The Ninth Age of Aerath: Magic Returns (An Original Medieval Fantasy Adventure, See Inside for Details)

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The One True Pibbles
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Mood Music




Welcome everyone, to Aerath; the land of Myths and Adventure. But sadly; no magic. Not since the Magistar's War all those years ago... But I'm getting a little ahead of myself. First; the basics!

- This RP is an action-adventure story set in a Fantasy world. Each player will be taking on the role of a character and resident of Aerath enlisted by the highest authority in the land, The Alliance, to provide aid to various citizens far away from the war-effort who need help. Your characters can come from all walks of life; nobles, peasants, law-keepers, law-breakers, warriors, vagabonds, etc.

- There are ten (10) races to choose from for your character; Elari (E-Lar-E), Arcanus (Are-Cane-Us), Csho (Chew-So), Nyrith (Nuh-Eye-Rith), Syplt (Si-Pull-T), Aursaur (Er-Sore), Viaiy (Vee-Ai-Yee), Rusuupt (Roo-Ss-Oo-New-Pt), Dallir (Doll-Ear), and Frudun (Fr-Oo-Doo-N). Each race has their own unique backstory in regards to the world's history and they all have their own unique ways of life and beliefs, which I'll go more into detail later on.

- Within the vast history of the world, magic as we know it no longer exists. This was the result of a cataclysmic event known as "The Magistars War". The entirety of Aerath fought against a council of wizards and witches driven mad by an otherworldly power, but in the end, the only way to save the world was to destroy the coveted Omnistone; the ancient source of all magic in the realm. By destroying the stone, they rendered the threat neutralized, but many magic-users fighting for the side of good also lost the ability to use their abilities. As a result, the kingdoms had to invest in new technologies, alchemy, and science to make up for the traumatic loss. To this day, the end of the war is remembered as "Odin's Day" (named after King Odin of Hralaria, who gave his life to destroy the Omnistone).

- The focus of the RP will be on establishing a group of heroes who set out to help the citizens of Aerath as best as they can in the strenuous period of war, but along the way, things will get more complicated as the title suggests. To keep it simple; expect the unexpected.

Anyways, with all that out of the way; let's talk a little bit about the type of characters you could play!

Elari - The dominant race of Aerath, the Elari are humble and wise, though they are commonly also found to be arrogant and rash. They have settled most of Aerath (as their needs for a habitat aren't as 'specific' compared to other civilized races) and control three of the Twelve Kingdoms that make up the land, while the other free-peoples each control one. Elari are 'jacks-of-all-trades' and don't exactly have a set function apart from making up a majority of Aerath's civilized population. The Elari believe in the goddess 'Maersia' (May-Rr-Ss-Ah), who is a living embodiment of the Moon. It is said that when Elari die, the goddess measures all of the good deeds against the bad deeds in a person's life to see if they can enter 'Ros' (Heaven). If the scale tips in favor of the bad deeds, they are cast down to the first of the Nine Hells and will remain in eternal punishment until they can reach the Ninth level, at which point they have atoned for their sins and are welcomed into Ros. ((for reference; Elari are this world's version of Humans/Elves, hence their somewhat 'blandness')).

Arcanus - Fierce and noble warriors, Arcanus are known to primarily dwell in the central region of Aerath, though many have taken up residence in the colder climates to the North. Arcanus are humanoid-wolf-like beings with enhanced senses, powerful muscles, and unwavering morals. Arcanus live in packs like their canine ancestors and live to serve their goddess, the 'Rutialsi' (Roo-Tal-Ee-See); The Huntress. Above all else, Arcanus who follow Rutialsi's guidance believe in the preservation of life, but if a life must be taken, then it is their responsibility to act accordingly and to respect each kill (this applies to animals and sentient races alike, as all quarry are equal in the eyes of Rutialsi). Arcanus do not believe in a Heaven or Hell, but in reincarnation, as they recognize they will eventually become part of the circle of life that nature requires in order to survive.

