| The Stereotypes | A Boarding School Roleplay |

I'm here!! Had a death in the family and I was sick, so I've been occupied with well... sleeping and being icky.
@Tart ,
Oh, that's horrible, it can really be very hard to cope with.
Take all the time you need to finish your characters; we still have a lot of renovation to do in the roleplay anyway.
I hope you recover.

  • Thank You
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Here, but I am swamped with finals and transferring to another college, so I can't be as active as I had planned.
I will do my best to be active with the group. However, with the holidays approaching, so is finals. If my activity within the role-play starts to lack, I will cut myself out.
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I'm here! I'm just an idiot and forgot I signed up for this, my apologies, I'll make CSs when I have the chance.
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Hey everyone!! I'm feeling a lot better, but I still have Ibuprofen glued to my side haha. I'll try and finish up Anfisa's character sheet and get started on my two others tonight, but it depends on if I pass out soon or not..
But to all who made relationships with Anfisa: Accepted!! And if anyone has any ideas for relationships between my character and yours, PM me! I'm open to anything. (:
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::n a m e::
||August Amelia Hayes||
::ni c k n a m e::
"Was August not short enough?"
"18. I'm old enough to drink so you can back off."
::e t h n i c i t y::
"Because the accent wasn't enough of a clue.."
::s e x u a l i t y::
"A bold one, aren't we?"
||Demiromantic Pansexual||
::g e n d e r::
"I have a feeling you're trying to imply something.."
||Cisgender Female|
::y e a r::
"Honestly, I'm just waiting for the day I won't have to see my idiot classmates' faces again."
::s o c i a l g r o u p::
"I've found that most of the kids my age are insufferable."
::c l a s s::
"I'll be okay as long as there's someone that's not a complete jackass in my class."
::d o r m::
"I plan on hiding in my dorm for as long as I possibly can."
||Horse Hall|Room 2||
::a f t e r s c h o o l a c t i v i t i e s::
"Westbridge didn't offer a photography club so.."
::t a l e n t::
"I enjoy torturing myself for hours at a time by listening to the wretched sounds that emanate from my piano."
||August has been dependent solely on her ability to manipulate without fault.||
||She hates all things music, however this doesn't stop her from pursuing a career in music.||
||August could probably tell someone that she was a survivor of an attack of a rat the size of an elephant and get away with it.||
||Her sly hands and stealthy demeanor has rewarded with with various types of goods and luxuries.||
||August is passionate about photography and takes pride in the photos she takes.||
::p e r s o n a l i t y::
"I'm a serious bitch."
||Call her rude or call her opinionated, either way August couldn't care less. The brunette is a tranquil person with the habit to blurt out whatever she is thinking. She tends to be perceived as rude from the mixture of sarcastic comments and straightforwardness. Stubborn, nonchalant, and cynical, people tend to steer clear of August and her bad attitude. Not having much social experience doesn't quite help her case either. She's witty but she isn't school smart. August is usually a passive person who is really quite introverted. Observant and (other than her snarky remarks) relatively quiet, she is often overlooked by others and therefore can get away with a lot more. Being impulsive is an understatement, her actions are often deprived from her emotions and not from her head. She has a tendency to get herself into trouble, whether it be her mouth or something stupid she did.||


::h i s t o r y::
"My life has been pretty low-key thus far.."
||August was born into the damaged marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hayes. Both in their late twenties and neither ready for a child. Her mother, a wild party girl and a prostitute. And her father, apart of the Navy. August's father insisted on any music lessons that were both expensive and worthless. Though, no one seemed to care about the difficulties August had reading the sheet music. The brunette's disdain for classical music only grew stronger as she endured it throughout the years.||
||At the age of 12, her mother and father finally divorced and full custody had been handed to her mother. Since then, she has not talked to her father since. For all she know, he could be dead.. or still in the Navy. August was fully aware of the men her mother brought home every night and the drugs she did in their living room. Naturally, August picked up on the nasty habit as well. And from then forth, it had only gotten worse for her. She stole anything that caught her eye and consistently started trouble that didn't need to be started. As she grew older, the stealing wasn't a habit anyway but something she NEEDED to do and pot wasn't enough anymore, she NEEDED something stronger. August finally grew desperate enough that she started stealing from her mother. Money from her latest hookups or gifts she had received.||


||This was there unspoken deal. Her mother would pretend not to notice the missing items and August didn't notice the creepy, wanting looks she'd receive from her mother's "guests". This was when August finally started to appreciate photography. When she realized how special that perfect shot was. The Polaroid camera she had stolen never left her side anymore and she began searching for the.. right moment.||
||Their deal finally came to an end when one of her mother's guests finally snuck into her room and her mother still pretended not to notice. But August couldn't pretend anymore. She wanted out. She demanded her mother give her the money for the trip to Westbridge and the tuition, just in case August hadn't thrilled the boarding school. The rest, she'd figure out. And without a word, August stole her mother's car and drove off to Westbridge.||
::s e c r e t s::
"I've got to have something for myself..."
||August Amelia Hayes has been addicted to some sort of drug since she was in junior high.||
||She's a thief and most of her items are stolen and currently leeches off of the monthly pay checks she forces her mother to send her.||
||Was once arrested for a petty theft charge and another for drug possession.||
||Her mother is a prostitute and August had accidentally been caught in the crossfire between her and an unhappy customer. August's mother has no idea where she is and August blackmailed her to make her keep quiet about what happened until she finally turned 18.||
::s t r e n g t h s::
"Are you referring to physical strength? Because I'm afraid I lack such strength."
||Though, she hates everything about the instruments she plays, she undoubtedly has a gift.||
||The brunette not only has become a great thief, but a great liar too.||
||Alas, August can endure a lot before she finally breaks.||
||The drug addict knows how to stand her ground and isn't afraid to do the same for someone else.||
||Whatever the reason, August finds she works better in a high pressure, really stressful situation.||
::w e a k n e s s e s::
"Oh, how I love discussing my insecurities and passing my problems onto strangers.."
||August takes the "freedom of speech" part a little too seriously.||
||No matter ho many times she disagrees, August is dyslexic.||
||The brunette seriously can't tell right from wrong.||
||She's a kleptomaniac, a liar, a drug addict, but thankfully... she can't hold her liquor.||
||And the list goes on and on...||
::l i k e s::
"See, there are plenty of things I like.."
||Cold Weather.||
::d i s l i k e s::
"And just as many things that I dislike."
||Playing Music.||
||Being Touched.||



::r e l a t i o n s h i p s::
"I know this may come as a shocker to you, but I actually don't hate everyone."
||Open to Suggestions||
||Micheal Leonardo Monté|Best Buddy||
"Mikey's too sweet for his own good.. That's kind of why I love him."
||Anastasia Elizabeth McRiley|Close Friend||
"Ana's great. Have you seen her photos? I'm not sure she's aware of how talented she is."
||Dylan Dean Dixon|Frenemies||
"I swear that guy has every STD in the book and then some."
||Breanne Grace Herman|Neutral||
||Delphine Valentine|Disastrous Duo||
"I swear, she's going to get me killed one day.."
||Jennifer Maria Hart|Dislikes|Neutral||
"Um.. Remind again which carbon copy we're talking about?"



