The Siren's Song [ IC ]

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"Crew?" Darcia's eyes twinkled even more as she heard when they were looking for a crew. This was her chance to go out on the seas anyway.
"Ah.. Hello, I'm Darcia" She slightly bowed to the man "You're ship is lovely sir" Darcia said as she stared with sparkling eyes towards the ship.
Okami noticed the captain walking toward them, like these two harpies was already considered part of the crew and none of them said anything against it, Okami said while looking at them.
"Listen, both of you, we are going to Sea of Monsters, if you want to quit now is the moment to talk, like you two are harpies, you will be our explorers, you will both flying over the ship as you watch the surroundings looking for any danger" Was the last thing he said to them before turning himself and start walking, then he decides to talk with the elf that have been staring at them for so long time.
"When are you going to show yourself?" He said to the elf behind him.
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"Sea monsters? I've never seen one before.. Well sure I love the sea so I can help out" Darcia said as she turned back to the boy. "Uhm.. but I can't fly through strong wind though.. My wings aren't fully 'Harpy' I guess.." She said is started curling her fingers through her hair nervously.It was true considering the fact she was only half a harpy her wings weren't as strong as they should be. "But I can fight with weapons if needed"
Upon the arrival of the Captain, Andromena turned around and decided that the quest they spoke of was nothing to do with her. It wasn't in the first place but she knew that staying would only make her curious and we all know what curiosity did to the cat.

Still, as she began to slip down the pathway to the forest, the dog man called after her. What could he want? Did people care when she eavesdropped on their conversations now? At first she ignored him, thinking that she could just let his boldness slide as ignorance. Yet the look the harpy had given her earlier seemed to change her mind half way down the lane. Turning back towards the little group of various creatures, Andromena scanned the man with her metallic eyes.

"Excuse me? You weren't looking so I had no need to hide."

There was a bitter tone to her voice. It had been a long time since she'd spoken to a person on the surface and the conversation she was engaged in now reminded her as to why that was. He was pompous and proud, clearly a man who thought he knew everything and owned everybody. A man she had no interest in. As for the harpies, they were both fairly passive, not really displaying hostile postures apart from perhaps the male's defensiveness. He was cute in a birdlike way - with feathers that reminded her of an eagle. The woman was less impressive - her wings paling in comparison to the bird that stood beside her. Despite that, she had something strange about her. It was the demon-like stance and accusing eyes that gave her away but a fine creature nonetheless.

"Captain, I understand you're recruiting for something but whatever it is, I want nothing to do with it. One of your members here seems to think he's in charge..."

She declared confidently, resting her gaze on the taller man beside her - the captain. Little did she know that the man she'd just insulted was actually the man in charge.
Scottie just stared blankly at the male before him. This guy's crew was going to the Sea of Monsters? Should he laugh or cry? The world sure was a funny place, coincidents like that just don't happen. Well, apparently they did no matter how unbeliavable it was.

As the surprise wore off, the young harpy let his wings drop from the defensive posture as his brains fully registered the words he was spoken. Who did the guy think he was? He had already decided the two harpies would be joining his little crew and what position they'd fill after spotting them on the street. Was this guy for real? Though the other harpy, Darcia, didn't seem to have a problem with it.

He gave a nod of acknowlegement to the man who introduced himself as the captain before the guy who thought he was the captain dropped the bomb that had rendered him speechless. He didn't know how to respond and before he could even open his mouth to speak, the wannabe captain was already fast on his way leaving. Scottie didn't like that cocky attitude one bit.

The harpy considered just flying off when the random woman stared bickering with the dictator boy. It was getting weird and confusing really fast and Scottie wasn't even fully sure what the heck was going on anymore. However, this was his chance and he highly doubted he'd be able to find another ship heading to its watery doom anytime soon. He had decided he wouldn't be chickening out and this was the perfect opportunity whether he was ready or not.

