The Kingdom of Evertrue

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As far as the injuries went, he was sure that what the queen said was true. Travelers from this place that went to the land of his people spoke well of her, and as she had not proven to him she bore any ill will towards the sindar elves, he gave her the benefit of the doubt.

"It is a relief to know that she is generally unharmed"

Loran had already thought through this question. He had asked himself it many times on his travels, and though it pained him, he knew the answer. His loyalty to the lord would win over the favor of a girl he had not even met yet, one that had forced him to pick up a weapon he vowed he never would again no less.

"Allora has little choice in the matter. She must return, whether she likes it or not. Should she refuse I will carry her back, tied and gagged if necessary. I have traveled a long way under these orders, and I will not disappoint my lord with failure. Nor will I disappoint her husband to be. Her returning means the end of a feud between the Sindar kingdom and another wood elf kingdom. the pair are to be united with Allora's and her Fiancee's wedding. Much hangs in the balance, too much to allow her to mess up nigh on fifty years of negotiations to end the feud for the sake of being a part of a royal guard."
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[BCOLOR=#800080]Kera Hy'l[/BCOLOR]

She couldn't believe it being true, she had found a person who knew what she was looking for on a first try. She felt a upset about the girl calling rune mages crazy. This girl clearly didn't know about existence of rune magic. "I don't need to believe in rune magic, since i'm a rune mage myself... we are born with these runes on our bodies" she says pointing at the rune on her cheek and one on her right palm. As the girl offered to go and show her the room, she barely could contain herself and nodded instantly. "I would love to!" she exclaims excitedly. So... this girl bought grandma's house... i wonder if it's in a good shape, but writing runes to the walls was surprise... maybe father was practicing something? Well i think i can tell once we get there
My god... this is brilliant!

The wind whipped across Aros's pointed features, but it did not for one minute diminish the pure unadulterated joy that the dark elf felt in his core. After Charlie had joined him on horseback, he had been quick to take to the air, both out of desperation to be underway on his journey, and out of excitement for the opportunity to experience the feeling of flight for himself. Several hours had passed, and the entire time Aros had been so enraptured by the view of the world from above that he had neglected to speak--in fact, even if he had wanted to speak to Charlie, he doubted he would've been able to over the howl of the wind.

From where he sat, the mountains that lay between Eastway and the Eternal Sanctum seemed almost small before him, and yet three times as beautiful wrapped in the translucent shroud of cloud cover, and occasionally broken by rushing rivers, ancient gorges, and crystal clear waterfalls. Had he the time, Aros would've taken his steed low to the ground, if only for the pleasure of weaving his way through the gorgeous landscape. A small pang of regret tugged at his chest as he made a note to return to the solitary mountain passes that were otherwise inaccessible from any means other than air.

These sorts of places probably hold secrets all to their own. I wonder if any beasts live in this secluded parts... certainly seems to fit the bill for the sort of place a dragon might call home.

Aros held tightly to his steed, who remained nearly uninterested in their travel: the horse had made almost no sound, and unlike Aros, kept its eyes on the horizon before it. He loved the pegasus already, and determined that anyone unwilling to spend a couple hundred gold on their own was either a moron, or lying to themselves about their life priorities.

At long last, Aros turned over his shoulder and called, "Magnificent, isn't it? Have you ever had a view like this before, Charlie?"

[Expedition Begin: Eternal Sanctum. 1/10]
Queen Clarice Angelina Charmaine | Sapphire City Castle | Throne Room

Clarice found herself rather put off by the elven man's description of how he intended to force Allora to come with him. It seemed utterly barbaric, taking her away by force. She was thoughtful for a moment. She herself knew how it was to leave everything behind - she had left her family, her friends, and everything she had ever known back in Mount Sartrand when she journeyed here to meet the King, and when he had chosen her to be his bride, she'd been heartbroken that she would have to live here instead. She had, however, come to love both her husband and the city, which was fortunate; she heard all too often of women in arranged marriages who did not have such fortune.

