The lost Arcane

"Hm...I can't seem to remember that it's already night that time..Nevermind,I'll wake you up when it's dusk okay?"Zack take a seat at the ground level,hearing and watching for every single movement.Zack took out his revolver cleans it's barrel from dust and gunpowder."Things gonna get messy after this..."
She yawns "Dont worry I have a" Yawns again "Protective barrier around the apartment" She wakes up in 2 hours and sits up "Wow that was nice, Ill make us something to eat ok?" She set of for the kitchen taking out a bit of noodles and some raw meat. "Bet you havent had meat in a while right?" She cooks it perfectly using a bit of garlic on it.
Zack nodded."Yeah,I kinda miss them.I dont know where I could get some meat..I dont want to eat those hounds thought..I would never eat a dog or a cat species..."Zack can smell the noodle from miles away,he's drooling like there no tomorrow but he's hiding it."Ah...I miss this food,such a long time tho."While waiting for the noodle,Zack put his knife and gun on the table.
"About 2 more minutes!" She set up the plate with noobles with butter she had to churn herself and then set the beef on the side of the plate getting the two plates set up she walked over to him. "Bon apatite Hope you like it!" She set the plate in front of him quickly getting 2 glasses of soda, "Thought you might want some odd things for this time and age I mean it is cool that I have a room mate!"
His drools overpowered him,he's been drooling from the time where his nose accidently caught the smell up."Oh god!Such a glorious food!Praise you!" He put a string of the noodle into his mouth and start talking nonsense."Holy mother of sweet potatoes!This taste awesome!" He ignores the surrounding and continue eating until he's full. "Having a room mate can be fun at a time,but sometimes...they are annoying." "Anyway,it's already dark..." "Any...changing room?"
"Yeah the bathrooms over there I have a running shower so you are free to use that" She gets up taking the plates to the sink and pouring water over them. "Yes they can be annoying and I'd hate to see you drool everytime I made a meal" She laughs a bit "But its quite ok with me im glad you like it!"
"It's not like I'm gonna drool everytime you made a meal."Zack walks to the bathroom and unbutton his camo and wash his face.Zack yelled from the bathroom."Hey you lady,do you have a towel or something?I dont know where mine..."
Morika Walks over a towel in hand and her face becomes bright red "um uh uh heres your uh towel uh" She holds the towel out trying to hide her now cherry red face. "I uh do you know how the shower works just uh use both knobs to adjust the uh water....." She quickly goes out shutting the door behind her. Woah he's uh hot! She begins to get undressed herself so she can get into her pjs.
Zack twist the shower knob and cold water start pouring in."Would be great if it's a warm steamy water,doesn't long as I can get rid of this..smell." He'd twist the shower knob to turn it off and wrap the towel around his waist "Oh wow,I feel so damn fresh." He'd walk around the building half naked because he doesn't have anything else to wear.
Morika looked at him in her panties and braw in shock "AHHHHHH Get back in the shower or something!" She grabbed a shirt and quickly put it on with shorts. Her cheeks were flushed "and you go get some clothes on theres a lady here!"
Kit sat having to deal with Morika's thoughts. "Man this is disgusting, but at least I know who these people are now." He passed the room where Tytan was resting, he couldn't see what she was doing because the door was closed. He walked into the empty room with the chimney shutting it and conducting his meditation once again. The giant fox appeared. "Are you ready human? Or "Kit" as you call yourself." Kit stood up took a deep breath and opened his eyes. He took off his mask and placed it in the center. He drew a sword. "Begin!" The two clashed through the night. Kit being thrown off by Morika's thoughts occasionally. The fox laughed consuming a large amount of chakra firing it at Kit multiple times with his tails.

"What the!" Zack cover his eyes with his hands and runs to bellow floor "What in the world..." Zack scream while running "MAMA SAVES MY VIRGINITY!"
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU SHOULD HAVE ASKED IF YOU COULD COME OUT" She begins throwing pillows and stuff at him "THERES A CLOTHING STORE AROUND THE BLOCK" For some reason Kit hears another persons thoughts I wont spare them they all killed her they ripped her heart out........ Morika holds her heart.
"What?There still some clothes left in that store?" Zack being a dumb and clueless person again "Okay,I'll..go..It's getting cold" Zack grabs his Revolver and fill his revolver rounds.He'd put on the sunglasses that he found while scavenging for food earlier evening."Papa coming!"He'd grins and laugh uncontrollably."AHA HA HA HA!"
Kit walks down the street to the clothing store dragging a torn, bloody, shirt. "Man that thing is annoying." He had bandages all over him. "He could have at least let me breathe..." A flashback of the fox choking Kit and ramming him with balls of chakra down his throat was seen by Morika. "He doesn't usually do that I wonder what got into him." He reached the store and looked up. "Oh, Im here." He hears panting to his left and sees somebody running towards him. "You know I'm too tired to deal with anybody right now." He lifts his hands forming to sheets of ice around the man or whatever it was closing his hands he forms a casket around his body and walks over to him. "Who are you?" Kit stared at the man through his mask.
"Oi Oi Oi!Dont freeze me when I'm just wearing a towel..It's cold you know.."Zack sneezed because of the sudden temperature drop "C-C-Come on...let me..go.." He's shivering because of the ice. "I dont e-e-even know you..ACHOO!"
Kit sighed and unfroze him the ice melting suddenly around him. "The question still remains, who are you?" Kit looked at him trying not to kill him or look down. "... And why aren't you dressed?" Kit thought to himself (Dont tell me these two?! Well, dang the witch and him connected. It's a little surprising.) "You know what nevermind go back to-- I mean... Continue on with your day." Kit walked into the broken down store. Confused mumbling to himself. "Looks like the place is on it's last legs. I'll just find a tank or something and get out."
"I thought I'm done for good,phew..close call" Runs towards the clothing store "AHA HA HA!Free cloth!" Run with full speed and do a leap of faith"HELLALUJAH!!".Landed ontop of the clothing store rooftop."Papa is here!" A wide grins appear as he searching for a shirt and a pair of pants that fit for him.While he was searching for clothes,he stumbled upon a working cellphone."Hmph...Didn't see this kind of technology for over 5 years...I cant seem to remember how it's works..Maybe the witch lady might now how to use." He'd put it in his newly found pant and walk back to the abandoned building.
Morika now has pajamas on
and is ready to go to sleep she figures since he is a guest he could sleep on the bed in the room and she would sleep on the couch for the knight. She slipped on her slippers and before he came used her wind magic to dry the dishes. She sat on the couch her legs crossed and watches an old movie very old "The Breakfast Club".