The Sentence

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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We started four days ago or so. XD
We've yet to start, and I'm not exactly sure why....
Oh. Was just wondering, no worries mate. :P I just wanted to know was all.
@RJS just send me a link when we are a go.
As much as I appreciate the sense of importance this all gives me, I'm sat in a pub which is the only access I have to the Internet until Friday :p If you or Azathoth want to set it up and ping me with it, I will endeavour to hop on as soon as I get back ;)
As much as I appreciate the sense of importance this all gives me, I'm sat in a pub which is the only access I have to the Internet until Friday :p If you or Azathoth want to set it up and ping me with it, I will endeavour to hop on as soon as I get back ;)
Wanna use the titan pad we used for the last collab?
I like Aiden. But I don't think I'd be crushed to see him die, cause I have a new idea I wanna try
Hello, was just wondering if that final spot was still open?

I'm new to the site but not RP, I shall prove thyself.
You know what's realllllly funny?

A week ago, two other CSes came in, and Asuras critiqued them, sorta. As of August 21, though, neither have actually been added to the first post of the OOC.

So sure, go for it. You'll probably be competing for the final spot against those two.
Gotta go fast. Asuras is going to be as free as a bald eagle wearing a star-spangled banner after he finishes this work week, so he's probably going to do in a few days.
Gotta go fast. Asuras is going to be as free as a bald eagle wearing a star-spangled banner after he finishes this work week, so he's probably going to do in a few days.
Can't go fast. Our blue blur vanished. :(

Hopefully Asuras will have time to knock out our copost for Palace too this weekend. I'll be busy but progress is progress. :P
We still have Galina, at least~

Name: Sethe Roischeur
Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Though usually a laid-back, jovial, humble and eccentric, Sethe is a somewhat hurting boy underneath his smiling facade. To those graced with his presence, he often comes off as an over-friendly fellow that doesn't think too much in depth about hardship or other discomforts in life. He'd seem like the type more suited to be an entertainer than anything else, even his voice has a sing-song chime to the words that would sling quickly from his mouth. And, when he really needs to be, he's brilliantly creative and intuitive on the spot. A resourceful man, physically constructive, and innovative.

Short Biography: This Goetia native was born into a family with two loving parents. A father whom led a small group of Mages whom specialized in constructive magic and Golemancy, and a mother whom had a knack for embroidery and made a living just fine sewing and tailoring at her tables home. Though, every family has their problems. Sethe was born blind and the two parents sought a way to cure their child of this disability.

A family friend, and member of the Father's order specialized in the arts of enchantment. The two worked together in an effort to not just cure his blindness, but give the boy somethings extra for when he could see for the first time. Imbued with magic over, and over, and over, the artificial eyes were now twin glowing-blue baubles sitting in the boy's sockets.

Sethe was no longer disabled, he was gifted. The pair who created these marvels dubbed the boy's eyes the Seer's Circles. After a few days of adjustment, he could see now, and then, and before... A small window of insight came with the boy's new vision, not enough to be a prophet or soothsayer but enough for him to be a bit more special than your average magically talented boy. The father saw something in his son, potential for greatness, and so sooner rather than later, he began to train him.

Weeks, months, years later, he was now being prepared to become a champion trained by not only his father but others within his order as well.. He enjoyed the Magic of Creation that they studied and practiced so much that he eventually came to progress with it on his own. He was surpassing his father by now, though, the end of this lovely story would abruptly end, sooner than predicted, as The Sentence came to be, and those that he cared for had gone.

Faction: Goetia

Might - 1
Finesse - 4
Fortitude - 2
Health - 3
Speed - 3
Perception - 7


Golemancy: Through hard work, constant experimentation, and some elbow grease, Sethe has gotten Golem creation down to a perfection. While they aren't the strongest, sturdiest, and heaviest Golems you've ever seen they are capable of feats many aren't capable of. Agile, self-aware, and capable in combat, they are true works of magical art.

Amalgamate: Before being struck by an spell of magical origin, Sethe will attempt to analyze the spell's nature and allow himself or a Golem to store the attack. When Sethe does this himself he must use an item he's created to absorb the impact, while a Golem make take the blow to absorb a weaker version of this spell.

Seer's Circles: Repeatedly enchanted eyes have given Sethe a safe and dependable form of precognition. While the window of time is only 10 seconds from the present, it is applicable to use it a number of times in battle. This ability cannot be spammed however, and can cause permanent harm if forced to do so.


1- Gallon Jug of Water
2- Pouches of Clay
2- Pouches of Sand
1- Pouch of Lead
1- Pouch of Iron Powder
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Oh, GOD.

Gerald has returned, everyone. xD
What. That's not even close.
Pink ward MK.2, combat edition

But seriously, golemancy is cool. I'm glad someone finally made a character that uses it.
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