"Do you have a strict time limit on when you must return?" Clarice asked softly. As Queen of this Kingdom, she intended to do everything in her power to ensure that Allora - one of her subjects, somebody who lived within the castle walls and was under royal protection - was not forcibly removed. "Taking Allora by force should be only your last option, if all else fails. If you speak to her and she does not wish to go, we should give her some time to think it over - and if she is still hesitant, then I will speak to her myself. Alone - you know, woman to woman. I have been where she is, in a way - I did not choose to marry my husband, rather he chose me and I could not turn down the King. Perhaps, if she still finds herself reluctant, I can convince her to go willingly and without incident." If Loran tried to take Allora by force, there was also the fear of what Diodora might do.

"We are, however, getting ahead of ourselves," Clarice said, smiling. "This is all assuming she does not accept your offer - who knows, perhaps she will be overjoyed to leave here and be with her own people?" Yes, it would break Clarice's heart, but there was always the possibility that Allora was more than content to go with him. Clarice, personally, wouldn't if she were in the girl's place - she'd resent them for letting her think herself an orphan all along - but she had no means of knowing how the girl would react. "Shall I call for her?"

Loran had of course considered more then a few of the options presented, minus the queen herself speaking to Allora. The girl would naturally have been raised to have been independent of others, and she might resist being taken. But he had no time limit strictly speaking. In fact he had quite a bit of time, since Lord Vesryn would have accounted for a scenario in case the girl resisted or could not be found. Unfortunately it wasn't that great when compared to the time it would take to travel home. That and he did not want to sped much more time away from his own wife and daughter

"I have at the very most, three days. Then I need to make my return travel home to make my report, and return to my own wife and child, so that I can put away my ranger cloak for good. If you would call her here that would be most welcome, perhaps it will be as you say, perhaps she will return with me willingly."
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Queen Clarice Angelina Charmaine | Sapphire City Castle | Throne Room

Clarice nodded, glancing towards one of the invisible guards at her side. "Have a servant send for Allora," she said softly. The guard, with a nod, ducked out the throne room's side door only momentarily before returning, fading once again from view at the Queen's side. Clarice looked back towards Loran, smiling nervously. She knew that when Allora arrived the girl would be able to see how apprehensive the Queen was about all this - unless, of course, the girl was as perceptive as a rock, but she had been made the investigator and Clarice would hate to find out that she had absolutely no perception skills in the slightest. Clarice's worry was written all over her face, even as she tried to maintain her pleasant smile. She could only hope that Allora would be excited about going - if not, she would have to do her best to convince her. But if she couldn't convince her? If, for whatever reason, Allora was completely and utterly opposed to going? She would speak with Allora and Diodora in private - Diodora because he was Allora's superior, because he was the one training her personally, and because Clarice knew that there was something blossoming between them - and see what could be done. If Diodora had to take Allora away from the city and hide her from Loran, then so be it - Clarice, of course, would pretend most masterfully that she had no idea where Allora had gone, but she was on the elven girl's side all the way and if she wouldn't go peacefully, Clarice wouldn't make her be taken by force.
[fieldbox="Ecgric Leofric Chase, blue, solid"]

A lone candle next to a bed fluttered under the light cold breeze that went through the house, it alone shined some light upon the figure that laid in the bed…


Restless he laid there, his mind clouded with dreams and nightmares of what it has and what it is to come. The dead lingered in his dreams while in reality they were long buried and gone, their bones nothing but dust and their memories all long and vanished. But yet they were there, haunting his dreams… was it all the men he met in battle or were they the images of war he had met along his travels? Questions were amongst the millions in numbers but he… he had still searched for the answers.

He had risen from his bed and was drinking water from a small wooden cup, moving out of the bed he looked into the sky from the window next to the bed, he took a deep breath of the air and looked firmly upon the city. He finally moved away from the window, heading quickly to clothe and place his armor upon himself, a few moments later and with a soft metal clunk to his pace he gathered his weapon and exited the house.

Pacing down the streets of Sapphire City he took in the sights and surroundings trying to adapt to the size of this city.

He made his way to the castle, looking for a job and looked around trying to find a person to talk to and seek admittance with the king and queen.

Lilith Najima
She puffed her cheeks as she hugged Kera from behind. She also felt a bit upset about the girl saying rune magic was fake as Lilith saw it with her own eyes
Ooooi. I've seen her use the magic with my own eyes and it's amazing. The same goes for this girl. She helped me get better when I broke my leg because of a falling tree. She basically safed my life with her magic and I am in her debt
Lilith then had her bunny ears twitch up and down a few times
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I'm going to vomit.

