The God War

Ocean. But it washed up on land recently.
X.X Dangit I should be keeping up with this thread.... Is the IC up yet? (Forums stopped alerting me... Sorry!)
Name: Alice Letterman
Age: 3,872 (Looks 15)
Status: Immortal
Appearance: Numbers.jpgSexuality: Lesbian
Skills: Hand to hand combat, knife combat, poison magic (Is that a thing?), playing instruments, can manipulate lightning/thunder, and causes it to rain when she's near.
Other: Since Alice looks so young, she has been moving around and changing high schools throughout her years. When she was 2,287, she was found out and had to kill an entire colony. Where do you think Roanoke went?
How much do the mortals know of this war? Could I have a character that has only a little skill in blood magic, yet uses a military set of power armor to leave Elder Gods vulnerable to more powerful blood magic attacks?
I think I'll just leave this here.

Name: Sergeant Herman, Military suit is called "Daedalus"
Age: 22
Status: Human
Appearance: With armor and without armor suit.
exo_suit_v1_by_andynd-d7986op.jpg Sergeant..png
Sexuality: Straight
Skills: His blood magic abilities are weak, which he counters using a military robot-suit. It had the ability to scale buildings, and has a machine gun, rocket launchers, and a large blade.
Other: He is part of a military response team to counter the Elder Gods, and is extremely proud of his lack of blood magic to fight, of course, blood magic is the most effective weapon against the Elder Gods, so his mission is to keep the other Humans alive.

I will decide on his exact speed and strength in his suit after seeing how everyone else fights. He will run slower, but he can scale walls, jump with incredible force, and throw large objects. Outside of his suit... he is nothing special and would fall easily.

(If it needs anything more, I will edit it.)
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