The last Rakoor

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Scarlet was watching Hagen blush beet red when she asked him to sit beside her. It was an innocent request since she wanted to cuddle. A giggle escaped her at the thought. Her gaze steadily regarded him as he stuttered a reply. He's cute when stuttering and blushing. The room was a bit chilly but comfortable enough making her yawn and stretched her arms. Letting out a purr of contentment, she curled up without waiting for Hagen to join her in the bed.

The only sounds that could be heard from the room were their breathing and the quiet chirping of insects outside. The door opened to reveal Vhen. Even not facing him, she could feel his disappointment and disgust just from the way he scolded Hagen. Without moving, she listened to him telling the red eye boy that she's not the real Lilith and he shouldn't take advantage of her drunken state. She was beginning to get tired of everyone berating or littling Hagen's personality. Moreover, she was Lilith, demon or no they're the same. Despite her thoughts, she let Vhen say his piece and left the room. She felt torn in the situation. She knew she was being too reckless and ungrateful to her master since it was his house they're staying but she couldn't help but feel angry at him, thinking that way about her and Hagen. Once sure that Vhen's downstairs, she sat up and addressed Hagen. "Hey. Sorry about that. Give me that bottle. I'll chug this then go to bed. You do the same. I shouldn't have drag you here. I'm not doing any good for your image with the others. It wasn't your fault and they blame you anyway." she stated apologetically as she downed the liquid in one gulp. She almost gagged at its taste. What was in that medicine, she asked herself, forcing the food and liquid stay in her stomach. Groaning, she lied back again, holding her head.

"I'm fine. You rest. I feel like I'm way too tired, you know? I would've asked you to sleep beside me since it's been years since someone stayed beside me. Actually, no one ever stayed with me while I sleep. I've been way too lonely so I guess that's why I was so happy when I met you. You know, I never felt his happiness in my entire life. I really wish we'd stay together. I don't want to be alone again. Do you...." she solemnly confessed, induced by alcohol, as her voice got softer as she spoke until only her shallow breathing was the only sound coming from her. The medicine affected her like a sleeping potion as she could feel her eyelids drooped heavy and her body as if floating in the clouds. She fell asleep in a matter of minutes. Her sleeping face was both sad and happy at the same time. She was curled up like a child, her hair spread like a fan in the bed as she hugged herself.
Hagen was still standing by the time Lilith had fallen asleep. " who did Vehn think he was? Telling him not to take advantage" he thought to himself.

The boy took a few steps towards the bed. Lilith was really cute when she was asleep. Hagen moved round the other side of the bed and sat down, next to her. " no I don't want to be alone anymore" he answered, to her sleeping body. It was late and Hagen himself was also very tired. The be t thing he knew he was lying down next to Lilith. He turned to face her sleeping face. Looking at her he smiled softly, then fell asleep.
This was quickly becoming nothing more than a one sided display of shit-talking. Lapis was almost daring the entity to react hostile and all apparently she could do is converse incompetently. If she was as far above him as she claimed she wouldn't have bothered to dwell in such childish banter. With that said it was apparent that she felt threatened, and she should. No matter what barometer she set for the limitations of his being she was at a disadvantage. In his travels Lapis ran across his fair share of beings that in all likelihood were more powerful than her actually, but all of them had something in common. They failed to outwit him. Could the strange argumentative life form before him? Chances were slim.

"Are you going to continue to talk shit in your corner and try to prove you're better than me like some sort of aristocrat or are you going to attempt to kill me?" he said almost playfully.

The hardheaded nature of the flame manipulator was really starting to show. The only things he respected he feared. Naturally that's just how he was.

Now sitting on the window sill, he lifted his left foot and placed it on his opposite knee. The winds began to pick up outside, blowing some of the embers that naturally existed on his body into the air of the room. Not only that but they began to multiply, dancing somewhat bountifully as the room became a luminous light show. The flames apparently for the time being did not burn anything oddly, or at least not yet. They were white this time and what that meant only Lapis could know.