::n a m e::
||Brayden Oliver Grey||
::ni c k n a m e::
"Would you mind just calling me Brayden?"
"I'm relatively young.. But I'm not sure how that's relevant."
::e t h n i c i t y::
"Well, I'm originally from New York."
::s e x u a l i t y::
"Oh.. Um."
::g e n d e r::
||Cisgender Male|
::y e a r::
"I'm sure high school isn't as bad as people tend to make it out to be."
::s o c i a l g r o u p::
"You really shouldn't label people.."
::c l a s s::
"Hopefully my teacher isn't too strict."
::d o r m::
"... I forgot."
||Tiger Hall|Room 4||
::a f t e r s c h o o l a c t i v i t i e s::
"It's going to be exciting meeting people that share my same passion."
::t a l e n t::
"I mean, my drawings aren't horrible."
||If there is one thing Brayden is good at, it's art. His passion for drawing had started young and it carried on into high school years.||
||Brayden prides himself on his video game skills.. Even if others don't care.||
||Brayden loves to bake, and is rather good at it. However, he cannot cook nor does he stray away from a recipe.||
||Brayden spends an extreme amount of time reading. In fact, he'd rather be in his dorm reading rather than socializing with others. He's also an avid anime watcher. How this contributes to his future success is beyond him but he's proud that he's able to go days on end without taking a break from his fictional world.||
::p e r s o n a l i t y::
"How would I describe myself.."
||Brayden is the little brother to any person willing to let him cling to them, regardless of age. His forgiving tendencies along with his friendly demeanor allows him to befriend almost anyone. Brayden often thinks with his heart, rather than his head and his emotions cloud his thoughts, making his judgement biased. However, it's rare that Brayden is seen angry or frustrated as he's usually happy and bubbly. He's rather clingy and a bit too trusting, resulting in him sometimes getting involved with the wrong crowds. He's immune to the bad side of people, and others usually take advantage of this trait. A bit antisocial and a huge fangirl, Brayden spends most of his time cocooned in his room playing video games. Brayden is caring, sensitive, and accepting, however he often forgets to take care of his own needs. Whether this means doing his homework or remembering to brush his hair. Brayden doesn't appreciate being helped or asking for help, as he likes to believe that he can take care of himself. Reserved and a bit quiet around others he doesn't know, Brayden is easily intimidated and rarely approaches anyone he doesn't know. Rather insecure, Brayden is in constant need of other people's approval and will do anything to please others.


::h i s t o r y::
"My childhood was actually pretty great!"
||Brayden's biological mother was an attraction for bad luck and had gotten pregnant at the age of 15 by some boy she barely knew. With no other choice, she was forced to give her baby up for adoption and Brayden was adopted by a lovely elderly couple. They treated Brayden as if he was their own, spoiled him, and even scolded him when he refused to eat that disgusting green goop that always came along with his meals. Up until the age of 7, Brayden lived a quiet and happy childhood. His adoptive mother had been late-diagnosed with leukemia. It was rather late for treatment and she continued to plea for them to let her go, unwilling to helplessly watch as her body deteriorated, as she was only going to live a couple months regardless of her treatment. Hesitantly, Brayden's dad agreed and Brayden's mom was taken home, where exactly a month later, she passed away. Although it hurt that the person who was closest to him, who encouraged him to draw, was gone he was thankful that she had passed away peacefully. However, Brayden's dad took the death hard and plunged into a darkness that he'd never escape. With no other way to rid of the pain, his dad turned to alcohol. Brayden watched helplessly as his other parent slowly left him.. His addiction came to the point where he could no longer focus on anything else but alcohol. The numbness of the substance was wearing off and anger was all that was left. It wasn't long until his dad continued to find ways to blame Brayden for his problems. Who was once a gentle, loving man was now a violent being with a hot temper. What was once verbal abuse was now physical, but Brayden didn't mind. It was his father's way of showing him that he loved him, and if it numbed his pain, even a little bit, Brayden didn't find a few scars. This was temporary.. What his father had been dealing with would never go away. Brayden just made sure that he never went swimming without a shirt on, he made sure he always wore his jacket, that he learned how not to flinch when someone touched him, to avoid sleepovers and changing in front of other people. Because it was just one slip up that could potentially expose their family's secrets. And it WAS just one slip up that exposed everything. After Brayden had locked himself in his room, his father had taken the locks out his door. This resulted in his eldest sister walking in on Brayden changing. She had discovered their secret. Before Brayden had a chance to explain, she had confronted their father and before Brayden knew it, his father was in jail for child abuse and he was living with his sister. He didn't understand why she had overreacted like she did. Brayden was fine. However, he stayed quiet. He didn't want to upset her further than she already was. His sister was often gone all day and all night, as she was always working. This proved useful in the end, as she was able to pay for Brayden's tuition at Westbridge.||


::s e c r e t s::
"You shouldn't gossip.."
||Brayden has insomnia of which originated from anxiety.||
||Brayden has never been in a relationship.||
||Never actually finished Metal Gear Solid.||
::s t r e n g t h s::
"I'm really good at Mortal Kombat!"
||Quite the nurturing type, Brayden is quite in tune with other people's emotions, making him a great shoulder to cry on.||
||Even though he's not very strong, nor is he athletic, Brayden's energy never waivers.||
||This may not be much of a useful skill, but Brayden has somehow managed to beat Contra without the use of a Spread Gun.||
::w e a k n e s s e s::
"But I guess I'm not so good at other things.. haha."
||Brayden is easily frightened, and is rarely seen going out of his comfort zone.||
||Rather clumsy and just extremely aloof, Brayden is weak and uncoordinated at all things exercise.||
||Brayden often refers to himself as "tone deaf" which is actually not that far from the truth.||
::l i k e s::
"My favorite author.. is probably JK Rowling."
||Big Dogs.||
||Marshmallow Jackets.||
||Oil Paints.||
||Harry Potter.||
::d i s l i k e s::
"My sister once brought home a stray cat and.. and it attacked me."
||Cats. They're Evil.||
||Alois Trancy.||
||The Mortal Instruments Series.||


::r e l a t i o n s h i p s::
"I've been told I'm socially awkward.. I'm not socially awkward.. Right?"
||Open to Suggestion.||
||Anastasia Elizabeth McRiley|Friend||
"I swear, Ana isn't as rude as everyone makes her out to be."
||Micheal Leonardo Monté|Neutral||
"Oh.. He.. He seems nice.."
||Dylan Dean Dixon|Neutral||
"I've seen him in my hall.."
||Breanne Grace Herman|Close Friend||
"Brea is a really good person. And she's so pretty too! Wait.. D-don't tell her I said that!"
||Delphine Valentine|Neutral||
"I like her name.."
||Jennifer Maria Hart|Neutral||
"Honestly, that whole group scares me."



