The Lost Soul

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He walked farther into the room, curious, and at the same time, not. They were plants.
After a few steps something moved among the plants.
He expected it to be one of the snitch butterfly things, so he wasn't too concerned about it.
Suddenly, a vine whipped out from one of the garden boxes and wrapped around his arm.
"Hey!" He exclaimed, attempting to pry the vine off his arm. "What gives?"
The vine tightened and pulled him further into the garden.
He continued to attempt to resist it. "At least buy a guy dinner first!"
The plant continued to pull, wrapping tighter.
He continued to try and pull away, trying to dig his feet into the floor.
After a moment a loud hiss was heard, but it was not a cat hiss. A large carnivorous-looking plant showed itself from the back of the garden.
His eyes widened as he spotted the plant. Well, this was quite the situation he had gotten himself into. He sighed irritably and started to call out for help.
The plant continued to pull him, what looked almost like saliva on its mouth.
"This was not the way I wanted to be eaten!" He cried. "This isn't even an honorable death!"
The plant didn't seem to care as he inched closer. After he neared its mouth, the vine suddenly snapped.
At this point, he squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself for the plant to swallow him whole, or to bite off his head, or whatever plants like this did. He cracked open an eye as the vine snapped.
Raine glared at him from behind him, Ebony letting out a meow at her feet.
He stood, dusting himself off. "What's that look for?" He demanded. "Your plant was the one who was harassing me."
Raine crossed her arms. "Didn't Ebony warn you to not explore so much?"
He pretended to think about it for a moment. "Nope! I remember the cat saying no such thing." He offered an innocent shrug.
Raine sighed before walking past him and shooing the plant away. "Now you know."