"So are you going to lock me up? Send me to hell? I'm just dying to see what kind of lame threat you'll give me that you'd consider punishment. In fact I want to see your boss? Who the hell would send you? I don't think you're very good at your job."
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Strength. He was looking for strength. Naturally, he was looking for more entities to side with him in preparation for the upcoming battle. With what they were now, a rakooran, a demoness, a metahuman, the dervishes, and him-- they weren't really that much of a threat. Not at all. He needed to find creatures with no allegiances, those who at least resented the King of Hell.

Suddenly, he sensed it there... there! It was so close yet he failed to detect it. They must be some unique beings... one, he sensed dwindling within the demoness, and the other, he sensed within the house when he and Ashmedai first arrived. How come he forgot to recruit them first? He may have gotten dull due to his wings being ripped off. Uttering a small chant, Mammon vanished once more into nothingness, the coins he left behind vanishing as well-- similar to the riches of this earth, ephemeral and fragile.

"Sorry for interrupting your... fruitful conversation." a voice echoed from the darkness as a pile of coins began to drop from thin air. A figure emerged from the pile as he smiled gently at the two demons-- demons of significant power and ability. "I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I would like to ask a moment of your precious time to listen to what I have to say, that is, if you allow me to."

Mammon eyed both of them carefully. A female entity, quite young and naive, yet great potential Of course, this other demon, he knows... who wouldn't know him? Any demon who has power knows of Lapis, a cunning individual. Mammon believed that if Lapis had been a spawn of the King of Hell, he would have been chosen to become one of the princes. Mammon bowed slightly to both creatures, and grinned once more.

"Oh, but of course, how rude of me. You may not know me, but I am Mammon, a simple demon who has a long-term goal." the prince introduced himself as he coughed lightly. "I couldn't help but overhear that you wanted to see the 'boss'. I am pleased to say that I am quite close with the boss... and my quest, involves that same boss as well. I don't know if you're interested in adventures, but if you are, then I can certainly offer you one."

Mammon turned to the young woman as he smiled at her once more. "I think... that you desire power, do you not? If you do, then I also have a proposition for you."
A shaft of sunbeam awakened Lilith. Her eyes opened slowly as she savor the lightness she's feeling waking up. It was as if she slept for a very long time. It was still early and she remembered her duties as a slave. Her eyes roamed around the room and she vaguely remembered being drunk and entering this unfamiliar room. Her scanning stopped at the boy sleeping next to her. Frozen from where she lay, she was relieved he didn't go away and left her in yhe room. She smiled watching him sleeping still. As the events from last night replayed in her memory, she stilled as she blushed furiously. It was Scarlet who foolishly did those things but still it was embarassing not to mention humiliating to say such things to Hagen. Luckily, the nasty medicine did its work, her head wasn't throbbing much. It only felt like a mild headache.

She got off the bed cautiously, not wanting to jostle Hagen. He deserved plenty of rest, physically and emotionally. So far so good was her morning. She washed her face and brushed her hair into a decent style in the bathroom before going stealthily out of the room.

Wanting to feel awake and alert, she drank some coffee before proceeding to work. She grabbed some cleaning materials and cleaned the house. She wiped the window and all the furnitures. She also mopped the floors both upstairs and downstairs. Resting to catch her breath, she sat down for 15 minutes before working again. The house was squeaky clean by the time she finished around 7 o'clock in the morning. Her master might awaken soon so she decided to make some breakfast. Putting back the cleaning materials, she set out to the kitchen.

The house was still quiet while she slowly made her way into the kitchen. The pantry was stocked well with plenty of meat and vegetables she could use to make breakfast. Grabbing some ingredients, she began cooking their breakfast. She wasn't much of a cook but she knew enough simple recipes that could feed them sufficiently. While cooking, she managed to set up the table with all the utensils and proper settings. Once done, she laid the food and all that was needed to do was to eat them.

