The Sekirei Plan

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Kuro-Shiro while in the air sees the flaming fist come for him, while he's carrying Mai. Using a his upper body he managed to pull himself upward in mid air. Dodging most of the blow Kuro-Shiro continued to go from building to building. Slight scorch marks were on his arm. He winced slightly. "Ughhhh" he groaned. "It's not like I'm hurting her" he complained to himself about the disciplinary squad member. "I mean sure it's frowned upon but not against the rules to kidnap a ashikabi" Looking back he got exited again that the chase was still on which caused him to laugh, still holding Mai he continued to leaped from building to building.
Mai went to point out Kei when the girl asked her which Sekerei fought for her. Mai heard Kei shout up to her, and she tried to turn to his direction to hear what he was saying, but then she was up, and flying through the air in the arms of the stranger Sekerei. All she could think was 'not again', she thought she'd be sick from all of the quick movements. Mai gathered her thoughts, the wind whipping her hair in all kinds of Ways.

"What are you doing! Where are you taking me! Put me down!"

They leapt higher into the air and Mai became dizzy.

" Oh gosh, I think I'm gonna be sick."

She felt heat near her arm and she looked down to see flames catching her shirt sleeve. She frantically swatted at it to put it out, beginning to feel the heat touch her skin. She snuffed out the flame as fast as she could. Mai heard the man groan but she was too busy looking at the ground below. Gosh she didn't want to die today... Or any day Soon really.

she soured up to the Sekerei carrying her.

" I would very much appreciate coming out of this alive if you don't mind. We were trying to ask you to join us not make Kei want to kill you, stop and we can all just have a reasonable conversation like civilized people."
Terra was off balance from leaning over the edge of the building so when Mai's partner Kei screeched about a harem Terra leaned over more to get a good view. She leaned a little too far over for the shove she received to not knock her off the roof. Yelping she barely caught the lip of the window she fell past. "I'm in trouble. Free runner not base jumper."

Breathing in and out slowly to not panic she looks up at the window ledge...which isn't it her luck that it isn't big enough for her to pull up onto and sit on it. "Murphy's Law. Damn that screeching harpy!!!!
Ryyker creates a chain and grappling hook and toss's it onto the building and quickly climbs up and jumps to the edge of the building and reachs his hand down to wear Terra was holding on. "Terra grab my hand I'll pull you back up."

Seeing that he missed his attack Riken turns around and pursues after the Sekirei who was just kidnapping a Ashakabi.
@Sasha Bliss
Ryyker creates a chain and grappling hook and toss's it onto the building and quickly climbs up and jumps to the edge of the building and reachs his hand down to wear Terra was holding on. "Terra grab my hand I'll pull you back up."

Seeing that he missed his attack Riken turns around and pursues after the Sekirei who was just kidnapping a Ashakabi.
@Sasha Bliss
Terra grabs on to Ry. "Oh if only I were one of you!!!!!" Her famous redheaded temper flaring hotly. "His name is Harpy from here on out...wait no Rock-a-doodle. Damn half cocked screw lose wing clip needing rooster. He crows really loud too. Just set me back on the roof. Help Mai out if you would, okay? Oh and don't trust the redhead guy, he lies like a Time Lord."
Ryyker us able to pull Terra on the roof. "So what is his name?" Ryyker creates a small 45 caliber gun and a clip with 15 metal bullets and hands it to her "If there any trouble use this I will know when its fired." Ryyker jumps to the building in pursuit of Kuro-Shiro and creates a long range 50 caliber sniper rifle and looks down the scope at Kuro-Shiro and aims for his back between the shoulder blades and fires.
Ryyker us able to pull Terra on the roof. "So what is his name?" Ryyker creates a small 45 caliber gun and a clip with 15 metal bullets and hands it to her "If there any trouble use this I will know when its fired." Ryyker jumps to the building in pursuit of Kuro-Shiro and creates a long range 50 caliber sniper rifle and looks down the scope at Kuro-Shiro and aims for his back between the shoulder blades and fires.
Terra sighed. "Yeah yeah just like a typical guy." She walked over to the fire escape and hustled down it tucking the gun into the small of her back. She hit the pavement and hustled over to the lot and grabbed an arrow. She walked over to the car and grabbed a case and put the arrow in the case.
Kei saw a flame Sekerei attacking Kuro-Shiro who was holding Mai he could let him risk hurting Mai. He willed his bow into existance and jumped it the air he drew multiple arrows and fired them at the fire sekerei. The arrows hit pinning the sekerei to the side of the building by his clothes. Kei looked back to make sure his target was restrained when he saw something out of the corner of his eye it was the glimmer of a gun barrel.

Kei looked at Mai the Drew another arrow. As the bullet fired Kei launched another arrow he was hoping it would deflect the bullet. The bullet and the arrow met for a split second but it was more than enough. The bullet grazed the arrow head causing it to miss. Hitting a concrete wall inches from Kuro-shirts head. He was relieved it worked then fired two more arrows at the snipers weapon. Plugging up the barrel. "Idiot."

