The Luck of the Dice (Rufiya&Tomoko)

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Miranda and Charlotte sat there for awhile discussing some of the more positive parts of Charlotte's love life, the poor girl had already went through so much heart-breaks, Miranda almost felt guilty for being in her house because she found Clyde out of pure luck while she a hard-working single mother was all alone romantically speaking. All Miranda could do was pray that her and Alex would hit it off. When the doorbell rung she hurried over thinking it was Alex, but opened it up to see Clyde. Not that she minded. "Oh hey."

Alex however at this time was making his way to Charlotte's residence, though he would arrive a tad late thanks to Miranda's rushed instructions.
Clyde smiled at her. "Thanks hun." He put away the grocery's and then went for a shower. He then helped Charlotte get cleaned and changed for lunch and sat her in the kitchen while he made stuff as she told him to. "Okay just stay calm it's a simple soup. Throw everything in a pot let it stew and brew simple simple." Clyde followed her instructions. "See cooking isn't scary." "It's much easier with a teacher I've never done this before. Well no I can make a sandwich. that's bout as good at cooking I get." He smiled and her she laughed. "Did you just eat out all the time?" "Yeah it was easier but I worked so much that home had like nothing in it. No real human comforts beside my bed. Gosh I miss that bed it was so soft and cozy." She looked sad. "I'm sorry you lost your old life." "I'm not I have two beautiful women in my life the coolest little sister and the most stunning girlfriend. Also the most wonderful nephew to hang out with." Charlotte smiled. "It's funny how everything worked out in perfect timing eh?" Clyde eased into a chair and crossed his arms. "This would be the moment you talk about fate wouldn't it." He smiled at her. She giggled. "True I guess it is just fate weaving us closer."
Miranda smiled and kissed him on the cheek waiting for him to finish his shower and start prepping lunch before she took one herself, she felt a tad bit tired and sore so warm water was something she was definitely looking forward to. She slipped in quietly while she could hear the talking of Charlotte and Clyde downstairs. The water was loud enoug to clog up the sound of her brother knocking on the door.
Clyde stretched as he got up to go answer the door. He moved Charlotte into the living room so they could relax and converse easily. He opened the door and smiled at Alex. "Welcome to our home." He held open the door for him.
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