Csho - Sharp clawed and short-tempered, Csho are reptilian-like creatures that dwell primarily in the more temperate regions of Aerath such as the vast deserts to the South of the continent, but some have been known to live in slightly milder climates alongside the other free-peoples. Csho are cold-blooded by nature and have a harder time adjusting to colder climates as a result. They have four rows of razor-sharp teeth, claws sharp enough to cut through more malleable metals, and powerful tails that they can use to knock back their foes. In ancient times, the Csho were feared by the other races of Aerath for their sheer ferocity and war-mongering ways, but since then they have learned to live alongside the other races, though not without difficulties from time to time. Csho don't have a set-religion, but believe that similar to the Elari's goddess, something awaits to judge their deeds at the end of their lives, though it isn't good/bad deeds; instead, it relies on trophies and amassed wealth. Csho are warriors first and foremost and keep a trophy of almost all of their quarry, which will eventually be judged by an unknown being. If it is enough, they will be allowed to die nobly and ascend to 'The Final Battle' (a version of Heaven engaged in a non-stop war), but if not, then they will be forever shamed and cease to exist, destined to be forgotten by their kin.

Nyrith - Sly, cunning, and beautiful, Nyrith are believed to be the most desirable of all the free-peoples of Aerath. Like their Elari cousins, Nyrith live wherever they wish and are actually the second-most populous of the free-peoples in all of Aerath. Though they are both descended from the same liniage, what separates the Nyrith from their pale-skinned brothers and sisters are their long horns, devil-like tails, and skin that ranges between hues of blue and purple; genetic mutations that have turned out to be more beneficial than naught. Most predominantly though up until the destruction of the Omnistone was the Nyrith's unique ability to channel magic energies easier than any of the other free-peoples of Aerath. In fact, the wizards/witches who started the Magistars War were all Nyrith, which has left many to believe that the people of the species had ulterior motives behind learning the mystic arts; a tragic fact they have since been unable to live down in the hundreds of years since the conflict ended. But even without magic, the Nyrith are expert survivalists and have created vast opportunities for themselves and the other free-peoples. They too follow the Order of Maersia.

Syplt - Graceful and mighty as the sea, Syplt are no doubt among the most revered of the free-peoples. Known for their gentle nature, blue scaly skin, webbed hands/feet, and their gills, Syplt are the only of the free-peoples who do not dwell on the continent of Aerath. Instead, they choose to live in aquatic environments such as the oceans surrounding the continent or any of the numerous lakes and larger bodies of water spread across the region. Like the Dallir, the Syplt are known for their advanced manner of building and have constructed incredible underwater cities that any number of land-dwellers would give their last breath to see first-hand. Despite the biological disadvantage given to them by nature of being aquatic, the Syplt have found numerous ways to survive while on-land that would also allow visitors from Aerath to visit their homes without requiring air. Be it with potions or simple apparatus' that allow one to stay hydrated on land, the Syplt are miraculously talented in finding ways to stay out of the water for long periods. However, the Syplt are pacifists by nature and choose not to engage in most conflicts that plague the rest of Aerath (including a controversial decision to not assist in the Magistar's War). They pray to their god, 'Sequentis' (Sea-Qu-When-Ti-Ss), who values peace of mind and patience above all others. They believe that true enlightenment can be found through inaction, but their religion also doesn't discourage those who seek to follow their hearts and do as they see fit. It just means that they will take longer to find enlightenment.

Aursaur - Strong and revered, Aursaur are among the oldest races to inhabit Aerath, second only to the Russupt. Primarily living in the frozen tundra and mountains to the North of the continent, Aursaur have been acclimatized to living in harsher environments, though there are many who live in caves throughout the continent. Known for being honorable and noble warriors like the Arcanus, the Aursaur are the self-sworn 'protectors of Aerath' and believe there to be great honor in acts of heroism. They have changed little since the Magistar's War, as their race was never properly able to wield the vast powers offered up through harnessing magic, but this is also in part to their isolation from the other free-peoples; and each other. It's quite rare to see an Aursaur seeking companionship with anyone outside of their family, but it is not unheard of for single units deciding to assist those it deems 'less fortunate'. The Aursaur worship their first king, Ursa Majoria, as a god-like figure and believe that when they die, they will meet him in the afterlife and he will lead them to the paradise he has built for their people.