Sucking in a determined breath, Scottie straightened his posture slightly before speaking the two words that would most likely lead him to an early grave. He didn't care, he was no coward.

"I'm in."
The day was already ending, Okami decided to pass the night in a Inn, there he might be able to find some sailors or mercenaries with enough courage to join his mission, but it was going to be hard, the amount of people willing to go to the Sea of Monsters is very low. After some minutes walking he reached the Inn where he decided to pass the night, there he made it to recruit 1 sailor, after some hours it was already midnight, before going to rest he went to the roof of the building, he stared at the moon with a curiosity and esteem gaze, the moon was one of the few things that Okami loved, it makes him feel safer, but the only problem is when the full moon comes, sometimes while the full moon his body morphs against his will, the first time that happened he was a 4 years old child, that night he killed 5 persons without realizing it, the good thing is that he was already learning to control it, as he stared at the moon he thought The Sea of Monsters...For sure a place that has ended with many destinies, i question...Is the crew ready for what is coming? If they don't....It will be a big problem for the mission" The mission was for sure going to be hard, but he was calm, he is a great tactician and haves a lot of battle skill and experience, for that reason he was serene.
Darcia couldn't sleep one bit. She was sitting on the top of a roof of one of the buildings. She was a bit uneasy for it was pretty dark but below there were plenty of light shining on the streets so she felt a bit safe. She had informed the old man she used to work for that she'd be taking another job. He told her while smiling he was happy she was able to go into the sea but wished she would come home save. Her parents were worried even when they weren't together that much anymore they would still worry about their child. She stared over the ocean that was glittering in the light of the moon. Darcia loved the moon for it was one of the lights to guide towards the darkness which she hated so much. "I really can't wait to go out on the sea" Darcia muttered as she ran a hairbrush through her long blue like hair.
This pup was quite the bossy brat. He was ordering harpies out of the sky, telling them they were part of the crew before they could even say no, then walking off somewhere else. It made him laugh, but it seemed to work. The captain welcomed the two children harpies, and they seemed excited enough. Birds, on a ship out on the ocean? Fools, the lot of them. They hadn't even negotiated a price! Nothin' in writing, nothin' in word, not even a spit-covered forearm clasp to seal the deal. He was already debating whether or not to build in a sink hole in the hull of the boat so he could flood the thing at a moment's notice. At least then he could take everything they had.

Then the elf sorceress walked up and clearly had no time for the boy's blarney, and called him out in front of the captain. Carrn let out a loud laugh from his position leaning over the edge, and the dwarf's twin braids, dangling from his head and jowls, pointed towards the ocean like dowsing rods.

"Please, miss, tell me yeh'll reconsider. We got nothin' but children and birds on this boat, and an elf o' unknown origin and experience'd be a might refreshing. There'd be plenty o' Derians in it for yeh, not that anyone on this boat is gonna say so."

"Surely a woman on your ship is bad luck, don't you think? Especially one who possesses the power to whip your ass like a bitch."

Her confidence came as a shock to most men on the ship, but surprisingly not to Carrn. He'd seen a lot more threatening looking females in his time. Still, there was something about the Elf that held his attention. Perhaps her gutsy nature or simply the fact that she'd put the lycan in his place happily. Either way, she seemed remotely flattered that he'd asked her on board the remarkable ship.

Now that the man had left her side, probably upset or just plain ignorant to her exclaim, Andromena kept her attention on the captain and the crew that remained. Admittedly that was few. The female harpy had left them along with their employer. At least the other one had stayed - she thought absent mindedly.

The sound of gulls circled over head and the sorceress tilted her head at the noise. It wasn't something she was exactly accustomed to. Round and round the birds flew, distracting her ever so slightly from the men that she'd begun conversation with. Round and round... and round... and round.
Carrn laughed heartily at that. Whoop his ass? Probably. She had the smell of magic about her, and powerful magic at that. He'd traveled with his share of spell-slingers in his day, and his share of women, and they'd proven to be just as likely to ruin a voyage as men, and just as likely to save the crew as men as well. There was no difference. In fact, he'd seen more problems arouse between men and women because of the way males often treated women aboard vessels.

