gave Yama all the gold in the world to fund her studies, right? Fabulous. You don't have to mention all that in the bio. No, you don't have to. Just make it magically appear in the IC. No one would mind that. Certainly not me. I'm all okay with that. Now excuse me, I'm just gonna fry my face for a while.
Chill out, Shade. I understand that I had to be kind of stern, but let's not break into outright hostility. GM's aren't judge, jury, and executioner. They're just the judge, the players are the jury, and the death penalty was abolished a long time ago. If they did something wrong, explain it to them without insult. This is supposed to be fun.

Like I already said, she pour what was left of her scholarships funds from those who supported the Sundered Echo for this job. Life wad good when the royalties kept coming in, but after the Sundered Echo broke down suddenly Yama didn't have the money to sustain her high-expanse life. Maybe for a few more months, but without the support from the Sundered Echo she had a set budget. So she took what remained of that and used it to pay for her gear on this adventure. ny of her previous luxuries she might if had prior are forfeited until she comes back with a fortune to pay them off. And if she doesn't than she's deep in the red with debt.
While it isn't exactly your fault since we never placed a limit on gear, you should have told us about a gun ahead of time. I don't have a problem with it, but I just want to make sure that you're going to be responsible about it. We never discussed guns, although I'll make something up here.

Firearm technology has been around, but due to the use of magic and a relatively peaceful era, the use of such weapons haven't taken off much. Not only that, but while steam engines and magic-assisted technology has taken off, gunpowder tech has been ignored. The most advanced weapons and unwieldy single shot musket rifles. Reloading consists of powdering, loading the shot, and pushing it in before cocking back the hammer. This takes about a minute, and is a delicate process making mistakes common even in the middle of a fight. If you mess up, drop the round, spill your powder; you have to start over. So it take a minute in a calm environment, and let's say two minutes in a stressful environment like combat since you'll have to work slower to avoid a mistake. Guns are also unreliable here. They tend to go off on their own if you bump it on something or drop it while it's loaded. They're inaccurate, so you won't be doing any long range shooting. Think 1700's gunpowder weapons where you needed an entire platoon of men to shoot in one direction if you wanted to hit the long side of a barn.

Yama is carrying enough ammunition and powder for 15 shots. After that, the musket is basically just a long, unwieldy club. It's somewhat unreliable and inaccurate. It's also heavy as hell, so keep that mind. It's loud as hell too. Firing it is going to let everything within a mile or two know where you are, so if there's anything big out there, shooting the gun is basically ringing a dinner bell. There are going to be a lot of big things out there and shooting most of them just pisses them off.

Again, it's really our fault for not mentioning guns, but there's a lot of lore (like religions which I've been meaning to get to) that we haven't covered. I've been busy lately, and writing exercises like lore building take up time; but if anyone has questions they have concerning it, ask me. It's easier to build specific lore that's needed as opposed to just coming up with stuff and hoping some of it is helpful.
Since firearms weren't mentioned before, I'm going to allow players to decide whether their character wants a gun or not. They can choose to have one, but it'll have the same build as Yama's.
Wait, we have airships and steam engines, but we're still using what amounts to flintlocks? That might be more understandable if magic was more commercially available, but form what you guys told me before you not only need to dedicate your entire lifetime to learning magic (Unless you skip fundamentals like Yama) and you're willing to risk possible death from using it. Those things don't sound like something your average citizen is willing to pay for. And I mean, you'd think that guns and cannons would be a bit of a more reliable way to take out those giant monsters than say, magic. Less training needed, and doesn't always run the risk of sacrificing your life.

I'll change it, but food for thought. If the world is still threaten by monsters, I wouldn't call it peaceful.
Wait, we have airships and steam engines, but we're still using what amounts to flintlocks? That might be more understandable if magic was more commercially available, but form what you guys told me before you not only need to dedicate your entire lifetime to learning magic (Unless you skip fundamentals like Yama) and you're willing to risk possible death from using it. Those things don't sound like something your average citizen is willing to pay for. And I mean, you'd think that guns and cannons would be a bit of a more reliable way to take out those giant monsters than say, magic. Less training needed, and doesn't always run the risk of sacrificing your life.

I'll change it, but food for thought. If the world is still threaten by monsters, I wouldn't call it peaceful.
Yes, they would be reliable and they do exist on bigger airships. Cannons are heavy and small ships don't need them. Guns are found here and there and aren't rare, the city guard probably had them, but they almost never use them because they have no reason to. However, if you'd read my previous post, you'd see that gunpowder technology has been explored, but largely ignored. There simply isn't much need of it. A ship at sea may use cannons, but most airships can't; it would make the ship too heavy. In water, you have buoyancy to hold you up, in the air you have... air. Unless it's a big ship where the weight can be spread out evenly, cannons don't see use in commercial ships. Especially since (and this was in my previous post) the majority of the world has been experiencing a relatively peaceful era. So the same goes for personal guns. Politicians would rather fund things like science and medicine than weapons since they isn't an immediate use for them.

