The Lost Soul

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"Are you speaking from experience, or are you just hoping that humanity was once good?"
Raine hummed. "I'd like to think my father was a good person. I don't really remember him, though."
He nodded. "It's nice to pretend like people we don't know are good people. It's a lot easier on your brain than if you thought they all sucked."
Raine nodded. "Agreed." She sighed a little, "My mom was good, but she was a witch too."
"You say that like it was a bad thing," he stated. Assuming her mother was dead, he wasn't going to comment on how that was likely what got her killed.
Raine shook her head. "Not at all, she just wasn't entirely human. So she's not a great example for humans."
He raised an eyebrow. "Not a great example? What did she do?"
Raine chuckled, waving her hand. "You're misunderstanding. Not a great example because she wasn't entirely human. She was a great person."
He shook his head in almost a disappointing manner. "That's a shame. Would have made for a better story if she wasn't," he joked.
Raine chuckled. "Yeah, unfortunately there was some light in my dark world at some point."
"Yup. That is an absolute crying shame. Stop being such a pessimist and you might be able to find a little more," he replied with a smirk and a shrug.
Raine shrugged, yawning. "I do like the dark."
"So I've noticed," he nodded. "That would explain why you never go out and make friends."
Raine rolled her eyes slightly. "I already have friends."
"...You have one. And you don't even talk to them that often."
Raine snorted. "That's just the only one you've really met, since you refuse to count my familiars."
"They shouldn't count," he insisted. "And they don't." He would've folded his arms, but the IV in his arm made him not want to do that.
Raine nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I know."
"Good," he said, nodding once in satisfaction before falling silent.
Raine went silent for a while, before even and soft breathing could be heard.