The Sleepy Tavern

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Favorite drink?

  • Fruity

    Votes: 40 51.9%
  • Belly Burning

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • Sweet n' Salty

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • Throat on Fire

    Votes: 17 22.1%
  • Beer

    Votes: 13 16.9%
  • Water

    Votes: 17 22.1%

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The bear took the drink and thanked the waiter. He sat down next to the spectre, looking awkward, but obviously enjoying his drink. He didn't like crowded places, it wasn't good for his... Condition
V walked into the tavern, a bright flash from his glowing eyes gave him a quick rundown of the place and its occupants. He walked over to the bar and sat down, folding his longer back arms behind him. He couldn't do much else to make himself stand out less, at 3 meters tall he towered over most of the other occupants. He purred softly as he waited for service, glancing at the few nearby drinkers he smiled and nodded where appropriate. When asked with what he desired to quench his thirst he would reply, "Water, thank you," and give a charming, if a little creepy, smile.
The bear glanced at the man who had just walked in and shuddered. To a casual observer the man might appear ordinary, but to the bear there was some thing just not right...
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V smiled at the bear. He's always liked bears, they taste pretty good, and put up a good fight. Not to mention they're one of the best animals in the natural world, and a few unnatural.
The bear shifted uncomfortabley, tight in his tuxedo. He moved to the furthest seat from the man. Or whatever it was.
V chuckled lightly, his eyes brightening and fading with each laugh. He flipped a coin in his hand, at the apex of its arch it turned into a rose and landed in his hand. He brought it to his nose and inhaled then smiled. He set the stem in his drink and swirled the water with it, swirling in a vibrant green colour.
The bear went to the restroom labeled 'beasts' looking quite stressed
Deorum noticed Evan walk in and sit with his angel kin. His eyes slowly passed between each of them, an expectant look on his face. After observing each angel, his head dropped slightly and let out a sigh. Shaking his head, Deorum turned his attention towards the nearly 10 foot tall V that had just entered the tavern.

Seeing that V was already happily enjoying a drink, Deorum nodded and went on to another table, working with his trademark unreadable expression across his face.
Kristine payed no attention to their talks, and, instead, started texting Carly (she won't come). "Did u ever have Bri make something better, than ruin it? :(" she hastily texted, leaning against the wall, fiddling with her phone.

Evan didn't even care that his older sister didn't want to join them, it was normal. He kept flirting away with the long, red haired angel he only knew as Briane.
Slick was just going to ask about who won the talent show and got the meal when a message entered his mind. "No time for questions. Go outside." Suddenly a mighty yet short quake sook the bar. Slick and some of the others ran outside to see a massive crack in ground that dropped so far the bottom could not be seen. Then, with a massive gout of fire shooting it upwards, a black rickety carriage was sent high into the air. And to Slick's horror, a single figure jumped out. The fissure closed, the figure and the carriage landed with a loud smash. The carriage exploded into pieces and the robed figure was knocked out. He had long claws of shadow spread out before him. He wore a dark green cloak with golden trim, now dulled, ripped, and burnt. His wicker scythe landed only inches away from his face. He was Noxel. Slick slid over to his dearest friend and yelled to the bar members,"Is there anyone here with healing capabilities?!"
Seeing what was going on from the window, Deorum quickly bolted out the door and to Slick's side. Kneeling beside Noxel, he stared blankly at his unconscious body and spoke to Slick in a serious tone. "I'm no healer," Deorum started. "But as long as whatever wounds he has are not mortal ones, I should be able to take care of him with what knowledge I have of medicine."

Deorum stood and straightened his back, quickly taking into consideration Noxel's position, the severity of his injuries and the possibility of broken limbs. Then dropping back down to Noxel's side, he carefully lifted his limp body into his arms and slowly carried him into the bar.

