The Outbreak Nation: Zombie Apocalypse

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Their house came into DeRoo's view now, a mere 70 Meters away. As he neared, he could see that it's windows were dark, yet intact. He took it as a promising sign, but knew he couldn't allow himself any comfort until he knew his Wife was safe. His back touched against the back wall of their house, his eyes sweeping across the yard from which he came. "Good. No followers." He though to himself. Pushing off of the wall, he slowly crept up to the corner, knowing the side door of the house lay just around it. He'd barely taken three steps when he froze, a dry, almost scratch-like sound ringing within his ears. Along with it, he could also hear an animalistic-growling. Nothing Human like. Alive, or otherwise. No. This was different.
Inching closer, he took a small risk, and craned his head around the corner, bringing the sources of the sounds into partial view, but it was enough. Of course. It was the neighbor's pets, all three of them obviously infected from the large sections of shredded, bleeding flesh along their blood-soaked coats of fur. He let out a disgruntled huff of air through his nose as he thought "Wonderful. Just fuckin' wonderful. This shit ain't just hittin' Humans." Knowing the three canines would be more than a handful in close-quarters. He reeled his head back, quickly mapping out his actions to come before pushing himself off of the wall, and around the corner, his left hand already rose to his right shoulder, and gripped one of the three Silver Wing throwing blades mounted there. The dogs instantly spotted him, no longer concerned with the smell of food which escaped the house. In the same moment, they bolted for him, just as he'd expected.
His hand struck out, the wrist canting, and fingers releasing in perfect harmony, sending the blade forth. It struck the lead Canine, sinking into the muscle beside it's left fore-leg. The beast cried out, and crumpled as his kin darted past. The second jumped for DeRoo as soon as it was close enough, but it's snarling, hungry mouth met only the heavy, razor-sharp blade of his Kukri, the curved metal cleaving through the creature's skull, ending it's life in an instant. The right-armed counter-attack left DeRoo's other arm to be a tempting target. The last dog pounced, his teeth meeting their mark. To the furry being's dissapointment, however, they'd not come close to piecing his skin. The Kevlar weave within his vest's deltoid padding guarded against such an attack. The vice on his arm was no-less enjoyable though, prompting the Soldier to bring his blade back, and sink it into his attacker's mid-section. With a twist, the blade was angled into the animal's heart, and the grip upon his arm was released.
His Kukri was withdrawn from the dead animal, as DeRoo shrugged it off, and walked foreward, bowing to pull his throwing blade from the first animal, a quick stab ot the skull ensuring it wasn't going to prey on anything else. Walking towards his door now, he wiped the blood of each blade onto the padding of his sleeves, and sheathing the ranged weapon of the two knives. With a brief pause, he reached beneath his shirt, and gripped his dogtags, bringing out the key that was attached to it, then unlocking his door and stepping inside.
With the door shut and locked behind him, he quickly cleared each room of the house, his blade raised, and crossed across his torso. He took in a breath, and the hint of a smile crept across his lips "S'ketti O's.." She was here. Or had been. No. She was here. He felt it. Moving into the bathroom, he collapsed as he spotted her, sheathing his blade, and tearing off his helmet, goggles, and mask, and gloves. Reaching into the tub, he picked her up, and hugged her close to him, hearing her breathing, and feeling her pulse. Should he have checked for each prior to picking her up? Definetly. Was he concerned with such a thing? Of course not. His lips pressed against the nape of her neck, whisepering as he lightly kissed her "Com'on Hun.. Nap time's over. Ya can't sleep forever.. Wake up honey.."
The nightmares ensued and after a while there was a fit of squeaks and fidgeting before all quieted down and her sleep ended when she felt familiar arms and heard the quiet coax of a missed voice. "Robert?" She opens her eyes wide and stares in an awkward and uncomfortable stare. "Are you... I am sleeping.. This is one of those Lucid dreams?" Caitlín gets a wide smile and begins rambling about things going back to normal and all the dogs outside to be gone and then it went into random and almost incoherent babbling until she began daydreaming and smiling. "Puppies... Imma name you, Nickolai." She stares and her eyes are bubbly and glassy from near dehydration.
Kate slowed to a stop in front of the house. She turned around. "How is she?"
She seemed fine to him, "She's breathing, and her pulse seems fine, I'm holding on to her just in case something happens and she attacks, I think I'm immuned to all this so I want to make sure and protect yall if yall aren't." he said to Kate. He looked down at her, moving her hair to the side, she seemed like she wasn't going to change into one of them, but he wasn't going to take any chances.