All that experience was summed up by Carrn's expression: a purely incredulous look mixed in with a bit of sarcasm. "Yeh've gotta be kiddin' me, elf. We've already got a girl on board the ship." He gestured in the direction that female harpy hybrid creature had flown off in. "If'n females were a problem on this crew, we'd not've decided to bring her along."

Then he rested his powerful chin in a calloused hand, and continued. "Besides, yeh look like a mage of some sort, and we don't got enough magic in this crew for a trip out into the Sea of Monsters. So I'll ask yeh again: please reconsider leavin' me to drown with'n these pups." At the word drown he couldn't keep just the mirth out of this voice. Clearly the concept of drowning was one he didn't really entertain, though his annoyance at being with an inexperienced crew was also evident.
Mor had traveled for weeks from her small home in the moonlight isles for a job. She hadn't been able to find one back home since for some reason many people didn't like her kind. She yawned as she reached the port, this was the last place she wanted to look for a job but all other options were meet with the same meanness she had found back home. She had went from ship to ship looking for a position which wasn't the greatest idea, since many times she had been chased off the ship the crew calling her cruel names.

She looked at the beautiful ship in doubt, no way the person who owned such a nice ship would let an orc like her join. Mor look on at the crew in curiosity, such a diverse group of people, not many humans at all, she smiled wide maybe this would be her chance. Mor finished eating the stale bread she had salvaged and looked in the water trying to make herself look well less orc was little to no use but she still tried anyway. As she finished straightening up herself Mor walked onto the ship wary. "Umm hello.." She looked around. "Is the ship in need of a cook?" Mor may look like a fighter and she was but she didn't enjoy it and her passion lay in cooking.
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Scottie was confused to say the least. The bossy guy had just taken off after the strange woman talked back to him. Was he upset? No, that wasn't probably it, the guy hadn't seemed like the type that would go crying home after being questioned and put in his place. The harpy was quite sure he hadn't seen the last of the blonde boy. Honestly, the absence of the seemingly hostile male made Scottie feel less threatened and he relaxed slightly.

However, he soon found himself feeling kind of awkward as Darcia took off as well and he was left standing there while a dwarf who stood aboard a ship spoke with the woman with the golden curls. Judging by the dwarf's words, he was part of the crew he had just recruited in and the short male seemed to be interested in hiring the woman as well. Scottie hadn't meant to eavesdrop, he just didn't know where to go, he had never been to Origin Point before after all. Though he was practically part of the ship's crew now, they wouldn't mind if he crashed on the deck, right?

"So I'll ask yeh again: please reconsider leavin' me to drown with'n these pups"

The young harpy froze right then and there, his breath hitching. Was his heartbeat always that loud and why was breathing suddenly difficult? How do you even breathe? He never had to think about it before but now, suddenly, he forgot for a second.

After his body remembered how to fill his lungs with air and then push it back out, Scottie shifted his eyes on the small waves lazily crashing against the hull of the ship. The water seemed so gentle and harmless at that moment, a companion that would carry their boat to their destination. But it was just a disguise, hiding the real intentions of the cruel and icy deathtrap.

