The Hero Club's Misadventures! | 勇者部の災難! | Yuushabu no Sainan!

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Man, some of the other club members were pretty weird, Sophia decided. The one girl with the tiara was certainly taking dressing up seriously, but her Japanese was terrible. Sure, she probably spoke with an accent herself, but at least she knew enough grammar. She swallowed any harsh words, it just wouldn't be polite to pick on someone still learning, compared to actually helping them improve. She'd...have to try getting at other languages the girl spoke, later.

While most of the items, Bahamut included, which Akira brought out didn't elicit much more than polite interest from her, the model guns had Sophia out of her seat and reaching for something at her thigh in the space of a few instants. She couldn't exactly turn off her own hair-trigger nerves, but at least she also had the time to realize it wasn't a threat. The more astute observers in the room probably caught a glimpse of something metal in a bandolier under her skirt. The less astute were likely distracted by panties, if they were even looking. "Ah...ahahaha..." She tried to laugh it off, looking embarrassed as she sunk down into her seat. "Thought that was an actual gun for a bit, there..." Good thing replica guns, no matter how convincing, have to be obvious at a glance.

Sophia quickly began collecting the scattered tarot cards, efficiently gathering a number of them into a neat stack. "You need to be more careful, Mistress," she said as she handed the cards over, scolding the other girl. "It doesn't do to make such a basic mistake before a reading." Shuffling the cards could be a troublesome first step, she knew. They were a bit too big to easily work with, even if the same general techniques as playing cards did work. In her case, Sophia had to curse her tiny hands, when it came to keeping good control of the damn things.

"So, what's the occasion for the reading," she asked, quite curious about how this would be progressing.

Sayuri startled a little when Akane put her hand on her shoulder.

"Well, we're all ready to rock now, aren't we~" Akane announces. "I understand that it's the first day, and we will always have conflicts if we don't know our differences! But the point of any gathering is to learn from all our arguments and end it well, like a good story~! Such is youth, such is life~ So anyways..."

"Uh..." If I try to leave now while they've still got their door open, Hospitaller could see me! "Uh, yeah."

"You do look like you've seen a ghost, is everything okay? Did you run into a ghost?" Jem said.

"Huh? Oh, no, I didn't see a ghost," Sayuri said, trying to sound reassuring. "No ghosts here!" Whew! I didn't even have to lie! "Everything's fine." Oops. It became even harder to hide her nervousness when Jem went over and opened the door to look toward the other club. What if the motion drew Hospitaller's attention, and she came over to look inside?

"If it's something that can be talked about, I bet all of us can help support you," he added. Well, there went any hope she might have had of not drawing everyone's attention.

"Um..." Maybe...they could help? Except, being military guys, they'd probably decide to try to exterminate Hospitaller with extreme prejudice, and think I was 'weak and unreliable' or something for wanting to free her. If they didn't just think I'm crazy. Besides, if they went at her with guns blazing and grenades flying...well, military people invented the term 'collateral damage' for a reason. . "Sorry. It''s not really something anybody can help me with. In fact it's...better if none of you have anything to do with it, and you get to keep doing things like delivering cats to people. Sorry. I'm not doing anything but disrupting your meeting, I really should go," she said, rising.
"Busy on the first day? Don't worry, we all have days like these," Akane smiles, "everyone has problems, and this Club was born to solve problems!"

Akane did notice Sayuri glancing at the opposite room. She didn't know what was occuring, but maybe her little sister knew something about it. Like she said, only time can tell.

It may look like she's just... letting her off like that.

"I'm sure you have your reasons, but whatever they are, do your best~☆" Akane winks at Sayuri, "it's only the first day, I'm sure it'll be better in future. Are you sure you don't want to hang around a little longer?"

Akira caught a slight glimpse of Sophia's panties, alongside an odd, metal thing. She then blushes, then covers her eyes with the minor Arcana Page of Pentacles and the major Arcana Wheel of Fortune. "I- I didn't see anything!"

