The Girl who Cried Wolf

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Picking her up again she buried her face in his neck, thinking that if people couldn't see her face she wouldn't be identified. Though given the brilliance of her hair, it was the silliest idea she'd ever had. Peeking her eyes out for just a moment she could see the look on people's' faces, the digest, disdain, jealousy. It was at that moment she realized that it wasn't a bad thing, that the reason they were like this was because she had something so wonderful that they wanted.

As he set her down on the bed she shook her head at him, then at the nurse, sitting up. "There is really no need for all this. I can go to class. I can't afford to miss any anyways."

The look the nurse gave her was enough to shut her up, the woman terrifying without the look. With a deep sigh she took a couple Tylenol and laid in the cot, falling asleep after a couple minutes. Her dreams were filled with the images of her and Jai going on that date. Going running together, the idea of camping with him, all the wonderful things that came with a boyfriend. An actual, real, live boyfriend not just the ones she imagined herself with from her books.

As she slept through the bells, not waking up to the sound, instead burying herself deeper into sleep. As the last hour of classes was coming to an end one of the more popular girls came into the infirmary, telling the nurse to run to the gym and that someone had been hurt. Left alone with Emma she kicked the bed to wake her up, having left a friend outside to guard the room. Emma jumped and looked up seeing the girl, Bridget, her eyes angry and mean. This was the same girl that had been tormenting her for her whole life.

"Bridget...I...I don't know what you want. I'm just icing to go home..." With her hands up Emma stood moving to the corner of the room, Bridget advancing.

"Did you really think you could get your hooks into the new guy and no one would notice? Emma, please. If you don't back off, next time we will find you outside of school. Leave him to someone else." She stood inches from Emma as she cornered her, one hand up on the wall beside Emma's head. The last time she had threatened Emma like this she had beat the shot out of her. The bell rang loudly and Bridget didn't move, Emma looking frantically for a way out.
Jai quickly gathered up all the notes he needed to give to Emmz, gathered his things and headed to the infirmary. Stepping up to the door, there were girls watching over the room. He is took advantage of his good looks and placed his hand on one of the girls faces.

"Would you be kind enough to move aside? I have a friend in there I have come to pick up"

The girls, immediately entranced by his good looks, moved aside with ease. Stepping into the doorway, his face grew a look at irritation. Walking over to the group of girls gathered by Emma's bed, he interrupted .

"You know, bullying isn't very attractive..." He grabbed the girls hand and moved it, sitting by Emma and shooting a glare at the girl.

"Especially when the one you are bullying is my girlfriend...kindly back off please cause I don't make it a habit to hit girls. Oh and if you come bully her again, you or any of your friends, supervision will get involved and I might start making hitting girls a new habit of mine..."

To emphasize his point, he leaned over, placing a loving and passionate kiss on Emma's lips. He hoped she would just leave things alone from now on and let them be.
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Emma's eyes widened as his lips pressed against hers, slowly letting her lids drop as she just soaked in the moment. It was strange but she felt like with him beside her she was capable of anything, and with his lips pressed against her own, even the girls who bullied her were nothing. Merely specks in the cosmos, their importance so minimal is was indefinable. Pulling back she looked at the girls who stood there, jaws slack and mouths agape.

"Your girlfriend?" Bridget just couldn't seem to understand what was happening and why all of the people in the world he would chose someone as... inferior as Emma. She was the school's nobody, and he was definitely destined to be a somebody. Narrowing her eyes at Emma she pointed the girls out and stalked out into the herd of kids leaving school excitedly. It was not over with her, but for now she knew when to call a battle done.

After they had left she turned to Jai with wide eyes, emotions running over her face as she tied to process everything that had happened. Taking a deep breath she let her words come out as fast as they could, just wanting to get this over with and know the answer. Though if the answer was not what she thought, it was going to be a quick walk to the car then to her bed to bury her head in a pillow fort of shame.