He was tired, physically and mentally. The harpy just wanted to sleep, progress the position he had put himself in. Mentally shaking the dwarf's words out of his mind, Scottie felt like kicking himself. Mere words weren't enough to get shaken about, he had to man up if he was going to let that ship carry him to the middle of the ocean. Children are afraid and he wasn't a kid anymore.
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The captain, in his tall black coat turned at the sound of a voice. He saw the orc woman standing before him. She spoke of being a cook. Perfect, they hadn't had a cook since the last on was killed accidentally during a raid. "My my, I speak of needing a crew and I'm suddenly swarmed with people wanting to join! Of course of course lass. Welcome aboard The Serpent. The finest privateer vessel this side of the ocean. I'm the captain of this ship, and services such as yours are well needed. After all, what can a bunch of rusty old sailors do with a supply full of foods we don't know how to cook! Yes, yes, Welcome!"
The approach of the Orc sure was a surprise. Sure, Carrn had traveled with his share of mixed Goblin-kin, but he'd rarely been in the presence of a full-blooded that wasn't trying to kill him. He didn't have the inbred, racial hatred of his mountain-dwelling kin, but he knew that they had a reputation. Seeing this tall, powerful female, walking shyly up onto the ship to ask about a position, was certainly a bit distracting, so he turned his attention to her for just a moment before shifting his gaze back towards the elf...and caught sight of the harpy, staring fixedly at the water and looking quite terrified.

"Hey!" He shouted, noting the struggle going on in his mind. He wasn't entirely sure what it was about, what with him being about twelve feet down and twenty feet away, but he figured he was scared. Something Carrn had said had startled the bird-man, and he felt a twinge of remorse. He wasn't exactly old by dwarf standards, but compared to most of the mortal races gracing the land he was already well into his middle-age, and had seen as much as one would expect for someone who'd been on the waters for almost three and a half decades, and had been immersed in it since his birth. Literally, since it was easier for his kind to give birth in their hybrid forms in the water than it was to do so on land.

"Yeh scared o' the waves, boy! Then get yer scaley feet up on the deck and put thirty feet of good, sturdy, well-built wood between you and the water!" He then pointed up, at the crow's nest, and said "Or fly yer feathery arse up there and get comfortable fifty feet above the deck."
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Jerking his head towards the origin of the shout, Scottie spotted the dwarf looking at him. Dammit, had the short male noticed his moment of freaking out? They weren't exactly right next to each other but it was possible. The harpy hoped the distance was long enough for the dwarf not to have noticed his inner struggle even though he doubted it. The next words spoken crushed that hope.

"Yeh scared o' the waves, boy! Then get yer scaley feet up on the deck and put thirty feet of good, sturdy, well-built wood between you and the water!"

"Or fly yer feathery arse up there and get comfortable fifty feet above the deck."

At first, the young harpy wanted to yell at the dwarf, make sure he knew Scotteru Harken wasn't scared of anything. However, before he launched himself at the other male, Scottie kept his claws rooted on the ground. The dwarf wasn't mocking him, in fact, he was offering reassurance to the harpy in his own way. At least that's how Scottie took it.

He had been practically just invited to board the ship and the harpy wouldn't let the opportunity the claim the crow's nest pass up. Just the idea of being high up in the crow's nest, away from the reach of the water welling below, seemed to ease some of his distraught towards the upcoming journey. His mind now more at peace, Scottie hopped into the air and flew the short distance over to the male onboard before gracefully landing on the railing. The harpy boldly stared down at the dwarf as he almost hissed out the only thing he had to say.

"I'm not scared."

To emphazise his point, Scottie thrusted himself upwards with a powerful stroke of his wings. He secretly hoped the sudden current it caused would be stong enough to knock the dwarf off his feet. With the speedy start, the winged male was in the crow's nest in no time. There wasn't much room but it was enough for him and it didn't take the harpy long to curl up on the floor of the crow's nest with his backpack as his pillow and his wings wrapped around himself. Strangely, he felt safe enough to fall asleep in the strange town in a strange ship with strangers below him. Or he was just so exhausted he didn't care.
Knock knock knock.

"Aye! Come in!" The voice cut above the din of the streets and the mousy haired man that had knocked stepped inside the small shop. The sign that hung above the doorway proclaimed it as a healers shop and the inside provided the proof if there had been any doubt. A small store front greeted the stranger, there was a bare wooden counter that stood in front of the back wall where several shelves held jars of different medicines for some aliment or another. At the very back corner of the right wall was another doorway.

