The Great Iwaku Race

"I'm not dealing with you!" He turned and saw the exit and started toward it. But the ice made it hard for him to pick up speed. "God damned ice...C'mon now!" He saw another racer coming and got in front of it. He was boosted further, and retracted the wheels on the feet, and just slid. "GAAAAAAAAH!" He struggled to keep upright before he reached the exit as well, the wheels popping out again. He heard the yells of those less unfortunate and shivered. Mostly because it was cold. He noticed the rainbow trail and shook his head. At least he was ahead of the tank.
Cheeki exited the tunnel, keeping his speed consistent. He was directly behind two other racers. He was going to play the long game and made no move to pass. Yet.
"Yah. Hey, I can see the first stop!" Cheshire yelled joyfully. They were about two, thirds down the mountain but from there to the stop was a straight road. The stop was marked with two tall red flags and from there on the road continued on to a large rainforest.

The mountain gave a tremendous shake as huge amounts of snow and rock began to cascade down the slope. "AVALANCHE!" Someone screamed.
"WHOOOOO-NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!" Kat yelled, the rolling snow moving quickly behind her. They were so close! Their rainbow trail continued to lay a path, but was soon covered by the avalanche. She pressed a button under the wheel, which caused a rocket to emerge from the nyan mobile. The rocket sprayed sparks and propelled Cheshire, Kat, and the nyan-mobile three times faster than before. Kat looked out the window to look at the snow, but when she pulled her head in, her long hair stuck in all different directions, all tangled up.
"YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" He shook his head and dived into a roll, and he popped out of the suit as it changed into its motorcycle form once again. He landed in its seat and sped up, dodging huge balls of snow raining from the mountain. "I swear to god...I can't die yet...This is only the first part of the race!" He growled and went faster, seeing the stop ahead gave him hope of surviving. He laughed crazily, hearing the avalanche approach him quicker and he hit a bump, and flew through the air. "S-SHIIIIIT!"
Cheeki looked threw his thin observation port at the rainforest ahead. "Oh how wonderful. Lovely jungle-" a massive rock sheered off a side panel of armor. "Oh cyka." Several racers were catching up and passing him to get away from the avalanche. He himself went into over drive. The tank rapidly gained speed due to the decline. He fed a bottle of pure vodka into the fuel port. The engine gave a mighty roar and the tank lurched forward at break neck feeds. It bobbed up and down on the unbalanced terrain. Cheeki pushed past several racers, including the nyan mobile and a cardboard box. He made it to first when a rock smashed into the side of his tank. It skid sideways and rolled over onto its side and kept rolling down the mountain. Snow stuck to it and the tank became the center of a giant snowball.
As more and more snow fell off the mountain, light blue scales became visible. Soon, massive wings pushed out of the top half of the mountain, and the legendary ice dragon, Mighty Balin, let out a tremendous roar. image.jpg

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Cheshire had slipped out of his seatbelt and was now barely hanging on to the headrest of his seat. Despite his current position he screamed, "DONT TURN IT OFF!!!"

"There he is folks! The Mighty Balin, Great Terror of the North, as promised! Looks like one of our racers believe bowling is the best thing to do in this situation! Don't worry my dear spectators, your perfectly safe, as for the contestants, so long as they make it to the stop in time they will be fine." Mr. Nexx proudly annouced. The spectators stands were on a large floating platform, not unlike his, which was also protected by a force field.
U.N. looked back and instantly regretted it as he saw the majestic creature emerge. "Oh....fffffffffffoodge." He looked forward again and was surprised to see the tank zoom past. "This guy...I like this guy a lot..." He smirked and then flipped up into the air, by a chunk of ice in the middle of the path. His ride skidded a bit away as he landed on his butt and tumbled downwards a bit. He still felt himself moving and realized he was slidong on an ice block. He looked back and saw that his ride was not to far behind him. To make matters worze, he was quickly gaining on the huge snowball. He looked around trying to think of a solution.
"Hold on!" Kat yelled to Cheshire as she maneuvered the Nyan-Mobile around tumbling ice rocks. She looked into the rear view mirror and saw the great blue Dragon rise from the mountain. "DAMMIT! FREAKING DRAGONS?" She screamed, and an ice rock suddenly landed in front of the vehicle, bursting into slightly smaller ice chunks. They broke through the shield between the outside and the driver. One decent sized chunk hit Kat square in the forehead area, but luckily the helmet held most of the impact, but it made Kat' s neck crack and she probably had a concussion. Her vision went into two, but her reaction time was pretty good, so she avoided most of the ice chunks still hanging out in the middle of the road. But she had swerved a little too far, so she went right into the forest. She was mostly blind and was glancing the nyan-mobile off of multiple pine trees. Suddenly, the vehicle, driver, and passenger were suspended in air for a second. Kat looked down and saw that they had driven off a cliff. "Shi-" she started to say, but gravity pulled the vehicle and two riders to earth, right above the checkpoint.
Cheeki was on the verge of throwing up within the snowball. It just kept rolling and rolling. The giant dragon swooped down and with its claws it plucked the tank from the snowball. Its sharp claws left large entry holes in the hull. It tossed his tank into the air. He was suspended in the air above the dragon for a few seconds. One claw nearly took his head off. "You will pay for this!" He shouted at it. The turret rotated as the tank fell. He fired one powerful into the dragons neck. The round didn't do much damage but his tank falling onto the dragons neck did. The weight jerked the dragon down. Both hit the ground with such force that the dragon was nearly beheaded. The tank was just as badly damaged. Cheeki lay uncocnscious in the mangled turret.
"Ladies and gents part one has ended!" Mr. Nexx yelled with the slightest bit of disappointment in his voice. Everything that had just happened was put in reverse except for the racers. The dragon went back into the mountain and the avalanche turned back into a calm layer of snow. The racers however, were unaffected. "In first place we have Katrina Iceheart and Cheshire! Yatta yatta yatta... In fourth place we have Cheeki Breeki! In fifth place we have Unknowledge! Yatta yatta... All racers please head to the pit stop to make repairs and fuel up."