::n a m e::
"I'm known as the infamous Luca Amello."
||Luca Jaxson Amello||
::ni c k n a m e::
"Let's just keep it to the first name basis, yeah?"
"It depends."
::e t h n i c i t y::
"Born and raised in Brighton."
||British|Italian Descent||
::s e x u a l i t y::
"No, I'm not attracted to frying pans, you twit."
::g e n d e r::
"Was it the hair?"

||Cisgender Male|
::y e a r::
"Honestly, I don't remember much from my classes.."
::s o c i a l g r o u p::
"I like to refer to myself as a roamer rather than apart of a restricted clique."
::c l a s s::
"Class C, I believe. Or was it D.."
::d o r m::
"What did the emo snake say when-. I'm the 1st room in the Snake Hall.
||Snake Hall|Room 1||
::a f t e r s c h o o l a c t i v i t i e s::
"Honestly, I'd much rather be behind the camera than in front of it."
::t a l e nt::
"I guess it depends on your standards of talent.. See, I consider my sandwich making abilities to be a talent, however my family thinks otherwise."
||Lying, acting, whatever you call it, Luca's good at it. He uses this talent often as a facade, which works relatively well when you don't want to deal with your problems.||
|| Luke can manage to make a lecture about how he loves grilled cheese sandwiches into an inspirational speech that somehow encourages you to want to go to law school.||
||Although he doesn't care enough to try, Luke is actually a great writer and was actually planning on turning one of his short stories into a novel.. However, his sudden lack of will has caused him to go out of practice. ||
::p e r s o n a l i t y::
"Again, it depends."
||Luca can be pretty difficult to describe.. Considering he's well known for his mood swings and personality changes. Luca is quite blunt and severely insensitive when it comes to other people. However, his admirable charisma and cheerful personality seems to distract people from this. His overwhelming confidence along with his sickening determination makes him quite the competitive student and one that others rarely challenge. A bit of a harlot, Luca is outgoing and somewhat apathetic. Impulsive and enthusiastic, Luca is rather daring and independent. Quite emotional rather than logical, Luca's mistakes often surround the fact that he can't handle his emotions very well. His playful attitude often masks his insecurities or doubts, as he perceives these as weaknesses. Curt with those he dislikes, yet sarcastic with those he does. Luca's rather harsh and doesn't care much for those he doesn't associate himself with. Observant, flirtatious, impatient, compassionate, yet optimistic, Luca's personality varies quite often. He could be quiet and level headed one second to hyperactive and energetic.||

::h i s t o r y::
"Fuck off."
||Will either roleplay out or add later.||


::s e c r e t s::
"Seriously. Just stop."
||Luca is struggling with depression, and refuses to take anti-depressants.||
||Luca's father hates his guts.||
||Had his first pregnancy scare with his high school senior girlfriend when he was 14.||
::s t r e n g t h s::
"Be careful, or else you might swoon over my sandwich making."
||Quite the charmer, Luca finds that he's a natural born speaker along with a natural born manipulator..||
||When Luca isn't rambling about something he actually doesn't care about or writing, he's observing others. Although, he usually acts oblivious.||
||No matter how dark the situation, Luca continuously makes light of the problems he's faced with. Not only does he do this to ensure others that things will be okay, but remind himself to keep up his facade.
::w e a k n e s s e s::
||His inability to control emotions often worries those around him to the point where Luca will enter a stage of complete isolation from anyone and everyone when he's upset.||
||A bit quick tempered and extremely impulsive, Luca often finds himself in trouble with people who decide to argue with him.||
||Easily bored, Luca's attention span is rather short causing him to usually dispose of those that bore him. This results in the loss of his already limited friendships.||

::l i k e s::
"I like to eat and make the occasional pun."
||Grilled Cheese.||
||Alternative Rock.||
::d i s l i k e s::
"I don't like to feel or make the occasional mistake."
||His Father.||
||His Emotions.||


:: re l a t i o n s h i p s::
"I promise, you'll get used to my obnoxiousness."
||Open to Suggestions.||
||Anastasia Elizabeth McRiley|Friend||
"She's.. quite the honest one. I like her."
||Micheal Leonardo Monté|Neutral||
"Quite the looker. Haven't spoken to him much, though."
||Dylan Dean Dixon|Rivals||
"That wanker? Talk about an enormous ego.."
||Breanne Grace Herman|Neutral||
"Which one is she?"
||Delphine Valentine|Neutral||
"That girl's got quite the reputation.. I wouldn't mind her company."
||Jennifer Maria Hart|Close Friend||
"Jenny's.. She's sweet. And there are fucked up people who aren't afraid to take advantage of that."​
Last edited:
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Reactions: tart.
Work in Progress


::n a m e::
"Could you remind me again why I'm here?"
||August Amelia Hayes||
::ni c k n a m e::
"Was August not short enough?"
"18. I'm old enough to drink so you can back off."
::e t h n i c i t y::
"Because the accent wasn't enough of a clue.."
::s e x u a l i t y::
"A bold one, aren't we?"
||Demiromantic Pansexual||
::g e n d e r::
"I have a feeling you're trying to imply something.."
||Cisgender Female|
::y e a r::
"Honestly, I'm just waiting for the day I won't have to see my idiot classmates' faces again."
::s o c i a l g r o u p::
"I've found that most of the kids my age are insufferable."
::c l a s s::
"I'll be okay as long as there's someone that's not a complete jackass in my class."
::d o r m::
"I plan on hiding in my dorm for as long as I possibly can."
||Horse Hall|Room 2||
::a f t e r s c h o o l a c t i v i t i e s::
"Westbridge didn't offer a photography club so.."
::t a l e n t::
"I enjoy torturing myself for hours at a time by listening to the wretched sounds that emanate from my piano."
||August has been dependent solely on her ability to manipulate without fault.||
||She hates all things music, however this doesn't stop her from pursuing a career in music.||
||August could probably tell someone that she was a survivor of an attack of a rat the size of an elephant and get away with it.||
||Her sly hands and stealthy demeanor has rewarded with with various types of goods and luxuries.||
||August is passionate about photography and takes pride in the photos she takes.||
::p e r s o n a l i t y::
"I'm a serious bitch."
||Call her rude or call her opinionated, either way August couldn't care less. The brunette is a tranquil person with the habit to blurt out whatever she is thinking. She tends to be perceived as rude from the mixture of sarcastic comments and straightforwardness. Stubborn, nonchalant, and cynical, people tend to steer clear of August and her bad attitude. Not having much social experience doesn't quite help her case either. She's witty but she isn't school smart. August is usually a passive person who is really quite introverted. Observant and (other than her snarky remarks) relatively quiet, she is often overlooked by others and therefore can get away with a lot more. Being impulsive is an understatement, her actions are often deprived from her emotions and not from her head. She has a tendency to get herself into trouble, whether it be her mouth or something stupid she did.||


