The planetary nexus: an rare ultraterrestrial phenomenon

"Fine... Just a little stuffy." York said calmly, meanwhile Jane was just standing there closing her eyes for a moment... If she remembered correctly, York had tapped into his dark energy using his anger, but then managed to gain control of it with her help, though she wasn't about to risk tapping into dark energy herself; she may lost control. There should be another way though, perhaps a way to link their souls? If you could call it that anyways...
"Well it's a small body, but it should be lighter than your old body." Prince said as he was adjusting to York's body.
York just nodded, or at least as much as he could in Princes body meanwhile Jane approached it "Hey York.. Would you mind if you helped me try something?" she asked "Sure... What is it?" York asked mentally. "I wanted to see if we could try combining our consciousnesses, temporarily... Perhaps share a little information with me?" York nodded, proceeding to "flow" into Janes body, their consciousnesses linking for the time being, they started exchanging mental information.
Prince in york's body began to stretch alittle while he waits.
Jane stood still for a while before she closed her eyes, just then a red aura appeared around her, glowing brighter for a moment before gold light enveloped her and when the light finally cleared, her hair was now a bright, golden color. Jane seemed to speak, this time sounding like York and Jane was doing so at the same time "Prince, just do what you were planning on doing... We're both safe in this body as is." she said.
"Then you might want to take cover, also be careful with my body. One false move and you could accidentally perform a dangerous power that I have." Prince said.
"Your body is literally a vegetable... Unless you want me to mess around with it some more." Jane said, York was still in her body, then Jane backed away a bit, standing what seemed to be a safe distance from Prince, incase it wasn't, she could always shield herself.
"well leaving my body is not helping it much....." Prince said getting ready to begin what he was about to do.
Jane sighed with York simultanously "We've got your body covered, don't sweat it." she said, taking note of the distance between her and Princes currently idle body.
Jane just stood there, waiting to see what else would happen, uncertain what was supposed to be going on.

Without warning, a burst of power and energy come out from York's body. Debris flew in all different directions. Heavy winds was blowing vigorously in response the sudden power increase. A strangle looking color aura surrounds York's body with Prince's Spirit inside....................
(Err... Problem here, York doesn't function like a supersaiyan :P hybrids are an entire different species gaining power increases in another way... The "unleashed" form is their prime, the only way to ascend past that would be to combine bodies with another... Each individual hybrid has their own seperately colored aura when they reach this form than what it normally is._