Charlie had allowed Aros to help her onto the horse. She had never, of course, been on horseback and yet the Dark Elf was eager to get going. Almost immediately, Charlie lurched forward and nearly squeezed Aros' guts out with how tightly she was clinging on. Instead of yelling or shrieking, Charlie let loose a stream of periodic curses whilst she pressed her face onto the Dark Elf's back, a mixture of shame and downright terror flooding through her. She felt weak for clinging to Aros, and incredibly self-conscious that he knew she was being weak, but the moment Charlie leant back and tried to compose herself she realised once more that they were hundreds of feet in the air on the back of an animal she had never ridden in her life.

Every now and again Charlie tried to find a reasonable way to suggest that they perhaps fly lower, or take a break, or stop entirely since she was incredibly certain that the contents of her stomach wanted to fly too. The wind roared over her syllables, whipping them away from her mouth and sending them plummeting towards the floor. With grim reluctance, Charlie fell into a silence and allowed Aros to enjoy this moment.

Then she felt him twist around and carefully widened the gap between her face and his back, holding him at arms length in her vice grip. Even if Aros wasn't very good at reading faces, the flat stare, the thin-lipped grimace and the fact that she shook harder than a leaf in the wind were clear signs of her current opinion on flight in general. Still, her voice just about carried above the wind, dripping with sarcasm; "Oh, I'm loving EVERY second of it back here!"

In the brief moment where she dragged her face away from the small of Aros' back, Charlie actually had a moment to look around. She stared at the crisp lines of the mountains, the gentle white streaks of cloud and the green carpets of forests that rolled underneath her feet in silence. She had never seen anything so beautiful before, and for a moment she briefly forgot almost everything; the distance between her and the ground, the fact she was travelling this high up with a complete stranger, the mystery of the eternal sanctum...for the first time, Charlie forgot about her curse. She felt as if something incredibly heavy was lifted off her shoulders.

The Pegasus gave one more powerful beat of its wings and wobbled a little, dragging Charlie back into the present. Still, the moment was long enough for Aros to notice if he was still staring at her, and even if he wasn't, because Charlie lunged forward again and clung onto Aros once more, this time with her face turned to the side to watch the passing clouds. She did not even utter a syllable after that, even as the mountains peeled away to reveal the Eternal Sanctum in all its entirety. When the Pegasus began to tip downwards to land, Charlie squirmed a little and screwed her eyes shut and went back to cursing periodically, face squished against Aros' back again.

Not even a second after the hooves of the Pegasus touched ground and stopped moving, Charlie dropped her backpack down, swung herself off the horse, nearly fell over in the process, staggered over to the nearest bushes and emptied the contents of her stomach. She waited, hunched over in the dirt and the leaves, until the ground stopped pitching and reeling uncomfortably and hoped that the taste would disappear eventually.

After a few minutes, Charlie emerged, rubbing at her face. She croaked out "Let's-...not do that again, please," whilst shooting the Pegasus a reproachful stare, midway through pulling her backpack over her shoulders.

[Expedition Begin: Eternal Sanctum. 1/10]
[Yesterday's Dinner removed from 'inventory'.]
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The wind blew slightly alerting others of what was to come. a dark cloud loomed over head , it looked dangerously ready to burst. Imari sent a silent plea as he gazed up above.

Please don't let it rain please!! Just hold in for a little bit more!!

Imari sped up a little faster.
Midday in the handicrafts district of the City of Kruvaria…

"Oh, yes, I'm certain you're a rune mage, yes…"

Ah, so she had inherited the illness… Very sad. She wondered if seeing the room would make things better or worse for her fragile mind.

But then the bunny girl spoke up about seeing her magic at work. Surely she had seen a different type of magic being used? Of course, Ermeline was very new to this whole 'magic' thing herself, Riverside being very 'mundane' by kingdom standards. The only magic she'd encountered so far was the enchanted fabrics stall, and she hadn't even seen any of their enchantments at work, so they might as well just have been completely normal, everyday materials. Perhaps there was something to this "rune magic"… but she'd have to see it to believe it.

