The Evrensel Conflict -- OC Creation

(Work in Progress)

Name: Samuel Esperanza (Callsign "Crash")

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Hetero-leaning Bisexual

Species: Human

World and Universe of origin: Hestia (Colony World) / Lancer (Mecha Tabletop RPG)



Samuel is 5'11" tall, weighs around 180 lbs, and has a fit, semi-muscular, medium build. He has dark brown wavy hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes.


Samuel is a semi-introverted but empathetic young man. He's not much of a social butterfly and usually doesn't open up much around strangers, but in the presence of those he's spent time getting to know, he is more comfortable and outgoing, and loves to crack jokes, goof around, and converse and engage in shared interests and hobbies. He has a strong sense of ethics, and won't hesitate to speak up when he feels someone's conduct is truly unacceptable. This is sometimes a double-edged sword, as he can struggle with his immediate and often strong emotional reactions to ethically fraught or complex situations. He carries an ongoing undercurrent of anger and righteous indignation for the deaths and atrocities inflicted on his homeworld by the Greater Republic of Valandis, which rises to the surface and drives his aggressive tactics in combat. In juxtaposition, outside of combat and emotionally charged situations, he is highly analytical, especially when it comes to working with machines.


Born and raised on the colony world of Hestia, Samuel was the middle child among three siblings, with an older sister and younger brother. He grew up with a fascination for robotics, studying everything from simple drones to intricate autofactory arms. He was especially enamored with mech frames, from civilian models for construction and scientific exploration to military mechs. He decided from an early age that he wanted to become a mech engineer, and for years afterward he would study all kinds of reference materials on mech frames in between school and other activities. His father, an IT administrator, and his mother, a botanist, both encouraged him by buying books and equipment for tinkering, as well as taking him to visit various mech hangars when the opportunity presented itself.

Meanwhile, the tides of history took a turn for the worse. Within the local stellar cluster, the Greater Republic of Valandis, a multi-system military dictatorship founded by colonists of Union's anthrochauvinist Second Committee, had become increasingly aggressive in recent decades, and was now secretly mobilizing for a war of conquest. Hestia and several other close-by colonies had banded together over a century ago to form the Inter-Colonial Compact, a defense and trade alliance that sought to combat piracy and to dissuade further aggression from the Greater Republic. It worked, for a time, but it wasn't to last.

In the year 5014u, two years before the present day, the Greater Republic Navy initiated a series of simultaneous deep-strike attacks against ICC orbital defenses in three different star systems, quickly followed up by limited orbit-to-surface bombardment and the first landing waves of a full-scale, multi-planet invasion. Soon afterward, the vanguard GRN fleet elements found themselves partly pushed back and stalled by ICC system patrols and secondary anti-orbital defenses, but by then, the damage was already done, and many millions of Greater Republic Army troops and equipment had made landfall across multiple worlds. Despite their preparations, the ICC found themselves outgunned by a considerable margin.

Samuel, now 16 years old, found his life, and the lives of his family, thrown into chaos as they were swept up in civilian evacuations to safer, ICC-held territory on Hestia. With reinforcements from Union literally years away, and with only a relatively small Union Auxiliary presence already in-system, the ICC embarked upon a massive and ramshackle campaign of military expansion, drafting as much manpower and resources as possible to raise a force that could fight off the Greater Republic's invasion. His father and mother were both drafted into rear-line logistical support, with his younger brother accompanying them to remain in their care, while his older sister signed up for the infantry. Samuel himself was offered a mech technician trainee position by the Hestia Planetary Defense Corps, who were desperate to acquire anyone with an aptitude for robotics. Horrified and angered by the Greater Republic's attack on his homeworld and how it's affected everyone he knows, he accepted right away.

Over the next year, the fighting intensified as the tug of war over orbital space continued and the Greater Republic ground forces continued to expand their captured territory, albeit at a slowed pace. The Hestia PDC found itself in dire need of new mech pilots to replace their losses, and at age 17, after working tirelessly on repairing and supplying mech frames, Samuel was offered a chance to take a pilot aptitude test. Though he knew that his current work was important, he had become increasingly restless, feeling like what he was doing wasn't enough, especially after learning that his sister had lost her right arm while on the front lines. He felt that this was a chance to take more direct action to help put an end to the war and protect his loved ones. So he took the test, and ended up passing within the top 20% of all applicants.

He and a couple hundred other promising candidates were enrolled in a crash course training program with the aid of Union Auxiliary pilots, and in a little over a month, he earned a seat in a freshly refurbished GMS EVEREST general combat mech. Things moved quickly from that point forward. Samuel proved himself in his first battle, helping rout a Greater Republic offensive against a city in danger of being swallowed by their advancing lines. Over the next few battles, inspired by what he learned in basic hand-to-hand combat training, he developed a preference for charging in for direct assaults on enemy mechs and wreaking havoc on enemy positions, utilizing close-quarters weapons and his mech's mass and momentum to smash up the opposition, all while staying mobile to keep from getting pinned down. It was from this brazen, highly kinetic style of combat that he earned the callsign "Crash".

As Samuel participated in more missions and gained pilot license levels, he earned the privilege of acquiring a more specialized mech frame. He ultimately chose the IPS-Northstar NELSON, a fast-moving, hard-hitting striker frame that was perfectly suited for his style of highly mobile close-quarters assault. After finishing outfiting and modifying the new frame, which he had given the name "Thunderbolt", he was assigned to a strike mission in a contested city to recapture a strategically important industrial district that had fallen into enemy hands.

