The Hellheim Cronicles

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Gizmo, "is it what you want?" He puts an arm around her.
Lilly snuggles up to him. "I just want us and our twins to be safe."
Gizmo smiles, "and we will be, all of us. Grace has done this before, it's been a few months and whats the most she's done?" He strokes her hair.
Lilly gets comfortable. "I suppose you're right. But if I wake up like that again, she's out of here."
Gizmo grins, "then, you'll be the one to do it." He kisses her cheek. "I got use to the little scamp running around."
"Oh, you did, huh? She is cute, and nice. I just don't want to see what happens if she snaps." She geats comfortable. "Tell me. Am I getting fat yet? I guess we still need to tell Max."
Gizmo smiles, he goes under and kisses her stomach. "'re just a beautiful, not fat..."
[You ever going back to the main RP?]

Lilly smiles. "Still, we gotta tell him. I can't wait to see the look on his face..."
Gizmo grins, "me too!!!"
"We'll tell him after breakfast. I'm surprised he hasn't figured it out by now." Lilly lays back.
Grace knocks on the door and walks in. "Hey! Breakfast for my cuties!!" She's wearing her maid uniform carrying a tray of pancakes.
Gizmo grins, "hey Gracie."
Lilly smiles at her. "Thanks, Grace. They look and smell amazing! We were gonna go tell Max about the twins after we eat. Wanna come with us?"
Grace puts the tray between them, smiling. "Lilly, call me Gracie!" She tilts her head and giggles.
Gizmo grins and digs into his food. "Delicious!"
Lilly starts to eat. "Uh, sure. Gracie. Anyway, wanna come with us?"
Grace smiles, "sure, how are the pancakes?" She sits on the bed next to her.
Gizmo chuckles, watching them. He eats quietly.
Lilly continues to eat and smiles. "Delicious! Um...can I say something? Not that Gizmo and I don't like you, but we need our personal time in here. No more sneaking in here when we're asleep, okay?"
Grace smiles and giggles, "personal time eh? I gotcha." She pouts. "I won't sneak in here again but..." she kisses her cheek. "You gotta show me some love right?!" She smiles delighted.
"Of course!" She smiles. "But Gizmo and I have to be there for each other because of the twins. You understand, right?
Grace nods, "course! If you ever need help, ask me!" She snuggles up to her. "You've always been caring and appreciative for me..."
Gizmo grins, his eyes trained on them. "I helped to, right?" He pats her head.
Grace nods, "right!" Enjoying the head patting.
Lilly grins. "But what about Aria and Malvolia? They came with you. I thought they stayed"
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