Cheshire had screamed the entire way until he got a bloody nose from a hitting his face on the roof of the car. He now lied in a crumpled heap in his seat. He looked up and heard that they were in first place.
"Hey, Kat! Did you hear that!? We're in first place!" The hitchhiker cheered and hugged his partner. He then examined her more closely. "Hey, you need a med kit or something?"
Kat took her helmet off, and her long hair was everywhere and was knotted like crazy. She rubbed the back of her neck, which had never felt as flexible before. Looking at Cheshire, who didn't look too good himself, she said, "maybe, but so do you... wait, I didn't know you had a twin. She said, pointing to the empty space beside Cheshire. She put her head on the steering wheel, closed her eyes and moaned. The nyan-mobile started blaring the horn (the nyan cat song). The landing had gone better than she had thought, landing in a nice pile of avalanche snow before it went back to the mountain. But she felt pretty out of it.
"Just...hand me a dramamine or ibuprofen and let me sleep it off" she said over the horn.
U.N. came skidding to a stop and the Cardbo suit came soon after, dented and scratched up. "Holy crap...I wasn't expecting this.This is just crazy." he mumbled as he began to drag the suit to the pit stop. He didn't much trust anyone to do repairs so he spent his time doing it himself. "Jeez...My targeting system was trashed." He looked up at the mountain and smiled. If he didn't win this year, he'd be back. And the dragon was on his hit list. He fueled up and looked around, seeing many racers missing. He got in the suit and skated over to Cheeki. "Are you dead, bro?"
There was no answer. The hull of the tank was battered but probably still functional. The turret, where Cheeki was seated, was a mangled wreck. He was unconscious inside of it.
Kat held her head for a second and then opened the car door. she stumbled out, almost tripping every step. She leaned against a lightpost and examined the other racers. The one from the earlier tank accident didn't look too good.
"I think he would need more help than i do at the moment." She said. She stumbled back to the nyan-mobile and turned the keys to the off position then out. She would need some time to recover unless there was magic involved in her healing.
A medic followed by one of the armored knights walked over to the tank. The knight pried the hatch open and pulled Cheeki out. The medic pulled a bottle of healing vodka, opened his mouth, and poured it in.

Cheshire walked over to the medic and asked him for the weirdly named medicine Kat had told him to get. The medic stared at him for a while and handed him two 1up mushrooms. "Hope this works." He said as he came back and handed her one.
Once more U.N. looked around and became a bit proud. Building a suit seemed to protect him well. He didn't even need to recover. "Huh...What an advantage that is. No slowing me down." He rolled over to the Nyan-mobile, checking it out. It was quite an interesting car and he kinda wanted to take it apart and take a look. "Hm...Nyan cat. That brings back memories. Wonder how much colorful stuff thing holds."
Kat held the mushroom in her hands, turning it to inspect it. Her vision occasionally blurred and split into too. She took a tiny nibble and almost immediately felt better. It was gone in seconds. She heard a twinkling sort of sound and saw a symbol above her head.
Her head was still fuzzy, but it wasn't splitting anymore. She watched as U.N inspected her car.
"Not one area of the car is not colored. All pipes are different colors. Everything is bright inside." She said.
Cheeki's eyes fluttered open slowly. Weakly, he slapped the vodka out of the medics hands. "That tasted like sheet." He paused for a few seconds. "Thanks you."
The medic rolled his eyes. "Your welcome." And he left to help some of the other wounded racers.

Cheshire gave Kat a look that said, 'go with it' before turning to U.N. "Yes it's very colorful, armed to the teeth as well. Everywhere except-" His eyes visibly flickered to the top of the car, specifically in front of were the pop tart cannon would come out. "Ah... Nowhere! Forget I said that." He said nervously, "anywho, that's a very impressive suit you have there! I liked the throwing stars, nice touch."