With spare time remaining, she hunted some fresh change of clothes. Refreshed and relatively cleaner, she sat down near the window as she watched the sun rose in the horizon. The two lads would be waking any moment now. As she awaited them to come down, she counted in her head all the task she had to finish that day.
Hagens back was warm from the sun. As the light shone through the window the boy begun to awake from his slumber. He rolled over, not realizing he was on the end of the bed. His body flopped to the floor. "ahh!" he shouted, followed by a loud thump as he collided with the floor. Hagen scratched his head as he managed to pull him self up. He began to remember his actions from yesterday. Him sleeping next to Lilith, instantly his cheeks flushed red. He quickly looked around the room for her, but she had gone. "she's probably down stairs" he mumbled to himself as he dragged his body out the door. His feet made heavy foot steps, and his eyes were half open. Both his hair and clothes were a mess, especially his shirt which had rolled off slightly when he had fallen. This revealed the collection of scars across the lower part of his body, and part of the large 'X' scar along his chest. He made his way to the kitchen where he saw Lilith looking out the window. "good morning" he managed, still in a sleepy state
Her neck creaked loudly as her head snapped at his direction. "Oh. Morning, Hagen.." she trailed off as she noticed his messy appearance first, causing her to blush, then to his scars especially the large 'x' one. She was up in an instant, fussing at him. She reached out to touch the scar but decided against it since she thought he wouldn't like her touching his scars. It seemed way too personal for that and Hagen's probably not yet ready for it. Not knowing what to do, she settled in guiding him to a chair nearby as she tried to flatten his hair into submission and arranged his shirt before Vhen sees it which could make him jump into wrong conclusions. "Stay still for a while." she ordered him for a few minutes before redirecting him to the table. Flustered and awkward, she poured him coffee and encouraged him to eat. "Go on. I'll, uh, wait for master." she told him quietly as she poured herself another cup of freshly brewed coffee.

"How's it? I'm not really talented in cooking but I hope it's to your satisfaction." she stated before sipping her coffee. "Uhm, did you err sleep well?" a blush crept in her cheeks and neck, hastily drinking from her cup again. There was silence as she decided not to talk again lest she embarrassed herself much further. Avoiding any eye contact, she went and refilled the pot of coffee.
He didn't realize his appearance until Lilith was fussing over him. Leading him to a chair and sorting out his hair, as well as putting his top back on. Hagen was still half asleep so he didn't really understand what was happening, untill the smell of coffee and food wafted up his noice. He couldn't resist it smelt to good, Hagen diveded into yet another meal. It began to seem like the only way he knew how to eat. Slowly with every bite and gulp he regained his normal state. "it's amazing" he answered, a huge smile across his face. Looking up to answer her second question he noticed the red creeping over her cheeks. He then realized why "oh Yh..umm. I slept fine thank you" he rushed shovelling more food into his mouth, and slurping his coffee away
She ignored the ignorant demon who assumed she was of their level. "Sent me?" She scoffed "What a ridiculous notion! And send you to hell? You really think that's what happens when you die? Hell is just another dimension... you really don't know anything, do you?" She chuckled "There are few reason why I am bothering to interact with you. 1: Lilith is a special being, I have not seen something like her for many millennia, you are quite easily strong enough to kill her. I'm warning you. 2: This temporary form is insufficient. I am not well enough manifested to control Lilith's mind as she is special, so I will need another host to siphon energy from. For example the demon before us right now. Help me and I will spare you. 3: You let off a extraordinary amount of excess energy due to your fire-based form which I am currently collecting and growing stronger from. " she says, with a small smile. "Do you accept my warning and offer or do you wish to cease existing?"
"I-I see.." she replied though she didn't actually. She busied herself in rearranging the utensils though nothing's out of order. "I wonder when master would wake up. I should probably go to him. You eat there. Be back soon." she hurried up the stairs to Vhen's room. Knocking softly, she called out to him. "Sire. Good morning." she said, listening for any signs of activities from the other side of the door. When no one answered her, she tried again. After 5 times of no reply, she decided serve him breakfast in his bed.