Viaiy - Tiny, but feisty, Viaiy are said to bring good luck to adventurers and those who seek to protect the innocent. Viaiy are easily noticed among a crowd, as they are commonly between three and six-inches tall, have bug-like wings, and glow with a sort of bio-luminescence of varying color and intensity. While relatively small, Viaiy are known for their tenacity and can often handle themselves in dangerous situations by being faster then their opponents. While they are generally pacifistic by nature, Viaiy are not willing to back down from a challenge if given one, especially when it concerns somebody doubting their ability based on their size. Like the Nyrith, Viaiy were well-known magic users until the Magistar's War, but unlike the horned-humanoids, the Viaiy never relied on magic alone to solve their problems. Viaiy don't have a specific god/goddess and instead, believe that nature will provide all they need to survive and that the natural balance must be maintained even after they are long dead.

Rusuupt - Massive, but kindly, Rusuupt are the oldest living species in all of Aerath. They have existed since the world was born and they will be there when it dies, according to their own legends. Rusuupt's typically stand anywhere between eight to fourteen-feet tall (roughly, the combined heights of two Elari) and have a body comprised of large stones covered in varying levels of natural adornments based on their environment of origin. For example, a Rusuupt born in the depths of a volcano would have magma veins running across its body, while one born in a forest would be covered in moss and potentially housing a few animals. Unlike the other free-peoples, Rusuupt have no need for sleep or sustenance, as their biology is magic in origin, but their massive size makes them slower and more prone to causing accidental environmental damage wherever they go. To make up for this, the Rusuupt are also extraordinarily strong (as one might expect for a being composed of rocks). Like the Aursaur, many Rusuupt choose to live in isolation and are keen to stay out of conflicts, but will not allow the suffering of others to continue if they can help it. The Rusuupt have no religion, as they believe that when one dies, they die and their minerals simply rejoin the Earth. No afterlife; just life.

Dallir - Short, stout, ill-tempered, but highly intelligent, the Dallir are the literal backbone of Aerath's modern age. Choosing to live in vast underground cities within the mountains to the West or holes in the ground they make for themselves, Dallir are easily recognized by their hefty beards or long-flowing hair in the case of women, short stature (typically between three to four feet tall). None of the free-peoples of Aerath have come even close to reaching the level of technological innovation that the Dallir have reached and most of what they currently possess has stemmed straight from the Dallir workshops. From the superb Airships that inhabit the skies of Aerath, to the near-invulnerable Mythril equipment given to every soldier fighting against the Fellmerian threat, to the simple technology used to refine any water source into a safe resource; all of these things stemmed from the impeccable minds of the Dallir people. Dallir were never good with magic, so they focused their efforts into the sciences, which has paid of especially in the time following the Magistar's War. They are very welcoming of the other free-peoples and often hold elaborate feasts and celebrations for no other reason then to embrace the unity of Aerath's kingdoms (and to enjoy more than a few cups of ale, that is). Dallir have no religion due to their technological advancement leading them to believe in the power of science over the words of any 'invisible sky-person'.

Frudun - Well-intentioned, hard-working, and a little bit dim, Frudun are the most recent of the free-peoples to establish their kingdom and still have many things to learn. Frudun, like the Dallir, are slightly short statures when compared to the rest of the free-peoples (usually standing between four to five feet tall), but are instantly recognizable for their amphibian-like appearance and strange habit of referring to others and themselves in the third person. This is due to their native language not possessing words to describe individuals specifically (I, Me, You, Them, etc), but the other free-peoples have grown to find it as more of an endearing trait and haven't tried to change it. Dallir prefer to live in more murky environments such as swamps or damp underground caves, which has led them to forming a sort of kinship with the Dallir, but they have also been known to live among the other free-peoples whenever they can. Dallir are expert potion-smiths and seem to naturally know their way around an alchemy bench. They are expert crafters whose resourcefulness knows no bounds, which has allowed them to survive during times of great conflict without having to fight physically. However, in most other fields, Frudun tend to struggle and have a harder time learning new skills when compared to the other free-peoples. They also follow the teachings of Sequentis, but their version has been altered to praise action over inaction and commends ingenuity as a skill to be offered to those less fortunate.