Akira broke out of character for a bit there, which she always does out of sheer embarassment.

Sophia then tells her off for the minor mistake of causing the cards to scatter like petals off a prunus tree in spring. "Waha... haha... I suppose I make mistakes here and there. This one seems to be a little more messy... thank you, Weiss-san," her face was still in a little red.

As she gathers the cards collected, Akira shuffles them swiftly, but with less intensity than previously displayed.

"You see, my dark denizens, for many eons, what the Earthly realm calls 'tarot cards' have been used to predict fate, fortune, destiny and one's current spiritual state. That is what we are about to do. Fate has brought us together, thus, we are about to observe what lies ahead of us. Wahaha!"

Akira does the usual laughter as she picks the top thirteen cards from the face-down deck.

"Pick a card, any card."
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Hospitaller grinned as the 'Ghost' gave it's reply.

"Puppet. To Converse? Same! Wand!"

Hospitaller seemed to understand Trau's words as those of someone who was so Socially Inept that they had to talk with something else to pass the time.

Up next, the club leader announced that they where now proceeding to draw cards. Hospitaller still wasn't sure what was going on exactly. Regardless, as the club leader commanded, Hospitaller picked up a card. After looking at it for a second, she placed it down on the table for all to see.

"Victory?" She asked. The card laying in front of her on the table was that of 'Judgement'.
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Arthur couldn't help but chuckle at Akira's difficulty using the cards. Tarot is an old form of magic, one she obviously had not mastered. Though not expecting much, he drew a card from her hand, looking at it and remembering it's meanings before laying it onto the table for all to see. "Five of Wands. It would seem I shall be soon finding a rival in my life." he announced calmly. A thought stuck in the back of his head. Could it be him? No, it'd be too coincidental. However, magic has not lied to me before... He leaned back in his chair, further contemplating the meaning of the card.

"If I may ask, why is it we are doing this, Akira-chan?" he questioned the young girl in charge of the club. "Surely this is not without reason."
Trau wasn't finding it easy to make sense of what Hospitaller was saying, but she figured it wasn't important. Just some silly comparisons. So long as she wasn't attacking her, it didn't matter.

The Akizuki girl and the recently arrived member were gathering up the tarot cards she'd dropped all over. Glad that she wasn't asked to help (seeing how she's a ghost and wouldn't be able to do so anyway), she watched as the cards were properly shuffled before being held out before them. "Pick a card, any card."

The short girl picked first, pulling out the card of Judgment. Trau didn't personally know what it meant, as she never really got into tarot cards before or after her death. The robed male was next, pulling the card Five of Wands. Figuring she may as well go next, she pulled a card out using her puppet covered hand, trying carefully not to spill the rest of them out of the girl's hand. Pulling her hand back, she looked over the card before placing it down.

"Death." The word escaped her lips with subtlety. She wasn't sure it meant, or how it related to her other in that she was already dead. The robed male took the words out of her mouth in asking Akizuki what the point of this was exactly.
"As I have spoken," Akira speaks once again, explaining the purpose of this ritual, "hmmm... how do I simplify this in Earthly terms... of course. It is part of our entrance ceremony. Observing fate, destiny and the future through such methods is always a good way to start a journey, and to start anew in this realm. It hints a possible future, a possible path that we can choose to walk. Wahaha!"

Akira proceeds to observe the conjured cards.

"Now, my comrade, there is no true victory is such readings. Victory comes by choosing your paths that have been derived from these rituals," Akira speaks, "Judgement, I see? Judgement truly is an emblem of judgement, no doubt. As judgement calls upon you, it is a time to think of the many things you have done in the past - how can you alter yourself? How can you evolve? How will you change yourself before you are metaphorically reborn once more into a brand new person? That is up to you. That will be your destiny."