"Girlfriend? Does this mean we're officially.... together? I mean I know we've decided to go out on a date but I wasn't sure if you wanted to do all that or not... or...."

Blushing a deep crimson, her body froze as she waited to see his reaction, needing to know how he felt and not only that but how he felt about them. How he felt about her could be pushed aside because of the kids at their school but she wondered if he really didn't care and liked her for her, without shame. Wanting to be with her in an actual, real, honest to god relationship. It would be her first if he did.
Jai enjoyed the soft kiss while it lasted. From the corner of his eye, he could see the other girls slink off. He knew it wouldn't be the last time that Emma was bullied by them. He felt guilty, that it might be all his fault that she was getting bullied even more. Pulling away, he could see Emma's flustered expression and he couldn't help but laugh. She was stuttering over her words and couldn't seem to put a sentence together. When she finished talking, he put a finger to her lips and gave her a gentle smile.

"Would I kiss you like that if we weren't together? I only give kisses like that to you...Emma. And your right, dating, in the past, has given me a sour taste in my mouth , but ever since I met you, I haven't been myself lately and I know it is because of your influence..." He looked over her flushed features again, his face a little red itself, and couldn't help but think she looked adorable when she was embarrassed. His hands still on her face, his thumb traced her beautiful cheek on her left side. She was so delicate in his hands. He would have to be careful and not hurt her, no matter what. Placing his forehead on hers, he spoke.

"I'm sorry if this is awkward....I know it's only been a few days since we've met, but I really do care about you Emma...Will you be my girlfriend?"
"I will."

Speaking softly as she reached up to put her hands on top of his, pressing her face closer to him as she gently kissed him one more time. Chuckling at how the day had gone, she stood taking him with her, wanting to leave school to spend time with him though she wasn't sure her body would be up to anything. Rubbing her eyes gently as she was still waking up she reached down grabbing her backpack, needing to go and grab books from her locker before she drove him home.

"Let's head to my locker and then we can leave okay?"

Taking his hands from her cheeks she kept her left hand in his right, gently pulling him towards the hallway, dizziness still fogging her brain. Needing to go back to sleep, maybe tea if she could stay awake long enough to drink it. After loading her backpack with books she threw it on, giving a small 'oomph' from the weight. With a moments hesitation she finally grabbed his hand again as they were making their way out of the school, feeling weird that this was happening, and at the same time feeling comfortable in a way that generally comes with a long term relationship. The long walk to the car was rough, wanting to just curl up in the back seat once they got there. She debated asking him to drive but how would he get home?

Throwing her bag in the back seat she leaned against the care pressing her warm forehead against the cool metal, trying to force herself to feel better. It was only five miles, she had made it farther feeling worse. Though that was little consolation when she still wasn't in good shape. Trusting him more than she trusted herself she called over to him, walking to his side handing him the keys.

"I don't know that I can get us back safe. Do you mind?"
As she walked about, just looking at her, he could tell that she wasn't doing good. As they made it to her car, she handed her keys to him, asking him to drive her home. He took the keys, using his free hand to feel her head. Her fever had gone down, but she still needed to be careful. He unlocked her car, opening the door for her so she could get in. He took her bag and placed it in the seat next to her in the back. He placed his in the front seat where he had sat just this morning. He looked back to her.

"You lay down. My phone has GPS so just tell me your address and I can get you home. You need to rest. Don't worry about me. I will help you get home and get feeling better. I am your boyfriend after all. It's only natural that I want you feeling better..." His ears twitched. Interrupted, he looked outside the car. Just across the parking lot was the calculus teacher again. He was getting more and more daring as the days went by and he didn't seem to care that he was an alpha. He had that stare that said screw-alphas-I-listen-to-no-one. That wasn't good. He was going stray. He would be a hard werewolf to handle. He shut the door behind Emma, hopped in the car and drove off the school lot as fast as he could without getting into any accidents. He looked back again real quick, moving his head from looking forward to the road and back to her.

