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The Pure and the Cursed

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Erinn blushed, not expecting the hug. She stuttered as she tried to explain to him that it wasn't actually her cooking. "I-it's no problem, I-I mean I just put some meat on some bread and added cheese... It's not really c-cooking." She squirmed a bit, embarrassed and flattered all at the same time. Her sandwich was still in one hand, only a single bite taken out of it.
Dazielle then let go and hopped back up to where he was on the counter and munched on his sandwich in a very childish way for fun. Angels did not really have a need for table manners. None of them were really offended by anything and they did not eat often. He watched the flustered girl out of corner of his eyes thinking about how cute she was. He knew that he should be careful and that Michael was probably watching him closely. He was in the home of a young human female. He was an angel not meant to interact with humans too much.
Erinn giggled at how messily he ate, a few crumbs surrounding his mouth. She finished her sandwich and swung her legs. "So, are angels allowed to tell humans they're angels? And can people see your wings? From what I've seen, I can assume no, but you never know what other people see unless they tell you. And even then, some people chalk it up to diseases and mental illnesses." She looked down at this, a bit of a sad look on her face.
He frowned lightly at her sadness. "We are not allowed to tell unless directness asked. No one can see our wings unless they are special," he said as if it was a blessing to different. He rubbed his crumbs off with his forearm the hopped down and pulled her chin up. "Do not get down," he said happily.
Erinn nodded. "Have you ever met another person who could see your wings? Besides me?" She was so curious. What if there were more like her? She wouldn't be called crazy then! She could make more friends! She could... The door unlocked. Her dad was home. She froze as the man walked into the kitchen, speechless as some man was holding his daughter's chin.
Dazielle quickly stood up and introduced himself to what he Assumed correctly to be erinn's father. He had no fear of any human knowing that his angel charm made any human like him when he used it which he did. It also makes people trust him immediately. "Your daughter is very kind, sir. She offered me a meal knowing I had no where else to go. Also would you mind if I stayed here for a while?" he asked questioned quickly with a bright teenish smile. His charm also made it near impossible for humans to say no when he asked a favor.
Erinn's father frowned before sighing. "You can sleep on the couch for now." With that he left to get into normal clothes. He still had some work to do still, so the two were left alone. Erinn let out a breath of relief as she looked back over at Dazielle.

"You never answered my question." She pointed out, sliding off of the counter to go sit on the couch. She curled up on it, enjoying the warmth and comfort it had brought her during dark days.
He followed her and answered her, "I have never. I just started hearing that people like you exist. It has been a more recent thing. There are more people like you though. Few. But you are not alone," he explained. By few he was thinking about the entire population of the world. Few was still a big number. He plopped down on the couch beside her.
"Oh... so people couldn't do this in the past?" Erinn asked, curious. "And you mentioned demons. They exist too?" She was nearly bouncing in her curiosity, green eyes nearly glowing with excitement. She had always been interested in the thought of angels, but it wasn't until now that she got to have her answers answered. Dazielle's wings looked so soft... she hadn't really gotten too feel them too well when he was holding her. Though, he had a strong and comforting grip...
"We are not sure if they could. It was just an era ago when started hearing about them. And demons do exist," he said with smile for his eyes where stuck on hers and her smile. She was a quite adorable human being to him. He wanted to pick her up and nuzzle wher over and over, but he knew he was not allowed contact with humans like that.
Erinn nodded. "What are demons like? Are they like that little boy earlier? Or are they angels that didn't follow God?" She was just full of questions as she waited for answers. Her dad came out with a paper in his hand.

"Erinn, could you go out and get some things for me?" He asked, handing her a list of groceries that they needed. Erinn nodded and grabbed the list. She watched as her father went back into his room.
Dazielle was just about to answer her when her father appeared. It was an unspoken agreement that her father should not know Dazielle is an angel. He watched as the adult male human have her a list. He was very curious on the way humans now hunting and gathering worked. It was now called shopping from what her knew. Also, it did not require hunting, but it did require some gathering.

He looked at and smiled brightly. "I am coming with you!" he said almost excitedly. His eyes beamed like a child about to go see something new. He had been cooped up in heaven forced to just watch the spirits for so long it was a treat to him to see all the things he read about.
Erinn nodded as she grabbed the keys to her apartment and put her shoes on. "Then, let's get going! You can answer my question while we're walking before you were interrupted." She left the apartment and walked toward the stairs. After she left the apartment she started toward the small grocery store near her house. It was convenient and she only needed to get a couple of things anyway.
He followed her out and as they got away from the apartment he began to explain. He said, "Both. Well, not that did not follow God, but more rebelled. They have their own sort of hierarchy I believe. The ones like the little boy are only scary to humans and can sometimes be saved even. There are much worse cases." He walked close to her and eyes around the roads looking for spirits. He also watched the people. They really interested him. They all carried different expression some looking sad and overs joyful. It was intriguing to him.
"Alright... so is this boring compared to Heaven?" Erinn asked, curious. A few whispers started to follow them. People from her apartment building, kids from her school, even a few older people whispered about her talking to herself, whether it was calling her crazy, pitying her, or pitying the angel she was with. The girl seemed to try and ignore the whispers, though they hurt her deeply. She quickly entered the grocery store, grabbing a cart to hold the things her father needed her to get. She glanced down at the list before pushing off and looking down the aisles.
Dazielle chuckled and shook his head. "It is actually the opposite," he admitted. He had not been planning to come to Earth and would have liked to have had more of a notice before coming down. In the end, he was glad to be down for the first time in a few eras. He looked around as they walked began to notice the way people whispered about her. When they got in the store, he saw no difference. He felt her negative emotions though he was not high enough in rank to be able to read human thoughts or tell specific emotions. He found himself wide-eyed next at all the goods in the store. He threw up his arms and said, "This place is amazing!"
Erinn giggled at his enthusiasm. "It's just a grocery store. There are millions of these all over the world." She grabbed some cereal off of the shelf before moving to the meats section. "I would think Heaven would be a whole lot more fun than Earth." She looked through the meats and picked up some hamburger for tacos. "How is Earth less boring than Heaven?" She glanced up at Dazielle, curious.
Dazielle rushed over to a shelf and looked around at it amazed. "Well, heaven is not boring. While you are there you are at peace and content with everything. Nothing exciting happens really," he explained as he looked around then. Heaven was not bad at all, but this was even better than he remembered. He had missed being around humans and human things. /they were so interesting. It reminded him why he wanted to become an archangel so bad.

((sorry. i thought i had replied.))
((It's fine.))

"I guess I can sort of understand..." Erinn shrugged before picking up a few more items. "Could you please stay close to me?" She didn't want him running off and getting in trouble with someone who may not be as nice as her. A few ghosts floated by and Erinn nodded to them. She got a few weird looks since most people had heard of her. She was quite infamous around the area.
Dazielle rushed back over to her then after the ghost. "See ya," he said and winked. Then his expression went to a serious one as he went after the ghost. He followed behind them and looked them over. No one could tell that his behavior was off. He seemed like he was just in a hurry to get somewhere. He looked over the ghosts and noticed two of their times had ended. They were to move on a while ago.
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