"My name's Ermeline, by the way. Ermeline Harper."

She smiled at the two of them and began leading them towards the residential district.

"I'm a seamstress at Mrs. Delmurne's shop. Just moved to Kruvaria, myself. My house is in total shambles, so excuse the mess… except the room I told you about. It was completely untouched, like it had been abandoned yesterday. Pretty weird, if you ask me."

It took a few minutes to reach the district, and a few more to finally reach her front door. The door still stuck, as she'd been kept too busy to fix the darn thing since she'd arrived.

"Here we are! If you'll excuse me a moment…"

She lifted up a foot and kicked the door, hard. It budged slightly. She kicked again, and it swung open, revealing the mess that was her home. Ermeline motioned to the door of the mysterious room.

"Right through there is all that rune stuff. Stay as long as you'd like."

Late midday at the University of Telia…

"Oh, this will never stop being amazing, nuh-uh!" Delyth shook her head enthusiastically. "I am new, though. Just enrolled a little while ago, actually - I'm going to be a historian! I'm going to find out all the little secrets that Evertrue is hiding." She smiled and clasped her hands together, still enthralled by the space before her. "If I can't find Dana L'emor here, I'll absolutely take you up on your offer, but I can't imagine this library doesn't have every single book in existence!"

She did a dainty little twirl on her hind legs in joy; however, the motion dislodged a thought from the back of her mind. "An evil stepmother, you say? Like the stories always tell?" Her eyes grew wide at the idea. Evil had always been kept at bay by her mother's magic, so she'd never encountered it – but this woman had evil right in her family? "You must be very careful! Cast many charms, and keep an osha sprig by your pillow at night." She nodded to herself, happy to help.
[BCOLOR=#800080]Kera Hy'l[/BCOLOR]

She had been silent the whole time as they were walking to the house, even though the house was in bad shape, she was more than happy to see it, her grandmother's house. It had been so long when she last visited it, after walking inside, she finally spoke up once again. "Kera Hy'l granddaughter of the previous owner" She introduces herself and walks over to the "mysterious room" and opens the door, her eyes widening as she saw all the runes, there was tons of inactive runes written on top of each other, she could make out some random words from here and there 'shock', 'burn', 'launch' to name few. She walked inside the room to explore it further, she got close to the wall to examine it better and she quickly found out why the room was in an untouched condition and she grins. "You said you wondered how this room was in this good condition, well let's just say that you've seen a work of high level rune magic with your own eyes, this is a barrier my grandfather has made, no doubt about it... but the rest... they've been done later on, it seems like.. enchants?" she says being a bit unsure at the end, she recognized the rune style to belong to her father, no doubt about that, but the way the words were built was totally strange, they weren't normal spells that was for sure, she remembers her father teaching him different kind of runes that were same letters but different symbol. So this is what he meant... these are different from usual commands.. she thought before keeping on exploring the room further.

She arrives to the desk that had been left untouched, there was some old letters, diaries and history book on a shelf of the desk and then she noticed probably the most important finding so far. A fountain pen, similar to hers next to an old quill. She recognized the pen being her father's... which meant the quill had to be her grandfather's, she nods to herself as an confirmation, her father had definitely been here, but now she had to find a clue to find out where she should go next to track down her father.
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Whilst she was putting away her new possessions a knock came at her door. Breathing out a sigh of exasperation, she walked over to the door and then opened it, only to see a guard standing there.

"Er... Allora, the queen is requesting your presence."

And then just like that he was gone. Allora quietly finished putting away her things, adjusted her sling so it hung more comfortably, and then walked off towards the throne room, and once she reached the doors stepped inside. The concern was written all over Queen Clarice's face, and an eerily silent elf stood in the room, following her movements with his eyes. Ignoring him for the moment, she walked over to where the queen was at and bowed.

"You called for me you highness?"


Loran looked over his shoulder at the girl, letting his eyes track her movements, who came into the room and bowed to the queen, then straightened up and looked at her. The girl truly was Vesryn's daughter. Her stride belied movement that was confident and intelligent, and yet, she held all the grace of the elven woman that Lord Vesryn married. Silently, he watched the interaction between the pair.
Lilith Najima
Lilith Najima is the name. Orginally from Dragon City and I'm hoping to find my brother here. Also Kera, seeing as your father isn't here, why don't you read those runes? I expect them being some languagw and saw you write the words before casting a spell. Maybe he left a clue. And the barrier you were talking about? Can it by any chance hide something or some of the sort?

