The Kingdom of Evertrue

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"I noticed it too Charlie: there is magic at play here. I felt a similar sense when I was trapped in the Gorge of Confusion, but this is... different. More subtle, or perhaps more refined." As he spoke, Aros scanned the mechanism attached to the door latches. When Charlie asked for ideas, Aros had begun to trace near imperceptible lines from the base of the machine in the ground. The tiled floors of the courtyard appeared mostly uniform except for a few errant stone plates, but Aros could tell that ther was no coincidence in the way the split in the tiles from beneath the machine seemed to travel backwards toward the bridge. Eventually, the lines split and each disappeared under a set of stairs leading to the top of an arch way that stood over the entrance to the yard.

"I suspect we may find whatever is connected to the door mechanism up here," He said aloud as he traversed the steps. Rounding a corner, he found himself staring at a brilliantly detailed, golden sun statuette that seemed locked onto a large metal semi-circle. Along the metal, numeric symbols marking different hours in the day lay at equal distance from one another, traveling from the very beginning of the arc to the end. Aros suspected they needed to alter the sun's position, but to where he did not know. Even as he tried to shift the structure along the metal beam, it refused to budge, groaning loudly under the pressure of his touch.

Damn... How the hell was anyone supposed to know where to move this thing, let alone how...

As he began to ponder what significance the structure might've had to its architects, his eyes wandered over the beautiful and immaculate courtyard, and the brilliantly curved fountain. Its style was exceptionally unique, as the whole structure seemed to curve impossibly to one point, its pools of crystal clear water trickling down and around the tower-like supports. What Aros liked most was how the angle it stood at cast a shadow over the tiles in such a way that the detail of the fountain could be seen in the lights and darks overcast on the floor.

Such intentional craftsmanship... but for what? No one on the ground would ever give a shadow like that a second thought.

Aros's eyes went wide at the realization.

It wasn't meant for people on the ground!

It was no ordinary fountain at all; its structure was built for the shadow as the fountain itself was the dias of what appeared to be a massive sun-dial. The shadow pointed at just past midday, and taking it to be the only possible reason to construct a sun-dial in so inconspicuous a place, Aros felt confident in his solution. "Charlie, I think I have it: the fountain is a dial, and we need to somehow adjust this mechanism so that the sun here reflects the actual time of day now. I don't know how to properly move it though. We could try by force, or perhaps there is something else here I'm missing..." Aros frantically looked about the arch, but even he could not perceive how to move the golden sun on its arch.
Eu-Mag | Sapphire city | Afternoon | Myranda, @WhisperingWillows

"May I please get your name, sir?" The woman's voice made no immediate reaction in neither Eu-Mag nor Tónlist. Eu-Mag was currently unable of movement, and was even barely concious, but Tónlist eventually looked up from his book and at the tavern keeper with a stern glance. He knew he'd want to stay low, getting overrun by a crowd was nothing he wanted at the moment. Deciding to keep his and Eu-Mag's title hidden, he told her that "My name is Tónlist, and the armor is named Eu-Mag." He was unsure how the woman would react to him bringing an armor in, then claiming it was a person, but the worst case scenario was that he'd have to explain his origins to her. Which would be doable without telling his entire life story.

Tónlist was about to return to his book, as a woman, an aggrevated look on her pink face, bursted in the door. She took heavy steps over to the counter behind which Myranda stood, a crumbled paper note in her hands.

"Where is Eum-Ag? That scoundrel's got some explainin' to do." Astounded by the words of the angry woman walking in, Tónlist became scared, yet curious. Did she know the King? He'd have to figure out this. He quickly crossed the floor, stopping the woman's yelling. "My lady, may I ask what the commotion is about? I will for the time being represent Eu-Mag in whatever businesses concern him."

The woman did but turn angrier, as she sighed loudly, proceeding to ask him. "And why can't I speak with the weasel himself? And why you 'representing' him? D'you know anything 'bout this monster hunt stunt of his?"

Now his interest was peaked, although along with how she seemed to know him, call him names, and pronounce his real name differently, the realization that she was talking about someone else was coming over him.