::h i s t o r y::
"My life has been pretty low-key thus far.."
||August was born into the damaged marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hayes. Both in their late twenties and neither ready for a child. Her mother, a wild party girl and a prostitute. And her father, apart of the Navy. August's father insisted on any music lessons that were both expensive and worthless. Though, no one seemed to care about the difficulties August had reading the sheet music. The brunette's disdain for classical music only grew stronger as she endured it throughout the years.||
||At the age of 12, her mother and father finally divorced and full custody had been handed to her mother. Since then, she has not talked to her father since. For all she know, he could be dead.. or still in the Navy. August was fully aware of the men her mother brought home every night and the drugs she did in their living room. Naturally, August picked up on the nasty habit as well. And from then forth, it had only gotten worse for her. She stole anything that caught her eye and consistently started trouble that didn't need to be started. As she grew older, the stealing wasn't a habit anyway but something she NEEDED to do and pot wasn't enough anymore, she NEEDED something stronger. August finally grew desperate enough that she started stealing from her mother. Money from her latest hookups or gifts she had received.||


||This was there unspoken deal. Her mother would pretend not to notice the missing items and August didn't notice the creepy, wanting looks she'd receive from her mother's "guests". This was when August finally started to appreciate photography. When she realized how special that perfect shot was. The Polaroid camera she had stolen never left her side anymore and she began searching for the.. right moment.||
||Their deal finally came to an end when one of her mother's guests finally snuck into her room and her mother still pretended not to notice. But August couldn't pretend anymore. She wanted out. She demanded her mother give her the money for the trip to Westbridge and the tuition, just in case August hadn't thrilled the boarding school. The rest, she'd figure out. And without a word, August stole her mother's car and drove off to Westbridge.||
::s e c r e t s::
"I've got to have something for myself... Did you really expect me to just blurt out my deepest secrets?"
||August Amelia Hayes has been addicted to some sort of drug since she was in junior high.||
||She's a thief and most of her items are stolen and currently leeches off of the monthly pay checks she forces her mother to send her.||
||Was once arrested for a petty theft charge and another for drug possession.||
||Her mother is a prostitute and August had accidentally been caught in the crossfire between her and an unhappy customer. August's mother has no idea where she is and August blackmailed her to make her keep quiet about what happened until she finally turned 18.||
::s t r e n g t h s::
"Are you referring to physical strength? Because I'm afraid I lack such strength."
||Though, she hates everything about the instruments she plays, she undoubtedly has a gift.||
||The brunette not only has become a great thief, but a great liar too.||
||Alas, August can endure a lot before she finally breaks.||
||The drug addict knows how to stand her ground and isn't afraid to do the same for someone else.||
||Whatever the reason, August finds she works better in a high pressure, really stressful situation.||
::w e a k n e s s e s::
"Oh, how I love discussing my insecurities and passing my problems onto strangers.."
||August takes the "freedom of speech" part a little too seriously.||
||No matter ho many times she disagrees, August is dyslexic.||
||The brunette seriously can't tell right from wrong.||
||She's a kleptomaniac, a liar, a drug addict, but thankfully... she can't hold her liquor.||
||And the list goes on and on...||
::l i k e s::
"See, there are plenty of things I like.."
||Cold Weather.||
::d i s l i k e s::
"And just as many things as I dislike."
||Playing Music.||
||Being Touched.||



::r e l a t i o n s h i p s::
"I know this may come as a shocker to you, but I actually don't hate everyone."
||Open to Suggestions||

Work in Progress


::n a m e::
||Brayden Oliver Grey||
::ni c k n a m e::
"Would you mind just calling me Brayden?"
"I'm relatively young.. But I'm not sure how that's relevant."
::e t h n i c i t y::
"Well, I'm originally from New York."
::s e x u a l i t y::
"Oh.. Um."
::g e n d e r::
||Cisgender Male|
::y e a r::
"I'm sure high school isn't as bad as people tend to make it out to be."
::s o c i a l g r o u p::
"You really shouldn't label people.."
::c l a s s::
"Hopefully my teacher isn't too strict."
::d o r m::
"... I forgot."
||Tiger Hall|Room 4||
::a f t e r s c h o o l a c t i v i t i e s::

::t a l e n t::
||If there is one thing Brayden is good at, it's art. His passion for drawing had started young and it carried on into high school years.||
||Brayden prides himself on his video game skills.. Even if others don't care.||
||Brayden loves to bake, and is rather good at it. However, he cannot cook nor does he stray away from a recipe.||
||Brayden spends an extreme amount of time reading. In fact, he'd rather be in his dorm reading rather than socializing with others. He's also an avid anime watcher. How this contributes to his future success is beyond him but he's proud that he's able to go days on end without taking a break from his fictional world.||
::p e r s o n a l i t y::
||Brayden is the little brother to any person willing to let him cling to them, regardless of age. His forgiving tendencies along with his friendly demeanor allows him to befriend almost anyone. Brayden often thinks with his heart, rather than his head and his emotions cloud his thoughts, making his judgement biased. However, it's rare that Brayden is seen angry or frustrated as he's usually happy and bubbly. He's rather clingy and a bit too trusting, resulting in him sometimes getting involved with the wrong crowds. He's immune to the bad side of people, and others usually take advantage of this trait. A bit antisocial and a huge fangirl, Brayden spends most of his time cocooned in his room playing video games. Brayden is caring, sensitive, and accepting, however he often forgets to take care of his own needs. Whether this means doing his homework or remembering to brush his hair. Brayden doesn't appreciate being helped or asking for help, as he likes to believe that he can take care of himself. Reserved and a bit quiet around others he doesn't know, Brayden is easily intimidated and rarely approaches anyone he doesn't know. Rather insecure, Brayden is in constant need of other people's approval and will do anything to please others.