~Flash back: Ella was just a little girl back then, and found herself straped down on a table in a room with no windows. She tried to escape but it was no use, she started to panic and tried calling her parents, but the walls were sound proof. ' The way this room looks is like a scene from a scary movie' Ella thought. When she looked around the room there was notes scattered all over the place, hanging on the wall, on the desk and on the floor. Most of them were labeled under the name of 'super soilder drug'. There was scientific bottles filled with fluids that were unknown to her, needles, and there was even a few things that Ella was too young to understand what they were. "How did i get in here?" she said in a paniced voice. When her father walked in she was relived. "Daddy can you please help me?! un-buckle me, im scared." "I'm sorry Ella but i have to test something first, i was hoping you wouldn't wake up so it would be less painful" he said while grabbing a needle filled with the unknown fluid. This made Ella afraid of her own father. "Dad what are you doing! What's going to be painful?" she screamed. He grabed her frail little arm and stuck the needle into one of the veins in her arm as she screamed in pain.~Ella sat up quickly and felt the need to start crying, but she felt the sharp pain from the cut at the back of her head. She started to hold head head when the throbbing started to spread. When she looked around she saw actual living people, she hasn't seen any living people in awhile...or at least she think she hasn't, but this made her feel relieved. "How did i get here?, and who are you?" she asked.
Kate noticed the girl wake up and climbed into the back of the van, sitting against the driver's seat. "I'm Kate, That's Clu, Sinclair is here in the passenger seat, and Lorenzo is... ummm..." She looked around.." I'm not exactly sure actually. Anyway, you looked hurt and you collapsed on the sidewalk, so we picked you up. Are you ok?"
Clu smiled as she woke up and Kate introduced everyone. "I'm Clu, Sergent Major Clu Fix, United Kingdom Army in Manchester, we saw you on the road, well Kate did and we picked you up and I layed back here with you to keep you safe and just in case you changed I would be the one to get attacked first and not the others because for some reason I'm immuned to the infected and have no clue how that happend." A sharp pain shot to his shoulder and his arm, "MMMM.." he squinced his eyes and smile once more, "So what's your name and what are you doing on the side of the road?" Clu asked.
Chuckled at his wife's rather non-sensical response. While such a thing might be a cause for concern with anyone else, for Caitlin, Robert knew that it was rather close to her level of normalcy. He then turned around, her still in his arms, and left the bathroom, ensuring the lop-sided, incorrectly worn beret atop her head hadn't fallen during their trip through the house, to the spare room. Setting her gently upon the bed, he quickly discarded a bulk of the gear he was wearing. Pulling his hydration bladder off of his Assault Pack's rigging, he set it beside Caitlin, and opened the water nozzle, saying
"Drink up, hun. We ain't stayin' here, and I don't need you faintin' on our way to the Hangar. We're meeting V there. I'm not sure how many others have survived. But for those that did, they're probably headin' here now. Them, and an ass-ton of infected. Nothin' like a flare to bring in all sorts of results."
As he spoke, and awaited her response, he set himself to switching out his uniform. The ACU, or, Army Combat Uniform that he'd been wearing for his Night Watch duties would do him few favors in the situation he now found himself. He was lucky to have left his old Interceptor Body Armor in his locker at the Hangar, but it was old for a reason, and didn't even have any plates in it.
We worked quickly, swapping his small items and gear over to his Multi-cam "Combat" Uniform. It fit better, literally hugged his skin, and had inter-woven protective pads over his joints, elbows, and knees. Within a couple minutes, he'd prepaired everything, and had it ready to move out. His hand rose to his left ear, ensuring the barely-visible bud, and it's cord, were still in their place. He didn't need his Codec yet, but couldn't afford to be without, for what might come.
He wanted to give Caitlin his lighter, smaller Flight Armor, feeling some protecion for her owuld be better than none, should anyhting happen to him, but he knew she'd likely refuse. She wasn't big on his armor, moreso, it's bulk, and the weight that came with it. Sitting next to her on the bed, and kissing her forehead, he said "You're gonna have to take that jacket off. You can't run the risk of it's baggy sleeves catchin' on somethin'."
After being moved and set on the edge of a bed, Caitlín picked up the pouch and began drinking as she stared at Robert for the longest time with wide and nearly shocked surprise in her eyes. After finishing, she sets the bag down and watches him get dressed, slowly changing out of the big baggy jacket and into the smaller flight jacket she was given. "This isn't a dream? You are here? Not....." She raises her arms and rises from the bed as she slowly creeps to Robert then bites his arm. She stares up at him and speaks, muffled, "Piranha..."