Nodding calmly to Leah, Deorum motioned for some patrons at a large table to move their drinks out of the way. Then he cautiously played Noxel down on the flat wooden surface and stepped back to examine the situation once again.
Noxel was a shade, a soul from lymbo, who's body was completely made of shadows. That aside he was nearly human, minus a few organs and his blood was a deep crimson myst. Slick hopped onto the table and stared at Noxel, green tears streaming down his eyes and whispering, "Why... why would they do this..."
V looked on with interest. He compressed his rose into a coin again and pocketed it.
Leah stumbled slightly from the sudden shaking of the tavern. "What the hell?" she reached out trying to stabilize some of the glasses that were close to the edge of some of the tables around her. When the red color danced across the tavern walls, from the commotion outside, she felt her stomach squeeze. Leah placed her hand on her stomach, for a moment and only for a moment her face showed signs of worry. But the moment Deorum burst into the tavern with an injured, her mind focused and her body went into action.

"What happened!?" she approached the table stopping next the crying Slick. She looked upon Deorum and the injured man, she ran back to the bar and returned with clean rags and water. Leah placed them on the table and observed, her hands not touching the injured man. She didn't know the extent of the injures and since Deorum was already working on him, she wanted to wait for a verdict.
Deorum spent a few minutes examining things closer; checking the base of his spine, his collar bone, his temples, as well as seeing what about Noxel was too immaterial for him to deal with and what wasn't. After a while, Deorum stepped back, a single bead of sweat forming on his brow.

"I think I should be able to patch him up and help him regain consciousness, but that's the most I can do. He may be bleeding internally, but I'm not familiar enough with the anatomy of his kind to be able to tell completely..." he shook his head and began work.

After a few minutes, Noxel's surface injuries had been patched up with the rags provided by Leah, and his external bleeding had stopped. Deorum leaned in close to Noxel's face, carefully placed one hand behind his neck, and began to do something that couldn't quite be seen by anyone around him. Whatever Deorum had done sent a charge through Noxel's brain that was potent enough to cause his eyes to flutter open.
Noxel slowly got up and looked at the faces around him and he looked at where this was and he smiled. "Thank you for waking me up friend." He said to Deorum, "And Slick, thank you for not turning back on our promise." His wicker scythe skuttled over to him on wooden spider legs and when it reached him it reformed into a crutch which he took as he got off the table. A quick gesture of the hands and the bloody fog he had made swept into his mouth. "Nows a good time to tell you." He said, "I'm a necromancer."
V leaned back against the bar and watched the necromancer. Dark magic is something to be careful around.
The second 'dark magic' was brought up, Kristine and Evan looked up. Both of their eyes glistened and shone. They LOVED anything to do with dark magic. They both stared out the window, like little kids in a school before it's time to leave. Then Kristine remembered just how much Evan was like her. Except, she was a winter fairy, and he a dark fairy.

Briane realized that Kristine had dropped her phone when she ran for the window. She wanted nothing to do with magic, but, of course, it had to come in somehow. "Wow, how does the on her phone every second of every hour of every day person just drop her phone?" she muttered to herself, picking up the phone. It's case was a blue and white checkerboard, one Briane admired so well. She stared at it, picking at the blue and white jewels that stood atop the opposite colored tiles.
Throughout the whole ordeal, Sheila watched silently from a distance. Everyone seemed pretty resourceful and levelheaded during times of stress, which to her was very surprising. But, seeing that the situation was rather quickly resolved, Sheila breathed a sigh of relief, despite her confusion regarding what the hell just happened. In any case, she was glad to see that the injured robed person was back to consciousness.
But when Noxel brought up the fact that he was a necromancer, Sheila's hand once again dropped to her waist, grasping at a sword that wasn't there. Of course. The little jelly guy mentioned that his friend Noxel had taught him what spells he knew, and only moments ago he had summoned up a horde of goddamn ghosts. Noxel was a necromancer.
Sheila's hand relaxed, but her eyes stayed cold and suspicious. The mention of necromancy had her on edge, but she could continue working in spite of that.
Deorum smiled down at the now awakened Necromancer with a welcoming warmness. He looked around at the crowd of patrons that had gathered around to watch the event. He also noticed Sheila keeping her distance and becoming agitated at the mention of necromancy.

Deorum's smile quickly went from one of sincerity to one of mischief. "I guess he was..." he started in a brooding, serious tone, his head faced away from the unnerved patrons. Slowly, Deorum turned his head, looked Sheila dead in the eye, and finished.

"...Dying for a drink."
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