Lilith loooked around the room and began making sketches of every wall. She would be happy to make these if Kera would be able to maybe use them
Eu-mag @IntrusivePenDesperateSword

The day was nearly peaking when two interesting characters stumbled into the inn. Myranda gazed up with sea green hues at the man carrying his armor. She gave a smirk and a slight giggle before the man came up to her and bought a room. The innkeeper watched as the man laid his armor down upon the bed and collected a book. She fiddled with the quill in her hands before she dropped it in the inkwell.

Turning her attention to her new customer she folded her hands on top of the registry book that laid in front of her on the desk. She bit her lip a moment, wiggling her nose to move her septum nose piercing. It was only a few more moments of silence before she called out to her customer.
"May I please get your name sir?" She smiled warmly at him, and pointed down at the book.
"I need to write down your information for the inn registry, sir." She spoke again, explaining why she needed his name.

Tapping her ringed fingers on the wooden desk, she waited for his reply.
"Let's-...not do that again, please,"

Following Charlie's swift exit from her seat behind him, Aros swung his left leg over the beast's neck, and gently lifted himself off the saddle and onto the cool grass below. With a bemused smirk, he met her gaze. However, where he would've poked fun at the fact that a werewolf could be done in by a fear of heights, he was subtly distracted by the magical sensibilities of his birthright. Almost imperceptibly, the air had changed around them on their descent, and yet Aros had been still blind to it until the moment he touched the ground. A cool, afternoon breeze lifted his tousled bangs from his brow, and as if by design his eyes suddenly became aware of one of the most beautiful constructs he had ever seen.

"My gods... its even more grand from the ground..." Aros's words were soft, and more to himself than anyone else. Suddenly, he began to forget about the strange change in the air--the feeling of weightlessness on his skin--and instead felt himself indescribably allured towards the ancient sanctum nestled in the mountains. The Eternal Sanctum appeared to have been built out of the hills from its position at the base of the mountain range. The craftsmanship was--as far as he could tell from where he stood--neither elven, nor human. Not much learned on the architecture of mountain species, nor on the history of the region, Aros could not place the origin of the place. Truly, it was the most unique temple--or perhaps palace?--that Aros had ever seen. The entrance was not several hundred feet ahead, and the two adventurers had but to cross a bridge to reach it. Aros grabbed hold of his beast's reigns and led it towards the bridge, which had several marble posts standing errant at its base.

Tying the reigns tightly to the post, Aros gave his beast a pat on its dark grey snout, and made sure that there was enough length in the reigns to give his beast enough room to reach the creek under the bridge itself. The grass appeared untouched at his feet, and was far longer and fuller than any he had seen around the city. He had no doubt his pet would be well fed and watered should it wish to be.

"Alright boy. We won't be too long... well I hope not." The beast whinnied in response, and stamped its front hooves several times into the soft turf. Aros gave the creature a suspect look, and said, "Don't get antsy my friend. I'm just as eager as you to get back in the air, trust me. If nothing else, be assured I'm going to be dreaming of your beautiful wings..." Aros ran his hands through the glossy black feathers as he spoke. "And I promise to snag you a piece of treasure or two inside as well. Ha-HA!" Aros, invigorated by the thought of immense wealth, beckoned to Charlie with one hand, and said, "Come now Charlie, we have bounty to collect, and secrets to discover, or my name isn't Aros the mighty! Neigh, Aros the fortuitous! Ha-ha-HA!" Ever eager, the elf turned to the bridge and began a slow jog across the weathered marble, not bothering to wait any longer for his air-sick companion who he imagined was hot on his heels.