As for your monsters thing, monsters are far away. When I say there's a lot of stuff out there, I mean out in the uncharted wilds. In the civilized and heavy traffic areas, monsters are nonexistent. Cities have been built, towns have spread, and the wilds have been pushed back. It's what happens when cities spread. The biggest, baddest monsters either left because their territory kept shrinking, or were hunted down by groups of soldiers and the like.

Then there's the little thing where it's a make-believe universe and as much thought as we may try to put into it, it's not going to be perfect. Far from it, in fact most of it is unfilled and for all we know, Grufford and the surrounding countryside is floating in space. But most of what IS there is there for roleplay purposes or because it's fun fluff that doesn't hurt anyone. And try not to fight the GM's. I'm trying to be a non-confrontational as possible with everyone. I could've just taken the gun away.
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I know, I know, it's just... As a make-believe universe, I'm just trying to add my own bits to it. Then taking them away when you guys don't want it. Also trying to both remember this is a make believe universe while also trying to make it "Realistic". Like with the gun example: One minute is a long time in a serious fight. A minute is long enough to get stabbed three or four times and bleed out. Now I know that's because you don't want people just plugging the enemy before they could even draw their weapons, but still... I frankly don't know what the limits in this RP is. It seems like every time I time I do I step on a landmine. Which is suiting for Yama; she doesn't have a concept of limits, only possibilities. Though at this point maybe I should use a little less imagination.
I know, I know, it's just... As a make-believe universe, I'm just trying to add my own bits to it. Then taking them away when you guys don't want it. Also trying to both remember this is a make believe universe while also trying to make it "Realistic". Like with the gun example: One minute is a long time in a serious fight. A minute is long enough to get stabbed three or four times and bleed out. Now I know that's because you don't want people just plugging the enemy before they could even draw their weapons, but still... I frankly don't know what the limits in this RP is. It seems like every time I time I do I step on a landmine. Which is suiting for Yama; she doesn't have a concept of limits, only possibilities. Though at this point maybe I should use a little less imagination.
It may feel like that which is why you have to ASK before you do something you think might be a problem. The minute thing can be shortened, since I've been trying to research 1700's gunpowder technology in order to bolster this new gun thing. American civil war muskets fired about three shots in a minute, but that was in perfect conditions. So accounting for mistakes, I'm going to change the firing rate of muskets to allow two shots within one minute.

I'm also thinking of a simple combat system since combat in freeform RP is always a mess. So stay tuned for that.
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Yama is by no means a marksman. With a double barrel or musket, her only experience with shooting is in hunting. She's a bad hunter too. So I don't expect her skills with a rifle, nor would she have good accuracy or handling. But the reason I chose that one over say, a crossbow, is because she's also a craftsman; she would likely know how to construct a rifle. Plus the big noises and explosions is also one of the reasons she picked it: It's a weapon for intimidation. Bows and Crossbows I'd assume are fairly common, and while it's still frightening to be on the wrong end of an arrow a gun I would think evokes a different sort of feeling. Like looking into a dragon's maw, where death is dealt with a roar of fire. And it can still be intimating even if it's unloaded. That bit about her gun being used as a club is also important, since that's a viable way to use an unloaded gun. Yama would have time to learn how to use a bow properly (Which also involves a lot of strength conditioning if Yama expects her arrows to pierce anything) and crossbows are too bulky for such melee combat.

Also if having guns in a fantasy setting is that much of an issue, I'd consult here to figure out ways to either justify their existence (Or lack there of).
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Pay attention, chi-ildren!! This stuff's important!

So everyone knows that combat in freeform RP can be confusing and everyone does their own thing. So in order to clear things up, I'm going to set a simple set of rules we'll follow when things get hot. So long as you stay within the boundaries, you should be okay and things should stay coherent. Emphasis on should.

- When we're in a fight and you post, every action in that post must be possible to complete within a minute. Basically, you have a one minute time limit for how many actions you may take in your post. I'm probably going to have to add a casting speed to spells which indicates how long the caster must concentrate for the spell to work (so yay, that puts more on my plate...), and the rest will be sorted out on a case-by-case basis. If you're wondering how long something takes, ask. Or try it. Need to know how long it takes to untie a knot? Go untie a knot and see how long that takes. Note that one minute is a time limit, not a time requirement. If your actions last less than a minute, then it's fine. In fact, it might be a good thing since it keeps things simple.