She went downstairs and prepared a tray for him. At his door, she turned the knob and it was surprisingly open. She elbowed the door to keep it open as she entered with the tray on her hand. She laid it on the table nearby. She took a minute to observe him in his sleep. He still wore the mask even sleeping, huh. She thought to herself. Quietly, she exited his room, not wanting to disturb him and invade his privacy even further.

She returned to the dining room and sat herself beside Hagen. She ate with more finesse now compared to last night's. In no time though, she's full and content. "I'm so full. I'm going to garden later to weed and water the plants. And probably fix the quarters since it was destroyed into smithereens. Want to come along?" she blushingly informed Hagen, not that she needed help but rather she wanted to spend some time with him and to distract him from the battle for the time being. She took some rest after cleaning up the table since she didn't tidy up last night due to her drunkenness. She sat near the window again, watching the world outside wondering about their futures.
Hagen watched as Lilith left with a tray. She really was caring about everyone else. Hagen finished his meal then played back on the chair, all his energy had been replenished. Lilith made a swift returne, and began to eat next to him. She had more composer in her eating than last time, which made Hagen laugh a little. After she had finished Lilith explained what she was going to do, and asked if he wanted to join her. He wasn't really into gardening, and was about to reject the offer when he realized that it was a chance to spend time together. "ummm yes okay" Hagen answered. He then walked to the exit of the room, he needed to go get something quickly. Just before he left he turned to face Lilith, "you should call Mammon and ask when hehcan make the portal. So we can finish this quickly" he said just about to leave he stopped again. "after all I don't think that collar suits you" he added
The female before him scoffed at the demons request. No surprised there. It wasn't a surprise due to her hot headedness. It'd appear that Mammon had not watched the encounter between the two individuals long enough before making his appearance. Before giving his reply to the man however he'd continue his squabbling with his female foil.

"You can grow stronger from it if you'd like. I'd be glad to supply more actually. Maybe it'll make you a worthy opponent, but I might have to burn the entire planet down to give you what you'd need. Luckily for you and everyone else I won't. That'd warrant trouble only a fool would ask for. Also what gave you the assumption I'd kill the girl. I won't sit here and pretend as I'm a saint but I certainly didn't plan for it"

At that moment Lapis began to laugh a bit.

"I won't kill her but leaving her and odd friend alone I wont promise. Actually if I did promise I'd still be telling a lie. Point is get rid of me or get in line for complaints. It's pretty simple."

It was a pretty childish gesture from him but Lapis could be a pretty petty individual when provoked. After his arrogant speech the feather like embers dancing around the room drifted towards Lapis, eventually collecting and ultimately fading into his still lit cigarette. Taking a breath in of it he'd finally turn back to the male.

Though he wasn't sure who this opposing demon was he wanted to hear more of what he had to say. Anything at this point should be more interesting than the shenanigans before.

"Mammons your name ehh" he'd speak in a somewhat monotonous tone.

"What do you have in mind?"

These words from Lapis signaled that he was most likely in on the request but as many would say his company had its perks and cons. He was highly unpredictable but he wouldn't take the time to warn Mammon. He'd most likely find out in the long run, maybe at the worst possible moment.
"Thank you for your warning, my dear. Might you have a name, though?" Mammon grinned at the female entity as he adjusted his tie, and turned back to Lapis. "Great indeed is your power, sir Lapis. I thank you for acknowledging my request." Mammon replied, his tone courteous and respectful, albeit one could detect a strand of sarcasm along the air. Mammon pulled out three coins from his suit, and tossed them into the air, creating vivid gold mirrors where three persons were in view.