After coming to her senses, she starts crying and collapses on the bed with a sheet over her as she created a cocoon. "I thought you were gone and I was gonna be here by myself and diiiieeee here. By myself.. And I thought after I shot that zombie in the face with a flare, It would go out or make its head light up but noooo... it went into the sky and exploded and I thought a bunch of zombies were going eat my house with me in it and then I wasn't going to be able to eat my last can of Spaghetti O's!!!!" She said the last bit like it was end of the world and all of existence as we knew it.

After her rant, she pops up and stares at Robert before launching herself at him and clinging on like a Koala not to let go.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine, other than this huge cut in my head. It's making my head throb so much." She told them.
"So what's your name and what are you doing on the side of the road?"
"My name's Ella, and i was heading towards the place where i saw a flare that shoot up into the sky. I guess because i didn't want to be alone anymore, and when i saw that i knew that somebody was alive. To be honest i can't remember anything that happened these past few days. All i remember was getting off the plane from Japan to visit my father in Manchester, and being woken up by the sound of the flare being shot. So that's when i started walking and i guess that how i ended up on the side of the road"

Ella was wondering why she came to visit her father, even though her mother told her never to. She once told her that her father was a terrible person, but she never told her why. But Ella never listened to her mother, Ella and her father have been keeping in contact for a long time. Then one day her father finally convinced her to come visit, since she was an adult now she could do what ever she wanted. But it was something she regreted terribly, this whole thing of humans turning into zombies was incomprehensible to her.
Kate watched the girl, then came up with a plan. "Clu, you stay here with her. She's not in the best of shape, and I'm sure whoever in there is perfectly safe. I'm going to go in and find who I can." She picked up her M16 and opened the door, stretching as she got out and scanned the area, ready to go in.
((Inati had to leave the RP so Sinclaire is now out of the RP.))

They departed from the truck, "Good! Maybe this time I can finally be in peice and not being attacked 24/7!" he exclaimed as the ran away. He looked down at Ella, he opened his arms, "You want up or do you want to lay their for a little longer?" he said with a gentle tone and smiled. She was beautiful and was hoping she was ok. "So why where you in Japan, if you don't mind me asking?" he asked, he had his gun in his hand just incase something went wrong and they where attacked.
((Thanks for letting me know =D I'm sad she had to leave though..D=))

Kate nodded and went up to the door and opened it slowly. "Hello? I don't mean to be rude or anything.." She was cut off as an infected ran towards the door. She fired a couple of shots and closed the door as the infected dropped to the ground. "Anyone home?" she said, fear edging out of her voice.
"You want up or do you want to lay there for a little longer?"
"I really don't feel like moving right now, i'm afraid if i do the pain would get i'm fine" She told him.
"So why where you in Japan, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Actually i live in Japan, i moved there when i was 6, after my parents had a divorce. i just came here to visit my father. And what did you me by you being immune to the infected? How can that be possible?"
For Ella it seemed like she heard that before but she couldn't remember who told her, or where she heard it. But she knew that it was something important.
Kate started wondering around the house. The lights where on, but everything seemed to be out of place, and she felt as if someone was in there with her..."Hello?" Her voice echoed around the house.
Robert laughed at his wife's rambling, gently flicking her nose as she playfully bit his arm. "No. Not piranna. Tighten up now. Play time's over hun." He'd just shuffled into his bulky Improved Outer Tactical Vest when the door slowly creaked open, followed by the voice of the intruder.