[Expedition in progress - Mystery Isle (Does this count as a post?)
Posts: 3/10
Dangers: 1/3]

Lady Anne Claudia Hadoram | Sapphire city castle | Afternoon

Her walls were covered in bookshelves, each with a disappointingly large space void of books. Not without reason, she liked to read, she simply felt like she had all the books a judge could ever need. By her wooden desk Lady Hadoram sat, deeply delved in the joys of paperwork. She wasn't fond of it, but she didn't outright dislike it either. She went over the form in front of her. "Guard Jardanr, accused and proven guilty of blackmailing other servants. Judgement: Two months of tending for the royal garden." She continued, filling in her own name, signing, adding the date and the like, before putting it in a folder on her desk.

Leaning back, she went over her usually busy schedule. She'd be back in the court in a few minutes, along with recieving reports from various overseers afterwards. Seemed she had some free time. In a lack of else to do, she grabbed a book out of her shelf. Sigh, I've read this one far too many times. She put it back, pulling out another. Order in the Court, a good one. She knew all too good that she had read all the books far to many times to possibly be any interesting anymore, but it wasn't like she could help it. A book was a book, and everyone else were probably too busy at this point.
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PrincessLala95 updated The Kingdom of Evertrue with a new update entry:


It's payday today, yay! All active characters with careers/jobs have been awarded their paydays. Characters who have not posted since December 31st would have been moved to the inactivity list if there were any - ALL active players have posted since the start of the New Year, yay! Inactive characters who have posted since the start of the New Year were moved to the active list and given their paycheques.

The list of upcoming...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Queen Clarice Angelina Charmaine | Sapphire City Castle | Throne Room

Clarice smiled as she saw Allora enter the room. She could tell immediately that Allora recognized something as being off, and she nodded when the young elf addressed her. "Yes, my dear, I did," she said softly. She glanced briefly in the direction of Loran before turning her gaze back to Allora. "Allora, this is Loran. He has come here seeking you out - he has a request to make of you." Again, the young Queen paused, this time only briefly enough that neither of them be given the opportunity to speak before she continued. "Do not feel as if you have to give a certain answer right away - you do have time to think about what he has said, if you wish." She hoped that Loran would not feel threatened by her words, as they indicated to Allora that she had the right to say no if she wished. For now, it was simply a matter of making Allora feel comfortable and safe with talking to him - Clarice knew that Allora would never agree to go if she felt frightened or threatened by the other elf...although, if they did succeed in making Allora comfortable with him, Clarice would bear enough anxiety around the man for the two of them, having just heard him mention tying and gagging Allora to force her to go with him. She didn't like it one bit - part of it, were it not for the letter, might not even believe him - but she had to give Allora the opportunity to choose before helping her to stay.

Aurélie Lorraine Charmaine | Telia City | University Library

Aurélie couldn't help but to let out a giggle at hearing the other girl's words. She hoped that this girl, this deer-bodied newcomer, wouldn't have any clue who she was. If she could hide her identity from this girl, she might have a guaranteed friend for a while. "Oh, I can't cast any charms at all - I don't have a magical bone in my body. Luckily for me, my stepmother doesn't either. That's why I'm safe here - she's back home in Sapphire City with my father, so she can't lay a hand on me here." Aurélie smiled, shaking her head slightly, amused that she was able to have this conversation without some snotty voice going "Oh, but isn't your stepmother the kind and benevolent Queeeeeen?" Aurélie was sick of hearing it - the people might love Clarice, but she did not, and frankly, she had no reason to. "Osha sprig, though - that I can do," she added with a grin.

Crofton Dewl | Kynt Village | Streets/Inn

Barely a few hours had gone by. Crofton had ridden the entire length of the road from Vastwater Basin to Kynt Village, a small mining settlement nestled in the massive valley between the two major mountain ranges on this side of the map. He could tell just from entering it that it was a mining town, seeing very few men as most of them were likely in the mountains working, and instead seeing streets littered with sturdy women who performed the labours of both husband and wife and young children who probably saw "papa" as nothing more than an enigma, a face who came home every few weeks to eat and sleep before heading out again. Such a sacrifice to make in order to make a living raising these poor, grubby-faced little children.

