The Hero Club's Misadventures! | 勇者部の災難! | Yuushabu no Sainan!

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As the sisters walked along, there was an awkward silence.

That was when Akira decided to break it.

"Onee-chan... do you believe in... ghosts... magic... all that?"

"Well, who knows, Akira? Just because I've never seen such things doesn't mean they don't exist. All things exist in some form. We've seen some crazy stuff happen before, even crazier and more dangerous than what you said."

"I guess so, Onee-chan. You see, many years ago, I had-"

"Akira, I think we're being followed!" Akane exclaims. "Oh~ wonder which one of us this guy is stalking~" Akane teases her little sister, then has a sudden realisation of her words as she sighed. "Oh, right. Jonathan. He's probably a little doubtful, so he's following me or someone else. Really hope that guy opens up or something, learns to trust others. Speaking of stalkers, did you find anyone you like?"

Akira's face blushed once more. "I- I- it's none of your business!" Akira proceeds to run forward.

"Wait for me!!!!" Akane follows.
As the trio walked along, only one of them knowing it was a trio, Trau continued to listen to the sisters' conversation. They seemed close enough - moreso than she and her own sister were. Not that she'd let such thoughts slip into her mind. They were anything but a necessity. More a hindrance than anything else.

On a more important note, the elder sister suddenly stopped and exclaimed that they were being followed. Trau was caught by surprise. She didn't expect the elder one to be able to sense her so easily. Just when she was about to float off, she noticed the girl looking at someone else and not her. Following her gaze, the ghost spotted a male dressed up in some form of weird military-like attire and glasses. Whatever he was doing, he didn't seem focused on them. It seemed more like he was waiting for someone.

Without another word about it, the sisters turned back round and went along their way? 'Jonathan?' Trau thought to herself. Perhaps a club member from Akane's club. Her thoughts were interrupted by Akira's flustered speaking. Turning her attention back towards her initial target, a sly smile came across her face, this one much more real than those that had only left her face not too long ago. How she loved the sound of someone getting all flustered and broke up, even over the smallest things. It was one of her few remaining pleasures in the physical world. She was going to have fun playing with this one.
"Well you disappeared, I don't know, just before master died. How could you leave?" Jem started speaking rather hurriedly, presumably because of the area they were sitting in at the moment. "You know there are death calls for you?" he whispered under his breath before continuing. "Where have you been? And after you tell me, I'm going to be leaving, because if I stay any longer than that, I'll have to report it to the clan." Jem spun and looked like he was after a book while some students walked through quickly. "Now, start talking."
"I had my reasons," Arthur hissed back. "And our Masters death is no fault of mine. While his spirit and arms were strong, he was old and his heart was weak. And just who on the Nine Circles do you think you are to order me around?" Arthur crossed his arms, nose slightly upturned with dignity and disgust at Jem's arrogance. "Let the death threats come. I've faced them my whole life. And what kind of clan is it you belong to, Jem? Did the little mystic swordsman boy actually grow up to play ninja?" he inquired condescendingly, adding a quick chuckle. "Or did you find Master's old clan and kiss enough ancient ass that they let you take an apprenticeship, despite being taught by a disgraced former clansman?"

That last retort was a low blow, and Arthur knew it. Their master had always talked about having been abandoned by his clan for failing to protect their leader. A jab like that would make Jem furious, but Arthur recalled that that was when he was most honest. He tensed,preparing himself for anysort of physical attack,should Jem lash out at him.
Snapping the book closed, the sound was enough to draw the attention of many people. Jem turned to Arthur with a look of pain and absolute hatred "You know good and well that his heart was the strongest thing about him, or did you not like the fact that he was better than you, so you made it snap? Maybe you just put a little something in his meal to cause it to weaken rapidly?" He easily crossed the gap between them and held his old friend off the ground. "Let me tell you one thing 'buddy'. No matter what you say, I will never forgive you for abandoning us." His eyes glazed over as remembering their master brought him to tears. "It's your fault his last days were pain." Dropping Arthur and sweeping his feet as he spun around, Jem made his way out of the library, and bolted to the rooftops to get to his open window where he disappeared.

