The Lion King: Scar's Reign(OOC/SIGN-UPS)

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Ok. I'll try and post a CS later (haven't had any sleep yet and my phone needs to charge anyway :p)
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"Another cub?"
I know. @Wicked Witch We don't want Scar or Zira to have any more kids. Basically everyone else already has a child or two from them, we don't need more.
I feel like a lion king roleplay could have worked out better without canon characters. Dunno it just seems rather disorganized now since some people have stopped posting.

(Has her pic as a cub and how'd she'd look as an young adult/adult)

Name: Tanuki
Age: Cub
Mate: None
Species: Lion
Strengths: Kind, Willing to take a hit for a friend, loyal
Weaknesses: lazy, sarcastic, a little cocky, can sometimes cause trouble
Family: Kuro (brother), Ali (Mother), Father (deceased)
Bio: Tanuki is the first born cub to her mother Ali. She doesn't remember much about her father, unfortunately, even though her mother told her that he was a great father. Tanuki and her family first encountered Scar near the border of the Pridelands and through some convincing on Ali's part the three were allowed to live within the Pridelands.


Name: Ali
Age: Adult
Mate: Aku (deceased)
Species: Lion
Strengths: Agile, Fast, Decent hunter, caring mother
Weaknesses: Quick to anger, hates being called "old" or a "hag", holds grudges, and is a little clumsy
Family: Tanuki (daughter), Kuro (son)
Bio: Ali was part of a small pride until she was a teen and decided to wander the lands without her parents knowing. She met a young rouge named Aku, and the two traveled and bonded. By the time they were adults and shortly after Kuro was born Aku had died from a sudden mysterious illness


Name: Kuro
Age: Cub
Mate: None
Species: Lion
Strengths: kind-hearted, protective, values life, friendly
Weaknesses: gets attached quickly, clingy, not too strong physically, easily fooled and manipulated
Family: Tanuki (sister), Aku (father), Ali (mother)
Bio: Kuro never knew his father and only had Tanuki and Ali to look after him. He gets attached easily and will cling to the one he's attached to until they get tired of the smaller than average cub following them. He's grown attached to Nuka in a way, mainly because he's small like Kuro himself.

(Kuro as a young adult/adult)
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Lol I used that same adult picture for Kuro in a different Lion King rp..

@Lizzy Accepted! You can start any time you can. Cx
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Oh, could you please catch me up on what's going on? :0

And I love that pic. <3
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Right now Ramona and Kovu are at the elephant graveyard. Zira and her oldest child Azra are sitting on Pride Rock and talking, Scar is.... Somewhere I forgot. He's probably at Pride Rock. Nuka is talking with his girlfriend near the hyenas. Sharlila is flirting with Tapenji and making plans to hang out later.

I think that's about all.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Is it bad i personally know the artist that made the adult Kuro image? i don't consider them a friend though rather just a respectable aquaintance.

Also my hyena cub whom is future matriarch is open and currently wondering on her own.
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Ok. Nuka better be prepared to get pounced on by a very attached and clingy Kuro....

And Tanuki....idk what she'll be doing, but we'll see.
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She can always join Kovu and Ramona in sliding down elephant bones.
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Seems like something she'd do.
And thus, a post was born...
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Anybody busy? I'm a lonely soul.... ;3;
Ah! Senpai noticed me! Finally hallelujah! :'D

Hi! ^3^
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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