The Sentence

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Head's up. Kindled Flame will probably get nerfed. If you do something like that, you'll have a set up that allows you to do like....8 points of true damage in a single attack. XD
Head's up. Kindled Flame will probably get nerfed. If you do something like that, you'll have a set up that allows you to do like....8 points of true damage in a single attack. XD
Sorry, I just changed it again the moment you posted.
We're back in action! Note that I've finally secured a job (all too late in the Summer) that will be having me work pretty much all day, every day starting on Monday. I will still be around in the evenings to collab. I know that for some of you this might create some issues due to time differences, but let's just try our best~!

@Psyker Landshark @R-9 Pilot Things are simple for us; we'll just begin the collab on the wall, having assumed Lizbaine was retrieved and briefed on the situation. What follows won't be so simple. :3

@Azathoth @kingdomkeylight @RJS We'll begin with a meeting with Frua. Same as with above, things will happen after!

@ERode You can opt Aesil to follow Kazuma and Junkiro if you want or not. Kazuma/Junkiro will survey the ship and find... things. That or you can be present for a rehashed discussion with Aosoki Hime that I'll probably end up skipping over, and then ultimately have an opportunity to talk with Virod/Apex or whatever else you'd like. Just discuss with me over Skype what you want.

@Greased Smitening @Zarrock As said above, heading to the interior of the airship!

@Reanimator Bob @Jakers We'll wrap up the talk with Mimo quickly then head to abandoned district. Someone will accompany you to help.

@Skyswimsky Esterellia's discussion with Kairen will be weighed, and will ultimately result in a decision (that is, whether or not she'll help). If you want, after the conversation, Esterellia can head straight for the other vampire house in the same collab.

I would ask the players to create the collab enviroment, so I don't have to ask each of you whether or not you want to do Google docs/Titanpad. xP

Review time!

@TootToot McBumberSnazzles
-You've got 25 stat points, and it should be 20 at the start.
-What's the point of having a shield that damages yourself? >_>
-Health potions don't work.
-Refresher Capsules have an ability-tier effect themselves. Either get rid of them or make them an ability.
-What dog are you talking about?

-Please have distance measurements in meters!
-Grand Smasher, despite what ERode says, cannot have "True damage". God damnit Rodey. If you want something similar, I'd suggest maybe something along the lines of a guaranteed additional +1 damage whenever he deals at least 1 damage, sacrificing 1 health in the process.
-Marcus would be an iffy character in Aesil. Insubordination is simply not accepted in Aesil, so if he were to be the type to ever disobey orders... he wouldn't meet a pleasant end. It's up to you whether or not you think he could thrive in the faction.
  • I was actually editing as you were speaking.
  • Evelyn has a dog named Trevor :)
  • In the first page I saw that it was okay going past the 20 pts. mark. No worries though.
  • Everything else was put in the garbage can. Edited it real quick.
Isn't there that whole unresistable damage mechanic that Halberd's dunk has? I thought that was what true damage was supposed to be. XD

But Aesil will tag along with the foreigner scum. Can never be too careful~
Finished the metric ton of editing I promised I'd do.
Totally butchered my abilities and stats.

BUUUUT it's worth it.
Wait a minute, tell me how the dice works. I need to work on my special.
They're d10s, rolled as a pool equal to whatever attribute is needed, and the total is added together. That's the gist of it anyway, and Asuras handles the rolls, so you don't usually ever see your own dice, you just hear the results.
So the dice is like a regular dice, 1 - 6 or maybe 1 - 40 or something.
Not %100 sure you get it bro? A d10 is a single dice with ten different sides. Besides man, what difference does it make knowing if only the Gm is throwing the dice?
It's tethered to my special ability, you should check it out first.
And I agree with ERode. A barbarian asshole is a perfect fit for the Guardians.
Because it helps with figuring out how viable your stat allocations are, futurely?

Also because it feels good, knowing how much of an advantage you have over the other plebs. XD
Oh that reminds me of a question I was going to ask yesterday. Does anyone have an ability giving them a saving throw or a re-roll if the outcome was undesirable?
Oh that reminds me of a question I was going to ask yesterday. Does anyone have an ability giving them a saving throw or a re-roll if the outcome was undesirable?
There's an NPC in Goetia who has that skill. Practically ninja'd my first idea...
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