Carla stood with arms folded, her fierce gaze locked with the scoundrel on the other end of the table. A smattering of cards and coin lay on the table in front of them. One of the thin, angled weasels gave her a toothless smile, and swept off the table all the coins--including her eighty pieces that she had earned on her last job. Carla winced, but otherwise remained emotionless: she had few vices, but gambling was perhaps her favorite, and also somewhat new to her. The gambling houses in Eastway came in two varieties: the ones above ground were for the less dangerous sort, and were primarily low-risk low-reward because of the generally poor economic state of their players. The ones below ground were a little different though. Most were invite-only, or belonged to specific gangs or guilds to make sure the money stayed within their circles at least. Carla was currently in a den known to some as the Gilded Handle, but to others as the worst possible place to spend their time and money. The sewers opened up into a large chamber--an old cistern some said--and just overlooking that deep drop was an old maintenance structure, which had since turned into the Gilded Handle.

The game she played was called Ambition, and was true to its name in structure: a group of at least six players would bet equal sums of money, and then every player would roll a set of two die. They would then take turns revealing their highest die, and the top four numbers would go to the next round. The bottom two would have their bets immediately forfeit, and have to withdraw. This continued a second time, eliminating two more players before culminating in a last duel of two. To the foolish, Ambition was a game based on the luck of the die. To everyone in the Gilded Handle, it was a game based on stealth: get away with dropping your own 'modified' dice in the cup, and the dealers would look the other way when accusations started flying.

Carla had just been outplayed by a one-eyed rat known as Fergdy, who snarled through his rotten gums at the girl. "Oy, don' cry me wittle pwincess. Throw in some one on one an' I might considah wepayment." The onlookers and other losers scoffed and sniggered at his suggestive remarks, and her unamused visage. "What? No wods for ol' Fer-" With blinding speed, Carla bounded over the table, and had Fergdy by the neck. Instantly, the guards drew their blades and all the gamblers in the room turned to watch the spectacle.

"Now Fergdy, you don't happen to have a cheat die up your sleeve do you? You know its poor practice to try and rob an assassin, right?" Carla's words were ice cold, and with her free hand, she ripped Fergdy's sleeve, and procured a set of die with perfect sixes on all sides. Even if the dealers were susceptible to persuasion, there was a limit to what cheaters could get away with. Clean evidence was clean evidence. "Tsk tsk. What a shame, Ferg." The guards moved to restrain Fergdy, who lashed out immediately after Carla released him. Suddenly, The room jumped to life: Fergdy's men drew their blades, and random thugs and murderers did so as well, sensing a bloodbath to come. Carla swept her eighty off the table, as well as twenty more to even it off. The rest of the bounty she grabbed in her hands and tossed into the air, much to the visible chagrin of the dealers who made one futile lunge to stop her from doing so. Chaos immediately ensued: people began dueling on the tables, while others scrambled over the floors for the stolen coin. All the while, Carla weaved her way to the ledge, and before the guards could snatch her, she leapt into the sewers below, regretting only for a minute what she new would be a less than pleasurable bath below.

Having catched his breath Kalivos now checks his leg, the cloth from the knee down its soaked with blood, silent the darkelf use his knife to rip the cloth and check the wound. As expected the calf has a big hole on it.
"Ugly wound but at least Im not going to bleed to death, it just went through muscle and skin, still I need to patch it, dont want to left a trail of blood around" The darkelf rip a piece of his shirt and with it bandages the wound.
"I didnt check for poisons, at least the pit didnt stink to shit, that would have mean that the bastard who put the spikes also had covered them with it, a nasty trick, the wound end up infecting and the victim would fall to fever if he aint treated" with a grunt Kalivos tighten the bandage and then knot it.
Slowly he stand up, testing his weight against the wounded leg. "Aw, aw aw... has been a while since I had a wound, this is gonna slow me, what to do, go back or keep going?, Malik its still out,. Im gonna have to carry him and that way I cant cover our tracks, arghhh,. oficially this is one of the worsts days of my life!!" the darkelf curses loudly until he calms down.
"You are nothing more than trobules, I bet some god has cursed you and now Im also cursed!! I should left you here!! anyway it was what I though to do!!"
Grunting Kalivos approach to the pit, for a couple of minutes he remain here trying to find a way to recover his supplies from the dead horse.

