The planetary nexus: an rare ultraterrestrial phenomenon

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York shook his head clipping the weapon he was holding onto his back as Jane did the same, drawing his sword, he gets himself ready for battle while Jane just raised her hands herself... They were both ready to combine their attacks if it was needed, but York on the other hand knew he needed to keep his cool this time around, dark energy isn't such a good thing to mess around with, especially with the graveminds presense here now, it only makes it stronger when it's used against it.

Start at 1:44


From behind Prince, York, and Jane, a huge creature that was bigger than ALL the buildings rose up and let out a massive roar. the roar was so powerful that some of the building collapsed due to it's winds and the sound wavess of it roar.....

"WHOA!!!!!!! WHAT IS THAT THING!!!!?!?!?!?!?!" Prince shouted as he shielded himself from the winds of the creature's roar.
((I still think Black Dragon Kalameet is better but meh))
York instantly turned around and looked at Jane, both of the making eye contact for a split second and nodding before York sheathed his sword and joined hands with Janes.... Then they both disappeared in a flash of blue and pink light before that too disappeared, a slight breeze could be felt along with the follow-up sound of another sonic boom as they did so.
(try saying that when you play demon souls. who's Black Dragon Kalameet? nevermind, I remember now. That dragon is too small. also that sonic boom thing won't work.)

Prince watches York and Kane do their thing. If that doesn't work he'll have go at it.
(It's indicating that they've increased theyr speed to the point where it's gone past light and sound... A more realistic take to that dragonballZ thing where they move faster than light, also, Black Dragon kalameet is a dark souls enemy, happens to be one of the hardest yet if you're trying to cut off his tail)

Suddenly York and Jane appeared again with thier free hands raised up together, purple energy started to gather in the middle of the two hands growing steadily bigger faster and faster... Then a large beam of energy with the same color began to travel towards the beast twice, or even three times the size of a beam either one of them usually would have fired on their own.
( i kind of figured that since it has that DBZ feel to it. XD but that dragon you saw in the vid is 1000 times bigger than that. plus have to hit him in his weak point, which is very small.)

Prince sheathed his Yin and Yang Katanas and tighten his fists....
(however, keep in mind demons souls has at the most magic attacks :P and even the strongest stone scales can be pierced with enough power)
York and Jane disappeared into the air again unjoining their hands creating another "dual" sonic boom, both of their energies combined during an attack allowed for alot more power to be put out now before they both wore out.
Prince noticed something shining on the underneath the dragon's chin. It was white and looking like it something that might be the dragon's main power.......
An orange beam of light seemed to center on the under-side of the dragons chin as soon as it was exposed, evidently, Jane had managed to find a safe spot to fire at the dragon from... Then in less than a second, the sound of multiple ionized hard light particles was heard as an large orange beam was fired from the rifle traveling towards that spot at the speed of light. York still seemed to have disappeared while all this was happening.
(I'll let you do the dragon's reaction to your attacks)

A slight thunder was heard in the distance and wind slowly began to pick up while Prince stands there watching as he tighten his fists.....
The dragon was blown back by the inpact of the shot, in most cases, it would have completely incinerated a normal sized foe but it was fairly obvious it would take more than that... As if out of nowhere just then York appeared underneath the dragon with his blade drawn, it was glowing a bright neon blue color as he stabbed into that very same spot Jane had hit with it.
After watching the Dragon roaring from the hit and getting ready to take a stomp on York for stabbing it from behind him, Prince began to breath heavily as thunder clouds began to gather up. The clouds swallowed up the pale blue skies making this whole scene darker than it really was. Thunder roared even louder as lightning danced around in the dark clouds and out along with the winds that was suddenly beginning to pick up.............
York closed his eyes as he broke free of the dragon and made a couple of slashes in the air letting fly two waves of energy heading towards the dragon in an attempt to distract it... Jane fired two more times at the creatures weak spot before she had to reload, her weapon was strong but didn't have much in the way of ammunition capacity.
Prince raised one of his hands as the light danced viciously through the clouds and finally after a split second, a beam of lightning struck him. He grunted a little bit when he grasped the lightning but he knew he draw more since this dragon is making this hard for York and Jane at the moment. Rasing his left hand, another lightning beam struck him and began to absorb the energy. The lightning beams grew thicker and thicker and it was putting a MAJOR strain on Prince's body, but he kept on going as the lightning beams grew even more thicker as he continues to absorb it's power energy...........
The dragon was slowed down, but it seemed Prince wasn't in such a good shape from the process... York took this as an opportunity, signalling Jane quietly, he sheathed his sword almost at the same time as she put her weapon on her back having loaded it successfully and they ran towards each other linking hands again. "Ready?" York asked, Jane just nodded and they both raised their free hands, a large purple orb gathering between them growing in size rapidly soon enough almost as large as the dragon's head, this would drain a little more energy than normal but it should finish off the dragon. They waited until the dragon's chin spot was exposed again before a large purple beam of energy shot out from the orb traveling towards the dragon as fast as light itself... It was almost twice the size of the previous one.
"NO, NOT YET YOU TWO!!!!!!!!!!" Prince shouted at York and Jane as he continued to absorb the lightning. He continued to absorb the lightning until the beams connected to make one huge beam that continued to struck him. Prince knew if they were to have ANY chance of defeating this massive Dragon for good, York and Jane MUST allow Prince to continue what he is doing. The lighning beam grew even thicker as Prince continued to absorb the lighning. "Almost.... there. Just wait you two...." Prince thought to himself.
"Damn..." York thought closing his eyes, this was a risky move, but even ionized particles can be stopped with the right amount of effort. Using his telekinesis, he managed to gather up the energy beam into a large purple ball which he carried back to his and Jane's position... They combined power held the energy in place for the time being.
Within a second later, the lightning beam grew enormous, so enormous that it destoryed the whole building that Prince was standing which forced Prince float while absorbing that much energy. He eyes was glowing with lighning crackling out of the corners his eyes. He was so juiced up with the lightning's energy that he looked like a lightning bolt and finally he made his move. "YORK AND JANE, MOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!!!!!!" Prince pointed his both his hands right at the dragon......
Jane and Yorks eyes lit up the same time, her's a neon pink color, his, a neon blue... They both directed the massive energy ball which they were holding back towards the dragon once more, the combined wad of energy was more than enough to defeat the dragon.
Prince fired a long continuous massive lightning beam at the Dragon that caused it to roar extremely loud. The lightning travel inside and out from the dragon parlyzing any movement which that will keep it from dodging Jane and York's attack. Prince continued to keep the beam going long enough for their last final blow......