The Sue Brigade: A Mary Sue/Marty Stu Parody RP SIgn-Up

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Sorry we've been so inactive, guys! Yes, anyone feel free to submit a CS. Basacura, Chiblis and myself will get back to you shortly.

But do you have to have a fandom? Or could it be a "type" like "magical boarding school rp" type?
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I talked to Basacura and she said you could make them a stereotype if you like. We were just adding fandoms for more plot. Like, if you messed with a character's fandom then it made things personal. But, yeah, that's acceptable.
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I've been so inactive!! Being in college is really over-whelming. That said, to anyone who is interested in taking part in the rp, feel free to make your bios and hop right on in. You can be generic of be in any fandom you want (or multiple at that). I will be posting soon so stay tuned!!

I saw your ad and just read through the entire plot, and I have to admit, I gotta give you props. You make the Sues/Stus look appealing and fun to play, and I can tell you put a lot of work into it. While my writing style may not fit this RP, and I do somewhat wish there were more than just those four factions, I am simply required to give you kudos for a job well done. I hope you get to thrive well in this story.

Happy RPing!
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Hi guys! Sorry to say that I can;t seem to get notifications on this role-play and keeping up is hard for me so I'm sadly going to be dropping this rp! I'm so sorry!
I think I just hurt my back from laughing too hard. You will be hearing from my lawyer shortly.

Jk, jk, I don't think that would hold up in court. But this seriously looks hilarious :D and I would love to join!
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Yay! In the past I've ragged on so many people for having sues...

Time to take what I've learned and abuse it!
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  • Picture:

6ft 4. He's very tall.
  • Name: Cole Howlett (Aged 17)
  • Fandom: He is part of the Harry Potter world.
  • Faction: The Allies of Ebony
  • Backstory: Known to everyone as a pureblood, Cole was born into a family of wealth and death eaters. In fact, he is the illegitimate son of Voldemort and a NPC! Oh my gosh, plot twist! He knows that Voldemort is his father but the parents he was raised by he killed the moment he turned 12 and got his wand. Voldemort trains him through his dreams to be a bad-ass murderer. Cole is ruthless and only likes people when they bow down to him. Of course, he is a teacher's pet and uses his manipulative charm to convince all the teachers to like him. And if they don't, there could always be an forbidden curse thrown about... He has already made 3 horcruxes, two when he killed his parents and one when he was ordered to kill a traitorous death eater. He also has a "pet" panther, pure black who is a horcrux, like Nagini, and cannot be killed in the conventional way.
  • Strengths/Powers: Parseltounge, Legilimentist (can see if someone is lying or not / reading minds) Genius, Mind & Body control without wands, master of the dark arts, and natural charm.
  • Weaknesses: He finds animals just too adorable! He could never harm an animal, let alone kill one. If he sees a cuddly, furry animal, he will literally fall to pieces. No-one must ever know.
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Hey guy. I really think this needs to be said:

All explicit posts need to be labeled as such. This is an 18+ RP, but we should still be mindful of others and what could make them uncomfortable.

If you post anything that is a) Sexual, b) have explocit gore/violence, or c) covers trigger material then please post a trigger warning!! This is uber important.

That said, new comers be warry because there is an arc that is going on that is super explicit. Note that you do not have to interect with the arc as there are several members abstaining and doing their own thing. You can totally join in with them!!
(My oc really isn't a mary sue but just for this I'll make her one)
(Crappy I know but bare with me)
  • Name: Hebi
  • Fandom: Homestuck
  • Faction: Allies Of Ebony
  • Character Bio: Hebi was the thirteenth sign in the zodiac Ophiuchus, the snake bearer. Not accepted by the other trolls she bagan to seek revenge sneaking into their SBURB session and creating mischief and chaos behind the scenes, this chick almost killed Eridan once who was her kismesis at the time, because he was simply annoying the shit out of her and she hated him so much. She sometimes has violent outbursts and it's all because some idiots drove her nuts. Her goal in life is to seek revenge on anyone who hurts her and to make the world suffer the way she did when she was outcasted so long ago. Her lusus follows her almost everywhere she goes and is a giant white snake.

  • Strengths/Powers: She can see into the recent future and can enter someone's dreams while they sleep and alter it making them have terrible nightmares, she has psychic abilities and uses a whip as her weapon.

  • Weaknesses: Her stupid Lusus is too protective! that and she has a pretty low self esteem issue.
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[BCOLOR=#ffffff]SUE/STU COMPETITION: Create a DesuBook page[/BCOLOR]

Hey all!! I'd like to have a competition within our RP. So here's what's going down...

Those who are interested can submit a DesuBook page that reflects their Sue/Stu. It can be either visual OR written. If it is written, you must make sure to add an abundance of detail. Those with visual pages DO NOT have an upper-hand in the competition as anyone can win.

Rules of Entry
  • You must include a profile picture (again, it can be written in a descriptive fashion)
  • You must include AT LEAST 2 status updates
  • You must include an activity feed (i.e. pokes and likes)
  • You must include the name of your Sue/Stu
You can add whatever else you'd like to add, like what the cover picture looks like or how often your Sue/Stu posts. Make it as creative as possible. The more creative the post, the more likely you are to win!!

Date of Entry

All who are interested should submit their entries on THIS PAGE not later than October 25th by 11:59 PM. No late entries will be accepted. :(

After all entries have been collected, everyone will poll their favorites (ranked #1, #2, #3, etc.). The winner of the group poll will receive a prize!!


The winner of the competition will receive custom art provided by Lady Chess and myself. The art will include a picture of your Sue/Stu as well as any scene you might want with your Sue/Stu (i.e. your Sue/Stu fighting another Sue/Stu). The only thing not permitted for a prize art is anything graphic/explicit. Please keep us artists in mind!!

You may also receive a story of your character done by Lady Chess. Again, it can be about anything: your Sue's/Stu's epic origin, an epic battle, an epic trip to the mall...

Lets get some good entries!!
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How do you even make the Desu Book thing? is it just a customized blog or something?
@MattieLee What Chiblis did was use a real FaceBook profile page and edit that. Basically think FaceBook: status updates, pokes, friends, etc.
Partially written and partially visual is okay right? I'm making a page, not as a person, but a page so no pokes or any of that stuff