Turning to the robed wizard, Akira looks at the Five of Wands. "I am not one to underestimate the Minor Arcana. The Five of Wands signifies incoming feuds, incoming conflict, incoming battle. Said conflict ranges from mere discord between our denizens, to an epic battle. It is not an entire act of incorrectness, for you are attempting to move forward at your own pace. Maybe there is something you wish to do alone? Only time can tell."

"Death," turning to Trau, Akira ponders about it. "Major Arcana Death. It is not neccesarily death itself. It is merely an end that could bring forth a new beginning. Every individual must accept one thing - all things have to come to an end. One must put the past behind and embrace new possibilities, new opportunities. In other words - Death is change that is to come. Death is the emblem that signifies that some things are not eternal, and like a rose, it withers, only to give way to another. Cherish what you have now before they wither. Once they are gone for eternity, evolve and embrace the new possibilities that arrive. Such is every journey from The Fool to The World! Wahaha!"
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"Now, my comrade, there is no true victory is such readings. Victory comes by choosing your paths that have been derived from these rituals,"

Hospitaller blinked at Akira.

All of a sudden, the words coming out of this girl were starting to sound.... different. Not by the tone of her voice, but rather in the content of what she was speaking. This made Hospitaller pay deeper attention as Akira continued.

"Judgement, I see? Judgement truly is an emblem of judgement, no doubt. As judgement calls upon you, it is a time to think of the many things you have done in the past - how can you alter yourself? How can you evolve? How will you change yourself before you are metaphorically reborn once more into a brand new person? That is up to you. That will be your destiny."

"Reborn... New, person?" Hospitaller quietly asked to herself.

She stared down at the card before her.

"I don't want this...!"

Those were the first words that I remember hearing.

Even inhabiting a world that was completely dark and void, I was able to hear it. Those first things that I ever heard were impossible for me understand.

Existing for no discernible purpose, nor aware of even existing in the first place, I continued to listen to them, endlessly.

"Help Me."

"No More."

The sound of a voice that was crying out echoed in this void where only thought could reach. But this did not last. This monotonous eternity ended the moment when I heard a voice that was different from the one that I was always listening to.

"Oh God...! No!"

It was a voice different from the one that I was familiar with. A voice different from the one that I had only known my entire existence.

For the first time, I felt a sense of curiosity.

As if responding to my wish, the world began to fill with detail. The void I had inhabited began to yield to sights, sounds, and feelings. Without control over my own wishes, it continued to forcefully add all of these details and set them before me.

I was overcome with all the new senses that I had been granted. When this instantaneous process of gaining sense completed, the seedlings of my first 'memory' came about.

A scene of sharp and splintered edges. A dim and harsh scene that was full of gloom. A far cry from the nothing that I had come from. Hung onto the wall, impaled by my sword held in my hand, was the first human I ever saw. The first time I ever saw anyone in the state of dying. He seemed to be struggling to free himself from my sword impaling him, but looked like a fruitless attempt. His grasp on the sword, and the flailing of his legs quickly lost their energy as quickly as I realized he was here.

I looked at the sword, and the hand that held it. That hand was a part of an arm that lead straight to me. As if by instinct, I tried to move it. The arm moved, and the hand moved along with it. Therefore, the sword that pinned the man to the wall also moved.


Despite him apparently being out of energy, he violently flailed once more in reaction. At first I was startled. But seeing how interesting it was, I moved my hand again.

"AUUUGH! Uhhh...!"

This time, he reacted by leaking red liquid out of his mouth. I was an amazing thing, what was happening here.

"Please, just...! No more! No More! Please, just let me down!"

The words he spoke were familiar to me, so I wished to comply with them. Therefore, I pulled my hand back. With the sword no longer holding him up, he flopped onto the floor. I continued watching him. I watched him as to wait to see what he was to say next.

He did not immediately say anything. Instead, he looked right past me, and an indescribable expression came upon his face.

" have taken everything! My whole damn family! You....!"

