The New Home

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Britney wasn't sure what was happening, she could feel him lean more and make this kiss more passionate. She was shocked. Her face became hot and red as she kissed him. She took another breath. She was shocked. Maybe they should stop. This wasn't good news. She smiled at him as she looked into his eyes placing her hand on his cheek.
Charles took a deep breath after Britney stopped kissing him. He looked at her and studied her face, she smiled but he could tell her face was hot and red. She put her hand on his face, it was so small and dainty feeling. He tried to think of something to say but his mind wouldn't allow him to.
Britney was just so shocked seeing that. They both kissed each Other. She yawned again. She was feeling extremely tired. She titled her head looking into his eyes. She couldn't say a thing but she had to break this awkward silence. Coming to reality. She sighed, " What are we even doing?"
Charles thought, he was still holding Britney in his lap, "I have no fucking idea...I-I just...I don't know" he stumbled over his words trying to come up with an excuse for his actions. He lowered his head a little bit so he didn't see her face.
Britney sighed as she put her head in his neck trying to think. She was so tired and she knew the parents were going to be gone a little. She shrugged, " Oh well." She said honestly. She was getting really really tired. She finally push his shoulders causing him to lay on his back. She laid there comfortably.
Charles was pushed backward onto her bed his hair made a halo around his head. He felt his sister lay down on him and he instinctively put his arm on her back. What am I thinking, he thought to himself.
Britney just let him lay there. She was surprisingly comfy. Before she knew it she had fallen asleep on top of him.
They were laying there and before he knew it Britney had fallen asleep on him there was no way he was going to move now so he just closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep himself.
Britney had woken up in the morning, around ten. She was still in the same position. Oh right.. that wasn't a odd dream.. She just stayed there, not wanting to wake him. But she carefully moved her head so she can watch him sleep.
Charles had dreamed last night he had a weird dream of him making out with his sister, he woke up but he felt a weird feeling of something laying down on him, he opened his eyes and saw his sister.
Britney looked down at him with a soft smile seeing his eyes open up. What was going go happen?she just looked at him Calmly.
He looked at her and saw her smile, "So that wasn't a dream was it?" he dropped his head back down and looked at the ceiling.
Britney looked at him when he spoke, she shrugged and shook her head, no. " No of course it wasn't.." She said quietly. She didn't know what she was to say. She moved to get off so she can put the left overs in the fridge. She grabbed the boxes and headed to the kitchen. She stuck the pizza in the fridge rubbing her face. They need to stop this whatever it was.
Charles got off her bed when she headed downstairs, he stretched and stood there for a second before walking to his room. He changed his boxers and changed into a new pair of pants, he didn't really care about taking a shower. He was so confused about last night, he didn't know why he did that, but something in him wanted to do it again.
Charles walked downstairs to she what his sister was doing, still thinking about what happened last night.
Britney had stood there all that time, leaning against the counter when he came down. She had made herself a cup of coffee but she was looking down deep in thought. Hearing his footsteps very near her, when he entered the kitchen. She honestly was confused. She smiled weakly. She looked at him, " Why do you have to be my brother?"

(( Wannna skip it too like two weeks till her sixteenth?)
Britney and him haven't really spoken about that night when they kissed. Britney tilted her head as she laid there in bed thinking about it. It was a very nice kiss. She knew the parents left once again yesterday. It was already two months she had been here. She loved it here. She went outside each day when it was at it's hottest and doing the natural tan after swimming a bit. She looked over as she wondered. She smiled a little as she tilted her head. Of course it was the weekend and there was no school, wait, she got a text that they do. So she quickly got up and went to go downstairs. She was going to a private school. She moved to go to the coffee machine to make herself some coffee, before heading back upstairs to take a shower. It was a friday morning, good thing she had time to shower, shave, and put her makeup on.
Charles had woken up later than normal, he had a weird dream one that reminded him of what had happened when he and his sister had kissed. He sat up and bed and shook his head. He didn't understand why he had to be reminded of that day it was a weird day from the start from him breaking up with his girlfriend to kissing his sister. He still couldn't understand why he did that. Charles pushed the thought out of his head and stared out of the window. "Ugh I feel terrible." He got up and walked into the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror. His face seemed pale and his eyes were a little sunken in. He ran is hand down his face, "Damn I look rough..." his stubble had gotten darker because he didn't really care about shaving recently. He splashed water on his face and went back into his room and sat on his bed.
Britney had gotten into the hot shower, in which she shaved her legs and armpits of course. She was rather quick at it. She hadn't shaved a little bit but now she had to. She washed her hair with shampoo and conditioner. Before she knew she had rinsed out her hair so it was nice and clean. She smiled a little before she washed her body with the body wash soap she uses. It makes her skin super soft. Seeing that she was now done after rinsing off her body. She hummed a little. She knew that after school today she had to practice with her band again. She hoped that he wouldn't catch on. She rinsed off her body after turning off the shower. In which she got into the school uniform that she has to wear, she hated it. She shrugged as she then brushed her hair and began putting on her makeup. It didn't take long. She smiled seeing how she was looking great. So she grabbed her jacket passing his room, " I'll be back way late tonight, eat dinner without me, even though I'll order something when I get home." She said outside his door and she headed out of the door.
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