"Are you feeling better now that you've laid down? You don't mind if I stay with you at your house for a couple hours, do you? I can walk home when I have to go....Don't worry. I really do prefer walking...How about it?"

He was worried. She looked so tired and sick, he couldn't leave her alone or the stray werewolf would try to take her and make her into a snack. See, the relationship between werewolves and humans were strained as it is. If he killed her for a meal, it would be like werewolves calling war against the humans and that was the last thing werewolves needed right now.
Her head laid against her backpack like a pillow, the books doing nothing to help the pain in her neck. Jai was being so wonderful to her, she felt bad that she was sick and possibly getting him sick with every kiss. Though to be fair he had kissed her first... so... at least she wasn't too much to blame. Not knowing what had him gunning the jeep down the road she just held onto the front seats and waited for him to calm down, not sure that giving him her keys to drive was the best decision.

Guiding him to her home, his quick take off not allowing for the GPS she laid on her back and looked up at the ceiling, wondering how her parents would react to her bringing a boy home. Her dad would probably be too drunk to care, and if her mom was home she might just offer to feed him till he burst. With a laugh to herself she looked back up to him, his eyes intent as he drove, wondering why they seemed worried, or perhaps she was just hallucinating.

"Laying down definitely helps, I'm sure once I get some soup and tea in me I'll be better to keep you company at my home. But please don't expect much. We aren't rich or anything."

It was then that she was worried he might judge her for their small home and for her not very responsible father. Once he pulled up to her house she sat up, making sure he parked on the side of the house. Carefully climbing out she bit her bottom lip looking around, trying to think if there was anything that she should be immediately worried about when he walked in. Grabbing her bag and taking him to the back door she walked in to her father asleep and reeking of alcohol on the couch. Offering Jai a small smile, noticing that her mother was at work she grabbed his hand, taking him to her little room in the front of the house. It held a twin bed, small desk, and a dresser, not leaving much walking room. Setting her backpack down on the floor she stood there nervously rubbing the back of her neck watching him for his reaction.

"So... this is it... I'm uh..sorry about my dad out there."
Jai followed her into her room, her house so small it was hard for him to move around in. He didn't care though. He was used to small spaces. His place at home wasn't all that big either. Just big enough for him, his mom and his dad. Her dad did stink with the scent of alcohol, but Jai didn't judge. His dad would get drunk sometimes too, although, he wasn't an alcoholic. He walked over to her, grabbing her hands.

"I don't judge people based on their family life. He did kinda stink of alcohol, but I'm used to it. My dad drinks occasionally so I don't mind it..." putting a hand on her forehead, he felt no hot temperature. He sighed with relief.
"I'm so glad your fever went down...But you should still rest. If me being here is going to distract you from getting the sleep you need, then I can leave...But if you don't mind, I'd rather stay till you rest so I know that you will be getting your rest..." He wrapped his arms around Emma, pulling her his chest. He placed a kiss on the top of her head.
"I just want you to feel better"

He was sure Emma could hear his heart beat now. His heart was beating rapidly with the close contact. If he didn't watch it, he would transform in front of her. He breathed in and out quietly enough to control his rapidly beating heart so he wouldn't transform. Pushing her gently away and out of the hug, he picked her up, placing her in the bed.

"Can I help you with anything? Can I get you anything that would help you get better?"
"I'm glad you aren't judging me for all this, I know it's not perfect but it is home. I think I'm feeling better thanks to that Tylenol and nap from earlier. Though you're probably right I suppose..."

His arms holding her tightly she rested her head against his chest, his heartbeat fast like her own. At least she knew he actually liked her and wasn't pulling some horrible prank, at least if his body was to be trusted. Feeling better in his arms she frowned slightly when he pushed her away, wondering if she had done something wrong or upset him in some way.

"You're not distracting me from anything, if anything you're making me feel better by keeping me company.

