The Luck of the Dice (Rufiya&Tomoko)

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"Fine with me." Miranda said smiling at the kiss, kissing him just one more time before she slipped to his side, now being between the couch and him she also decided to catch a nap. "Wake me when you do." Miranda mumbled the drowsiness coming over here already, enough for her to not notice the vibration oh her phone.
He was woke up in the morning by Eric climbing on them. "Uncle! H! Good morning! Moms in bed but I don't wanna wake her cause her arms got a bandage on it. She told me sleep helps you get better. SO I want her to sleep lots!" Clyde groaned and got up with a yawn and a stretch. "Good morning kiddo." He smiled. "How do your mornings normally go?" "I have school so mom usually feeds me breakfast and then at around 7:30 takes me to school." "Okay you go play with your toys and I will see what I can do for breakfast." Eric ran off to his room to go play. Clyde groaned. "It's so early." He whined. He made coffee and sipped it while he made scrambled eggs and toast for Eric. He went to Erics room to find him making a card for his mom. "I made it so when she wakes up she won't have missed me cause I'm going to put my thoughts in this so she will still get my good morning." Clyde smiled. "That's really sweet of you she will love that. Can you take a break for breakfast?" "Sure!" Eric went washed his hands and they raced quietly to the table and sat down. "Yesterday at show and tell one of the kids got to bring in their bird. It was so cool he could talk!" "Chew swallow then talk. What did he say?" "The bird just said stuff like hello nice to meet you and my name is Jitters. I want a bird that can talk. Oh no it's getting late." Eric quickly ate his food then ran off. Clyde finished his coffee and made Eric lunch he hoped he was doing this right. Eric ran down stairs dressed and ready. "I put moms card beside her bed really quiet she didn't wake up." "Awesome job! Here's your lunch." Eric opened his bag and dropped the lunch in it. Clyde then took Eric to school it was within walking distance he had gone before.
Miranda groaned at Clyde's movement, shuffling in her position on the couch not even getting up after him. She was too sleepy. It was too early. She could hear different things going on, which she assumed was Clyde trying to prep Eric's departure to school It was only when the sound of the broken door closing did she stand up. Rubbing her eyes she walked to the kitchen, seeing the uncleaned frying pan. She turned to the fridge grabbing three eggs and slowly cooking them, one for her, one for Clyde and one for Charlotte. She put them on plates and on the table just as Clyde came back.

"You'd make a good father, but you have to clean up after yourself." Miranda smiled.
Clyde just zombie groaned at her and got another cup of coffee and went upstairs to check on Charlotte. She was up and smiling. "Got your card?" "He's a fantastic kid." "Want some coffee or to be carried downstairs?" "Both please." He handed her his cup of coffee and picked her up carefully taking her downstairs. "I'd rather carry you then you use crutch cause of your stitches okay." She nodded "That'd be really helpful." He smiled at her and fixed her up a cup of coffee. "Sweet without milk like you like it." They traded mugs. "I'm gonna go make your bed." He wandered upstairs. "Hey Miranda."
Miranda watched him go upstairs laughing at his groan. She turned around at the popping of toasts, grabbing the two warm pieces and putting them on Charlotte and Clyde's plates. Then toasting another one for herself. While waiting, the barely audible vibrating of her phone in the living room caught her attention she jogged over opening her inbox.

"Your already bored there? Seriously? You want me to take a plane to Vegas?" Alex replied to which Miranda began typing quickly.

"Well your were so grouchy when I left I figured you'd want to relax. Father booked my hotel for a month and it's only been the first week. Plus there's things that I need to tell you about. >.>"

"In person?" Alex replied suddenly, Miranda surprised that he was awake.

"Yes in person."

"I'll ask father then."

"Yesss. Thank you~ ; u ;"

Miranda left her phone on the couch hurrying over the Charlotte the moment she heard her voice. "Hey Charlotte. Good morning, breakfast is on the table and how are you feeling?" Miranda asked her trying to contain the giddy feeling in her chest.
Clyde wandered back downstairs and sat at the table. "I am feeling great." "So since I am moving in here Miranda wondered if she'd be allowed to crash with me." "I'd love that. It'd be like having a big family." Charlotte smiled at them. "Plus it'll be much easier for two of you to take care of me and the house." "I will try to get you a wheelchair that'd be better for moving around and easier on your stitches." Clyde got another cup of coffee. "Can you get my purse?" Clyde went and grabbed it she pulled out a piece of paper. "All the stuff about my stitches and leg. Since your taking care of me." Clyde smiled at her. "Any time little sis." He joked.
Miranda followed them back to the dining table, grabbing her toast and eating her egg like a sandwich while Clyde explained her proposition from last night. She blushed that Charlotte knew how much she was really becoming attached to Clyde but slightly relived that she was okay with it. Miranda asked for the paper so she could familiarize it before handing it back.

