Original poster

Salzach River, Untersberg (Mountain), The Alps
The room was dark, all the lights out, except for one blinking red light. That light quickly turned green, and a sound of quiet static filled the room until a screen fizzled into life. It had the makings to be a small scale holographic projection, but wasn't quite there yet. On the frameless screen was the face of an older man, three scars on his cheek with greying hair cut in a buzz. The colors were slightly faded and greenish, but it was also clearly a live feed.
"Seven!" The man barked through the projection. From in the dark of the room came a shuffling and then an 'oomph' before unkempt, messy brown hair popped up in front of the screen. He reached up to adjust the screen, pointing it downwards towards the floor where he was kneeling so that they could see one another.
"How many times have I asked you to call me Tybalt?" He grumbled. "What do you want? I'm busy." The man on the screen looked rather amused.
"Is that any way to address your first in command?"
"You're only One because I didn't want to be. Now what do you want?" Tybalt wasn't in the mood to play games that day.
"I need a status report on that alien freak you're keeping holed up down there. Need to have proof for Two and Three that we shouldn't just kill the damn thing and be done with it." One answered. Tybalt let out a sigh.
"Fine. I'll submit a report later today. Now leave me alone. I'm working on something." One grinned and then blinked off the screen, leaving Tybalt in darkness again.
It was several more hours before Tybalt turned on the light, illuminating a small bedroom. There were gears and springs and belts and all manner of parts scattered on the floor. There was a standard wooden bed in one corner, the dark blue blanket on top twisted and left unmade. A desk next to the bed was also laden with parts, and it was also where the high tech computer was. Maps and blueprints covered the walls, some handmade and some printed off.
Tybalt went to a closet and pulled out a clean pair of jeans, pulling them on once he took the ones he was wearing off. He kept the tank top he was wearing on, but grabbed a green knitted sweater to put on over it. Sitting down on the bed, he grabbed the boots he kept underneath the bed and jammed them onto his feet.
It had been Tybalt's idea to capture and keep some of the supernatural beings that they were having trouble killing. It took Tybalt off the field, which he didn't particularly like, but the research he was doing was more important. He was learning quite a bit, but this newest creature they had down there, the blue alien thing, was difficult to keep contained and highly dangerous.
Grabbing a hair tie, he pulled the long parts of his hair back into a pony tail and then stood up. Many people were working on H-30, and Tybalt had been overseeing. It was time to take matters into his own hands now.
Leaving his room, he locked it via several locks and then turned to face the grey hallway. Glancing at the door across from his, it was apparent that Gerhard had already left for the day. That was fine. He went further down into headquarters, passing several types of security the further down he went until he got to what was the bottom level. He passed more security, and the hall opened up in front of him to reveal what most people in the IBIF organization deemed as "Seven's Lab". It wasn't really his, nor even a lab. It was just the holding place to do research on the demons and monsters they managed to bring back alive. Tybalt turned towards one of the women standing guard nearby.
"How is H-30 today?" He asked. He was ready to get something out of him today, with or without help.
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