"Oh, nowww you care about courtesy? Oh, wait--you've just mastered sarcasm. Ba-tink! Achievement Unlocked! Congratulations!" Am I going to have to crisp this guy? she worried. If I don't, billions could die or end up living under the heel of the Clone Soldier Overlords from Planet Johnathan! But I have to be sure...

"Alright: where I come from, my friends and I have found out we have magical powers, and we've become a team. We use our powers to help people as well as we can. But the presence of our powers in our world is making our world more magical, re-awakening dormant magics and making it possible for magical beings to start manifesting there again. Other people are starting to discover magical talents, and scientists are starting to study magic. There is a...well, I guess he's a wizard of some kind, who wants to be the only magical power in the world, keep it secret, for himself only. To make that happen, he wants to kill us, stop us from bringing magic back for everyone.

"There. That's part of my problem. Your turn: tell me part of your mission here. If you do that, then I'll tell you more of my problem, you tell me more of your mission, and so on. As long as your mission isn't evil, like scouting this world for an invasion, I might even help. Or not, if you prefer."
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sayuri's first comment utterly confused Johnathan. He was about to ask what she meant but wait a second! was she being? maybe . . .[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Crap, Johnathans plan didn't count on sharing part of "his mission" he'll just have to press for more information and come up with something while she was talking.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Unlike you I can't tell whether or not you're lying" that wasn't entirely true, he could tell if she was trying to deceive him but he couldn't tell what she was lying about "so prove your story and once you're done doing that apologize"[/BCOLOR]
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"Prove my story? Helloooooo?" Sayuri said, releasing her staff briefly to one hand to gesture up and down at her clothing. Couldn't he see that she'd just completely changed her clothing by blatantly magical means, and was currently pointing a magical staff at him, demonstrating that at least part of her story was true? She gripped her staff and took aim. As her anger mounted, the crystal lotus glowed more brightly, throwing off sunbeams.

Does he seriously expect that I'll, what, take him back to my world, show him around, take him to a library to read our history, then find Hospitaller's controller and say, 'Excuse me sir, could you please demonstrate to this guy that you're an evil wizard who wants to kill me? But let me apologize to him again first'? Okay, I get it. Hitler, Munich, 1938. To this guy, and probably the militarized police state he comes from, cooperation is weakness. Time to tell him to get the hell out of the Sudetenland, or else.

"Oh, and 'apologize?' I did nothing but apologize to you from the second I saw you, and all that got me was stalking, an ambush, threats, and insults. So no. It's time for you to start apologizing to me. But first, your mission. Your whole mission, and if you answer any questions I have to my satisfaction, I might share the rest of my 'story' with you."
[BCOLOR=transparent]"Oh come on, all you did was quickly change your clothes and pulled a stick out of your ass" oops, forgot the offencive language last time, that's probably why she's not cooperating.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"And your story doesn't make any logical sense" Thanks to Johnathans Magicians power he was able to find flaws in Sayuri's arguments much quicker than normal "If your friends fight with you where are they? If a scientist studies magic doesn't that turn the magic into science? If you're the source of the magic and you die won't the magic disappear leaving none left for this scientist? You're talking as if you're from another planet but how is that even possible? And if your presence allows others to use magic shouldn't I be able to cast a spell?" Johnathan hoped that by asking all of these questions in rapid concession would confuse Sayuri and make her say something, anything Johnathan felt like he was close to learning something important.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"But the biggest flaw in your argument is that none of what you said has anything to do with a mission of any kind you idiot" more insults are necessary "And fuck you, the first fucking thing you did was trying to make me look bad infront of everyone after I had merely stated the facts. And frankly, I don't care about your pathetic attempts to belittle me." Johnathan [BCOLOR=transparent]paused[/BCOLOR] for a moment and made sure to look Sayuri directly in her eyes then said " But you will apologies for thinking you can dictate what my life is for."[/BCOLOR]
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Arthur let out a grunt of pain as Jem lifted him into the air, and rapidly found himself on the floor of the library as an enraged Jem sprinted away. So, thought Arthur, he blames me for our Master's death. Despite the pain in his back, ribs, and lungs, this had become a very informative encounter. Jem was here, too. He blames Arthur for the death of their Master. He has a clan. The library floor tiles are a very cheap but sturdy imitation marble. Dusting off his robes, Arthur calmly exited the library and began walking home. Saturday should be interesting.
Before she headed home, Sophia made one last check of the school grounds for anything amiss. Eventually, she wandered into such a thing, rounding the corner of the building and running right into Jonathan and Sayuri's tense little altercation. "Ah," she gasped a little less than quietly when she stepped onto the scene. The younger girl was dressed in a middle school uniform, and would thus obviously be one of their kouhai by a few year at least. She was small, cute, dark-skinned, fair-haired, and twintailed.

