The Little Grey Mouse (k-michelle412/Twrdgirl)

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Ryan smirked and grabbed his candy holding it close. He gave Zachary a quick kiss and smiled "thank you."
Zachary huffed but accepted the kiss happily. "Big baby." He mumbled wrapping his arms around Ryan once more.
"And proud of it" he said laughing. He snuggled close and continued to watch the show. It he took a bite of his ice cream and then a piece of candy.
"Dork." He kissed Ryan's cheek and turned to the television to watch their show.
Ryan laughed and he continued to snack. He loved the show and could have watched it over and over. He couldn't wait till they got to the second season since the hounds of Baskerville was his favorite episode.
Zachary was enraptured by the show. It was amazing. "Wow. Never thought this show would be this cool!" He chuckled eyes still on the screen.
"How many episodes are there?" By now the sun was beginning to set but Zachary payed no mind. They still had a decent amount of time.
Ryan smiled "3 episodes in each season so currently 9 episodes. It's kind of odd I know, but each episode is like half a movie long so they old do three per season. I haven't seen the newest season yet, but I won't say anything about what it could entail since it's spoilers for season 2."
"Think we could fit season two before bed?" Zachary asked with an excited smile. By now he was hooked on the show.
Ryan smiled "sure we can watch season 2, but after that it's off to bed. I need you to be up tomorrow before noon to drop me off at my place. I want a chance to shower and change before I have lunch with Leo."
"Alright." Zachary smiled turning to the television. Season two was by far the best in his opinion. When they finished it was pitch black and Zachary had a hard time keeping his eyes open.
Ryan smiled "come on sleepy head time for bed." He helped Zachary get up and got him out of his clothe and into bed. "I'll be right back" he said and went to put all the candy away. He than went back into the bedroom striped and climbed into bed.
Zach pulled Ryan against his chest and fell asleep. Sleeping next to Ryan felt natural. Zachary used to get self conscious but he felt calm around Ryan.
Ryan smiled and feeling warm and safe drifted off to sleep. He didn't think he could ever tire of sleeping in Zachary's arms.
Zachary woke up to Ryan's sleeping face and beemed. He was sure he hadn't been this happy in ever. He ran his fingers through Ryan's hair still smiling.
Ryan mumbled something in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes. He smiled "mmm morning. What time is it?"
"Morning. It's seven." Zachary said pulling the blankets closer. He could stay here forever.
Ryan smiled "I have some time before I have to go back to my place." He kissed Zachary and cuddled close to him.
Zachary kissed Ryan again, lingering just a bit longer. His hands rubbed Ryan's sides slowly, enticing him for another kiss.
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