Looking over to him from her bed, she wondered what she wanted or even needed from him. Not able to think of anything, the comfort of her bed starting to distract her as she felt her eyes starting to close. Yawning, she took off several layers, leaving her in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Looking back over to him, ready to fall back asleep she realized what she wanted, though not sure if it was weird or even too forward for her to ask. Especially after he had already pushed her away. Maybe they were moving too fast? Figuring she at least should ask she swallowed hard and anxiously smiled.

"Would you be willing to lay down and hold me while I sleep? Or is that... that might be asking too much... I'm sorry. You don't have to do anything."
Jai's heart beat grew fast again when Emma asked for him to lay down next to her till she fell asleep. He had to know if he could keep his cool in situations like this. If he transformed and she got to know his true form, it might scare her right now. So he had to be extra careful. Although, he wanted, so badly, to crawl in bed with her and hold her close. He affirmed to himself, promised himself that if it got too risque then he would have to get off the bed, but as long as he controlled his hormones, he could cuddle with her. Jai nodded.

"It isn't too much to ask at all. In fact, I'd be offended if you didn't ask me. We are dating now, aren't we? I think we have the right to ask these things of each other, don't we?" sitting at the end of the bed, he scooted back and layed behind her, wrapping his arms around her small stomach and waist. She was so skinny it felt like if he held on too tight that she might break. His heart continued to race at this gesture, but, oddly enough, her scent wasn't making him go out of control. In fact, since she was sick, her scent had been stifled a little making it easier to control himself. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and smiled.

"Is this too much? Please let me know if what I do is too much. I will stop immediately." However, he didn't want to let her go. This feeling of embracing her, even though she was sick and he would end up with her cold, he continued to hold her close, her warmth lulling him to sleep as well. Before he fell asleep, he asked one final question.

"What would your dad do or say if he saw us like this?"
"You're fine, stop worrying. This is actually pretty comfortable. I mean! Not that I thought it wouldn't be!"

With a deep sigh, she knew she needed to just stop talking for a while. Settling in against him, wondering why he was still wearing his coat and shoes she mentally shrugged, guessing he wasn't quite comfortable with her yet to take them off. Not that she wanted him to get naked just... actually feel comfortable around her or in her home. His arms felt strong and for the first time ever she felt safe, like the world wouldn't be able to touch her here. It was as though to her, here on the bed wrapped around one another, that they were invincible.

Emma's heart rate was quick though, despite her thoughts, his body against hers pushing butterflies from her stomach to her veins. Falling asleep was difficult, though it seemed he had no trouble with it. His remark had her sitting straight up, knowing her father would beat the crap out of her if he saw this. She was supposed to be absolutely perfect all of the time, with no veering off the straight and narrow. He believed boys to be one of those things that veer you away, but it was something she had never had to think about before. Quickly getting out of bed she locked her door, knowing better than to leave it unlocked. With a weak smile she looked back over to him.

"He would not be pleased. Sorry about that..."

Crawling back over the bed to his side she faced him, her arms wrapping around him, pulling herself close to his body once more. Closing her eyes she could feel the wave of sleepiness hit her, the quick beating heart being out ranked. Reaching down the bed, she pulled the blankets up over them, nuzzling his neck and slowly falling asleep.
As she locked the door and laid back down next to him, her scent filled his nose. Especially when she nuzzled into his neck. It was driving him absolutely crazy! He had to keep it under control. For her. Looking down at her, he could see that she was falling asleep. He returned the hug she was holding him in with his own. His arms snaked their way around her waist. Holding her close like this, he was, for sure, that she was meant to be his mate. But she was a human. This was going to be very hard to explain to his father. Especially to her. If she found out he was a werewolf, she would, for sure, abandon him. He didn't want that. So he had to do everything he could to keep her away from the "stray" that was wandering around them closely lately. He smiled and started closing his eyes. Sleep was over taking him from the heat that both their bodies generated. Soon he was lulled into a sleep that was blissful.

