The IBIF Chronicals

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Tybalt nodded. He was not intending on something permanent either. Then again, how was he going to force H-30 back in? Something to think about, he assumed. When he turned around Tybalt laughed and shook his head. "So rude H-30." He said out loud. He skipped away from the glass. Since H-30 seemed to be done with him, he supposed he could go back up and find Gerhard. Maybe they could go on a quick mission together or something. Tybalt was itching to move anyway, so he might as well if H-30 was giving him the cold shoulder.
H-30 stopped in the middle of turning around when he heard Tybalt calling him rude. 'Why rude? I thought we were done talking?' He gave Tybalt a confused look. 'The way you humans talk is full of subtleties. It's hard to know what your intentions are, including the intentions of continuing a conversation or not. Specially when you have specific methods of hiding your intentions or expressing them in alternate ways, like sarcasm.'

He looked down at the dictionary. 'I know. I've been wanting to use the word "subtlety" too.'
Tybalt stopped right at the door to turn back towards H-30. "When the conversation is done you can say 'goodbye' if the person is leaving and the conversation is done. Turning your back on someone without saying anything at all is rude." He explained. He hadn't actually taken offense. It was kind of funny. But he was just letting H-30 know now.
'But I see people here ending their conversations like that all the time.' H-30 said confused, not understanding that not every single interaction at work needed to be ended with 'goodbye'.

'As I said, full of subtleties.' H-30 said before turning around again. He looked back at Tybalt over his shoulder after that. 'It was nice talking to you, and I'm being honest about that. Goodbye.'
Tybalt winked at H-30. "You too, babe" he answered, mostly calling him that just to be funny. He skipped back up to the higher levels. Running into Gerhard, there were no short missions to be had, but that was alright. They took one of the most expensive, fancy cars and had a day out on the town. It was just kind of a care-free, fun kind of day for the most part. Tybalt might have stayed inside usually, but he was feeling too good to be cooped up almost anywhere.
H-30 watched Tybalt go. He then held his dictionary up to his own face. 'Babe?' After hearing from the dictionary that it didn't know such a word, he looked directly at one of the scientists, with an inquiring expression.

The man just shrugged his shoulders. 'I don't really know what he meant. H-He sometimes gets like that.' He replied nervously. After hearing from the previous incident of the alien's attack, he was nervous just from being there, fearing another alien could pop up at any given moment.

H-30 went back to the centre of his cage to keep reading. He finally reached the letter 'S' again. He was about to skip it, but as soon as he saw the big 'S' shown as a title, he felt happy for seeing it again. Some sort of nostalgia, or the faint feeling of seeing an old friend again. Something he didn't understand completely. Liking that feeling, he started re-reading that section of the dictionary, a small smile on his face.
When Tybalt got back, he was still in a good mood, but it was obvious that something had happened among the newbies. There was a feeling of unrest in the training center, which brought Tybalt down from his high a little bit, but not completely. It was difficult to figure out what was wrong, and once Tybalt did he took it upon himself to put out fires. The organization was, largely, Tybalt's, although no one but the upper numbers really knew that.

Once his job was done, Tybalt gathered up a pair of boxers, jeans, and an orange t shirt. He went right downstairs and to H-30. It had been nearly a full day between his last visit and the first, but Tybalt was all smiles still. "Evening, H-30." He called cheerfully as he moved into the room, tapping on the glass with one finger. "Hows the reading coming?"
H-30 closed the book when he recognized Tybalt's presence. He perked up, feeling how the other still was in a good mood, and cheered up because of that. 'Evening, Tybalt.' He copied the man's greetings, before making his body get up from the floor and walk up to Tybalt.

'I already finished reading the book, but I was re-reading some parts I liked.' H-30 spoke with a cheerful voice inside of Tybalt. H-30 was feeling so good, his voice had a little side effect of warming Tybalt up, as if creating some fuzzy feeling inside of him. H-30 retreated his powers when noticed the slip, and waited to have them under complete control before attempting to speak again. 'I like your t-shirt. It gives away good vibes.'
Tybalt grinned a bit when H-30 complimented the t-shirt. So He'd already read all of the dictionary? Then it should be easier to explain things to him now. Maybe he could start on encyclopedias next. It was strange to hear that he had favorite parts, but Tybalt didn't bother asking. He DID want to give H-30 a work of fiction though. Perhaps before the encyclopedias.

"Glad you like them, because they are for you." He responded, holding them out and through the little slat in the glass. "I dunno if you'll be able to wear them, since I don't really know how you're changing your body like that but..." He shrugged. "Most people are accustomed to seeing others in clothes."
'O-oh, sorry. I didn't think the clothes were mandatory, so I never bothered with them.' H-30 apologized for apparently breaking a social norm. He grabbed the clothes and examined them closely. As he did so, his thoughts began to create clothes over his own body. He studied the fabric until he could replicate it, and it was at first a piece of fabric in the form of a t-shirt, with colours varying as if it was holographic. He was examining the seams, as some seams appeared on the t-shirt he was creating, and then the colour settled on orange.