"Wait. You're, different? That look on your eyes, it's gone."

Despite me automatically understanding how to react before, this time I couldn't understand what he was saying. The only thing I knew how to do was listen, and the only known option I had at that moment.

The dying man looked straight at me from his final resting place on the ground.

"I forgive you, young girl. I pray for you... that you might change your ways, and see the value in the lives that you've cut down so needlessly..."

After the man had said this, he slowly fell still. Into a stillness that he would not escape from.

Looking behind me, I saw more people already in a state of stillness, scattered around the room. I couldn't count how many exactly, as several of them were in halves and pieces. But, they modified the dim and grey colors of this large room by interrupting it with the red sashes that came from their bodies.

Looking at this scene, I gained one more sense. It was a sense that made me feel very heavy and compressed, just as soon as I felt it, it began to consume me. At that moment, I realized that the voice that I had been listening to this entire time, was actually my own.

The weight of guilt and sorrows that were directed to a conscious that was never supposed see the light of day, began an assault so painful that I fell to my knees. Though my own physical body had no damages, I was reeling, and I held my head as if trying to keep it from bursting.

I was put into the seat of mind that I was never supposed inhabit. A mind that was chained to a cursed body that did not have any free will of it's own. Though I couldn't know any better then, this would only be one of many, many unpleasant memories.

Looking back, it probably would've been for the best that I had never left that eternal void.

Hospitaller's sunny personality disappeared as she looked down at the card. She seemed mute and deaf as the club leader gave the meanings for the other cards that had been drawn thus far. However, Hospitaller was brought back to reality when she heard the sound that was already starting to grow familiar.

"...such is every journey from The Fool to The World! Wahaha!"

Hospitaller looked up from her card to the club leader. She nodded in agreement despite not knowing what exactly what Akira had just said.

"Gracious!" Hospitaller said, coming back to the herself that she was putting up. She thanked Akira for whatever it was she was doing.
"Death," the club leader began, turning to Trau. "Major Arcana Death. It is not neccesarily death itself. It is merely an end that could bring forth a new beginning. Every individual must accept one thing - all things have to come to an end. One must put the past behind and embrace new possibilities, new opportunities. In other words - Death is change that is to come. Death is the emblem that signifies that some things are not eternal, and like a rose, it withers, only to give way to another. Cherish what you have now before they wither. Once they are gone for eternity, evolve and embrace the new possibilities that arrive. Such is every journey from The Fool to The World! Wahaha!"

Trau listened to her words intently, though she wasn't sure why. Normally, she wouldn't be able to care any less about such things, but for some reason, her mind was drawn, compelled to listen - as though this was a message that she had to hear.

Once she was able to shake off the strange feeling that'd overcome her, she looked at the others who'd just had their cards read. The short girl seemed to be lost in thought looking at her own. It seemed that the same power of compulsion had come over her when her "reading" was given. After looking on until the girl seemed to snap out of it, Trau turned to her own card.

'Death, hm?' She felt herself internally giggling at the thought. 'Change? That doesn't seem likely. Not for me.' Without giving it any further thought, she placed her card down before her and positioned herself to seem as though she was leaning slightly back in her chair, though not so much as to appear as if she was going through it or seeming like a slouch.
It was quite the exciting first day, Runa decided. Good thing things were finally settling down, although Sayuri was acting in a pretty concerned way. She didn't have much to add to the sentiments the others had already expressed, but she did anyway. "If you've got other stuff to do, go ahead and do that. I don't think you were interrupting anything though. Come back next meeting." She did her best to plead with her eyes, as Sayuri got up to leave. No need to try and stop her, though.

She looked at the other club members. " we have much more to do today?"