Expedition in progress: Desecrated Desert
Post 6
Trials 1 / Trap pit
Vr'ak yawned widely as he watched the sliver of bright morning sunlight slip in from his doorway. He did not stir for a while, preferring to lay there and relax. He nearly fell back asleep a few times, but he would quickly shake himself awake before he drifted off. After some time, he rolled over and pushed himself to his feet. He retrieved the coil of rope and slung it over his shoulder as he made sure he still had the axe and knife. He secured the knife and axe under his belt and made to leave the hut, but he paused as his eyes landed on his little wooden house. He pondered a moment before an idea sprung to his head, and he left the hut.

He was blinded momentarily by the bright surroundings, and he shielded his eyes with an arm. He listened to the sound of bustling activity from the village and the rustling of leaves above his hut. It seemed a bright and active day. Perhaps a good one for exploring the land. When Vr'ak's eyes finally adjusted to the brightness, he turned south and started heading for the forest. He wandered through the flat, bland terrain for some time before he crossed the threshold that marked the start of the farmland. From there it was some distance before he hit the forest.

When he arrived, he got to work setting up more traps in the forest. When a good number were placed, he left the traps to do their own work so he could concentrate somewhere else. He wandered the forest near the edge, examining the trees and wondering what would work for what he needed. Eventually he came across a young tree some distance away on the edge of the forest. He inspected the width and height of the tree, presuming that it would serve. He pulled out his axe and began swinging away at the tree. After several swings, there was a loud groaning and the tree collapsed to the ground in a small cloud of dust. He approached the fallen tree and began making an estimate in his of the length of log he needed.

"Oy!" A man's voiced called out from behind Vr'ak. Vr'ak turned to see a group of men standing a short distance away. Like most people in the village, they were all much shorter than Vr'ak, but these men seemed quite physically fit. A few of them carried woodcutters axes which they casually held at their sides or rested on their shoulders. The man who called out was at the front of the group, speaking past a thick black beard and carrying an axe at his side.

"Yeah?" Vr'ak replied, feeling slightly uneasy as he stuffed the axe back under his belt.

The man smirked at the gnoll, hefting the axe onto his shoulder and striding over to the tree that Vr'ak had just felled. "You know, we're payed to supply the town with wood. When folks need logs for their fires or their houses, we're the ones who set out to collect the wood and sell it. That's how it's always been." The man paused at this point to brush a hand over the bark of the tree. He then turned and looked at Vr'ak with a nasty expression on his face. "So we don't exactly appreciate when animals like you start going around and chopping down our tree."

"That's right!" Another man from the group grunted in the background.

"I didn-" Vr'ak tried to speak but the first man quickly interrupted him.

"What are you trying to do, replace us?" The man snarled, stepping closer to Vr'ak. "Avarell had a nice little community. Everyone had their own job, no one ever stepped across the line. Most importantly, everyone was normal." The man stopped in front of Vr'ak and spat at the gnoll's feet. "Then you came along. You come here and wreck our market, our language, and now you come here to steal our work!"

"I didn't know," Vr'ak insisted, taking a step back as the man got closer. "I just get wood for my hut!"

"That thing on the hill?" A man in the group roared with laughter. "I should have known that it'd be the culprit for that trash."

"Word spreads quickly here," The bearded man said, reaching out and shoving Vr'ak back as he and the group advanced together upon the gnoll. "You've been nothing but problems for us. Why don't you get out of here, huh? Go back to the damned place you came from and leave our village alone!"

Vr'ak's ears flattened and he backed up further as the woodcutters advanced on him. He couldn't muster up the strength to say anything.

"Go on, leave!" The man yelled, shoving Vr'ak again. "I'm sick of you! We're all sick of you!"

Vr'ak let out a small growl at the shove, taking another step back.

"What was that? Is the mutt angry?" one of the woodcutters laughed in the background.

Vr'ak's trembling lips began to rise, revealing large pointed teeth.

"Last warning, get the hell out of our village!" The man roared. "Or I'm solving everyone's problems right here and now!"

Vr'ak stopped backing up as he started reaching the edge of the forest. His body tensed up and his eyes flicked to every man in the group, as they all began to surround him.

"Right!" The man in the lead snapped. Vr'ak spotted the muscles on his arm tense as the man began lifting the axe off of his shoulder. "Maybe a little bit of pain will put you in your place!"