"Clyde would you like another egg?" Miranda asked him seeing as she had nothing better to do, all she needed to do was to plan her idea about Charlotte and Alex.
"No thanks I have a hard enough time eating breakfast. But thank you for breakfast." Charlotte smiled at her. "It was wonderful. I am really going to love being pampered by you two. It's like a vacation. Speaking of which I need to call work." Clyde took her to the couch and gave her the phone. He wandered into the kitchen and started to do the dishes.
Miranda nudged at Clyde who helped her in the kitchen, showing him the most recent text from her brother Alex. Telling Miranda that he caught a last minute plane ride luckily and will arrive later in the afternoon. "After we hit some of the wedding chapels we need to get Charlotte a wheel chair and visit the airport. And well you'll have to explain yourself to Alex. He is my younger brother but still a brother you know?" Miranda whispered under Charlotte talking to her job at the cafe. "I'll take over the dishes you go ask Charlotte if she'll be fine today." Miranda suggested, even though she already started washing in his place.
Clyde kissed her cheek. "Your amazing darling." He smiled at her and wandered into the living room. Charlotte was still on the phone so he sat beside her on the couch. She finished up and hung up the phone. "I'm scared about losing work Clyde." He took her hand comfortingly. "Even if you don't like it I am paying rent to stay here and since I am doing the grocery shopping it's on me." She went to speak but closed her mouth. "Thank you Clyde." He hugged her. "Any time. I am just thankful I was here." "How many times do I gotta tell you about fate." Charlotte smiled and giggled. "Me and Miranda wanted to go out and do some stuff you good on your own?" "I can always use my crutches I'll just focus less weight on my arm with stitches." "Kay just be careful and keep your cell on you and text me no matter what." "Of course." Clyde kissed her forehead and wandered over to the door he went out to his car got a measuring tape and took the doors measurements. "I will just buy and install a new door." He muttered to himself as he wrote down the measurements.
Miranda finished the dishes, putting them up neatly and wiping the water on her shorts. She returned to the living room sitting next to Charlotte, seeing Clyde head to the car. "We'll just be gone for a while okay? I'll put my number in your phone and vice versa just in case you need something and Clyde's driving." Miranda offered, doing exactly what she said, afterwards watching Clyde finish up the measurements. "Are you ready to get going Clyde?" Miranda asked him getting up and approaching him from behind.
Charlotte gave Miranda a big hug. "Thank you so much." Clyde nodded. "Sure. Your good right?" Charlotte nodded and smiled turning on the tv and relaxing into the couch he smiled and wandered out to his car. He opened the door for Miranda as always and turned to her once he was in his seat. "So where too first. Getting the door will be last thing. That much is certain."
Miranda followed him into the car, slipping inside and into her usual position. Shrugging she looked at him thinking for a bit. "Well Alex won't be around till afternoon and the Wheelchair is..yeah. Let's go check out some wedding chapels. And when we do find that one where we might've messed up on the papers we'll play rock paper and scissors." Miranda suggested.
"Perfect idea." He grabbed the map and drove towards the places. He parked the car and got out going to open her door for her. "Wanna split up and check em out or stick together?"
Miranda watched the morning sky rise on Vegas while Clyde slowly drove them to their destination. When they eventually arrived and he got out and smiled while stepping out of the car and afterwards walking towards him. Hugging his arm. "What do you think?" Miranda said sarcastically, pulling him towards the first chapel.
First chapel was a bust but the second one wasn't. The priest recognized them. "Welcome back Joshua and Marisa." "Hello sir. How bad would it be if we didn't use our real names?" The priest looked shocked. "Well your technically not married then but we can always get rid of the documents it has happened before." "Whew. We apparently were very drunk. I am sorry for the inconvenience." "Like I said it's happened before. I have to go prepare the chapel have a good day." Clyde nodded and waved as the man walked away. Clyde lead her outside he lit a smoke. "Gotta stop smoking." He muttered. "So not married. What do you say got a clear picture in your head of what you wanna do or rock paper scissors?" Clyde knew what he wanted to do but he wasn't going to say anything just yet.
Miranda half-smiled at the priest telling them their names wrong. So it would be that easy to get a divorce with "Joshua", Miranda still didn't know where the both of them had gotten those names but hey, they weren't married. To Miranda however that could be a bad thing or a good thing all depending on Clyde and how he took it really. She turned towards him after the Priest left, shifting her balance from her heels to her toes. Her hands in the pockets provided by her jacket she shrugged. "Well, Lady luck brought us this far might as well see what she thinks she happens now. Rock paper scissors?" Miranda suggested putting her hand out in a rock form wondering if he'd agree.
Clyde went along with it his hand in scissors. "So whats that mean again?" He puffed on his smoke.
Miranda slipped her other hand out, taking the marriage ring off and extending it to him on her palm. "It means you have to propose to me again." She said casually, even though her heart was beating at a crazy rate. And as happy thoughts rushed in so did other, more negative thoughts. "Are you sure we can make this work out?" She questioned him feeling a tad bit nervous about the whole thing.
Clyde took off his ring and pocketed them both. He dropped his smoke and stamped it out as he pulled her into his arms and kissing her. "We've already made this work in the most insane way. We can keep doing it I promise. Maybe we just need to date for a bit." He smiled at her.
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