The FORBIDDEN Yes/No/Maybe/Sometimes

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The winter is too harsh and I do not speak russian so I think I will opt to stay in my current location thank you.

Do you like to eat assorted jellies?
I can't say I like it or not because I have never eaten that x)

Do you like hamburgers?
Meh, the best hamburger related thing I eat is hamburger steak - best in a loco moco.

Is it your bed time?
Am at school right now but I wish it was. I'm so tired.

Do you like cosplaying?
I have never tried it out before but I think I would like it if I tested it

Do you think sweden have polar bears?
Natively? I doubt that since discovery channel would have covered it. (lol)

Do you believe in monsters under the bed?
You could find the words out by looking at the first page.

Do you play any videogames?

Everyday I try to play something - whether it be mobile, on the computer, or a console.

Have you ever drank Antifreeze (and not the thing that goes in your car - the alcohol drink)?
Antifreeze? Oh please, I am the kind of person that does not drink.

Would you rather break someones heart or let them break yours?
I am unable to hurt someone so bad as to break their heart.

Do you like tv?
Tv is just a waste of time , it makes people fat.

Are you fat?
I think I am but everyone else says I'm not so I don't know. Depends on who you ask. :T

Is it nighttime where your at?
The sun has just risen into a BEAUTIFUL sunrise and is flooding over the lowlands my state to create an orange glow all around me.

Do you have over 50 different characters?
I have only been in about thirty, maybe fourty roleplays and have about the same amount of characters, so I don't have over fifty characters.

Do you think having 20 roleplays at the same time is to much?
I would like to tell you that it might be okay but the truth is I believe that's a little crazy.

Is your hair color considered "normal"?
If you are talking about the color brown then I believe that is normal.

is killing a child ok?
I don't like people that kills children.

Do you like tea?
Tea taste like urine in my opinion.

Do you watch novelas?
I have no idea what that is xD

Do you stay up all night just to rp with people that has different timezones than you?

Care to take a trip of pure imagination?
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