::h i s t o r y::
||Brayden's biological mother was an attraction for bad luck and had gotten pregnant at the age of 15 by some boy she barely knew. With no other choice, she was forced to give her baby up for adoption and Brayden was adopted by a lovely elderly couple. They treated Brayden as if he was their own, spoiled him, and even scolded him when he refused to eat that disgusting green goop that always came along with his meals. Up until the age of 7, Brayden lived a quiet and happy childhood. His adoptive mother had been late-diagnosed with leukemia. It was rather late for treatment and she continued to plea for them to let her go, unwilling to helplessly watch as her body deteriorated, as she was only going to live a couple months regardless of her treatment. Hesitantly, Brayden's dad agreed and Brayden's mom was taken home, where exactly a month later, she passed away. Although it hurt that the person who was closest to him, who encouraged him to draw, was gone he was thankful that she had passed away peacefully. However, Brayden's dad took the death hard and plunged into a darkness that he'd never escape. With no other way to rid of the pain, his dad turned to alcohol. Brayden watched helplessly as his other parent slowly left him.. His addiction came to the point where he could no longer focus on anything else but alcohol. The numbness of the substance was wearing off and anger was all that was left. It wasn't long until his dad continued to find ways to blame Brayden for his problems. Who was once a gentle, loving man was now a violent being with a hot temper. What was once verbal abuse was now physical, but Brayden didn't mind. It was his father's way of showing him that he loved him, and if it numbed his pain, even a little bit, Brayden didn't find a few scars. This was temporary.. What his father had been dealing with would never go away. Brayden just made sure that he never went swimming without a shirt on, he made sure he always wore his jacket, that he learned how not to flinch when someone touched him, to avoid sleepovers and changing in front of other people. Because it was just one slip up that could potentially expose their family's secrets. And it WAS just one slip up that exposed everything. After Brayden had locked himself in his room, his father had taken the locks out his door. This resulted in his eldest sister walking in on Brayden changing. She had discovered their secret. Before Brayden had a chance to explain, she had confronted their father and before Brayden knew it, his father was in jail for child abuse and he was living with his sister. He didn't understand why she had overreacted like she did. Brayden was fine. However, he stayed quiet. He didn't want to upset her further than she already was. His sister was often gone all day and all night, as she was always working. This proved useful in the end, as she was able to pay for Brayden's tuition at Westbridge.||


::s e c r e t s::
||Brayden has insomnia of which originated from anxiety.||
||Brayden has never been in a relationship.||
||Never actually finished Metal Gear Solid.||
::s t r e n g t h s::
||Quite the nurturing type, Brayden is quite in tune with other people's emotions, making him a great shoulder to cry on.||
||Even though he's not very strong, nor is he athletic, Brayden's energy never waivers.||
||This may not be much of a useful skill, but Brayden has somehow managed to beat Contra without the use of a Spread Gun.||
::w e a k n e s s e s::
||Brayden is easily frightened, and is rarely seen going out of his comfort zone.||
||Rather clumsy and just extremely aloof, Brayden is weak and uncoordinated at all things exercise.||
||Brayden often refers to himself as "tone deaf" which is actually not that far from the truth.||
::l i k e s::
||Big Dogs.||
||Marshmallow Jackets.||
||Oil Paints.||
||Harry Potter.||
::d i s l i k e s::
||Cats. They're Evil.||
||Alois Trancy.||
||The Mortal Instruments Series.||


::r e l a t i o n s h i p s::
||Open to Suggestion.||

Work in Progress


::n a m e::
||Luca Jaxson Amello||
::ni c k n a m e::
::e t h n i c i t y::
||British|Italian Descent||
::s e x u a l i t y::
::g e n d e r::
||Cisgender Male|
::y e a r::
::s o c i a l g r o u p::
::c l a s s::
::d o r m::
||Snake Hall|Room 1||
::a f t e r s c h o o l a c t i v i t i e s::
::t a l e nt::
||Lying, acting, whatever you call it, Luca's good at it. He uses this talent often as a facade, which works relatively well when you don't want to deal with your problems.||
|| Luke can manage to make a lecture about how he loves grilled cheese sandwiches into an inspirational speech that somehow encourages you to want to go to law school.||
||Although he doesn't care enough to try, Luke is actually a great mathematician and was planning on teaching math. However, the recent drastic changes in his grades surely won't get him there.||
::p e r s o n a l i t y::
||Luca can be pretty difficult to describe.. Considering he's well known for his mood swings and personality changes. Luca is quite blunt and severely insensitive when it comes to other people. However, his admirable charisma and cheerful personality seems to distract people from this. His overwhelming confidence along with his sickening determination makes him quite the competitive student and one that others rarely challenge. A bit of a harlot, Luca is outgoing and somewhat empathetic. Impulsive and enthusiastic, Luca is rather daring and independent. Quite emotional rather than logical, Luca's mistakes often surround the fact that he can't handle his emotions very well. His playful attitude often masks his insecurities or doubts, as he perceives these as weaknesses. Curt with those he dislikes, yet sarcastic with those he does. Luca's rather harsh and doesn't care much for those he doesn't associate himself with. Observant, flirtatious, impatient, compassionate, yet optimistic, Luca's personality varies quite often. He could be quiet and level headed one second to hyperactive and energetic.||

::h i s t o r y::


::s e c r e t s::
||Luca is struggling with depression, and refuses to take anti-depressants.||
||Luca's father hates his guts.||
::s t r e n g t h s::
::w e a k n e s s e s::
::l i k e s::

||Cold Weather.||
::d i s l i k e s::
||Playing Music.||
||Being Touched.||


:: re l a t i o n s h i p s::


I'm still here, I guess. Until I face the pace of your roleplay, I can safely say I'm still here. If I can't keep up your pace (you can see my signature for reason, but I remember I told you before about my online time), I might drop out so I don't slow down the RP.
@IceQueen The movie was so cute and the book was just perfection!!! I loved Logan Lerman's wallflower phase.
I'll be finished with my character in about 45 min!
I finally finished (and reposted the sheet so you don't have to go back so many pages)!

. Full Name .
Lacey Turner

. Nicknames .

. Age .

. Ethnicity .
70% French, 30% British, 100% American

. Sexuality .
Aromantic Pansexual

. Gender .

. Year .

. Social Group .

. Class .

. Dorm .
Horse Hall, Room 2


. After School Activity .
Drama, Student-in-Charge

. Talents / Skills .
Despite her life choices, Lacey is a superb actress who can make any part believable and "real."
She's got a surprising alto voice, but she rarely uses it except for musicals.
She's a computer whiz in her own right and hacking into the school system is child's play--for the right price.