", I'm not interrupting a confession or something, a-am I," she asked as innocently as she could. She had no clue what was going on, but she could see enough that it wasn't nearly as friendly a conversation as she'd just implied. But what else was she going to do? Just calling them out on the fact that they're glaring daggers at each other probably wouldn't be any better. It just wasn't polite, besides. And the girl was definitely not in a uniform. What was she, some sort of cosplayer?
"Oh, please. If you want to start being skeptical of magic, maybe you should stop using yours." Before she had a chance to get a good rant going, she heard an "Ah!" from a cute little voice behind her. She turned to see an adorable little twin-tailed girl.

", I'm not interrupting a confession or something, a-am I," the girl said.

"Confession? No. I was...showing him some magic tricks, and he was saying they sucked." Sayuri knew better than to hope Johnathan might work with her a little to keep them both from getting in trouble for fighting at school, was time to bail. "Here, watch this!" she said to the girl, then stretched out her arms and spoke the invocation to take her bird form. In a flash of golden sunlight, she turned into a beautiful white raptor, flew several swift loops around the girl to (hopefully) entertain her, then took off into the sky. Once out of sight of the school, she swooped down, then flew back to her house and landed in her yard, where she could turn back to her schoolgirl self unseen.

So, back to the original plan? Stay away, so Hospitaller won't hurt anyone else to come after me?
The old couple looked quizzically at each other as they felt a gust of wind pass them at their small ramen stand. Looking at their watches, they confirmed it. It seemed like that girl who ran ridiculously fast was coming home a bit later today.

Hospitaller slowed her run down to a jog as she felt a couple of familiar presences. After a moment of tracking, it seemed like if she continued on her same route she would end up running into them. But that would've been awkward. She had just met them and said goodbye not that long ago. Even if Hospitaller didn't know that much about how socialization worked, she still felt hesitation of knowingly running into them here. However....

Looking up at the sky, Hospitaller knew that she was running later. If she tried to take a detour or waited too long she could end up getting lost on her way home again. The quiet neighborhoods looked completely different at night.

The girl with the tiara decided to walk on.


A time later...

Hospitaller hopped over yet another backyard fence, which was just another part of her drawn out Map route she had memorized just in case. This put her her onto the street where Akira, Her Sister, and the Club Member were walking down, with their backs toward her. This was good, if things continued on like this Hospitaller would not have to worry about awkwardly running into the Club President or a Club Member after the first day of meeting like this. They would just walk on and be none the wiser.

However... was that the sort of thing she really wanted?

If she hid herself from Akira and her club mates today, was she ever going to get close to any of them? Would she make any sort of friends if she was always hiding herself like this?

Hospitaller shook her head at the thought.

"President! Club Member!"

Catching their attention, Hospitaller caught up with them.

"Delicious, Sunset!"

The best version of 'good evening' Hospitaller could come up with. Regardless, she smiled, some of it hinting that even she knew what she was saying was wrong.
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"Ah! Comrade! You have arrived!" Akira speaks. "It's good to see you. Why might you be lurking here?"

"Akira," Akane smiles in delight, "I guess you really can be yourself around these people. Care to introduce your friend to me?"

"O- Onee-chan?" Akira was a little shocked. She then pouted. "Onee-chan, this is Hospitaller... Hospitaller, this is my Onee-chan."