"Are you here for the headache cure?" The voice asked and after a few seconds wait the man finally saw the owner of the voice as she emerged from the back room, pushing aside the tapestry that hung over the doorway. A few seconds of silence followed as the man tried to piece together the little speech he had prepared endlessly on his journey here. The woman's solitary eye stared him down, and he found that his usually silvered words were tarnished.

"M-Miss Reneth I have seeking your help on a most important mission." He said finally stumbling over the first few syllables. If he had been expecting some kind of question or even just a word of acknowledgement he was disappointed as Reneth simply raised an eyebrow and moved to stand behind the store counter.

"I am Elren and I represent his Majesty Holteron and-" Elren found himself cut off mid sentence by Reneth her eye narrowed down to a mere slit at his words.

"No." She said with a stiff shake of her head. "I do not care what the offer is, any loyalty his Highness feels that I owe the crown was forfeit when I was branded a traitor."

"The kingdom has been facing increased attacks from the south-"

"Well that is a shock."

"-some items of importance were lost in transit. Items that select few know how to handle." This seemed to catch Reneth's attention, without even being told she understood what had happened. The rumors of monsters were the hottest piece of gossip and even as out of the loop as she was trying to stay it was hard to miss. And as for the items, well, there was only one time she could remember when something she and her old companions had sent something dangerous back to the capitol.

"Still don't see how this is my problem. There are always more pawns who are willing to die for king, country, money, whatever it is people want these days." Reneth said leaning over the counter, she knew the usual cards and none of them interested her at this point. Why would they when two of those had betrayed her and the last, well people were always idiots, there was always some need for a healer, enough that she could earn a living.

"What about for friends?" Elren asked his words a very poorly disguised threat. In the tense silence before he spoke again he tried his best to ignore how one of Reneth's inched towards the dagger hanging from her hip. "Your friend Telrec, quite the nice family his has, same with Grelgar, and Alree. We thought you might be a little more willing knowing that your friends were being left alone."

Part of her wanted to laugh, to tell this so called emissary that he could just try and pull something and that she would be more than happy to watch anyone who dared get their asses handed to them by Telrec the nightmare, Grelgar spinesnapper, Alree the Hellraiser. But last time she had seen Telrec he had been cradling his newborn son with his two year old daughter hanging from his arm, Grelgar had five children and had cared for his elderly parents as well, and Alree well she had been three months pregnant when Reneth had visited her two months ago. Anger bubbled in her chest and she could not even bring herself to look at the man who had invaded her shop. Knowing that silence could be just as dangerous as misplaced words she very slowly nodded her head, unwilling to open her mouth incase she ended up saying something that she would regret.

"Oh good, there is a boat leaving tomorrow called The Serpent. The Captain has been informed that you will be joining the crew as a ships doctor. He has also been informed that you really shouldn't be left alone if the ship docks." Elren said with a snake's smile. From a pocket he withdrew an address that gave the location of the ship. Placing the slip of parchment on the counter he gave Reneth another pleasant smile even though her eyes were still glued to the stretch of counter between her hands.

"You leave at dawn."
The Captain was approached by a courier. This courier told him that a new member for his crew had been called for. "A Doctor? Well, I guess that would be good to have. Okay, whoever they are is welcome" He then saw the note saying they were not to be left alone while they were docked. *Hmmm Strange* The Captain thought to himself.
The Sun, which had been holding low in the sky for some time. Now, it fled behind the mountains and the world was thrust into darkness.
"All right lads. I've rented out the nearby inn. We all sleep there tonight. Sleep well. It'll be the last good night's sleep you get for a while. And the last night you'll be spending in a bed for a LONG time. Ladies are in rooms 1-5. Boys are in the rest, 6-12. If I catch anyone doing something... Ehehe... 'Suspicious', after hours. I'll be making sure you don't have a spot on my ship."

{The Official timeskip is here}

Let's say there was one additional item in the ship's inventory.

