The prince

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"Well,isn't all composers?" He laughed.
"We are going to see him tonight." He mumbled.
Daniel widened his eyes. "That sounds amazing."
"I thought you said he was crazy." He scoffed.
"Crazy people make good.... art, music, writings."
"Would you consider yourself crazy that you fell in love with a man?" He asked.
"I would consider myself lucky." Daniel smiled.
" Not at all. Should it?" He asked.
"I've been told it is..." He murmured, with a sad face on his look.
"It's not." Daniel pulled Charles into his lap. "Not at all."
Charles blushed immensely as he sat down on his lap.
"Well,that's good to know."
"Mhm. I would have to say so." Daniel nodded and smiled.
"Now hurry up, we have to go. Apparently we are reserved." He sighed.
Daniel gently pushed the other off of him and popped a few grapes in his mouth. "Let's go!"
Charles fell to the ground,getting up quickly and holding his arm.
"Well,not that quick!"
"I'm sorry!" He sighed and kissed Charles as an apology.
Soon,after a quick trip in the carriage they were there.
Charles let go of his hand and walked out.
Daniel took in the opera house. It was large and grand. He followed Charles inside.
"I guess we have seats on the balcony up there." He smiled as he pointed.
"It's private," he smiled again.
Daniel looked up. "Then let's find the stairs!"
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