"Ya~ hoi~ my name is Akizuki Akane, nice to meetcha, Hospitaller~" Akane speaks. "I believe another one of your new friends are present, Akira. Is she a little shy, maybe?"
As they moved along, Trau spotted Hospitaller walking along. With the route she was taking, she was bound to run into the sisters. She already knew that the short girl could see her. If she were to mention the ghost upon her approach...

As quickly as she could, Trau transitioned to being visible as the girl approached and called out to them. She merely greeted the girl with a wave and a forced smile. Then Akane asked about the "club member" that was mentioned.

"Ah, that would be me," Trau spoke up. "I was walking the same way, but I didn't really want to disturb you two. You seemed to be having a good conversation..." Luckily, she could use Hospitaller's assumption of her being socially inept to her advantage. If all went smoothly, she'd be able to play this off with ease, and no one would know the difference.
Upon seeing Trau, Akira's face turned a little red. She was a little nervous. What was she going to say. She didn't even ask for Trau's name!

"H- h- h-" Akira tried to say something, but just couldn't spit it out. "Wahaha! Fate truly is by our side to bring us together, even in a time such as this, madamoiselle."

Akane then looks at Akira for a bit, then at Trau. She smiles for a bit, even though she knew that something was a little odd about Trau. As odd as the members of her club, she would say. She knew that Akira didn't know her name.

"So, Miss," Akane asks Trau, "what can I call you by?"
Trau smiled in response to Akira's greeting. Her awkwardness about their sudden meeting would do well to distract anyone from her own weirdness. The elder sister, Akane, was quick to follow up her sister's greeting with a question. She seemed much more confident than her younger was now presenting herself as. Perhaps the younger Akizuki girl wasn't as outgoing as she seemed in the club room.

"Well, my full name is Trauciel, but you can simply call me Trau if you like." Hopefully the incident leading to her death several years ago didn't ring any bells. Even if they did, she'd still be able to blow it off. So long as she didn't divulge her last name, her identity was forever safe.
"Trauciel... Trau... I see...." Akane noted that it too, was a foreign name as well. I suppose this was fishy. Wait, what language was Hospitaller in anyways?

Maybe they were chuunibyou personas given by Akira?

Nevertheless, it was important to greet. "Nice to meetcha Trau, my name is Akizuki Akane~. Thanks for being friends with my little sister, you two, Trauciel, Hospitaller. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Akira seemed a little embarassed and hid behind her sister.

"O- oh, I'm sorry, Akira."
"Cultist President. Good! Cards!"

Hospitaller said, seeming to speak encouragingly about what Akira had did today.

Despite Hospitaller's wish to talk more, she still inherently was unable to. When requesting information or asking questions, it was easy to plug together a couple of words in order to get the message across. But, here in this sort of situation of just conversing, it was difficult. The other club member was able to have an easier time of talking, introducing herself to Akira's sister.

Hospitaller tried to struggle with coming up with something to say. In the end, but she couldn't find the words in time.

"Nice to meetcha Trau, my name is Akizuki Akane~. Thanks for being friends with my little sister, you two, Trauciel, Hospitaller. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Hospitaller nodded in acknowledgement.


Hospitaller bashfully grinned. Admitting her defeat.

"Japanese Language. Peculiar. Conversation. Hard."

Hospitaller, spotting Akira shying away and her sister apologizing for her for comment, was able to find something to say.

"Believe. Cultist Club." Hospitaller put her hand over her heart, looking determined. "President. Protect. Surely."

After this Hospitaller put her hand back down and smiled at Akira, hiding behind her older sister. Her gaze then turned back to Akira.

"Home. Departure Necessary." She announced her intentions to head home, looking between the sisters and the Ghost.
"I suppose that we too, should head off- of course! I almost forgot! The shopping!"

It was not common for Akane to forget.

"I guess we'll be heading off as well. See you both around," Akane winks.

"Bu- bu- bye... bye..." Akira utters and waves as the siblings walk away.

"Nothing like evening Supermarket Shopping," Akane laughs as she pushes a trolley in a supermarket. "Never did this in a while. Want to hang around for a bit, Akira?"

"A... are you really a gyaru... Onee-chan?"

"E- e- eh... oh, look, young kids need to drink milk, ehehe..."
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