He repeated the process with all the clothes. But he was doing it out of curiosity and thirst for knowledge. When he was done, he undid his creation, and put on the clothes Tybalt gave him. He looked down at himself with a satisfied smile, and then at Tybalt. 'I like them. Did you make them? Or maybe one of your machines?'
Tybalt shrugged when H-30 apologized. He didn't really consider it anything to apologize over. He watched as H-30 examined the clothes so carefully one by one and then made them himself before putting them on. He shook his head at the questions though. "No, neither. I mean, a machine DID make them, but not one that I made. I bought these, though. At a store." He moved on in an explanation. "Can you make anything you can touch?" he asked curiously.
'Oh, no. I have to know the object in detail in order to replicate them. Otherwise, I just can mimic their outer appearance. Like this human-like body I have.' H-30 explained with glee.

'Thanks for the gift. Even if it's just because I was supposed to cover my body all of this time.' He said, a smile coming easily to his face. He was getting fluent in body language.
Tybalt nodded thoughtfully when he answered. Turning around, he sat down and rested his back against the glass. He couldn't see H-30 this way, but he was more comfortable than just sitting with his back against nothing. "No problem." He answered. "When I come back next time I'll have another book. I want to know what you think of it." He was thinking the first Harry Potter book. Generally well-loved by all but the crazies and definitely completely fiction. He got the feeling H-30 wouldn't like it because it wasn't useful, but he would find out soon, probably.
'It won't be the anatomy book I asked for, right?' H-30 asked without any hint of resentment in his voice. He sat down on the floor, his side against the glass' wall, next to Tybalt's back. 'But I'll be nice to have something new to read. Thank you.' Feeling grateful, H-30 freed some vibes from himself and let them go to the man. It was little waste of energy after all, and that energy went to warm up Tybalt a little. It was the closest thing to a hug that H-30 could manage right now.
"No, sorry, not the anatomy book." He confirmed. He did sound sorry about it. Tybalt was growing fond of H-30, and if he could smuggle him the anatomy book he might have. But he really couldn't get away from that. "You're welcome. What else do you like to do besides read?" Tybalt wiggled his legs in front of him. He didn't realize that the warm feelings he was getting was from H-30. He thought he was just in a good mood or something. Either way, he enjoyed the warm fuzzies immensely.
'I was thought to be a soldier, but as I said before, I guess something in the process turned out wrong. My strength are those of a soldier, but I'm more of an explorer. I like learning new things. I love travelling. I used to travel to different planets and just observe the people living there, or the environments... Outer space is really nice too. The space around your planet is very pleasant to travel in. One can get constantly powered by the sun, so travelling turns out to be really easy around here.' H-30 spoke in a calm, but pleased voice. 'What do you like to do? Do you enjoy reading too?'
Reading and traveling. He really couldn't bring him anything as far as traveling went. Not then, at any rate. Later, perhaps. Maybe he could bring a book on environments on Earth. Or an atlas but that would never get approved.

"I like building things." He answered. "And really fast cars. Driving them, specifically. Or tweaking them to make them faster. And eating chicken wings..." Just thinking about eating chicken wings made him want to eat some now. Any kind of chicken wing, so long as they were crunchy and delicious. His mouth was already watering and his stomach actually growled despite the fact that he wasn't really hungry.
'You make it sound like chicken wings are delicious. If one day I learn to eat like you do, I'd like to try them.' H-30 commented, before raising an eyebrow after hearing the grumbling noises coming from Tybalt's stomach. Which he couldn't identify as a stomach, he just knew there was something wrong in the middle general area of Tybalt's body.

'Hey, I think your body is unhappy. It's making strange noises.' He said, not really understanding what that was. 'If you ever let me out of here, would you show me a fast car?'
Chicken wings were delicious. Really any fried chicken was delicious, but especially fried chicken wings. He licked his lips, and then chuckled when H-30 suggested that his body was unhappy. "Its just telling me I'm hungry. Well, it thinks I'm hungry because I'm talking about my favorite food. But I'm okay. And yes, I will show you a fast car some time." He agreed. "Right before we eat chicken wings..." He mused. He tilted his head upwards to lean against the glass also and then sighed softly.
'Hungry... So you're hungry without being hungry... And your body can be hungry without being sleepy? The human body surely works in mysterious ways.' H-30 commented with some amusement. He then saw Tybalt sighing. He still couldn't pinpoint the exact reason behind that sigh. He was starting to think it had to so with emotions, but he couldn't pinpoint the exact emotion behind sighs either. It was like everybody in the lab sighed for different reasons. 'Is anything the matter? You sound like your body isn't the only one unhappy.'
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