The Sentence

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Pink Ward with Yorick Ghouls.
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While you wait, it's probably a smart thing for you to read the Arc 1 Summary and figure out how all this is going to affect your character.

Also, expect some Aesil-hate. Gurmal, another golemmancer, almost caused another Sentence if it wasn't for Aesil (the character).

The pain is real.

Also, my stand-by character, I am just wondering, Palace or Aesil?
Palace, obv. Aesil belongs only to the Lyssa, Kanade, Aesil trio.

No filthy rookies allowed.
Well....I meant Gerald in the 'Perception-heavy character' sense. Kinda broad, now that I think about it. D:

My 'in case shit happens' character is a Guardian. A very unhappy Guardian. :3
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After Eleena disappeared, all the fun was sucked out of the Guardians, huh?
After Eleena disappeared, all the fun was sucked out of the Guardians, huh?
I'll try to keep things interesting. And by interesting I mean make Poindexter bore the shit out of Halberd
Theory to Eleena's disappearance:

She ran SO fast she traveled back in time, ran into herself, and killed herself from the force of impact, thus erasing her from the present timeline.
Hey, so I'm curious, what is the extent of Junkiro and Kokusho's relationship? I remember reading that they kissed at some point, so I assume they are together.

Also another question about Junkiro. Has he been used like a slingshot yet?
They aren't together.

And they'll never be together, now that Aesil is here.
They aren't together.

And they'll never be together, now that Aesil is here.
Truth be told, I'm actually more wanting to see Aesil try to eat him, after seeing him with Kokusho, only to spend like an eternity trying to chew him
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Hey, so I'm curious, what is the extent of Junkiro and Kokusho's relationship? I remember reading that they kissed at some point, so I assume they are together.

Also another question about Junkiro. Has he been used like a slingshot yet?
Kissed? What kind of Sentence RP are you reading? <.<

Wouldn't it make more sense for Junkiro to slingshot others? :P
They aren't together.

And they'll never be together, now that Aesil is here.
No, they will be.

Inside her stomach. D:
Kissed? What kind of Sentence RP are you reading? <.<

Wouldn't it make more sense for Junkiro to slingshot others? :P
Ugh, I could have sworn I saw something to that affect.

As for the other thing, I wanna see junkiro stretched between two trees and used to launch , I don't know watermelons
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