"Hagen, the last rakooran. Lilith, vessel of a powerful demon. Vhen, resurrected part demon, part rakooran, and part human." Mammon began as he looked at the mirrors. "These three are bound by a deal in Hell, and they are quite discontented with their share, hence, they intend to break the deal, and unleash the Legion upon them. The rakooran, on the other hand, intends to attack Hell, and kill the King, my father. I intend to support them, however, the rakooran is much too foolish to accept his fallibility and mortality-- he refuses aid where he needs it. Lilith, on one side, believes that the rakooran is indeed powerful, and she supports him all the way. Vhen is now succumbing to the taboo mixture of demon, rakooran, and human blood-- he'll be experiencing an intense metamorphosis soon." the prince smiled as he noticed that, perhaps, these two weren't in the mood for a lecture.

"So, what do these people have in common? They're all unstable. Remove one, and all of them shatter to pieces. That is what my father and brothers will look for-- a hole. Hence, we need a more... stable arm in this revolution against Hell. I understand that you, as a fellow demon, might want to defend Hell, but I believe that you're much too intelligent and powerful to be made as just a mere underling. Don't you think so?" Mammon eyed Lapis as the coins danced around them, and finally merged into a single large mirror.

"I believe that the two of you would like to test your power against credible foes, and I think, that my people will suffice for an opponent." Mammon chuckled. "Don't be confused. I am a demon, and I hate mortals as much as the next horn, but I hate my family more."

Suddenly, Mammon pulled back the coins as they circled around him in an ominous golden glow. "So, here's my request... Aid us in our Grand Revolution against the Inferno. I think as powerful creatures, you don't need wealth... So, I'll be asking what you want in return... should you help us."
Hagen agreed to accompany her to the garden to spend sometime together so they could bond. It'd be the first time so she was pretty much excited even though it's just weeds and plants. Before he exited though, he asked her to call Mammon to inquire about when he could summon the portal the soonest. He further added that the collar didn't suit her. With that, he quit the room looking for something. She automatically touched the collar and sighed.

Digging in her pockets, she took the coin Mammon gave her to communicate with him. Feeling foolish and awkward, she imagined Mammon and tentatively called his name. "Uhh, Mammon? Hagen wanted to ask about the portal? Sorry to disturb you." she said blushing before pocketing the coin again. It was like leaving a message in the phone. Afterwards, she took some gardening tools like gloves and boots. She prepared them as she waited for Hagen to return.

The rain made the garden soil softer and muddier which was both good and bad. It was good because it'd cut the time for weeding since the soil would be soft and the roots would be easier to pull. Bad because lots of mud would cake their boots and dirty their clothes which meant more work to clean afterwards. She shook her head in amusement as she told herself that what a way it was to bond together with Hagen.

Her mind wandered to Mammon's plan and to the upcoming battle. There's a lot of risks involved and lives at stake. Moreover, they're greatly outnumbered with Hell's battalion. The demon princes were powerful beings not to mention the King. Her stomach knotted in anxiety and worry. I musn't lose hope, she encouraged herself. Maybe she could train with Mammon? That's an interesting idea but Hagen might not agree with her. She wouldn't mind and it's her decision to make. With that resolved, she looked back to where Hagen exited. Where was he anyway? She asked a bit impatiently as she played with a lock of her hair.
"I have no need or interest for 'testing myself' as you put it" she replied to Mammon "Know that this is only a temporary form I have created for myself and I would prefer to take a more suitable host... one blonde demon perhaps?" she continued with a small smirk. "So what shall it be Lapis? Will you accept my offer of temporary alliance for the expressed purpose of taking this demon's body for myself or will you band together to defend him when I attempt to take his body?" she inquired nonchalantly strolling towards the blonde haired demon while addressing Lapis
Name: Torvin Herald
Height: 5ft 7
Build: Muscular and toned
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Teal
Personality: Quick on his feet but sometimes arrogant
Background: Used to be a slave until he murdered his master and family. Now a convict
Skills: Experienced with bladed weaponry and an excellent pickpocket as that is how he survives

I would like to join in, is that ok?
" Hey sorry for making you wait" Hagen apologized as he jogged back into the room. "i was just going to the toilet" He lied. In truth Hagen was checking something, his scar. It had been acting up recently, even though it was the oldest scar he had. He had gone to the bath room to check. The scar was accompanied by many others, but it was by far the largest. He had received it from his parents on the day of the trials. It had been throbbing and causing him to have hallucinations of a nostalgic figure. But he couldn't worry Lilith with these matters.