Crofton himself had thought about the possibility of children one day - not children of his own, of course, he'd have to adopt since any partner he ended up being with would more than certainly be another man. Two men couldn't have a child of their own without the intervention of powerful magic, so he would have to adopt. He had thought about it back when he'd been in love, back when he'd abandoned his life in Vastwater Basin to be in Eastway Bluff with the man for whom he'd fallen - abandoned it so much that his time back there just last night hadn't felt like home at all. He'd lost every opportunity after losing him, though, and after delving into the soul trade to try and win him back, he had abandoned the thought. No child could live peacefully with a father who spent his time stealing the souls of others to try to win back the one he loved. As he watched these little ones wander by, though, he began to wonder what it might be like to one day have one of his own.

He slowed Presley to a stop and opened up his gold pouch, looking in. He doubted that he had enough gold for both a meal and a boat ride. A painful thought darted across his mind - he could always just steal some extra gold for a meal. Though he'd never been the most skilled pickpocket, his long-lost lover had taught him a few things, and he could probably grab a good handful of gold off the lovely women of Kynt Village without them noticing a thing. It was a different story in Eastway Bluff, where everyone was hardened and ready to slice off the fingers of a pickpocket or cutpurse who thought they might make a decent target. Here, though, the people would never be expecting it.

He took Presley to the Kynt Village stables, where they agreed to watch him for the duration of his stay. Next, he took to the streets. It only took him perhaps fifteen minutes, and much of that time consisted of waiting for the perfect moment when nobody could see him but his targets, but he had soon collected himself a decent twenty gold coins. He hated himself for stealing from these people - women and children whose only means of making income worked a dangerous job in the mountains that could have him killed any day - but he would make it up to them. Somehow. Someday. Perhaps with the riches he gained in the Cave of Souls - if there were riches to be had, of course.

With this newfound wealth in hand, Crofton hurried over to a small diner nearby. He'd like a real meal for once, not tavern food. He entered, and the waitress was quick to seat him. He kept a close eye on the prices listed on the menu, and placed an order for a pasta dish. When brought to him, it consisted of chunky noodles, a vegetable sauce, and a few chunks of meat that, though he couldn't tell what animal it had come from, tasted excellent. Yes, it was definitely a real meal - hearty and arriving in a more than decent portion - and he only had to pay the waitress twelve coins for it. A definite bargain - the next time he was in Kynt Village, he would certainly be eating here. Once his stomach was filled and he was satisfied, he returned to the stables to fetch Presley, who was patiently waiting. Climbing back atop the horse, he once again took off for the road West, knowing that Cublain Village was his next stop.
Charlie was busily peering at the mechanism on the doorway as Aros skirted around and noticed the solution to the puzzle. Squinting at his silhouette above her, Charlie followed the stairs and peered at the statuette and the sun-dial fountain. She tapped at her chin thoughtfully, uncertain on what to do - her initial idea was to simply shove at it until it slotted into place, but Aros had already said outright that the statuette was not moving.

So, problem; the sun was at the wrong position and brute force was not the answer. Charlie wanted to say 'magic', but again thought better of it - not everything could be dismissed under the subject. What if visitors to this Sanctum (such as her and Aros) were not magically gifted and had to get in? No, there had to be another way to solve this puzzle. Charlie reached out, pressing and prodding at the statuette. She even gave it a couple of shoves and a kick, to no avail. "But how are you meant to-..." the woman murmured, rubbing at her forehead. She squatted down and inspected the base of the statuette as thoroughly as possible, digging her stubby fingernails into any groove she could find, to no avail.

The realisation dawned on her features. It can't be as easy as that, she thought as she gently reached out and gripped onto the edge of the metal semi-circle. She gave it a little push - the circle gave a little bit, shunting to the side before clicking to a stop. By pushing down on the disc and manoeuvring it at the same time, the sheet of metal moved fluidly and locked into place, just past mid-day. Charlie glanced up at Aros and gave a short, sheepish grin, clearly embarrassed at her own stupidity. A low rumble resounded through the courtyard, disturbing the waters of the fountain ever-so-slighty as the two grandiose doors swung open, revealing a large, darkened corridor with some faint blue lights illuminating the space. Determined to avoid trailing after Aros like a lost lamb, Charlie started down the stairs and went right into the corridor.

