The FORBIDDEN Yes/No/Maybe/Sometimes

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I must say I love! I love Pokemon and played Pokemon all the time with my brother.

Are you having a good day or night so far?
It's a pretty boring day actually, no one answering roleplays and I'm bored

thought something about what happens after you died?
I have to many times.

Have you ever fallen asleep turning class?
Have you ever had Johan Lundström as a teacher? No? It's impossible to stay awake in his class xD

Do you like icecream?
It depends on what it is but generally I like it.

Have you ever stayed up all night playing through a new game?
If roleplaying counts then yes but if not then I have never done that xD

Do you often start to think like your roleplay characters?
I must say I have. I feel bad for my teachers. . . .

Do you like people who have red hair?
I don't like them more just because they have red hair, it depends on how they look in the hair colour. Some fits in red hair some doesn't

Do you like pirate stories?
There are some that I do enjoy but it depends on the plot ect.

Do you like soda?
Water is far better in my opinion, but to some spicer food soda is the better choice.

Do you like dragons?
I love dragoons but I think other magical creatures are more awesome than dragoons

Did you like donald duck when you were a kid? (or now)
Always have and hopefully always will, though I don't read it so much anymore who can ever miss Kalle's Jul on Christmas Eve:)

Do you like snow?
OOC: ehm.. I have missed it for the last two years o.O ... srry xD

When I look at the snow then I like it but when I need to go out from the house to walk in the snow then I hate it xD mostly because it's cold and sometimes it's in the way for my walking xD

Are you paranoid every time you get headache that it could be a tumour or some other sickness? x)
OOC: Ah D: it's is a true crime against Donald and c/o jk XD Well, there is always this christmas to see Donald harrassed by a woodpecker:)

I can't say I have until now that is:)

Do you like clowns?
I love clowns a lot, mostly because my friend is afraid of them and hates comming home to me because my mom have some small clowns in glass in the window xD seeing her scared makes me happy x)

Do you like cats?
When it comes to cats, I'm Alphonse Elric. No doubt.

Do you find yourself smart?
I think I'm pretty average, maybe a litle over the normal. It depends on the subject.

Do you like the band Red? (if you haven't heard them will you listen to them now when you know about them?)
I'll be jammin' to them (or maybe I won't) in the next five minutes.

Is your butt okay?
My butt is actually fine, it doesn't hurt or anything like that at least ^^

Do you like to watch cartoons?
I'm a dork so of course I do! Always have always will! :D

Do you think small animals are cute?
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