It struck the soldier instantly, body and mind alike snapping into a well-oiled battle drill. In one fluid movement, his PF-Mod M4 was in his arms, it's barrel trained on the doorway to the room they were both in, which was furthest into the house. His grip hand parted from the rifle just long enough to signal for his wife to keep quiet, as he side-stepped closer to the bed, which was off-set away from the doorway. Anyone looking in would not be able to see the couple until they'd practically entered.

Knowing the intruder was growing closer, his own voice rose to break the brief silence, responding with "This is U.S. Army Staff Sergeant DeRoo. My wife and I live in this house. Do not approach the last doorway. What is it that you want?"

In times such as this, SSG DeRoo's natural paranoia, life expieriances, and survival instincts threatened to summon needless conflict.. But he'd always listen to them. He knew better than most that as friendly as someone might appear, at any moment they could turn on him, to get what he might have. Wether it was he was in a land of sand and hatred, fighting for his country, or -in- his country, simply fighting for his life, he knew it could happen.

(((EDIT: I don't mean to throw a protagitory wrench into the RP here, but neither of us so much as hinted that our house might have Two stories, so we're uncertain as to where that came from. And the whole emerging from the shadows thing? Impractical, and a tad god-moddish. I had to dig back a page to just find Shadow's last post. At first sight, I thought someone new might've entered along with us. I'm not trying to be the RP-Nazi, nor have I been involved long enough to do so, but my point remains. )))
"Don't worry Kate, the only one in here at the moment is me," Lorenzo said. Stepping out of the shadows, Lorenzo quickly pulled his katana and said, "Stay on your guard. They are on the floor above us."
Kate froze as she heard the voice ahead. "Hey, we mean no harm. We're other survivors, we wanted to know if you all are ok. Please come out." She looked at Lorenzo and motioned for him to lower his guard.
"You want up or do you want to lay there for a little longer?"
"I really don't feel like moving right now, i'm afraid if i do the pain would get i'm fine" She told him.
"So why where you in Japan, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Actually i live in Japan, i moved there when i was 6, after my parents had a divorce. i just came here to visit my father. And what did you me by you being immune to the infected? How can that be possible?"
For Ella it seemed like she heard that before but she couldn't remember who told her, or where she heard it. But she knew that it was something important.

Clu looked down at her as she rested on him, "Well I've been attacked by the infected and been scratched, carried and had their claws dug into me and flew in the sky and fall over 20 feet and still be alive which shouldn't be possible but who knows. When I first found out about this, I woke up in a military hospital, with my arm and shoulder wrapped up, but for some reason I must be a immuned to all this and I have no clue how that is possible, but it is." Clu said looking up at the sky and then down at her, "I've been to Japan, it's beautiful their, I lived in Tokyo for a couple of years but that was it. I wonder if it's...ah nevermind I shouldn't speak of something like that. Let's change the subject. You feeling ok? What hurts?" He asked her with a concern tone. "Don't worry I'm not the type to flirt or say something like that too feel up on you, I promise." he said while blushing for some reason he had no clue why.

((And Hoss, it's cool but Lorenzo is a trained "Spy" or "Assassin" in this RP, so emerging from the shadows is kinda possible, like the spec ops in the military, but if he does more of that, it will have to change we need people who stays to this RP often, and Ok they should find out that it is 2 stories, they should be in the house right now. Oh and point has been taken into consideration.))
Kate took a step forward, only and arms length away from the door, and lied her gun in front of the doorway. "See, we're friendly. I'm Kate, Lorenzo is with me. Clu and Ella are in the truck we have parked outside. We have bottled water, granola bars, and weapons. Are you in need of anything? Assistance, medical care, anything?" She sat on the floor, prepared for a pretty long conversation.
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