The hallway was narrow and subtly decorated with glowing blue crystal lamps, evenly spaced across the walls. Punctuating each gap between a lantern hung a loose indigo silk tapestry, the cloth gently fluttering in a non-existent breeze. The floor consisted of beautiful marble tiles, so closely-set that they seemed to melt into one another. Two thin golden lines ran along the base of the walls. At the end of the hallway, the room swept out into a circular space with at least twelve doors, every one of them utterly identical down to the woodgrain; hidden from Charlie's perception was the additional fact that each door was enchanted with some sort of lock, allowing one-way entry only. A circular skylight set into the domed ceiling let a large circle of light shine down into the room. Charlie, who had slowly become accustomed to dingy taverns and rickety hovels, was almost certainly out of her depth among all of this grandeur. Instead of gaping at the opulence of the room with her mouth hanging open, however, she instead peered at the doors critically.

"This seems too easy, Aros." grunted Charlie, gesturing briefly to the doors. "Forgive my wariness but I'm honestly expecting the guards or something similar to arrive any time now. There's no way this place was abandoned, and if it really is, then there had to be a good reason." She fell silent for a moment, peering at the doors solemnly. Left along with her thoughts, Charlie started to rationalise the situation. Since when did she become so invested in this expedition in the first place? Just yesterday she was sure that Aros would dig a knife into her kidney the moment she stepped out of Eastway (Charlie briefly glanced over her shoulder for the Dark Elf, half-expecting him to be sneaking up on her, blade in hand) and all of a sudden she was playing investigator with a man she barely knew, with the promise of riches which may or may not exist in the first place.

I could get lost here and nobody would ever know. I could die here and nobody would ever know.

These trains of thought were unfortunately common for Charlie. From Aros' perspective, Charlie's entire demeanour seemed to shift for the worse. Whilst her expression of contemplation remained fixed, it was as if some invisible weight was added upon her slumping shoulders, and the atmosphere in the room became colder. If Aros' optimistic charm oozed from every pore, then Charlie was the perfect opposite. She seemed to radiate a sense of hopelessness and defeat - and it didn't take a genius to perceive that she wasn't thinking about the puzzle in particular.
Shin Najima
He was walking through the streets of Kruvari when he saw 3 girls talking with each other. He heard something about an old house they were gonna go to and silently followed them. He didn't recognize any of them as he just followed. He saw them going inside and had already found it strange one girl was covered with tons of weird signs. He saw the door was a little bit open and managed to slip right through. He followed them and saw them going into a room covered with more weird markings. Some the same as on the girl he saw before. Could this be the mythical rune magic he had heard of from costumers? He didn't believe it himself. Then he saw a pair of bunny ears peak up and immediately knew who was there. His younger sister Lilith. He grinned as he walked in with his scythe on his shoulder of course in case he had to defend himself
Sup Lily? Did you miss me? Long time no see since one of you killed mom and dad to try and take their money? Was it you? Or maybe one of our other siblings?

Lilith Najima
She heard someone talk to her and recognized the oh so smooth voice of her brother. She turned to him to see him with his scythe on his shoulder
What do you want Shin-nii? I thought I'd never see you again. And who says we did it? It were bandits, not any of us. And maybe it was you. You are the one who made a deal with Satan aren't you?
After being humbled by the ease and precision with which Charlie masterfully handled the gate's puzzle, Aros found himself limping after her, his excitement somewhat mitigated by how foolish he was to have not tried such a simple, and obvious technique before calling her over. Of all the titles he aspired to have one day, Aros the clever seemed beyond his reach now. Distraught, the elf thought long and hard about whether or not he was worthy of such an expedition, but before he could wallow in his embarrassment for too long, his eyes befell the grandeur of the Eternal Sanctum's perfectly--and exquisitely--designed hallway. His eyes glittering with the reflection of each torch he passed, Aros felt a deep and sudden pang of sadness at the thought of every person who would never see this place.

Its immaculate, and yet predates any architecture types I know of...

"This seems too easy, Aros." grunted Charlie, gesturing briefly to the doors. "Forgive my wariness but I'm honestly expecting the guards or something similar to arrive any time now. There's no way this place was abandoned, and if it really is, then there had to be a good reason."

"If there were guards headed our way, I probably would've heard them--or at least felt the vibrations on this otherwise pristine and unscathed flooring. No, I suspect this place is not your average temple. Whatever magic this place has... its something I've never felt before." As he spoke, Aros wandered over to the nearest door, and lifted a finger to the handle. As he felt the door, a sudden shock zapped his fingertip and while not particularly painful, was indicative of magic. Unfortunately, he was no mage and therefore could not determine the enchantment from mere perception alone.