Although, that bliss wouldn't last. Only being asleep for an hour or so, he woke to footsteps coming towards the door. He looked to Emma. She was asleep. The scent approaching also reaked of alchohol. It was her father for sure. Oh boy. He didn't want her dad to see them like this and get angry. If he was an aggressive drunk, he had to make sure that Emma was unharmed. Kissing her once more on the lips, softly, he grabbed her phone and sent a text to his number leaving it anonymous so as to not let her father suspect anything. He then made his escape through the window, which, thankfully, had been left open, as the footsteps sounded like they were just outside the door. He decided to wait and then text her so that he wouldn't get her in trouble. He wanted to wait and see. If her father was an aggressive and abusive drunk, he would have no choice but to step between her and her father, but if he could avoid it, he wanted to avoid contact between him and her father until a formal arrangement for the two to talk could be arranged when he was sober. Waiting outside the window, he moved to the side and crouched down as to not be seen.
Hearing loud crashes like war was on the other side, Emma jumped up startled, fear flooding her with adrenaline. Looking around and noticing that Jai had disappeared she frowned, wondering if he had even stayed long before leaving. Moving to the door, making sure there was nothing out of order in her room she opened it a crack to look at him, starting to wish at that moment that her mom was home to buffer or make her dad leave. Mentally pulling up her big girl britches she made eye contact, bracing herself against the door, trying to seem nonchalant.

"What? I'm taking a nap."

The roll of his body as he staggered, trying to balance himself. He must have woke up a little bit ago and went back to drinking. His arm braced on the door frame and her heart dropped, seeing that he had planned on coming in her room. "Why are you sleepin'?! Are you hiding some... some... some-fing from me?" His body rested against the door, pushing her back into the wall, teetering back and forth as he walked into her room looking around. "What did I tell you! I told you no distractions! Are you veering from the path we planned?!" His hands grabbed at her shirt collar pulling her close.

His breath reeked of alcohol, the spittle of his mouth hitting her cheek. Shoving him back moving up against the desk by her bed, as far as she could physically get away from him in her room. "Dad, as you can see there is nothing going on...I mean look! Please just go back to the living room okay?" Holding her hands up, trying to gently usher him to leave, hoping that Jai was well on his way home or even there already. This was not looking to be a fun night for her. After she got him out, she could already feel her desire to run far from her home into the woods, not caring that it was dark outside.

"It's 'cause I haven't found the shtuff to prove it! You're going to leave us Emma. I can't let you. We need you here!" Moving toward like a linebacker towards her, he grabbed her wrists roughly, holding them up as though to inspect her. Not seeing what he was looking for he pushed her back into the desk, a loud scrape ringing out in the room. The soft laughter of the TV rang out from the living room. Her dad moved over her as she was trying to stand slapping her hard across the face. "You are never leaving us. Me!" Falling back into the door he slammed his fist against the wall, screaming before turning and leaving, the door closing with a loud bang.

Wiping the blood from her nose, tears silently falling across her cheeks she threw on her tennis shoes and grabbed a coat as she went to her window. Looking out she jumped seeing Jai. "Just go home okay? You shouldn't have heard all that..." Jumping from her window she started running into the woods, not wanting him to see her like this, not thinking he would stay with her after all of that. The sound of the wind rushing past her ears was all she could hear, running like her life depended on it, needing to get away.
Jai watched as his beautiful Emma was pushed around by her father and then she left into the woods. That wasn't a good idea! That "stray" was out there somewhere and she would be in even more danger if she were to stay out there. Besides, running from her problems wasn't going to help them go away. Morphing back into his wolf form, he slunk away so that her father wouldn't be able to hear him. He was intoxicated anyway so he wouldn't have been able to hear him. Breaking out into a full run, he chased her scent into the woods. It wasn't long before he picked up on 2 smells. One smell was the "stray" and he was close. The second smell was definitely Emma's sweet scent.

He ran as fast as he could to catch up to her. He soon saw her in the distance. She was still running. He quickly caught up and even sped past her far enough to where if he stopped, Emma would see him and stop too. His red eyes would show in the moonlit night. He hoped she would stop. There was so much he wanted to tell her. So much he wanted to say.