"Are you alright, miss Foreigner," Sophia asked Hospitaller. She never caught the girl's name, but her assumption would hopefully work well enough. The girls eemed okay, but for a long time, she was a bit too quiet, with a bit too much of a thousand-yard stare for a high school student. She reached over and grabbed one of the cards, turning it so everyone could see and placing it face-up in front of her. "So...The Knight of Cups." Without any context, she couldn't really guess at its meaning, of specifically, which of its meanings, might be relevant.
"Do you all want to continue sorting things out, or do you want me to fill in the blanks over the week as we call it a day?" Akane questions. "I understand that today has been pretty hectic, even for a first day. I wanted to go through one more thing, but I thought I'd let it be a little surprise since we don't have much time~☆"

Akane picks up a wooden plank from the corners of the room. "It'll be a surprise~"

"The Knight of Cups. The one in touch with emotions and intuition. Heart over mind, you allow emotions to decide your destiny. If that statement is untrue, there will be or is something or someone that will drive you to do so," Akira's mouth begins to swirl as she begins to shiver, "decisions are made by the choices and feelings of your inner soul - friendship, warmth, and even lo- lo-"

One could see Akira's face turn red, then whispers in a low voice, "love..."

Looking at Sophia once more, she feels some shock, before turning away for a bit.

"Waa... haha..." Akira continues as she faces the others once again, face still a little red, "so anyways, I- I- guess that we've got that settled. So, the next part of our meeting is the final part... I mean..."

Akira coughs the red out of her face, before bellowing.

"The day of Saturn will be the day we will explore the unexplored!" Akira proceeds to slap a map onto the table. "This is the area around this school. What is known as 'The District'. As we are known as the Occult Society in public eyes, it is obligatory that we perform this activity. Our task is to observe, locate and report the mysterious and the supernatural. Who knows - maybe we will meet new allies, or make new foes. Wahaha!"
"Sounds good to me." Jem replied in a very relaxed tone. Looking around the room, he couldn't help but notice all the auras of others, where they almost bled wanting to leave. "And in all honesty, surprises are fun. Though I hope it wont be too long of waiting before we find out." It'll be interesting to find out what it is, knowing that on the first day she gave us cats..... She is a very interesting character... I'll have to keep a close eye on her.
"Hospitaller. Functional!" Hospitaller energetically replied back to the new arrival who made the inquiry.

Akira then gave the reading for the same girl. The reading was for the 'Knight of Cups' card that she had drawn. The little club leader seemed hesitant to read the last parts of the Twintailed Girl's Reading. But she managed to struggle out the final words of the reading, alebit quietly. With that reading completing, Akira announced today's event was to move onto it's next order of business.

"The day of Saturn will be the day we will explore the unexplored!" Said the club leader as she struck down a large piece of paper flat onto the table.

"This is the area around this school. What is known as 'The District'. As we are known as the Occult Society in public eyes, it is obligatory that we perform this activity. Our task is to observe, locate and report the mysterious and the supernatural. Who knows - maybe we will meet new allies, or make new foes. Wahaha!"

Hospitaller raised her hand up.


Though Hospitaller got most of what Akira had just said, she was just one key word that was still making today objective mysterious to her.

"Supernatural. Unknown. Explain?" She requested.
Arthur listened to her intently, analyzing her words and what meaning may lay behind them. He could find none other than 'We're going ghost hunting on Saturday in a place called The District.'

Quickly, Hospitaller spoke up with a confused tone. "Supernatural. Unknown. Explain?" she asked. With a sigh, Arthur answered her request.

"We're going to explore paranormal occurences in the area known as 'The District'. Ghost sightings, hauntings, supposedly cursed areas. That sort of thing." he replied. He would've been annoyed, had she not seemed so genuinely clueless about the whole thing. It was odd, Arthur couldn't place where outside Japan she was from. Obviously European, but pinpointing where was the issue. He would have to ask her another time, in a language she understood better. Maybe on Saturday, during the investigations and exploration.
"I guess that wraps everything up~" Akane speaks. "Well, all I can say now is, see you around school and see you on Saturday~ I'll try to grab an extra someone, maybe they'll like to roll~ Our meeting is dismissed. Have fun over the week!"