"There's nothing in this room to suggest which way is which. I'm not fool enough to believe that this isn't some sort of puzzle or trap, but whatever is on the other side, we need to keep moving forward. I don't like the idea of breathing this place's air for too long, and we aren't going to find anything of use in this room anyway." As he spoke, he heard a loud groan, followed by a boom from the end of the hall behind him. The doors they had entered through had closed behind them, and from what he saw there were not any sun-dial puzzles on this side of the gate to re-open it. They were locked into their mission now, and Aros knew e had to act. His eyes continuously scanned the room for an sign--any indicator of which door to take, but nothing on the ground or the walls seemed out of place: while pretty to look at, every facet of the room was perfectly identical.

It's mere intuition, but perhaps the sun light...

From the glass dome overhead, several rays of light filtered through the ornate, colored glass. They traveled at an angle downwards into the room, and Aros hoped that whoever constructed this trap--if that's what it was--had used the only constantly changing thing in the room to identify the right door for themselves. Even if he was making things up in his head, there was no other indication present, so Aros simply walked up to the door that the light fell most directly upon, and opened it up for himself. For whatever reason, his vision was muddied in that doorway, and while he could see colors and shapes through the passage, he recognized the spell to be an illusionary charm, likely put in place to force the victim to walk through the door to see what was on the other side.

"The only thing that changes in this room, is the lighting. The sunlight most directly falls on this passage, and I'm hoping that is the solution to this puzzle. Unless you see anything here that might indicate otherwise, I'm passing through this door. We can't go back my friend, and we're in this together now. If you want to go to a different door, now's the time to make that decision. After your brilliant performance outside, I'll resign myself to the fact that you're better suited for these puzzles than I anyway."
Midday in the residential district of the City of Kruvaria… @LoliNinja

"Holy shit!"

Ermeline jumped away from the man who seemed to have teleported behind her. There was a strange man in her house holding a scythe with bright red eyes talking about killing. Instinctively, she pulled out her dagger and pointed it at the man's head. Before she had time to speak, however, Lilith responded – she seemed to know him, but said something about a deal with Satan. Still on edge, and not completely trusting the stranger, she kept her dagger in hand and indignantly asked,

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?! And what are you doing in my gods-damned house?"

Midday at the Darnell-Ardith home in the middle of Mondalia…

"Hey, can you grab that for me? Thanks."

Aislin, taller than Lucy from his elven heritage, picked up a black, iron cauldron from the top shelf of the downstairs closet and handed it down to her. Ze was dressed in zir black Drabardi cloak and looked spooky and mysterious as ever.

"What do you think I should brew first? Maybe a potion of fire resistance for the blacksmiths, or a potion of night vision for the guards!"

"Shouldn't you write to the warehouse for your materials first?"

Lucy pouted, remembering she wasn't as well-stocked as she used to be. She recalled there being basic healing herbs around Mondalia that she could gather, but the good stuff had to be imported from her supplier.

"Yeah, I suppose… Glad you don't have that problem, Drabardi."

She giggled at the name – ze had told her it literally meant 'fortune-teller' in an old human dialect. To the uneducated, it was mystical enough to bring in business. Aislin grabbed up zir materials and paused at the back door.

"Remember to bring Vindr with you if you go herb-hunting – you never know what lurks in the wilderness."

Midday on the edges of Mondalia…

Aislin walked through the city until ze reached the outskirts, where the roads turned to dirt but traffic was still thorough. Finding a nice patch of level grass, ze dropped zir cargo and pulled out three short wooden rods. Ze pulled at each end until they expanded from perhaps arms-length to twice Aislin's height with a satisfying click. Notches had been carved in one end of each, and they fitted together when upright to form a teepee shape, which Aislin covered with the dark blue, starry fabric, making a decent-sized tent. There wasn't a whole lot of room to move around inside, but for zir purposes, it worked well.

Unfolding the chairs and table, Aislin worked expertly to create zir fortune-telling set-up. The crystal ball sat in the center of the table, surrounded by lit candles that cast ghostly shadows upon the twinkling fabric. When ze looked up towards the top of the tent, it seemed like ze'd been transported to a land of eternal night. Hanging a small sign from the entrance of the tent detailing zir services, Aislin "Drabardi" Darnell was ready for business.