Let's say it was a pink coffin. Let's say it had been colored black and decorated with nasty-looking seashells of death that spelled out the words TU STULTUS ES, but the soul of the coffin was undeniably pink because it's inhabitant was, at the expense of billions of beings throughout the years, in the pink of health (he was either a monster or in finance). For a given definition of health.

Let's say it was about the size of, say, a baby harp seal. Let's say it was slightly bigger than that actually, and the baby harp seal happened to be wearing a tophead. Which he might have been. If there was a harp seal inside the coffin. But there wasn't. No, not at all. Because there wasn't a coffin, right?

Let's say that there was a little wheezing sound coming from the coffin, like the sleeping noise of a pneumonia-stricken infant.


The vampire was dreaming. He dreamed that he was to be taken to a king, before tragedy struck everyone around him and not in the fun, sexy kind of way. He dreamed of monsters and improper tenses. He dreamed of dreaming, and now he would never escape the loop, and the headache that would ensue when he woke up.

If he woke up.

But for now he dreamed, and in the distance, a seagull squawked.

Seagulls were -are- assholes.
Carrn chuckled at the harpy as he puffed up like an angry seagull and flapped hard up to the crow's nest. He did take a step back, the bare-chested and bare-foot dwarf forced away by the powerful gale of the youth's wings. Then the captain made his announcement, and Carrn looked down at him. "Oh? And what might a "suspicious activity" be, captain?" Regardless of the man's answer, he hefted his things and made his way down the gangplank, his pick and traveling ruck-sack bouncing against one another from their position slung over his shoulder. He made his way to the inn, found his own room, and stowed his things...Only to sneak out and stash his things in the hold of the ship and dive over the side about an hour after everyone else had retired.

He didn't like sleeping in doors when he could avoid it, after all, and he wouldn't be sleeping in the brine once the ship was sailing through the Sea of Monsters. So he decided to spend one last night sleeping the way he liked, swimming in lazy circles below the docks in the form of a twenty foot tiger shark.

He was awoken by the first glimmers of dawn, and he promptly clambered out of the ocean, having reverted to his normal form and swimming powerfully and easily through the water. He climbed up onto the dock, stark-naked, and quickly pulled on the pants he'd left in a pile on the deck of the ship. He wasn't one for modesty, so he didn't care if anyone saw him. He was pretty sure that almost everyone would assume he'd simply gone for a swim early in the morning...

The elf had finally given up when she realised that the little man who had addressed her was more than a regular dwarf. Perhaps it was the salty aroma that wafted up her nose as she inspected the deck of the ship he had invited her onto. It was a pleasant place for sure but was it really worth it? She had a perfectly comfortable cavern awaiting her back home with maybe even a jar of hearts to amuse her while time passed... Even to her that sounded pitiful.

"Alright, I'll consider it. As the Captain said, we should turn in for the night and after that, you'll have my final decision."

Intentionally gazing into the wereshark's eyes, Andromena mused over what kind of dressing they'd need. They were incredibly wise eyes and she could tell he had enough knowledge of the sea to write several scrolls about it. So concluding that crab sauce would be better suited for him, she blew a kiss goodbye and headed down the plank to the inn.


As usual, she was tormented by her inability to sleep. Voices and shadows had swarmed around her room well into the early hours of the morning only to be vanquished by the fire like light of the sun.

"Curse you..."

She muttered to the sky, clenching her fists around the duvet as she flung it off her bare skin. Without a change of clothes, the usually well dressed sorceress put on the same dress she wore the day before. It had creased slightly and the tiny marks seemed to make her blood boil.

"I'm going to have to buy a whole new set of clothes for this darn trip..."

The golden strands of her hair were quickly manipulated into a magnificent braid that hung proudly over her shoulder while her flecked eyes brightened as magic spilled from her fingers. Wild flowers blossomed from between the twists in her hair and her overall appearance seemed rejuvenated.

Eager to get the necessary supplies for the journey, Andromena tied her purse to her belt and hastily jogged out of the inn.
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