She looks at the door for a bit, still thinking about Sayuri. "I hope things will run smoothly... I hope..."

"And thus, the curtain closes," Akira speaks, "well, I certainly did enjoy this Sabbath. But all things must come to an end." Akira picks the Death Arcana up. "Such is change, such is the life of all things mortal and eternal."

Packing the tarot cards, while Bahamut was being held by her shoulders, Akira was ready to head off as she opened the door.

"I bid you all farewell, my humble comrades. And a word of caution - never open an umbrella indoors. Wahaha!"

And so, club activities end, and it is soon time for everyone to head back home. Or go to the arcades. Shopping. Something. You get me.

As Akira walks out of the clubroom, she meets Akane, emerging from the other. "O- Onee-chan?"

"Akira, let's go home together."

"I... I guess that's fine..."

The Akizuki sisters walked home together along the usual route.

"How was club, Akira?"

"It was fun... I guess..." Akira responds as she twiddles her fingers, "I made new friends and all..."

"So, Akira, do you want to help my club out for an activity on Satur-"

"Sorry, Onee-chan, I have a club activity on that day as well..." Akira responds, cutting her older sister's words off. She seemed to feel slightly displeased based on her tone.

Akane's face felt some sadness for a bit, then brightened up. She was glad that Akira managed to make new friends. Maybe the Occult Society wasn't as bad an idea as Akane had previously said. Maybe Akira will finally open up to others in a rather different way. Akane definitely did feel a little bad for a certain previous statement.
"I bid you all farewell, my humble comrades. And a word of caution - never open an umbrella indoors. Wahaha!"

These final words said, the first meeting of the Occult Society came to an end. The students should be walking home now, so there was a chance that the Akizuki girl would be making her way home alone, unless she walked with her sister. Of course that would happen though. Anything to complicate things.

Displaying the forced smile from earlier once more, Trau waved at the girl and the other club members. "See you all Saturday then!" Without saying another word, she made her way out towards the door and tried to find her way out of the building without using her ability of permeability.

(If anyone wants to interrupt her before she leaves, feel free to do so. I'll make my next post as though she never left if someone does.)

After managing to find her way out, she made herself invisible to normal people once more and floated up above the school - high enough to see all the students as rhey left. Sure enough, the Akizuki girl and her sister were together. A troubled look and a sigh came upon the spirit. 'I suppose it can't be helped. I don't mind a little game anyway.' Thinking of the game she could make out of it was enough to lift her "spirits" about the matter.

The girl floated down towards the sisters once they were well enough away from any other people. Overhearing their conversation, it seemed that the sister figure also had a club. What exactly it was about was yet to be revealed. Not that it was of any importance to her. As long as she managed to get the girl she came for, her mission would be a success.
Oyama left the club with a smile on his face, though it faded slightly once he was out of the building.
"You are troubled Oyama."
The young man let out a sigh. He silently wished IOS didn't have so many sensors right now, as he was able to pick up any changes in his body's chemical levels.
"I'm just worried about this weekend. The attack is probably going to happen, and then we have to worry about Mr. Military alongside that."
"Those do not seem tasks of equal challenge. One human being does not constitute an alien invasion from the moon."
"You're right about that, but it doesn't make it any less mentally taxing."
"I do not understand."
"Hopefully you won't have to. We'll see what happens."
[BCOLOR=transparent]As the other club members moved towards the door Johnathan slowly moved to the back of the room and slipped The Magician's glasses on. Dispiste there name The Magician's glasses looked like any other pair of prescription lenses and though Johnathan didn't normally need glasses an astute observer would have noticed John's irises turn grey which signals his use of The Magician's power. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Johnathan quickly scanned the room for Sayuri and committed he energy's shape, color and from to memory. Then, when he was sure no one was watching he disappeared out the back window and hid by the school's exit to wait for a trace of Sayuri's energy so he could follow her and finally get the answers he wanted.[/BCOLOR]
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"I'm sure you have your reasons, but whatever they are, do your best~☆" Akane winks at Sayuri, "it's only the first day, I'm sure it'll be better in future. Are you sure you don't want to hang around a little longer?"