. Hobbies / Interests .
If there's one thing she loves more than acting, it's computers. She can take them apart and put them back together with ease, and bypassing even complex security systems aren't that hard.
Though she doubts she'll ever pursue a career, she does enjoy her place in the drama group.
Besides hacking into people's report cards and making fake IDs (among other things), Lacey also deals in information. Any and all information, clean and dirty.

. Personality .
Lacey is, in a word, aggressive. She speaks her mind when she wants, how she wants. She doesn't give a damn about your status or your ideals, and she demands respect from her peers. Not that she always gets it, but people tend to stay out of her way. She considers herself to be a businesswoman of sorts, as she is basically the school's information broker. Want the details on the new kid causing trouble? She'll get them for you--for the right price. Want that failing grade bumped up to a B? No problem. She has no qualms about breaking school rules, and it's rare for teachers to really stand up to her.

By nature, she's a manipulative bitch. She is used to getting what she wants for the mere fact that people are easily fooled by a smile or a couple Benjamin's. However, don't mistake her for someone stupid. She's actually quite intelligent and prefers to surround herself with intelligent people (though, admittedly, her definition of "intelligence" does not just involve facts and figures). In fact, she's actually a straight-A student trying to get into a good university, either for acting or software engineering. Her passion lies with computers and the stage, and it has been that way ever since she was a little girl. Not that she lets anyone know this fact; after all, she has a reputation to protect.
However, despite all this, Lacey is not evil. Rather, she just doesn't want to be hurt or fooled ever again. When around people that she truly trusts, you realize she genuinely cares about people in the general sense, especially when it comes to children. If she ever witnessed someone hurting a child in any way, there would be hell to pay. She's witty, light-humored, and sensitive. This side of her she keeps buried deep down. Only those who take the time to get to know her ever see it. She also doesn't give out information on the people she trusts, which is a very small amount. It doesn't matter how much you pay her.

. Biography .
Lacey grew up in luxury, not wanting for anything. Her parents loved her appropriately so, eating meals with quiet conversation. It wasn't a glamorous life, but it wasn't boring, either. She was a carefree and obedient child, living her life and enjoying it. Then, everything suddenly changed on the day of her tenth birthday. No one is quite sure what happened. Police found young Lacey sitting in a corner of the living room, staring glassy-eyed at her parents' bloody corpses. They'd been murdered for motives still unknown. The killer was never caught, and Lacey was shipped away from her home to live with her equally, if not even more, wealthy grandparents.
When high school came around, Lacey was nothing like the carefree girl she used to be. She was rebellious, unyielding, and chaotic. Within her first week, she'd already gotten in two physical fights. Her grandparents had to pull some strings to keep her from being suspended. Lacey didn't really care what happened to her that first semester of freshman year. Everyone could burn in Hell for all she cared. That is, until she was forced to join the drama club. It was there she seemed to finally find people she could be comfortable around--at least a little bit. Her physical fights lessened tremendously, and she soon became known for her natural acting skill. Not only that, but her hidden knack for computers was also discovered.
Over these past four years, she's built up a reputation of the girl who knows everyone's secrets, no matter what you do to try to hide them. While this claim is false, it is true that it doesn't take much for her to find some dirt on someone just by doing a little digging. Besides information, Lacey also helps people get fake IDs, change their grades, get a pack of cigarettes, even get the person they love to fall for them. All for the right price. To this day, no one knows that Lacey Turner is the poor unfortunate child of John and Abigail Carlyle. She changed her last name for that sole purpose, and she intends to keep this information secret.

. Secret .
She had a part to play in her parents' deaths, though she couldn't have possibly known what she was doing at less than 10 years old. She blames herself to this day.
*The fact that she is daughter of the infamous Carlyle's (famous both in life and death) is also a mystery to everyone.


. Strengths .

She's good at getting people to believe what she wants them to believe. Even with her reputation, she manages to twist people around her fingers all the same.
~Information Gathering~
She's a plethora of information on people. She, of course, doesn't share any of this information without something in return (usually hard cash).
~Hacking and Computers~
Ever since she was a little girl, Lacey had a talent for computers. Her parents had encouraged her in this, buying her a PC that she effectively pulled apart and put back together within a couple hours. She then moved on to software and thus became the hacker she is today.

. Weaknesses .
She's a natural liar, and people know it. The smart ones know never to fall for her honey-dripped words.
~Making Friends~
She does a shitty job of keeping up real relationships. The few people she's friends with are precious to her, however.
~Trusting People (or rather, not trusting them)~
She doesn't trust hardly anyone. Those she does trust stuck with her for a damn long time to earn that trust.

. Likes .
+A good beer now and then
+Intelligent Conversations


. Dislikes .
+The Populars
+The Jocks

+Judgmental Behavior
+Getting Drunk
+Getting High

. Relationships .
Feel free to PM me or put something on the thread for any and all relationships (including love interests)!
.John and Abigail Carlyle.Parents.Deceased.33 and 32, respectively.
Delilah Turner.Grandmother.Alive.65
Andrew Turner.Grandfather.Alive.70.
.August Hayes.@Yandere-Chan.Clash Often.
.Dylan Dixon.@Brea.
Close Friends w/ Some Distrust.
.Cassandra Jones.@MarilynFae.
Unorthodox Friendship Based Outside School.
Michael Monte.@XWhySoSeriousX.
Simply Friends.
Connor Cartwright.@ShatteredSecrets.
Close Friends.
.Nathaniel Thatcher.@sea breeze.Close Friends.
.Catarina Cartwright.@ShatteredSecrets.Mutual Animosity, Costumer.
.Cameron Cartwright.@ShatteredSecrets.
Not Open Enemies, Finds Him Exceedingly Annoying.
.Luca Amello.@Yandere-Chan.Go to Parties Together.
.Brayden Gray.@Yandere-Chan.
Little Interaction.
.Jennifer Hart.@Brea.
.Breanne Herman.@Brea.
Same Class.
.Matthew Young.@MarilynFae.
Manipulation Victim.
.Sydney Martin.@MarilynFae.
Little Interaction.
.Anastasia McRiley.@XWhySoSeriousX.
.Anfisa Yolkina.@Tart.
Intrigued by Her, Little Interaction.
.Caleigh Merricks.@sea breeze.
Little Interaction.
.Annamarie Beckett.@sea breeze.
Last edited:
I finished my characters!! I might add onto them later, however I'm currently satisfied with how I wrote them. I'll start making relationship ideas after I read all of the CS's. In the meantime, if you have any ideas about relationships message me!
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Ugh, I swear, writing backstories is the hardest thing for me.
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These idea are kind of bare so message me if you have any questions or want to elaborate on our characters' relationships.