Hagen smiled at her as they began to walk outside. He had picked up a pair of gloves and boots. Whilst he held some gardening implements. He had never done gardening before, since there were no farms in his old civilization. The word farming was used in a whole other way if you were a Rakoor. But he had watched people plant stuff whilst he was a slave, and it didn't look that hard. Anyway it didn't matter since the only reason he was doing this was to be with Lilith. "So whats first?" he asked with a joyful tone, as he looked around the garden
Her musings were interrupted by Hagen's arrival. He went to the toilet he said but she felt something was off. She stared at him, searching for some clues or signs. Whatever it was she wasn't sure so she stayed quiet as they walked to the garden.

The blue sky indicated a much better weather and one she would like to take advantage of. "Come on, slow poke." she teased him with a bright smile despite the nagging feeling she had earlier. She stopped at the flowerbeds and motioned him to come closer. She explained briefly what they needed to do since it'll be just weeding for the meantime as the beds were already planted. "See. You have to be careful especially when it's near the flowering plants. Make sure you pull all the way to the roots. Use your shovel when it's hard to pull." she demonstrated to him patiently. They worked on their own half area of the garden to weed. It was serene and refreshing to work in the garden. After 2 hours, the garden was finally weed-free. Beads of perspiration dampened her hair and her back was aching and sore. Telling him to follow her in the washing area, she walked to the pump to wash her boots caked with mud with her arms also smudged with it. "So how's your garden experience?" she giggled with her question. "Oh, I contacted Mammon but he didn't answer yet." she said after remembering Hagen's request earlier.
After he had been told what to do he began to weed. It wasn't to hard...or so he thought. He could easily pull the weeds out but occasionally the roots would snap and he would have to dig around for them. It took a long but interesting 2 hours to finish. Liliths half looking much neater and cleaner than Hagens. After he was instructed to follow her to the wash area he decided that was a good idea as he looked down. He was covered in mud from head to toe. Manly over his hands and legs, but small clumps had made it onto the boys face.

He watched her wash her boots, then was asked about his experience. Looking down again at his mud covered body then back at her he replied laughing a little "I think i should practice". He then in turn washed his boots, and hands, and legs, and arms and pretty much everything. After he had done he looked back at Lilith. He hadn't quite cleaned his face properly, but he didn't realize. "Thank you" he said, "I hope he replies soon" he added
She laughed as they washed themselves. She noticed he still had some dirt on his face. She wiped it with the towel she used to wipe her face. Gently scrubbing his face clean, she patted his cheek. "There. All done. What do you say we clean some debris next? It'd be quick given our abilities." she asked him as they placed the gardening tools back to its storage. She was starting to wonder what on earth Mammon's doing. He usually popped like a mushroom out of nowhere when called. Shrugging internally, she motioned Hagen to follow her.

They trodded the path to her quarters which were destroyed by her battle with Ashmedai. It was totally burned and destroyed. Luckily, most of the foundations were still okay. They could build from it and the image of Hell's interior design came to her mind. Later, she told herseld. First, they had to clear the smashed wood and rocks strewn all over the place. She did some cleaning before but it wasn't thorough so there they were, standing on ground zero.

"You ready? Or you want some break before we tackle this? I know it's not what I had in mind for our date but this will have to do for now. What with all the battle and such coming up." she commented as she picked up a rock and threw it where it smashed into a larger debris.

She pointed where they'll dump the dirt and debris and what area each would clean. She blushed when she realized she was talking too much. "Sorry. I guess Scarlet's chattering personality is starting to rub off of me." she apologized shyly. She forgotten her shyness, distracted as she was with Hagen's company. She was enjoying herself, she noted. She would make sure they'll have a next time to do it again. She'll fight against all odds for a replay with this moment.
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