Midday in the Darnell-Ardith home in the center of Mondalia…

"To Whom It May Concern…"

Lucy scribbled a hasty letter to the Satocan Warehouse for 10 units of fancy potion-making materials. She intended to make the highest-quality, most fantastic potions this side of the kingdom. The Satocan Warehouse's timings could be very inconsistent: sometimes it would take a week for her goods to arrive, sometimes it took just over an hour after posting her letter. In her opinion, whatever magical systems the kingdom used for transportation could use some work.

Stuffing her letter and the correct amount of gold into an envelope, she went out her front door and tucked it away in her mailbox.

"Alright, Vindr, time to go herb hunting!"

The large canine padded out the front door after her and the pair together started making their way to the forests surrounding the city.

Lucy Ardith: 90g left
Up ahead imari saw shelter under a craft shop , he let out a breath of relief , at the sight. In no time he was under there. Shivers ran through his body which was no surprise what with hi clothes being sooking wet and all.
[BCOLOR=#800080]Kera Hy'l[/BCOLOR]

As the man spoke up, she quickly pulled her fountain pen from it's respective pouch, being on caution and ready to write any spell needed. Then Lilith spoke back to the man... was this the brother she was looking for, she seemed to know him. Kera, like Ermeline, kept being cautious, an unknown man with huge scythe just walking inside someone else's house was more than suspicious. She looks at Lilith questioningly. Who was this man?, why was he here?, was he a threat? These were questions that ran through Kera's mind as she kept her eyes locked to the man.
Lilith Najima
She stared at her brother with a frown as she then turned towards Kera and the other girl ss she let out a sigh
Kera, this is my brother I was talking about. I forgot he is a douche and how annoying he is. He made a deal with Satan after gettig deceved into getting powers from him. He was suddenly missing when our parents got killed and we all ran away

Shin Najima
Well I had to get food you dumb rabbit. And I never killed anyone before but okay. I'm Shin Najima, Lilith's older brother

"What I wouldnt give for a nice, cold mug of beer, no, beer not, spiced cider or some spiced wine, yeah, they are better for this damn desert cold, I hate this damn sandy hell, hot in the day, cold in the night!! why cant choose just one?"
The darkelf limped with Malik on his shoulder and the few supplies that he could recover from the pit, the added weight had made his leg numb, and the pain had gotten worse with each step.

"Hope you rest and sleep well Malik, when you wake up you are gonna be my new mule! hell, I may even make him carry me!" Kalivos look back, its dark but his sight can see the obvious track coming from the pit. "Hell... even a novice could follow me! but what I can do? Malik its out and cant stay there, whoever did that pit surely will come sooner o later to see if someone as stupid as me has fallen in it, just thinking about I wish I could kick mysel for being such an idiot!"
The sand make the darkelf nearly trip several times forcing him to use the wounded leg as support, after several steps he feel something warm sliding down the leg.

"Hope its Malik pissing over me but with my luck" the darkelf doubts between stoping to check hiw wound or keep going, "one hundred more steps and then I stop to tend the wound... I have done it before, the second time its easier, this time I even have water! its gonna be sooo easy!"
While Kalivos keep going, two men approach to the pit, their faces hidden with scarfs, one of them carry a torch that he uses to light the pit.
"A horse... and a saddle, but I cant see anybody else down, theres some stuff here, what want to do?"
The other man keep silent "Bring that torch" the other go with him "over there, hold it right there" the man kneels down and grab some sand with his hand "blood, the rider must be wounded, but why he went the other way?, why he didnt return to Eastway Bluff?"
"What are we going to do?, go back?"
"No, I think we are gonna hunt this guy, he must have something, maybe stole something from Eastway and hes trying to get away, besides hes wounded, we can take care of him"

Expedition in progress: Desecrated Desert
Post 7
Trials 1 / Trap pit
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[fieldbox="Mini, hotpink, Solid, 10, Impact"]Darkness.

The first thing noted by Miniel was this darkness that suggested she was somewhere underground. Which considering her situation made quiet a bit of sense.

Where is it? Where is it?!

