The Little Grey Mouse (k-michelle412/Twrdgirl)

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Ryan snuggled closer and smiled as he watched tv. He pushed all those thoughts away and focused on the now. He wanted to enjoy this time no matter what the future brought. He hoped that Zachary would be gentle with his heart, but he didn't want to worry about that right now. Zachary had already helped him in ways Ryan wasn't even sure of yet and he gave Ryan a friend which is what he needed the most.
"Hey Ryan..." Zachary asked using his full name in a soft, hesitant voice. "Um...n-not that we're a-at that point yet, but um,....what...what would you think of you know, maybe, one day" It was clear Zachary was beyond nervous. He never asked anyone this before let alone even thought about it in a million years.
His heart hammered and he felt like he might pass out from nerves.
Ryan looked at Zachary and kissed him gently. "Some day I would love to move in with you. Not now of course, but soon. I'm already getting use to sleeping with you." He smiled and caressed Zachary's cheek. Ryan kissed him again "if you want we can talk about this more now or later. You seem unsure about it right now."
Zachary relaxed more and more with each kiss and gentle touch. His heart raced and Ryan made him nervous and happy at the same time.
"I just...I've never asked someone something like this before. I guess I'm nervous." He chuckled clearly still a bit nervous. "I've actually erm, never even thought about it before but, um, I uh, I really like you...a lot." Zachary cleared his throat before continuing.
"Um actually, you're the first person that I've ever had to wait for. Not that I mind! Really! I just, it''s nice." He smiled genuinely and kissed Ryan's cheek.
Ryan smiled and kissed him gently. "It's fine no reason to be nervous. He snuggled closer to Zachary and ran his fingers though his hair. He kissed his neck gently "I like you a lot too" he said laughing softly knowing that neither was quite ready to say I love you yet. He wondered for a brief second if things were moving too fast, but he didn't really care.
Zachary smiled and pulled Ryan into him. He nuzzled into Ryan's cheek, kissed it, and sat back up.
He liked this. He'd never had time to enjoy things like this. It was new and quite nice actually.
Ryan smiled and just enjoyed basking in Zachary's affection. It was nice and something he never realized was missing. Sure Leo hugged him, but his family was often distant and cold. A brief kiss and the cheek or a handshake was the norm at family gatherings. He hated it and hadn't realized how much he liked affection until he got it from Zachary.
"Can I kiss you?" Zachary asked. He didn't want to throw Ryan off my just kissing him, especially after the conversation they just had about taking it slow.
Ryan nodded and leaned towards him. He waited for their lips to touch and he kissed back. The warmth that always washed over him when he and Zachary kissed was comforting.
Zachary kept the kiss simple. Their lips moved in perfect harmony but their was no force, nothing hurried about it.
There was something strange however. A light tingle in his lips as Zachary pulled away. It made his heart speed up as he gazed into Ryan's eyes.
"No way..." He muttered to himself. For the first time in his life he felt it. That spark everyone talked about. He knew this was it. Ryan was it.
Ryan raised an eyebrow "am I that good of a kissed" he asked smiling? He wasn't sure what was so amazing about the kiss. He than wondered if Zachary felt the same warmth he did when they kissed. The way his whole body sort of tingled when their lips touched.
"Y-Yeah..." Zachary whispered completely oblivious to everything. Everything but the way Ryan's eyes looked in the light, his hair, his cheeks, his nose, his lips.
"Don't....Don't move. Stay just like that." He had a goofy grin on his face as he pressed his lips against Ryan's and stood.
He brought out a new canvas and new paints, setting up in front of the other boy.
Ryan smiled, but didn't move. He felt it was only fair that Zachary got to paint him since he got to draw him. He stayed still keeping his expression the same. He knew what it was like to work on something only to have it change halfway though. It was why he liked drawing portraits. If you could get people to sit for you they were less likely to change unlike animals or nature.
Zachary went straight to work.
When he finished he sat back and just stared. He wasn't trying to be vain but, it was the best piece he'd ever done.
Slowly he turned it to face Ryan, suddenly scared he wouldn't like it.
Ryan blink in surprise "that's how you see me?" Ryan looked amazing in the picture. His hair was a rich brown color instead of the color or mud. His eyes a green and bright. He looked handsome and Ryan wasn't sure if Zachary was just trying to make him look better or if he actually saw him like that.
"Well, honestly?...yeah." Zachary admitted with a red face. He looked everywhere but Ryan.
In his eye Ryan was gorgeous and sweet and funny. Ryan was perfect.
"Every time I look at you, that's what I see." His blush deepened a his admittance.
Ryan smiled and kissed Zachary. He hugged him "thank you" he said softly. "I really love it" he kissed his cheek gently. "I didn't know you saw me like that. You could say I don't see myself in such a good light."
"No one ever does." He kissed Ryan passionately. He held him tightly against his chest, rubbing his back.
"Ryan, you're the most amazing guy I have ever met." He whispered into the others ear.
Ryan smiled and hugged him. "Zachary I've never met anyone who's made me feel so special." He relaxed into Zachary's warmth "I really care about you Zachary. I can see being happy with you for..... a long time." Ryan partially wanted to say forever, but thought that might bee to much.
Zachary felt elated. He kissed Ryan's cheek.
"It's late why don't we go to bed. I need a shower so I'll be in in a little okay." Zachary smiled and showed Ryan to his room. The bathroom was across the hall.
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