Phew! I think that's probably a good place to stop for now. If you have any more questions, you can ask me below.

I sincerely hope this thread has managed to catch your attention and if you're interested, please post below so I can get a headcount. I'm looking for about 4-6 people to get in on this idea, so I'd like to keep it relatively small. I'll be allowing everyone to play up to two (2) characters so we can have a pretty diverse cast, but if you want to play more than two, we'll have to talk. Also, I'll put it to a vote later, but I'm thinking of using a Discord server as our OoC thread, but I know some people have reservations about going off-site so please let me know your thoughts when we get to that phase.

I'm also going to be looking for a Co-GM to help out with this, as it's quite a large project and while I know I'm capable of handling it, I don't want things to get interrupted if I'm ever busy and can't post for a while, so having somebody there to help out who's willing to put in the time would be awesome.

If you're interested, please post what kind of character you're looking at playing so I have an idea of what our cast will look like going into the IC. As for myself, I'll be taking on the role of an Elari Ranger seeking to help people like his great-grandfather.
Oh I would most definitely be interested. I like it when there is a fantasy setting with little or no magic. Makes it interesting.


Aaaaaand questions:

What is required:
~writing level?
~post frequency?

~Is there dice/stats use?
~On a scale of 1-10 (10 being superhero) what is ceiling for starting charries?
~Are the Rock People (the Rusuupt) asexual beings?

~And the Boo Girlie votes No Discord please.

Thanks ya~^^!!


Aaaaaand questions:

What is required:
~writing level?
~post frequency?

~Is there dice/stats use?
~On a scale of 1-10 (10 being superhero) what is ceiling for starting charries?
~Are the Rock People (the Rusuupt) asexual beings?

~And the Boo Girlie votes No Discord please.

Thanks ya~^^!!

Writing level - I'd say at least 2-3 paragraphs per post, but more are always encouraged. You don't have to be a novelist, but it'd be nice for everyone to have something to work off of in their posts rather than a one-sentence reply.

Post frequency - I know people get super busy (as I do too), but if everyone could post as often as they could, that would be awesome (maybe 1-2 replies a week if that can happen). I also tend to ask people to wait 2 posts after they post before replying again since it allows at least a few people to get their characters moving rather than having a smaller unit of characters rapid-firing a one-sided conversation and flooding the IC.

Dice / Stats - Currently undecided, but I'm thinking maybe a point system (ie. each character picks from a set-list of skills and only has so much room so as to allow them to diversity themselves. For example; a bard would want to know more music techniques over various medicine practices, but would also want a history of the land since they sing the songs of old).

On a scale of 1-10 (10 being superhero) what is ceiling for starting charries? - I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, mind elaborating?

The Rusuupt asexual? - Yes and no. While they aren't 'born' in a natural way (their parents actuallly use parts of their own bodies and the surrounding environment to create a new Rusuupt), they do have specific genders. Sometimes they're identifiable, other times it's a little harder to figure out (because they're rock-people).

Also @Boo Girlie BoomBoom, @MYTH*, what kind of characters are you thinking of playing?


Aaaaaand questions:

What is required:
~writing level?
~post frequency?

~Is there dice/stats use?
~On a scale of 1-10 (10 being superhero) what is ceiling for starting charries?
~Are the Rock People (the Rusuupt) asexual beings?

~And the Boo Girlie votes No Discord please.

Thanks ya~^^!!

Writing level - I'd say at least 2-3 paragraphs per post, but more are always encouraged. You don't have to be a novelist, but it'd be nice for everyone to have something to work off of in their posts rather than a one-sentence reply.

Post frequency - I know people get super busy (as I do too), but if everyone could post as often as they could, that would be awesome (maybe 1-2 replies a week if that can happen). I also tend to ask people to wait 2 posts after they post before replying again since it allows at least a few people to get their characters moving rather than having a smaller unit of characters rapid-firing a one-sided conversation and flooding the IC.

Dice / Stats - Currently undecided, but I'm thinking maybe a point system (ie. each character picks from a set-list of skills and only has so much room so as to allow them to diversity themselves. For example; a bard would want to know more music techniques over various medicine practices, but would also want a history of the land since they sing the songs of old).

