The Lost Soul

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Nik almost rolled his eyes. Good for her, probably being able to sleep. He really didn't think he would be able to tonight.
It wasn't long before the sleep started getting fitful.
He was still up, lost in his mind, before he noticed that she wasn't sleeping well. Unsure what to do, he just kind of…watched for a second or two. To see if it was bad enough that he needed to wake her up or not.
She was obviously twitching in her sleep. But it didn't seem concerning for a while. Until she let out a groan and a rather large twitch, that had her move into a different position on the chair.
Yeah, that was definitely concerning. He moved to get out of the bed, totally forgetting about his IV and ended up jerking the pole along with him. He grit his teeth as his arm lanced with pain. He moved over to shake her shoulder a little. "Hey," he hissed.
It took a second before Raine woke with a start, her eyes glazed in confusion for another moment as she looked around in a panic, before lowering her head and growing, bringing her hands up to rub at her eyes.
He jerked his hand back as she woke with a start. Nik moved to drag the chair on the opposite side of the room over towards where she was sitting, being careful of his IV. He had learned his lesson the first time. It still hurt. He sat kind of across, kind of diagonal from her, as the bed was in the way. "What were you dreaming about?" He asked.
Raine groaned again, still trying to rub the sleep away from her eyes. "You can probably easily guess."
"Okay, fine. Let me rephrase the question. Why are you still dreaming about that? Aren't there like…better ways to deal with things like that rather than suppressing it until it haunts your dreams?"
Raine shrugged a little with one shoulder. "I don't know. There probably are better ways, I just... Don't know."
"So why don't you do something about it?" He asked, not trying to sound cynical. "It clearly still bothers you, so…" He shrugged. "If you were smart, you'd figure something out."
Raine sighed. "I've tried everything. I told you before, I tried drugs of every kind. I tried things like therapy. I can get through most nights, but lately it's been worse again."
"Yeah, I know. But none of those have worked. Can you think of any reason why it's been getting bad again?"
Raine shook her head. "No, I can't. Something just feels... Ominous. I guess."
"Well, that's weird." And a little bit dumb to him, but he wasn't about to tell her that. Not now, anyways. "What would feel ominous? Everything's going fine right now, right? Minus the fact we're spending the night in the hospital. That doesn't count."
Raine shook her head. "I really don't know. Coal and Ebony feel it too. Like there's a tiger on the hunter nearby."
It wasn't just her feeling it, then. "Do you have any idea what it could be? I mean…has this ever happened before?"
Raine shook her head. "I mean, I guess I felt a little bit of similar dread when I was around... him. But not like this."
"...It's worse now than before?"
Raine nodded. "It is. I don't want to believe it's you, I'm sure it's something else."