Waiting to see if she would stop, he caught the scent of the stray again. He was closing in on them fast. In fact, he might reach them not a minute after they stopped. He was getting anxious. If that stray got to her, then the alpha bloodline would be doomed to carry on it's lineage. If his instincts had told him that she was his mate, then a stray taking that away from him would upset the balance and he wouldn't be a stray anymore. He would be an alpha and throw everything out of balance. But he wasn't going to let that happen. He could see Emma approaching, her face covered in tears. Would she stop?
The feel of the cold reminded her that her coat was still in her hand and not on her. Tears were tiny little reminders of what was going on, her thoughts a swirl of anger and sadness. How her father could even dare to think she would stay there, with him no less. It was comical that he should be fighting for her when all he wanted to do it felt like was fight against her. Her lungs were burning as the cold air hit it, her muscles aching from sprinting for so long. Feeling as though her heart would burst if she didn't stop soon she finally began to notice that she could barely make out much, the trail not having been a problem yet due to the habit of running it. Hearing rusting around her, the world began to sink into her thick skull, realizing she had forgotten a flashlight and phone.

"Oh no…"

Seeing the two gleaming red eyes looking at her from the closing distance, she began to slow down with each step till finally stopping feet away from the eyes. Trying to focus in on the shape of what had the eyes she saw it was her friend the wolf. Pulling on her coat she wiped her cheeks with her sleeve, trying to clean her face a little, the blood smeared beneath her nose. Tentatively she held out a hand for him to sniff before gently petting him, her fingers running through his fur and finding comfort. It was strange that a wild beast would give her comfort and safety in the woods but she trusted him, though why seemed to be a complete mystery to her.

"At least I've got you right now. I needed a friend."

Kneeling down on the ground she could feel the wet earth beneath her, soaking through her sweatpants, chilling her. Continuing to touch the wolf, she wondered if she could sleep out here tonight, not wanting to be home alone with her father overnight. If only she could call Jai, maybe explain or try to convince him to stay with her. Though they were a new couple…a whole two or three hours old, she still felt a connection to him she hadn't felt with anyone else. So maybe that counted for something? Pulled from her thoughts at the sound of rustling she looked around them off the trial into the woods, wondering what animal was walking around out there and if her wolf friend would save her from an attack.
Jai gladly let Emma pet him and find comfort in him being there, even though she didn't know it was him. If the stray attacked though, then he'd have no choice but to show Emma what he was. He was only afraid that if she knew that he was a werewolf, that she'd want to end things so that her life wouldn't be in danger and Jai, at that point, wouldn't blame her. But if it were for the sake of protecting her that he had to expose what he was, then he would feel a bit better about doing so. His ears perked up as she was petting him. The stray was here. He tensed up, growling and stepping in front of Emma, protecting her from the stray. He too was in his wolf form. Jai growled.

"What do you want? She ran away and is in my protective care. She doesn't need you antagonizing her tonight...Go..."

The stray smirked at Jai, shapeshifting back into a human form and talking at Jai.

"Antagonizing? No...No dear boy, I simply came cause I smell food. I was going to kill her and eat her, but it seems it won't be that easy to do, will it...Huh Jai?"

Jai sighed, having no choice but to shapeshift back now and show her who he truly was. He shape-shifted back to his human form, holding onto Emma tightly. He leaned closer to her and whisipered, "Stay still. I will explain this later. If you try to run now, he will turn back into his wolf form and chase after you and kill you...Stay with me and I'll protect you..." He then turned to the stray.

"You don't touch her...You touch her and I will rip your throat out..."

The Stray laughed.

"I am not afraid of Alphas! I don't take orders from them either! They will not stop me from creating my own domain of just werewolves! Just think of it Jai, without humans, we wolves are free to run wild anywhere we want without having to fear being turned in by humans and having to be constantly driven away from our homes because of them. They all deserve to die!"

