The Lost Soul

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He grinned mischievously. "It's too bad I don't care, isn't it? If you get restless, feel free to join me." He straightened and once again seriously thought about taking the IV out.
Raine sighed. "Just don't take the IV out without a nurse, please."
"Seriously, you need to stop doing that. It's starting to weird me out."
Raine crossed her arms. "Doing what? Advising you don't do something stupid?"
"Yes. I don't need a conscious, thank you very much."
Raine rolled her eyes. "You know that IV is going into your vein. If you just rip it out like you want to you could do some serious damage. What if you lost your hand or something?"
"Why would I lose a hand if I lost one vein? Besides, maybe I'll find some staff along my walk and convince them to take it out."
Raine sighed. "You really are an idiot. Fine, go for your walk. There's probably nurses up and about, just promise me you won't be so stupid to try it yourself."
He smirked, walking backwards toward the door out of the room. "I could promise you that, but it would be a lie. I don't think you would appreciate that very much, so…no can do."
Raine groaned. "Fine again, I will come with you to make sure you don't." She stood and moved to follow him.
"Boo," he said. "That's the only reason you're coming?"
Raine nodded. "Yup. I'm exhausted, so let's hurry it up."
He blocked the door out. "If you're exhausted, then stay and sleep. Take the bed if you need to. You don't have to come."
Raine shook her head. "And risk you going into another coma from bleeding out? No thank you."
"It's just a vein. I'm not going to bleed out. Aaand I'm also pretty sure I wouldn't go into a coma if I did."
Raine sighed. "Whatever, I'm coming to make sure you don't anyway."
Nik moved to open the door. "Fine. But I still think that's a dumb reason."
Raine shrugged. "That's fine."
He shook his head and walked out of the room, rolling along the IV with him.
Raine followed, listening for if any nurses were nearby.