The Love Of A Beast

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To avoid being anywhere near the other wolves Rose made sure to stay close to the leader, but not too close. She wasn't very comfortable being around it, but she will if it meant she wouldn't be hurt by the others. She also had the feeling she knew where she was being taken to. She was most likely being led to its den. Hoping that was right and that they weren't just taking her to a more secluded area to kill her, she wondered how long it would take for them to get there. She'd hate to have to keep walking for yet another full day.
Because they weren't on a hunt anymore, he decided to go the straightforward path to the den. They completely bypassed the burnt village and stuck to the trees. They would probably arrive by midmorning. He looked back at the woman before looking at one of the wolves to his left. Motioning ahead, he told her to go tell the den they would have company. He had no doubt she would go into full detail on the attacks as well for those who wanted to know. And that she would be able to tell about the human in full detail as well, including his fascination with her. He also trusted her.

Stopping, he sat next to a log and whined at the woman. They could take a break for a few.
Rose continued to silently follow the wolf. She watched it as another went ahead. Part of her wondered what was being said and part of her didn't want to know at all. She then saw the leader stop and sit next to a log before whining at her. She had the feeling they were stopping for a break and she went over a to where the lead wolf was. Honestly, she felt a bit more comfortable by that one and not any of the others that were around. She then sat on the ground, a little nervous but she didn't let that show. She was also glad she slept before this, that way she wouldn't end up getting tired. At least she hoped she wouldn't. Falling asleep while being surrounded by werewolves...was a bit scary.
He watched her until a wolf edged forward, crouched low with his ears tucked back. He was whining high, asking what they were doing. Not feeling like he owed an answer, he just huffed and motioned for the wolf to return to his position. They needed to be safe as well as keep an eye on the human woman.

Once the wolf moved away, he went back to studying the woman. For a human, she was quite beautiful, he decided. He moved closer and sniffed her face before backing away and laying down, eyes on her the whole time.
Rose watched the two wolves communicate. It made her curious but not too curious. She moved her attention on other things when the one wolf left. But she was quickly distracted when she noticed the leader had moved closer and sniffed her face. She stayed still when that happened. She really didn't want to somehow come off as a threat to them or anything. When the wolf then back away and laid down she leaned her back against the log she sat in front of, just trying to keep her mind on other things and not on what she fears might end up happening to her. She honestly didn't know what the wolves planned on doing with her, or if they were even going to do anything to her at all. Until she is told, she couldn't help but to worry.
After what felt like a long enough time, he stood up and nudged the woman before stepping back and waiting. It was time for them to get moving again if they wanted to make it to the den soon.
Rose felt the wolf nudge her after it stood. She sighed quietly, knowing she had to start walking with them again. So to avoid getting hurt or anything, she stood. She was ready to get to where ever it was she needed to be soon. Sleep was slowly starting to creep up on her, and she wasn't really liking that.
The den was only a couple hours away now, and he could tell she was starting to slow down. He whined at her, trying to ask if they needed to rest again. A wolf snorted to his right and he turned and growled. He didn't want the human woman to die, so if she needed rest he would give it to her. The wolf moved away, presumably to keep a farther lookout. None of the others dared say a thing at that point. He looked up at the woman and studied her. He hoped she would be okay the last the final leg of the trip.
Rose kept herself going. She didn't want to stop again, not until they got to where they needed to be. She didn't feel comfortable resting anymore with these wolves and knew very well that if she did rest again, she'd end up falling asleep. She didn't want that. So when the leader whined at her, and she had the feeling he wanted to know if she needed to rest, she simply shook her head and made herself quicken her pace and catch up to him, not wanting to fall behind.
He let her catch up, and then walked just ahead of her so she would still see which direction to go.

Soon enough, they were at the den - a small cave entrance that opened up to a large cavern. He stopped in front of the woman and let his wolves run in ahead. They would get situated and tell the rest of the pack that they were there. Not wanting to surprise the woman, he barked at the last wolf to tell him that all should be in human form. He didn't want the woman to be too frightened. Perhaps if she saw that they too were at least part human she could relax a little.
Rose stopped when the wolf did. She looked up to see where they were and saw it was the opening of a cave, obviously their den. It made her a little more nervous knowing that there would be a lot more wolves in there. She also watched as the others went in ahead, and she stayed quiet as well.
He sat there and studied her for a moment, letting the wolves inside have time to prepare for their entrance. Once he felt like enough time had passed, he led Rose into the den. Standing almost twenty feet from the entrance were a bunch of human forms, the only signs that they were wolves were the different shades of bright, reflecting eyes that practically glowed at them.

He left her side to stand in front of the wolves, looking back at her. Slowly, the pack parted and he stepped behind them to change and put on a pair of leather pants for modesty for her sake before returning.

"Welcome to the pack," he said in a husky voice, a small smile on his face and the only sign that he was the same wolf being the strange shade of golden yellow that his eyes were in both forms. "This will be your home."
When Rose followed the wolf into the den she saw a bunch of humans. She had almost forgotten that werewolves had a human form as well. Sadly though, it didn't quite help her relax like she might have thought it would. She looked around at the all when the one that lead her here went behind the others. She had the feeling he was joining the rest in human form and when he walked out she was right. "I don't..understand.." she said quietly. She couldn't quite understand what exactly was going on. They killed what was left of her family, and yet she was able to live and was now being told that this..den, was going to be her new home? It didn't make the best of sense to her.
His face scrunched in confusion. "What don't you understand? This will be your home. You shall live amongst us," he said, opening his arms a little. "I am the Alpha, the leader of this pack."

He stepped closer to her.

"I am Nakolai."
"Why though..?" Rose couldn't but to ask. That is what she mostly wanted to know right now. Was why was she to be living here, with werewolves. Seeing him stepped towards her, she took a step back, waiting for his answer after hearing him speak his name.
He paused, not really knowing the answer. Why had he brought her back instead of killing her? He wasn't sure himself.

"You are intriguing to me," he admitted after a moment, hearing the whispers start up behind him at this explanation. "Besides, I couldn't very well let you go to a human settlement and tell them of our existence. That would start too many problems for us as a pack, and as a race."
Now that was something Rose hadn't really been expecting to hear. The second part was a little obvious to her of course, but definitely not the first, and she honestly wasn't sure what she should really say. She also saw no way out of this either. "Okay.." she said. She'll stay, but onlybecause she didn't really have anywhere else to go. And traveling alone didn't seem like such a good idea. She sighed quietly to herself. "I guess that is a reasonable explaination."
Grinning, he walked closer. "I'll show you around."

Then he turned to the others standing behind him. "Go, do as you would normally."
Rose started to wonder if staying here was really a good idea. She looked around at the others when Nakolai spoke to them. She then walked to where he was, feeling she would most likely feel a little bit safer near him while she was here. At least it meant she had a place to stay, and she wouldn't have to be walking around the forest anymore looking for one. So far, that was the only good side she saw to this..
He was excited, though he couldn't pinpoint the reason why. As his wolves went back to their business, he focused on Rose.

"This front area is our meeting place. We have celebrations here as well."

He led her further in and pointed out the different homes, listing off the names of the fathers of those families, giving her numbers in each unit as well. He didn't expect her to remember all of this, so he didn't pause in his introductions. Occasionally they would get a greeting from the fathers as they passed. The "homes" were merely stones set up in a perimeter to announce territory.

Finally they reached the back of the cave where the largest amount of space was set aside.

"You shall share this space with me. What sort of bedding do you desire? Fur, grass?"