@CrimsonFang @Sasha Bliss @Almalthia @LoveandHate91

Kuro-Shiro Laughed more as he saw the chaos he created. While holding Mai he began to feel a burn in his chest. Taking a few sharp turns he managed to find a hidden dead end. 'Why, why now, out of all the times to happen it's in the middle of my fun.' Letting go of Mai he grabbed his chest in pain. He slumped to his knees, and then his side. Pushing himself off the ground, he slumped on the support of a wall. He motioned with his arm for Mai to come over, as if he was about to tell her something. He started to breath heavily wanting the pain to stop. His eyes filled with desperation. His hair slightly blowing in the small breeze.
Kei stood there watching the rest of the Sekerei. He knew as long as they were around they would posibly hit Mai. He smiled as the two Sekerei were out of commission for now.

He ran and caught up to the two to see Kuro-Shiro hunched over on the floor pulling on Mai. Kei called out. "Mai get away from him now." His demand was different from his normal self. His tone was more aggressive but mostly desperate. Kei drew another arrow and aimed it at Kuro-shiro's head. "Move now Mai!." Kei pulled back on the bow string. "I don't want you to get full of blood."

@CrimsonFang @Sasha Bliss

Kuro-Shiro smiled once more, it was a sad smile. The arrow pointed at his face. He fully slumped against the wall and stopped motioning for Mai. His legs lay spread apart, and his arms lay next to his legs. He looked down his face covered. "Looks like this is it for me" He raised his head his eyes closed. "Thanks for the fun" all his memories came back into his mind. One memory in particular, it was a woman, one who looked very much like Mai. "Are You ready to go outside Kuro-chan" she said to a younger version of himself. Then all he remembers is blood. A singer tear rolls down his face, his eyes still closed. "It's okay, kill me now" he says in a whisper loud enough for them to hear.
They stopped mid run and Mai was let go. The Sekerei dropped to his knees then leaned on the wall to support himself. She didn't know what was happening and she stood there in shocked confusion.

"What's going on, what's happening to you?"

He started to motion for her to come closer, and she began to move forward. He looked as if he were about to keel over. She put an arm on his shoulder, gently shaking him to get him to respond. Thoughts of trickery did not even cross her mind as she dropped on her knees besides him, her hand going to check his forehead. Then she heard Keis voice behind her. It wasn't the usual Kei, his voice sounded stern, slightly panicked. She looked back at him, he had an arrow pointed at the Sekerei's head. She looked to Kei, without moving from the Sekerei.

"Kei what's happening to him, he looks like he's sick."

She stood up from her spot.

"You can't just kill him, we came to recruit him, plus he's in no position to fight, it wouldn't be fair." She looked at him with pleading eyes willing him to calm down.

"Please Kei, I know what he did was not okay, but put your arrow down, please."

Kuro-Shiro's sad smile begun to fade away as he waited for death. His eyes opened slightly and then widened to see if he was seeing clearly. Mai she was trying to protect him from her sekirei, he blushed slightly. His heart began to burn more, the pain was unbearable. He yelled in pain clutching his chest. He fell to his side, the pain growing ever so worse.
Kei pulled the bow string tighter. He was ready to fire an arrow into Kuro-Shiro's head when he saw Mai's concerned face. He looked at the Rouge Sekerei clutch at his chest. "Damnit." Kei relaxed his grip and placed his arrow into his quiver. He walked over to Mai and placed his hand on her shoulder. "He's in pain cuz his power is eating him alive, he needs an Ashikabi."

Kei's grip got tighter on Mai's shoulder. "I know you, your gonna do the right thing. Just remember if you wing him and he crosses me I'll kill him." Kei pulled Mai into his body holding her tight then infront of Kuro-Shiro he kissed her. He pulled back and looked in Kuro-Shiro's eyes. "Remember she belongs to me, and you belong to her. Don't forget it."

Kei started walking out of the alley way. He wanted to give them some time, but it really pissed him of he was biting hid hand to keep from exploding. He made his way back to the flame user. He shot an arrow next to his head "Hey, I'm pissed off. So prepare to get hurt."

@CrimsonFang @Sasha Bliss @LoveandHate91 @Almalthia
Mai released a sigh of relief when Kei put down his bow, putting it back into its sheath. He walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. She did not realize that this would happen to Sekerei who did not have an Ashikabi. She looked between the two. His power was eating him alive? Kei's grip got tighter on Mai's shoulder and she could very well guess what was going to happen next. She had not known that for a Sekerei having an Ashikabi was life or death, that hardly seemed fair at all. To be forced to make a bond with someone or die. It was one thing to choose someone, and a whole other thing to be forced to choose someone.

Mai nodded at Kei's warning and gasped when she was pulled into his arms and held there tightly. Her eyes went wide when he kissed her right there in the midst of everything. She'd not quite gotten used to the intimacy of having a Sekerei yet. After all this time it still surprised her. When he let go she stood there for a second blinking and a little flustered, remembering the Sekerei behind her. Kei walked off and she could tell that he was pissed off. But according to him having an Ashikabi would save the man, so she would do it.

She cleared her throat and spoke to the man gently before leaning in.

