The Lost Soul

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He was silent now. Nik knew what he was, but she didn't. Of course, her suspicions were definitely there, as she had previously stated as much. "If it were me," he started, speaking slowly, "do you think that you would only feel it in your sleep?" He continued. "I mean…I'm around you almost constantly. Why would that feeling only come when you're unconscious?"
Raine shrugged. "The mind is a weird place. Maybe my unconsciousness knows more than my consciousness does."
"Even if it is me causing that feeling…do you really believe I'm worse than him?"
Raine shook her head, lowering her hands and smiling a little. "Nope. I believe you're annoying as hell, but you're nothing like him."
Nikolai wasn't entirely sure whether he believed her or not. He rolled his eyes. "I'm not that annoying. You're just never ready for all of this," he replied, gesturing to himself.
Raine chuckled. "You'd think I would be by now."
"Yeah, no, you'd think so, but," he shrugged. "I guess you're just not."
Raine hummed. "I wonder if I will ever be." She shrugged.
"Don't question yourself too much. I'm sure you will be. One day," he replied, moving to get up out of the chair.
Raine raised an eyebrow. "Is that implying you're becoming my student?"
"I didn't realize I had a choice," he said, moving the chair back to its original position. "I thought that was my payment to you for the roof and food."
Raine shrugged. "I probably would have been angry if you just upped and left, but it was always a choice."
"Yeah, I think I'd rather stay off your bad side if possible. Some days. Besides, you say that like you're convinced that I'm not going to leave."
Raine chuckled before shrugging. "Nah, I always figured you'd go back home once you figured out where it was."
"If it makes you feel better, I still have no idea. You'll be stuck with me for a little while longer."
Raine nodded a little. "I see." She shrugged again. "I guess you're also stuck with me, then."
"You say that like it's a bad thing," he said for the second time that night.
Raine tilted her head and smiled slightly. "I'm glad you think that way. Now we should both try to get some actual sleep."
He leaned on the railing part of the bed. "You have fun with that. How mad do you think the staff would be if I decided to take a lap?"
Raine rolled her eyes but chuckled. "Extremely. Probably."