On a scale of 1-10 (10 being superhero) what is ceiling for starting charries? - I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, mind elaborating?

The Rusuupt asexual? - Yes and no. While they aren't 'born' in a natural way (their parents actuallly use parts of their own bodies and the surrounding environment to create a new Rusuupt), they do have specific genders. Sometimes they're identifiable, other times it's a little harder to figure out (because they're rock-people).

Also @Boo Girlie BoomBoom, @MYTH*, what kind of characters are you thinking of playing?
Thanks for answers^^

The Scale is basically asking how powerful the charries will be to start off. Like I know there's no magic use right so like Batman would be a 10.

And undecided on what race of charrie now. And actually just gunna wait to see how involved the point dice/stat is before committing k^^
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom
Also, for the 'how strong characters will be', I'd say it depends on how you want to play them. However; I won't tolerate over-powered characters (ie. A Paladin capable of crushing enemies skulls with his bare fist who's never been defeated in combat and has all of the ladies wanting to marry him), so that responsibility falls more so on the player. That being said, I'll be monitoring stuff like that very intently.
Gotta read this but interested so far the parts i have read
@Justin, @caligari; sounds great, good to see you guys are in!

So what kind of characters are you thinking of playing?
Thinking of like an Arcanus Brawler Melee Fighter type of char, don't know so far.
I was leaning towards an Elari plebeian hunter/poacher capable of providing talents such as foraging food, tracking, basic survival, camping and hunting skills as well as skinning and cooking animals.
Sure, that works. My character was gonna go with a similar concept, so I imagine they'd get along pretty well, haha
If you want me to vary it up more, I could do something else. I don't really mind, just need an an hour or two to mull over a new character that won't end up dull as dirt.
You don't have to, I honestly don't mind. Really it's more or less up to you whether or not you want to change your character. I'm cool having them both.
Well, I think one would be sufficient and since it's your world and you know the geography, fauna and flora better than anyone it would suit you best. How does this sound; an Elari military tribune of around 27-28 who served his ten year service (16-26) and can now freely provide his combat, logistics and architecture skills which he learned over his years in the service. Would that be okay?
His combat skills would, of course, be only slightly better than average as he exchanged time learning combat for time learning logistics, management and military architecture.
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That works for me. Also, you're definitely allowed to make your character more knowledgeable about war and combat if he was in the military for that long, when I say 'no overpowered characters', I just mean that unless they're literately a chunk of sentient rocks or a talking bear, they can't exactly go into "Hulk Smash" mode without some proper training and resources.

But yeah, he sounds good to me!
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Alright everyone, so currently we have about 5 layers (myself included), which means I can get started a little on the OoC details. If each of you can tell me whether or not you'd prefer an Iwaku OoC or a Discord OoC would be super appreciated!

@caligari, @Justin, @Boo Girlie BoomBoom, @MYTH*
Alright everyone, so currently we have about 5 layers (myself included), which means I can get started a little on the OoC details. If each of you can tell me whether or not you'd prefer an Iwaku OoC or a Discord OoC would be super appreciated!

@caligari, @Justin, @Boo Girlie BoomBoom, @MYTH*
K so like thinking of RPing maybe a Dollir Inventor, or a Vialai Spy or like a Rusuupt Royal. But any charrie I play will be an outcast.

And I vote NO to Discord. Yes it is a dealbreaker to Boo sorry :\ But like go on without me if you do Discord. Just tired of going through 50 or 60 posties after work.
  • Like
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Alright everyone, so currently we have about 5 layers (myself included), which means I can get started a little on the OoC details. If each of you can tell me whether or not you'd prefer an Iwaku OoC or a Discord OoC would be super appreciated!

@caligari, @Justin, @Boo Girlie BoomBoom, @MYTH*
K so like thinking of RPing maybe a Dollir Inventor, or a Vialai Spy or like a Rusuupt Royal. But any charrie I play will be an outcast.

And I vote NO to Discord. Yes it is a dealbreaker to Boo sorry :\ But like go on without me if you do Discord. Just tired of going through 50 or 60 posties after work.

In all honesty, you could play two out of the three if you really want to. Unless you'd prefer one character, otherwise it's no problem.