Jai's eyes grew red.

"No, they don't! We are the strangers! It's only fitting we pay the price for intruding upon them. Leave this area! If you don't, then I will involve all the alphas in the area and we will find you and kill you...Understand?" He grabbed Emma, using his wolf like speed to take her, not back to her house, but to his place. She needed to be away from her parents for a little bit. Besides, his house had an extra bedroom she could use and his mom would be more than willing to help her in anyway she could. That would be the safest place for her until her father sobered up. They arrived at his place in no time. He quickly brought her in, locking the door. His parents were still at work. He set her on the couch, his eyes going back to their normal color. He backed away.

"Emma, this is what I am...I am sorry I didn't tell you till now...I can't blame you if you come to hate me because of what I am, but, I just can't let that wolf do what he wanted to you...Feel free to do whatever you want, however, you are going to be much safer here, where I can make sure you don't get hurt...I won't force an answer out of you right now. A lot has happened. There is an extra room upstairs and straight ahead that is a guest bedroom. Feel free to use that if you want. If not, you can sleep on the couch or whereever. Just please avoid going outside tonight..." He looked at her with worried eyes, awaiting her response.
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However long she stood there, it was a haze, her mind incapable of figuring out what she was seeing. It was a test of her brain, trying to wrap itself around these men transforming from wolves to men, in the real world. It wasn't a book or some fairy tale she was reading, this was her life and somehow she was one of those heroine's standing there dumbstruck. She had always laughed at them, reveling in their idiocy in moments where decisive actions was needed, now though she didn't find herself laughing.

Their words sank in, her calculus teacher speaking of eating her and killing humans, this was shaping up to be a horrible night. Looking to Jai just as he grabbed her, she held on tightly and closed her eyes, just wanting a few minutes of normalcy to process this. While he ran she realized they were moving too fast, suddenly wondering how she had never noticed before, or if there were other things she had been oblivious to. When they finally stopped sitting on the couch she just stared at him, inspecting his body, face, hands, trying to grasp just how it all worked and if she was missing the magician's trick.

"So you're a wolf….?"

Mentally hitting herself, it seemed that the incident in her room was far removed from the night, instead feeling as though she were not even herself. So here she was, some lame heroine being a damsel in distress, and the best she could muster was…so you're a wolf? Bringing her hand to her face she gently hit her forehead with her palm, realizing she could not be more idiotic if she tried. Shaking her head at herself she stood and moved close to him, looking him over closer, inspecting his eyes, mouth, nails, trying to find reason or logic. Maybe there really were flying spaghetti monsters then? If werewolves were real then there is no telling what else in all those stories could be true.

"Okay…I'm not going to ask many questions right now. Pretty sure my brain will reject much else after this. I don't really know what is going on, and frankly I don't know that I want to know at this particular moment. The only thing I do know is that I trust you, and as lame as that sounds I'm going with that for the current moment. So if this is what you are that's fine with me."

Moving closer, her arms wrapping around his waist she gently kissed him, trying to reassure her body and mind this was still the boy she liked. That despite his animalistic side he was the same person. Pulling away she realized there was still blood on her face, and that she was pretty much dirty and wet from having been outside. Holding his hand in her own she looked up at him with a small smile.

"How about I take a shower and maybe borrow some clothes? Then we can make some dinner."

Strive for normalcy and just hope nothing else happens.
Jai had a feeling that she was struggling to accept the fact that he was a wolf. That is what he was afraid of. But he couldn't deny who he was. He was born this way, even though, sometimes, he felt like he was cursed for being born this way. But now, he knew that this curse could be used for something good. Even if she wasn't fully ok with him being a wolf, that was ok. He'd still protect his mate, no matter what. He wouldn't let the stray get his paws on her, or sink his teeth into her. He nodded, leading her upstairs to the extra bed room. He went to his parents room, grabbing some of his mother's pajamas that she hardly wore and threw them on the bed.