"Well..." Maybe I could stay here until after the other club's meeting breaks up and Hospitaller leaves? If I'm the last one out, then even if she's waiting for me, at least she won't have any handy hostages. Maybe. The cat-eyed girl--Runi? Runa? Something like that--started giving Sayuri an all but irresistible Kitten Mind Trick, a pleading look with gleaming golden eyes, pupils round and depthless.

"If you've got other stuff to do, go ahead and do that. I don't think you were interrupting anything though. Come back next meeting," Runa said.

Sayuri bit her lip. "...OK...I'll stay for the rest of the meeting...sorry." She slumped back into her seat, keeping a wary eye on the door.

Runa looked at the other club members. " we have much more to do today?"

It turned out that they didn't. The meeting broke up a few minutes later. Sayuri was glad of that, as she spent the rest of it with the creepy feeling of being watched. Sure enough, Captain Punctuality was staring at her through a pair of glasses she hadn't seen him wearing before. There was an aura of otherworldly energies about them, in an unfamiliar vibe. She couldn't tell what they did specifically without actually examining them magically, but it was clear they weren't ordinary spectacles. So what do I do about him? It's going to be hard enough dealing with Hospitaller without him meddling. Or maybe joining her side. Oh. Crap. Sayuri just had a really awful thought about him, and why he might be here in the first place.

The others started heading out the door, but he was not among them. Getting stuck alone in here with him might be as bad as being caught by Hospitaller! she thought. She turned a glance his way--he was gone. Wha--oh, the window. Actually...that might not be a bad way to leave. Hospitaller won't see me if I go that way. Sayuri peered out the window. No sign of Johnathan. Hoping that meant the coast was actually clear, she squirmed through the window and clambered to the ground.

Now what? What's Hospitaller's next move? Sayuri had no way to guess. Without knowing how Hospitaller even knew how to come here looking for her in the first place, there was no telling if she might think she'd arrived first (and thus attend more meetings of the Occult Club to lie in wait) or if she had some way of tracking her. I'd better get back to the house. Get packed and ready to clear out at a moment's notice.

Lacking any better plan, Sayuri started trying to slip away from the school's campus unnoticed. She was just about to sneak around the corner of the building, when Jonathan stepped out from behind it, as if he'd beein waiting for her.

"WAH! Uh..."
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Hearing the hooded man's explanation of the supernatural made Hospitaller look in the direction of the first 'ghost' that was here in the room. However, she quickly dismissed the idea, realizing the requirements also had a geographical range, which according to the Hooded Man was the District. Which, as much as Hospitaller could guess, was distinctly separate from the School.

"Understood." Hospitaller said, nodding to Arthur.

Shortly afterwards, Akira announced that the 'Sabbath' was now over. Hospitaller internally sighed in relief. So it wasn't the sort of Sabbath that Hospitaller though it could be. Hospitaller was thankful that she didn't have to purposefully break anyone today. Akira and the Ghost soon left the room. Which Hospitaller found strange.

As she felt their presences leaving the immediate area, Hospitaller remembered something important.

"Wait." She said looking at the others left in the club room.

"Club Forms? Where? Next, Where???"

With an even more confused expression than before, Hospitaller wondered why Akira hadn't made them fill out club signup forms like the other clubs seemed to usually, do. Or what exactly was supposed happen next. The 'day of Saturn' didn't properly register with her. Probably first the first time amongst all the clubs Hospitaller had tried out, she was at a loss at what was going on.

But the most concerning thing was that Hospitaller had no idea where this 'The District' was actually located at. She had only managed to find a reliable way to get to school without tracking student Presences a week ago.
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