"Are you sure you want this, it's not much of a choice, death being one of the options but you do have a choice."
Terra glanced back up as she put the arrow in the car not seeing anyone she leaned against it. Maybe she could get something off the arrow that would allow them to track the bowman, who apparently belonged to Mai. Seemed like a nice girl and she was a little miffed that the Sekirei had kidnapped her. Terra shook her head and grimaced knowing that she didn't have enough information on the situation at hand. She hated not knowing all the facts in any given situation, and the fact that it was her fault made her doubly mad. It was her fault since she hadn't really paid that much attention in the intro class that she'd had on the subject. Staring at the hot guy that was diagonal from her was her priority at the time. The guy had screamed authority in every line of his profile and he was good drawing material. She had sketched him more than once in her notebook.

Free running, karate, shooting and drawing were her thing and the art was her passion. Free running was just fun and karate and shooting were pushed on her by her father. Not that she minded. He believed a girl should take care of herself in the world without the need of a man. He'd seen too much of what had happened to her Aunt Erin to allow his little girl to be treated like that. Aunt Erin was on the third abusive relationship of her life. So yeah real happy memories there. Mom had passed away when she was too little to remember and her dad never remarried. He claimed mom had been the only one for him and that really no one else could have come close to putting up with him.

Terra heard the bowman snarl at someone and glanced up to see him royally pissed and taking it out on someone other than who really ticked him off. She slid the gun out of her back and readied it just in case. She wasn't stupid. She didn't want to take on a Sekirei but she wouldn't be picked off and leave Ry weakened and alone. Scanning the area she used the car as cover keeping on the lookout for hostile situations and just in case she needed to back Ry up.
Riken ripped himself off the arrows which Riken dosnt know what pissed him off more being pinned to a wall or the fact the arrows ruined his leather coat. Riken sprints off in the direction the others headed and after getting to the side of the building he sees all the people he was chasing. "Screw the rules and screw removing the mark." Fire forms in his hands and he makes a gigantic fire ball and hurls it down at the people with it going straight for bowman.

Ryyker makes a dagger and deflects the arrow going for his fun and follows after the people and among reaching a good vantage point which is a fire exit on a taller building he creates a silencer on his and looks down his scope aiming his sights on the Sekirei that kidnapper the girl he aims his gun at the Sekreis head and pulls the trigger and quickly moved his scope to the bowman who ruined his shot earlier fire at his chest. And then sees another guy on a building with fire on his hands and assumes he's a Sekirei too and fires at him.

Kuro-Shiro couldn't even tell what was going on. He saw the other Sekirei leaving still clutching his chest. Mai crouched down near him. She started to speak. It was as though no voice was coming out at all. All he could see before him was a goddess. He couldn't hold it in anymore. Pushing himself up with all his strength he stood on his knees. Reaching out he cupped her face with his hands, leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. As if on cue light sprung from around him, still in the kiss, electric winds forged out of his back in a blue light. They sparked and blew beautifully, they faded soon after. Once the light show was over, he looked into Mai's eyes with a small smile "By this pact may my Ashikabi's perils be electrified to bits" he said within a whisper, before passing out on the ground next to Mai.
Kei stood AR the ready facing the fire Sekerei he leaped and shot a fire ball in his direction. Kei was now the only thing standing between Mai and the now passed out Kuro-Shiro.

Kei dodged the fire ball while shooting two arrows at the airborne target. While he fired he was suddenly hit by a projectile. His left arm was grazed by something, most likely shot by that sniper earlier. Kei looked up and saw him aiming at Mai and Kuro-Shiro. Kei drew an arrow and fired hitting the bullet just so that it missed it's target. "That bastard. Fine you wanna see what I have to offer than fine."

With Mai's kiss from earliet still fresh, Kei closed his eyes his crest lit up he spoke his prayer under his breath. "May my sights be set on the goal of my Ashikabi." Kei opened his eyes and pulled out an arrow. He notched it and pulled back with all his might. "This is why I was selected as a member of the disciplinary squad you bastard." Kei released the arrow it left the bow traveling at high speed, heading straight for the sniper. "How about a few more." Kei's eyes widened as he sent a barrage of arrows at the snipers direction.
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The fire ball missed Kei and hits the ground and explodes sending fire at Mai and Kuro-Shiro. Riken does a back flip to avoid the arrows that were fired at him, he also avoids the shot fired from Ryyker with out realizing that the shot was fired for him. Riken then jumps into the air at Kei sending a flaming kick at Keis chest. "So your a former member of the disciplinary committee, well lucky you your about to fight a current member of the committee, I'm Sekirei number nine the Hell Fire Sekirei, who do I have the pleasure of defeating?"
@Sasha Bliss

Ryyker sees the barrage of arrows coming his way he so he creates a smg and shots all the arrows out of the sky, and then looks down his scope seeing that the arrow Sekirei was engaged with the fire Sekirei Ryyker looked for the electric Sekirei after finding him kissing the women Ryyker Sekirei said to save he aimed down at Kuro-Shiros leg to avoid hitting the girl and fired.
@Sasha Bliss
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