"You can use these. My mom hasn't used them in a while. They are clean though and feel free to sleep in this room tonight so you can be safe. Emma, I love you...I just want you to be safe and I am sorry that I had to spring this on you now...It is very upsetting, I'm sure...If you want, I can give you space until you think things over. I just don't want you to be stressed or in danger...and I know you are now and it's my fault...I'll do anything...anything to make it right..." he walked over to her, placing a kiss on her lips just like she did to his. Her soft lips were what he craved right now, but that would only make things worse for Emma right now. All he needed to do was leave her alone for a little bit. He looked at her lovingly and then left the room. As he closed the door he spoke up.

"Come back down after your shower. There are towels in the bathroom under the sink. Feel free to use one of those. I should have some food ready by then. Hopefully you like teriyaki chicken and rice..." He closed the door and headed down to the kitchen, proceeding to make the food while she cleaned up and had some alone time to think about things.
The walk to the room was quick and she began to get the inkling that perhaps he was upset with her, not sure if she had reacted negatively she began to think of what she had said. Kissing him back as he held her, she wanted to just hold him and somehow figure out how to verbalize her feelings. Watching him walk downstairs she wondered what she could do to make him feel better, or even just…it felt useless right now. Walking around the hallway she found the bathroom after peeking into a couple rooms, glad that she was having time to herself but at the same time she wanted to stay near him.

Hot water was exactly what she needed, sitting under the shower head, trying to sort out all the events of the night. Her skin was slowly getting scalded as she pulled her knees to her chest and rested her chin against her knees. She had gotten into another fight with her dad, only making it harder for her to want to stay here, wishing to just run away.

Then there was Jai. He had said he loved her, which was definitely something she hadn't seen coming. It had only been a week, how was he so confident in his feelings? How could he feel so strongly about her…EMMA?! God, he was probably upset she wasn't saying it? No. That was stupid. She began to think about his being a werewolf and her inability to say much about it. There were so many things he must be feeling and her inability to handle it with grace, she just wanted to hide away from the world as she didn't seem to have any right being in it right now.

As the water started to run cold she shivered and turned off the shower, slowly starting to dry off and put on clothes. She felt sluggish and like a failure, wishing she could just make everyone happy and still be happy herself. Looking at herself in the mirror it was clear that Jai's mother was taller than her as the sleeves fell over her hands and she had to roll up the pants several times over to fit them. Walking downstairs timidly, she wondered if Jai would even want to see her, or if she should just go hide in the room.

"Hey…I'm sorry."

Not sure what else to say she rubbed the back of her neck and walked over to him, standing on the outside of the kitchen, looking in at him. Wanting to give him space as well she didn't want to get too close, instead allowing him the option to keep his distance. Feeling guilty about not knowing what to say, and not handling things well, it was her fault that everything was going wrong.
Jai finished preparing the meal, setting it all out. As he finished up, Jai saw Emma in the doorway, her mom's huge pajamas drowning her a couple times over. However, they looked great on her. He could see that she was distressed. She even apologized to him. He furrowed his brow. She had done nothing to warrant an apology to him. He walked over to her, moving the strand of her hair that was in her face and placing his hands around her waist. He placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I am sorry if what I did upset you in anyway. Please forgive me. I just know that what I am is not normal. I am actually surprised that you want to be around me after you found out what I am. If I were you I would have left a while ago. I am glad you trust me enough to still be around me however. I love you Emma. You may wonder how I love you so much and it hasn't been that long since we met, but I assure you, you are super important to me, not to mention you are very beautiful. It was your wit and your beauty that drew me in. Emma...I'll protect you...If you will let me..."

He looked down at her which was only the top of her head. He kissed that as well, holding her close. He pushed the food out of his mind for a bit. Maybe if they waited long enough, he might get to introduce her to his parents. He'd help them understand the danger she was in. They would be all for keeping a human safe from a Stray, wouldn't they?
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