- If you make an attack in combat, swing a sword, aim a bow, cast a spell DO NOT tell us where the attack lands (unless you want it to fail, in which I won't stop you). Instead, tell us where the attack is aimed at. If you're casting or shooting, tell us what you're shooting at. If you're swinging a weapon, tell us how and where you're swinging. Depending on your character's skill and the situation, I'm going to be using a simple system to decide what happens. So that I remain as unbiased as possible, I'm going to be rolling a D20. I will, however, be playing in your favor. If an outcome is iffy, I'll probably push it into the player's favor so as to keep things moving and to try and keep the story fun. Your odds of success are good, so long as your actions are reasonable. I will be taking skill into account, so you can be a little braver with skills your character is good at. So try your best, be detailed and specific, appease the dice gods with a sacrifice and your odds should be good.

- Try to be specific with your distances. I understand that measurements will be skewered in the story, try to use at least a little specificity with them. It'll make my life easier. This way we can keep a mental map of what's happening and players don't teleport around the fight. If exact distance is difficult (and trust me, it can get tough) just say where you are relative to other players or objects. Remember: Mental map.

- Post order doesn't matter, but we'll work in cycles. Wait until everyone has posted before making another post. Once everyone's had a turn, we go again until the fight ends.

- Don't worry about post length. If you're swinging a sword, your post is going to be short. Hell, it might even be eight sentences long. That's fine, so long as you're detailed and we understand what's happening. I don't mind short posts as long as they are informative.

(ALSO, this goes for dialogue between players. If two characters are talking, it's better to exchange small, rapid-fire posts. A bit of detail and a line of dialogue is good cause it means both players can make several posts within a short time to make a conversation instead of writing three paragraphs over two days to say one line. Don't be afraid of brevity. Sometimes it works better than an entire novel squeezed into a post.)

- Don't forget: Watch out for those head humpers, Gordon!

So keep those rules in mind and you're golden. We've had a rocky start, but I think once we get some momentum going, we'll be moving along just fine. Keep in mind, these rules are subject to change. I may shorten the time limit or increase it and I may add things. I'll let you know when that happens.
Yama is by no means a marksman. With a double barrel or musket, her only experience with shooting is in hunting. She's a bad hunter too. So I don't expect her skills with a rifle, nor would she have good accuracy or handling. But the reason I chose that one over say, a crossbow, is because she's also a craftsman; she would likely know how to construct a rifle. Plus the big noises and explosions is also one of the reasons she picked it: It's a weapon for intimidation. Bows and Crossbows I'd assume are fairly common, and while it's still frightening to be on the wrong end of an arrow a gun I would think evokes a different sort of feeling. Like looking into a dragon's maw, where death is dealt with a roar of fire. And it can still be intimating even if it's unloaded. That bit about her gun being used as a club is also important, since that's a viable way to use an unloaded gun. Yama would have time to learn how to use a bow properly (Which also involves a lot of strength conditioning if Yama expects her arrows to pierce anything) and crossbows are too bulky for such melee combat.

Also if having guns in a fantasy setting is that much of an issue, I'd consult here to figure out ways to either justify their existence (Or lack there of).
I read the article, and while it's a good one, I'm going to keep the gun tech low for this setting. It's just that it was all made without guns in mind, so introducing them creates a huge rift in things. Let's just stick to the explanation that gunpowder technology is largely unexplored. It's an alternate universe, so not everything has to be the same.

For now, let's try to get the characters to work with what they have. Anyone who wants a gun can get one, but I'm sticking to the 15 round ammo cap and two shots per minute. After that, no more adding things unless absolutely necessary.
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Alright, but before I do my next post I want clarification on this: Does Yama get to keep her double-barrel break action shotgun, or should I change that into a muzzle-loaded musket?
Alright, but before I do my next post I want clarification on this: Does Yama get to keep her double-barrel break action shotgun, or should I change that into a muzzle-loaded musket?
Muzzle loaded musket, please. Even if she was a bad hunter, firing from close range isn't too hard. Unless you're waving the gun around above your head, a shot from a nearby bush has a good chance of hitting. Not a guaranteed hit, but not a guaranteed miss either. And like you said, it's intimidating, so it has that use as well.
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Aight. Also, just because I'm being careful, permission to change Yama's kukri to a bayonet, so she could turn her rifle into a spear in a pinch?
Aight. Also, just because I'm being careful, permission to change Yama's kukri to a bayonet, so she could turn her rifle into a spear in a pinch?
Go ahead.
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