@ѕea вreeze
||Caleigh Alani Merricks||
August Hayes- I feel like these two would clash quite often considering they're both sarcastic and extremely blunt. However, they probably wouldn't have many opportunities to interact so neutral leaning more toward disliking each other?

Brayden Grey- Honestly, Brayden would probably to frightened to even look at Caleigh. Neutral?

Luca Amello- I think Luca would purposefully push Caleigh's buttons in hopes for a reaction from her. Other than that, I don't see the two socializing all that much.

||Nathaniel Aiden Thatcher||
August Hayes-What's better than teasing an emotional wallflower? The two could possibly be good friends, as they share a class together and Nathaniel wouldn't necessarily annoy August. Whilst she tends to lack emotions, he has some to spare. Their friendship could possibly blossom into a romantic interest, assuming they'd get close enough.

Brayden Grey- Brayden would probably want to adopt Nathaniel as his little brother. Nathaniel's awkward personality would only attract Brayden, as he wouldn't view Nathaniel as a threat of any kind and would probably even want to protect him in the brotherly sort of way.

Luca Amello- Perhaps the occasional teasing on Luca's part but I don't see much interaction between these two.

||Annamarie Constance Beckett||
August Hayes- If the two were ever to cross paths, August would probably avoid Ann like the plague because she'd be so irritated around her.

Brayden- I'm not sure Brayden would know what to do around Ann.. She'd probably fluster him without trying and her extroverted personality would leave Brayden at a loss.

Luca Amello- Luca would probably pity Ann as she tries too hard. However, unless he probably won't go out of his way to try to help her try and fit in.

||Cassandra Jones||
August Hayes- Honestly, the only time August would interact with Cass would probably be if it benefited her. Other than that, neutral.

Brayden Grey- Because the two are in the art group together, Brayden would easily notice Cassandra and may even began slightly clinging to her. Her sweet and helpful personality would soothe Brayden and make him want to befriend her.

Luca Amello- It's likely Luca would completely overlook Cassandra as he doesn't have any direct connections to her.

Matthew James Young||
August Hayes- The nice guy act would probably annoy August, even if his kindness was actually sincere. She'd only see him as another dumb jock.

Brayden Grey- With him being a senior and a jock, Brayden would automatically be insistent on avoiding Matthew.

Luca Amello- Matthew would be another rough jock in Luca's eyes, and he probably wouldn't even try to get to know the male further.

||Sydney Marie Martin||
August Hayes- Syndey's a bit more reserved whilst so is August so it might be difficult for their relationship to be kickstarted and August wouldn't see any reason to befriend her.

Brayden Grey- Brayden, on the other hand, would try his best to try and get the girl to open up and befriend her.

Luca Amello- Different cliques, classes, and activities, Luca will most likely overlook Sydney.

||AJ Kent||
August Hayes- August would have no reason to dislike AJ. However, whilst AJ loves music August wishes she could disassociate herself from it completely. I can still see them practicing after hours together and maybe even becoming friends.

Brayden Grey- Again, with AJ being a senior and having tattoos, Brayden would never even think of approaching her.

Luca Amello- Luca would be infatuated with the girl's adorableness and would probably insist they write together or force her to let him watch her play or make her practice lines with him.

||Abigail Janelle Kent||
August Hayes- August would refuse to take any of Abigail's crap and bicker with the every opportunity that presented itself. Enemies/Rivals?

Brayden Grey- Brayden would do everything in his power to avoid a run in with Abigail. Neutral?

Luca Amello- The two are in the same clique and Luca tends to be a bit more patient when it comes to other people's bitchiness so I can see these too being friends. Although, I'd say they'd both brag that they're closer to each other than they actually are.

||Jason Chandler Monroe||
August Hayes- August would definitely be drawn to the Rebels and therefore Jason. I can see these two being friends, maybe even partners in crime if Jason somehow convinces August to hang around him.

Brayden Grey- Tattoos are Rebels are a big no||no for Brayden. He'd probably freeze up every time he saw Jason. Which would be pretty often considering they're in the same club..

Luca Amello- Luca would be well aware of the feud going on between the Rebels and the Populars but would be too disinterested to get himself involved. Neutral?

||Anfisa Ivanovna Yolkina||
August Hayes- Anfisa's constant quietness yet magnificent art would continue to draw August in. The two happen to be in the same class and I can imagine them having a very mellow and soothing friendship whereas they discuss music and August teaches Anfisa photography whilst Anfisa teaches her different types of art.

Brayden Grey- Again, her quiet yet expressive art would interest Brayden. I can see these two developing a slow friendship and Brayden eventually clinging onto her.

Luca Amello- Anfisa would probably be overlooked by Luca. However, if the two were to interact Luca would automatically be infatuated with Anfisa.


||Anastasia Elizabeth McRiley||
August Hayes- I think these two would be great friends! They both share interest in photography and are both kind of accidentally bitchy.

Brayden Grey- I think these two could have a great big sister/little brother relationship. With Brayden scolding her for being so sarcastic and Anastasia teasing him and trying to fluster him. su cute.

Luca Amello- Ana's sarcasm will definitely amuse Luca and he'll probably try and stick around to try and mess with her. Throwing in the occasional flirt, knowing that they'd both know it's empty.

||Micheal Leonardo Monté||(omfg andy wyh ar yu su bootiful)
August Hayes- Not only are these two in the same class, but they also have the same after school activity and the same clique. August would be stuck to Mikey like glue and refuse to separate from him. She'd be so protective over her adorable little outcast.

Brayden Grey- At first, Brayden would refuse to talk to Mikey. However, if the two were forced to converse, Brayden would feel incredibly guilty for assuming the worst of Mikey. Mikey would be one of the few older students Brayden wouldn't feel anxious around.

Luca Amello- Luca doesn't have any solid connection to Mikey, so they'd probably stay neutral. However, the cheesy, hopeless romantic would interest Luca if they ever spoke. Intent on flustering the male, Luca will be sure to push his boundaries whilst still trying to maintain a stable friendship with Mikey.

||Dylan Dean Dixon||
August Hayes- Dylan's flirtatious attempts might annoy August. She'll likely respond with more sarcasm and the occasional glare. The two would clash often but more in the friendly "I||Hate||You" rather than actually hating each other.

Brayden Grey- Brayden would make sure to avoid Dylan. And even if the two did manage to talk Dylan's aggressive personality would scare Brayden off.

Luca Amello- I can see this relationship going one of two ways. Either, Luca and Dylan are relatively close and are basically the disastrous duo that no one wants together or they're proper rivals. Your thoughts?

||Jennifer Maria Hart||
August Hayes- Jennifer's constant need to fit in would irritate August to an extreme extent. This would result in August avoiding Jennifer and, rather, despising her from afar.