The object of her desires seemed to be missing. And after a few minute of searching she gave up, and instead began staring into the blackness, waiting for her eyes to adjust. It didn't take too long, but even still it was difficult for her to see properly. She appeared to be in a cage, of simple design. And other than herself, the room was empty, or at least it was.

A sudden flash of light, blinded her once more since she had taken the effort to accustom her eyes to the darkness. Around the light, which now seemed to be a fire, were three men, and a woman, all looking like they had just came out of a fight with a cloud of smoke, likely to try and mask their everyday appearance. With the newfound light from their fire, Miniel was able to make out a few more details of the room, and based on the smell slightly worse than that of average Eastway, it was to be assumed they were in the sewers.

"Look, We're supposed to be meeting him tomorrow at noon. Don't you dare think of chickening out now."

The females voice was a lot more ragged and rough than Mini would have expected, but that was likely an effect of growing up in the rougher parts of this lovely town.

"I'm not chickening out boss, it's just I heard some old geezer talking about a girl in a similar outfit...and the tales weren't pretty."

"You telling me a little girl with a bow scares you Jack?"

so the scrawnier of the three males was named jack, and apparently he had met one of the few residents that actually remembered her, after living here for so long she seemed to fade into the background of the city. She would have to look for this fellow for some reminiscing, well, if he was one of her old friends like she hoped, it was very rare for her to run into people who actually remembered her.

"Boss, ain't no child getin' the best of us."
"But what if we get caught?"

The toughest of the few apparently liked to flaunt his only strength, seeings as he was boasting of his own skills without even knowing who she was or what she was capable of. The middle male, who looked to be a mage, though this was merely speculation, was apparently the logical one. Even in a place like Eastway, there were limits. There was honor among thieves, and very few of them would approve of these fellows trying to sell a young girl into slavery for some corrupted lord, to most in this town people like this were nothing more than cockroaches among the usual rats.

The conversation continued on for a while. And after about an hour of fiddling around, with the wall behind the cage, she had managed to budge a nail from the wall. She had been in eastvale for about one-hundred years now, maybe a little less, and it would have been stupid of her to not learn how to lockpick, and pick pockets from one of the other locals in her time.

She wasn't an expert at this, and a nail is no easy lockpick, but after around five minutes and a lot of silent swearing the door finally opened, luckily for Mini her captives had started drinking some-time ago, and were too drunk to hear the door creak open. On a normal occasion, she would forgive their stupidity, knowing they were ust trying to make some money. However, they didn't even have the common courtesy to offer her something to eat or drink, so she decided their motives to be unworthy of forgiveness.

Her first task was to make an example of one of them, and if she was right about the middle man he would prove the most deadly, as she wasn't too fond of magic and without her axe, she had nothing to defend with, so he had the honor of being her first target.

"Hey boss, you made sure to make sure the kid didn't have any fam-"

The child-like laughter cut off his sentence, before he began fighting for breath while clenching at his throat, trying in vain to stop it from bleeding. Mini had managed to sneak behind him, and use his own dagger to end his life. With her presence now alerted to the others, the brute of a male lunged at her, though he was slow and easy for mini to evade with a simple backflip. In midflight, she reached for her axe, before realizing once more she didn't have it and falling without it to catch her as usual. Without her axe her fighting was....well....horrible.

If she had her axe, this fight would be unfair for her captives, but without it, she was just as defenseless as she looked. And upon realizing this, she took off at a dead run from the room, and down a random tunnel within the sewers. Not knowing which part of eastway she was under was a disadvantage, but if she kept moving she should be safe.

"Have to get it. Then they will die. They will die in a gloriously, and beautifully bloody way, just as their partner did." Mini's sentence was ended with a giggle, though her happiness was interrupted by an arrow as it flew past her face, scraping her cheek.

"You're gonna pay for killing Kevin you little brat!"

The brutish one, had followed after her, apparently mad that she killed this 'Kevin', and was carrying the one they called 'boss' on his shoulders while she operated a crossbow, that was going to be fun to avoid. Mini stopped only momentarily to laugh at the fact that someone was actually named 'Kevin', as it seemed to her a name like that was just asking for death, but she continued again as another bolt was fired at her, trying to find an exit.[/fieldbox]
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Late morning on the edge of Sunset City… @disappointedfish

"Druindar! I pray I never forget it. And though I am not as well traveled, I believe this view to be the most stunning I've encountered thus far."