The man let out a battle cry and swung the axe toward Vr'ak. Vr'ak snarled and flung an arm. His large fist wrapped around the handle of the axe just below the head, stopping the axe midair instantly. There was a moment of silence as all the men stared in shock. The man's eyes widened and he tried pulling the axe out of Vr'ak's grip, but the gnoll was stronger. With one swift arm motion, Vr'ak easily wrested the axe out of the man's grip.

"Y-You," The man said, his face contorting with fury. He looked around wildly at the other men who stood on either side of him. He gestured angrily toward the gnoll. "Well?! Get it, you cowards!"

The men exchanged worried expressions, then steeled their emotions and began approaching Vr'ak, axes raised and ready.
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Diodora Warthunder
Sapphire City
Royal Guard

Diodora had worked up a good sweat from training in the courtyard. He worked off some stress and frustration, but was still feeling like this situation was overwhelmingly his fault. He also felt quite bad that Allora had gotten hurt. Even though he had just worked out vigorously, he was still very frustrated. Work was everything. Protecting the Royal family was everything. He put them all in jeopardy by letting the assassin escape.

He sheathed his sword and hurriedly walked back to his quarters in the castle. He had plans to buy a house, but he had nothing when he first became a guard.

When he arrived in his quarters, he quickly bathed and then changed. He washed his armor and then put it back on. Then he set out to Allora's quarters to try and find her. Hoping to discuss things and make himself feel better about the situation.​
Charlie still felt unsteady from the descent, but Aros was full of excitement and awe as he looked upon the Eternal Sanctum. Charlie felt a little less enthused; she was wary of what might lie in store, and still bitter over the suddenness of the flight. She kept her distance from the Pegasus, as if she feared it would scoop her up and fly away. Her attention flicked towards Aros' ramblings as he stated her name and beckoned her over, finally introducing himself as Aros (the mighty) before jogging down the bridge.

Charlie groaned as she jogged after the man - he was borderline childish with eagerness and oozed confidence, both natural traits of the accident prone and more than enough warning signs to suggest Aros is the kind of man who falls into a trap first before thinking of a way to avoid it. It was strange that Charlie almost shared his excitement; she felt as if she should be heading deeper into the ruins herself, as if something was tugging her forward, but she brushed that off as a lust for adventure.

At long last, her curse had its benefits. Whilst Charlie herself did not do so much exercise, Remsworth's favourite activity involved running far, far away from wherever Charlie had camped in order to disorient the latter when she finally assumed control of her body, and leave her vulnerable to the elements. It was perhaps this reason which meant that the heavy thud of her boots on the opulent bridge were not yet accompanied by the panting of her breath, despite still wearing the travel backpack.

The second so-called 'good side' of being a werewolf was Charlie's constant paranoia and observation of her surroundings. As far as Charlie was concerned, anything could trigger a transformation. She had become quick in spotting the warning signs before they manifested into something dangerous. Since the landing Charlie felt uneasy about the sanctum, but did not quite know why. Her gaze flicked among the illustrious pillars and beautiful domed rooftops in an effort to discern what her gut feeling was attempting to tell her, and slipped on the bridge, falling flat on her face.

Charlie pushed herself up from the smooth marble, grumbling "You'd think an untouched Sanctum would be a little more dirty than-" but her sentence caught in her throat. The bridge had no grip under her feet - no gravel, dust, dirt or plants covered the cold surface and the Sanctum was completely untouched by the local fauna. Not even a chip of marble or stone was out of place. Charlie's initial reaction was to put it down to magic, but it never did well to rely on the hope that the Sanctum was not populated. After all, it was named the Eternal Sanctum, not the Empty Sanctum.

Finally, Charlie sprinted to catch up to Aros, though the jog combined with the gradually receding effects of flight sickness were starting to wear her down. "I don't think we're on our own here, it's too clean," she warned, the rush into the Sanctum beginning to dissipate as the bridge ended into a large, perfectly square courtyard and a twinkling fountain of crystal-clear water, surrounded by many more of the delicately sculpted marble pillars. The entrance into the Sanctum was denoted by a pair of massive doors, decorated with golden spirals and accents and almost certainly too heavy to push open. Some sort of mechanism was set at the hinges to keep it shut, and Charlie had no doubt that the area was either a puzzle or a trap. "I doubted it would be as easy as simply walking inside...Any ideas, Aros?"
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