Brayden Grey- Yet another pretty popular for Brayden to fear. He's rather easy to frighten and the thought of associating himself with the top of the social food chain sickens him.

Luca Amello- Luca would feel somewhat responsible for Jennifer.. Often looking out for her and her naivety. I feel like these two would be close because Luca would want to make Jennifer feel accepted.

||Breanne Grace Herman||
August Hayes- August will be drawn to Brea's sarcastic personality however it's unlikely she'll approach Brea. Neutral?

Brayden Grey- I think Brayden would try and cling to Breanne because she'll stand up for others and is rather kind.

Luca Amello- Luca will most likely disregard Breanne, however when an opportunity presents itself to tease her he'll take it. Neutral?

||Catarina Crystal Cartwright||
August Hayes- The disdain August will have for Catarina.. The two share the same class so I say drama stirred and August ended up saying something that angered Catarina?

Brayden Grey- Scary high school bitch vs. Brayden.. Yeah, Brayden would probably pay Catarina to stay away from him.

Luca Amello- Well, Catarina is a total bitch.. But she's also a bitch that Luca has learned to deal with. Their friendship could be a facade but the two actually don't converse all that much.

||Cameron Calvin Cartwright||
August Hayes- His constant goofiness will probably tire August. And they aren't really connected so neutral?

Brayden Grey- Aggressive jocks tend to scare Brayden away.. Neutral?

Luca Amello- Luca takes pride in his puns so maybe the two are majorly affiliated because of their love for humor.

||Connor Cooper Cartwright||
August Hayes- Now, Connor.. Connor is the Cartwright that August can find tolerable. Maybe August could help him learn guitar whilst helping him cause whatever trouble he's in the mood for.

Brayden Grey- The triple threat.. Honestly, it's hard to decide which Cartwright is going to terrify Brayden the most.

Luca Amello- As long as Connor keeps his fighting and trouble making away from him, Luca couldn't care less what the Cartwright does.

||Delphine Valentine||
August Hayes- An obnoxious, 16 year old party girl? That's a no for August.. I can see them being somewhat rivals. Mostly because August calls her out on her recklessness which only results in arguments between them (or something like that).

Brayden Grey- Bold girls such as Delphine tend to make Brayden anxious so he usually stays away.

Luca Amello- Luca would probably enjoy hanging around the energetic girl, however the two are not really associated with the same groups so neutral?

@Wonderful Thing
||Olivia Grace Holloway||
August Hayes- Just another freshman for August to avoid. Neutral?

Brayden Grey- Although Brayden wouldn't be scared of her like some of the other students, he'll probably try and stay away from Olivia.

Luca Amello- Luca will likely find Olivia's pretentiousness pathetic yet adorable at the same time. Neutral?

||Beauregard Andrew Nicolson||
August Hayes- August would feel highly obligated to protect Beau. She'd act like his outcast older sister and try her best to try and make Beau feel a bit less anxious. I say they could be close friends, and have a somewhat big sister/little brother relationship/

Brayden Grey- Again, Brayden would feel as though he'd have to protect Beau. He'd likely cling to Beau and stick up for him when he needs it. I see the two being close, whereas Brayden often worrying for Beau.

Luca Amello- Luca would have a definite soft spot for the boy, however the two wouldn't really have any chance to interact so Luca would probably only look out for Beau if the opportunity presented itself. Neutral?

||Aisha Dominique Terrence||
August Hayes- I don't see these two meshing very well. They have the music group together, but I can't see these to talking very much.. Unless you have another idea, neutral?

Brayden Grey- Her somewhat loud personality would unease Brayden. Her habit for doing bad things will only make Brayden more hesitant to talk to her.

Luca Amello- I can see these two causing lots of trouble together. He'd appreciate her charming personality and would find her inability to excel in English quite adorable.

||Toyna Lichtchenberg||
August Hayes- I can see their relationship going one of two ways.. Either the two girls dislike each other to an extreme extent. Whereas they're constantly fighting and throwing insults at each other.. or Toyna would drag August along on her adventures, and August would sullenly follow along. The two would be close and Toyna would often try and get August to be a bit more social.

Brayden Grey- Brayden would be somewhat scared of Toyna. Her high confidence and loud personality would intimidate him so neutral?

Luca Amello- I sense these two could be party friends.. They drink and party together and maybe had a fling or two but nothing serious. Friends?

||Lillian Autumn Cohan||
August Hayes- These two would definitely be rivals, with August throwing sarcastic remarks and Lily responding with snarky remarks.

Brayden Grey- These two wouldn't interact too much, as Brayden tends to stay away from the Populars. Neutral?

Luca Amello- I think Luca and Lillian could get along pretty well. They're both Populars and Luca doesn't mind bitchy.

||Daniel Richard Jameson||
I don't really have much to go off of Danny's character, as his CS isn't finished. However, if you want to message me we can discuss relationships!

@s k u l l.
||Isaac Kelly Volkov||
August Hayes- I think these two would get along nicely. They're in the same class and they're both blunt. I say these two could be friends, not extremely close but a relationship where they could be left alone together and there wouldn't be awkward silence.

Brayden Grey- With Isaac being a jock and all, Brayden will ignore him like the plague. It's unlikely that these two would become friends upon interacting. Neutral?

Luca Amello- Isaac's reserved personality will likely interest Luca, as most of the populars and jocks he associates himself with are loud and slightly obnoxious. Luca will be insistent on befriending Isaac and maybe even test Isaac's boundaries. I see this starting off as a fascination and then eventually developing into a close friendship whereas they're both comfortable with letting down their walls. Thoughts?

I also just realized that they have the same room so I'll make sure to edit that.
||Natasha Erin Stanford||
August Hayes- The fact that Natasha wouldn't annoy August like the other Populars would already encourage August to befriend her. I think these two would get along nicely, the only problem being that they're in different classes, halls, and clubs.

Brayden Grey- With Natasha not looking much like a Popular, I think these two could also get along well. Brayden would probably adore Natasha and her free spirit.

Luca Amello- I think these two could mesh extremely well. Natasha's blunt personality and free spirit would make Luca like Natasha. I can see Luca being somewhat like a big brother to Natasha, always reminding her to finish her homework or warning her of the consequences of her actions.

||Sapphire Mavis O'Connor||
Again, because the CS isn't finished I don't have much to go off of but feel free to message me if you have relationship ideas!

||Lacey Turner||
August Hayes- These two would definitely clash a lot, however the two still manage to be friends.
Brayden Grey- Because Brayden is so easily frightened by other people, it's unlikely they'll interact.
Luca Amello- I can see these two being friends.. Not extremely close but comfortable enough to go partying together or something.
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