She wasn't sure how direct to be with her flirtations, as almost all the men she'd encountered had the tendency to shy away from a bold woman. Once, she found a lover who appreciated her nature, but she found him too weak-spirited to keep up with her. As such, she remained an aging maid with no prospects and a ticking timer on her womanhood. Meeting such a strong man got her all riled up, but deep down, she knew it was too good to be true. But she still had to try.

"So how do you spend your time, Druindar? Gazing at sunrises may be pleasing, but what really sets your heart on fire?"

Late midday at the University of Telia… @PrincessLala95

"Sapphire City… I've heard it's nice there. Hey, maybe I can visit your family someday! Though an evil stepmother would be very dangerous… Surely you can convince your father to get rid of her? Ah, but she must have him under an enchantment. Breaking it would need some very strong magic, of which I'm unquestionably not privy to."

Delyth shook her head absentmindedly, wondering if she could somehow contact her mother to dispel the enchantment and purge this woman of her evilness. All the years she had been alive, the forest had been a place of safety and security, with her all-powerful mother ruling over the province as a kind of monarch. However, politics were simple in her mother's forest – you either lived in peaceful harmony or were magically banished. If she really dug into the specifics, Delyth might be able to call herself a princess, though she definitely wouldn't, especially around this nice, young lady.

"Oh, so where were you headed before I interrupted you?"

Allora's eyes went wide. She didn't like this already.

"What do you mean?"

She turned to look at the elven man, her eyes narrowing.

"What does she mean? What do I have to make a decision about?"


Loran smiled, then drew another letter from his cloak. It looked much the same as what Clarice had been given, except this was addressed personally to Allora. It described a lot about the current situation Sindar was facing, and Allora's role to play in it. He watched as Allora looked at it for a moment, then looked back at him.


Allora broke the seal on the letter, then passed it back to Loran.

"Read it aloud for me."

The elven man was confused at first, but complied. The letter said much the same that the letter addressed to Clarice had described, but it had also gone a step further then that, apologizing for leaving her to be raised as an orphan and then describing the tenuous negotiations that were to be sealed by Allora's return to Sindar and the marriage of herself to one of the son's of the elven ruler of a bordering wood elf nation. When he was finished reading aloud, Allora nodded, closed her yes, then thought for a moment. After several minutes like this, she grabbed the letter, tossed it in the air, and in an impressive display of dexterity and accuracy, shredded the paper with the sword at her hip. Then she sheathed it and began walking towards the door. As she walked, she spoke, addressing the whole of the room.

"If he wants me, then he can come and see me in person, not send someone after me."

And with that she walked out the door.


Loran's eyes narrowed.

"First off, am I correct in assuming she cannot read? Secondly, this does not bode well at all for the hopes that I have."
Diodora Warthunder
Sapphire City
Royal Guard

He began to roam around the castle. Looking for Allora, for no good reason really. He just wanted to talk. He had not made a mistake like this before. And he felt bad about it. He was walking the halls by the throne room when he saw Allora, walking rather irately.

Allora. I was looking for you. What is happening?

Allora turned her rage on diadora. No particular reason, she was just angry, and he was conveniently close.

"What do you think is going on Diadora? This probably some plot of yours to get rid of me for being to much of a burden!"

She growled and gritted her teeth, but moved past him.
Diodora Warthunder
Sapphire City
Royal Guard

He was surprised at how angry she was. Towards him to, apparently. He turned and followed her.

What are you talking about? Plot? I'm not trying to send you away. I came to talk to you.

As she walked, Diadora followed her, instead of staying behind like no being ever would, and it only served to infuriate her further. She whipped around on him, her teeth gritted, absolutely bristling with anger.

"Listen Diadora. If you think contacting a parent that left me orphaned at a castle and having him send someone to come and fetch me so I can be married off to some prince will get rid of me, your dead wrong! Go to hell!"

With that she turned and kept walking, albeit faster.
Diodora Warthunder
Sapphire City
Royal Guard

He was shocked at what Allora was telling him. Someone had come to the castle to get her and bring her back to get married off. He hurried after her.

Allora!! I didn't contact anyone! I didn't stick my neck out for you, if I knew you were going to be leaving. I stuck my neck out for you, because I believed in you. I like you. I won't let anyone take you were you don't want to go!
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