Samuel wielded his new frame to great effect, the NELSON's greater speed and maneuverability allowing him to slip between streets and alleys with ease and disorient his opposition with hit-and-run attacks, while also allowing him to easily reposition to assist his squadmates and other allied units where reinforcement was needed. It was in this battle that he witnessed the death of one of his fellow pilots when an enemy mech drove a plasma blade through the cockpit section while his mech was disabled. The sight drove Samuel into a furious rage that ultimately resulted in him completely destroying the offending mech and its partner unit.

It was a long and hard-fought battle with many casualties, but the ICC ultimately won the day, driving the Greater Republic forces into retreat from the district. The battle firmly cemented Samuel's reputation as a skilled pilot, and among his peers in the new class of pilots, he was seen as one of the best.

But as he was deployed for his next assignment in the war effort, something strange happened...


- Biological augmentations, including panacea cells that can ward off and eliminate most diseases, ocular enhancements for clearer-quality vision and enhanced night vision, muscle modifications that allow for more efficient use of oxygen for increased endurance, and trauma glands that produce specialized organic compounds to promote faster wound closure and healing of tissue damage.

Power Limitations:

- These enhancements improve survivability and performance in combat, but they don't grant outright superhuman qualities. Samuel can still be wounded or killed in much the same way as any other human.


Mech Piloting - A
Mech Melee Weapon Combat - A
Mech Unarmed Combat - B
Mech Firearms - B
Mechanical Repair and Modification: A
Small Arms - C
Unarmed Combat - D
Melee Weapon Combat - D
Driving (Cars/Trucks) - C
Computer Operation - B
First Aid - C

Weapons/ Equipment:

- IPS-Northstar NELSON mech frame "Thunderbolt"


(Note: Image above is a battle-worn Albatross variant.)

Lore description from the Lancer Core Rulebook:

"The IPS-N NELSON brings the close-quarters doctrine espoused by ISP-N to its most pure form. The NELSON is built to brawl in environments too volatile for firearms or when ordnance has been exhausted.

With its functional size, the NELSON can attack fast while remaining a difficult target to track. Layers of fractal-fold BULWARK plating allows for ceramic-analogous carbon faking, effectively nullifying the impact of incoming solid-state fire by dispersing kinetic energy across a rounded hull. This null-k plating protects the pilot from impact trauma, allowing for sustained combat efficacy in high-trade scenarios.

The NELSON is an iconic IPS-N chassis, known across the galaxy as the frame of choice for the Albatross, the nomadic Cosmopolitan interstellar order. Their distinctive white, gold, and red livery, mastery of the war pike — as well as seeming agelessness due to time dilation — has won both the Albatross and the NELSON a venerated place in Diasporan lore — and secured the Albatross an endorsement contract with IPS-N in perpetuity."

Standing Height: 18 feet

Frame Subsystems:

- Perpetual Momentum Drive - IPS-N's PMD utilizes modified nearlight space drive technology to provide the NELSON a temporary but massive boost in movement speed. This drive system necessitates strengthening of the frame's internal chassis and joints, as well as installation of a specially-designed crash seat to protect the pilot from high g-forces.

- Bulwark Mods - Reinforced limb chassis and joint motors to enable swift movement over rough terrain.

- Armor Lock System - A full-body system of movement-locking mechanisms that allow the mech frame to brace against outside kinetic forces.

- Synthetic Muscle Netting - A sub-layer of synthetic muscle fibers that substantially augment the strength of the frame's core motors, and also serve as partial impact and thermal protection.

- GMS "Burst" Jump Jet System - Reactor-powered thruster system enabling short bursts of airborne movement. Also allows movement in zero-g and underwater environments.

- Manipulators - A pair of human-sized robotic arms attached to the mech's waist that be used to safely handle and manipulate smaller objects and tools.

- Personalizations - Custom-ordered shoulder spaulders and neck protector plating.

Weapons Compliment:

- IPS-N War Pike - A simple mech-sized polearm with a strong composite alloy haft and a narrow, high-density tungsten alloy spearhead. With enough force, it can punch through most mech armor.

- IPS-N Power Knuckles - Hardened, wedge-shaped knuckle studs made of high-density tungsten alloy, designed to augment a mech's punch with focused kinetic force on impact.

- Modified GMS MC-SG Shotgun - A shoulder-mounted, mech-sized, autoloading shotgun with a reinforced frame and barrel for higher-powered ammunition. The weapon can load and fire several types of shells, from standard anti-mech shot and single kinetic slugs to incendiary rounds and anti-infantry grapeshot, among others.

Personal Weapons/Equipment:

- GMS GRANITE assault hardsuit - An environmentally-sealed and vacuum-rated protective suit comprised of a reactive fiber undersuit with integrated armor plating over the torso, neck, helmet, thighs, and other critical areas.
- Milspec Canvas Backpack
- Bullpup Assault Rifle + Spare Ammo
- Composite Alloy Hammer-Axe
- Survival Knife
- Mechanical Toolkit
- Digital Binoculars
- Milspec Comp/Con Dataslate - A hardened digital tablet with an integrated Companion/Concierge unit, a computationally powerful but non-sapient AI assistant. It can approximate a personality based on user input and psychological profiling, but is not truly self-aware or capable of adaptive behavior outside of programmed tasks.
- Handheld Printer - A portable matter converter and assembler device that can forge complex non-organic components or very simple organic food material out of any raw feedstock material. More pure matter, such as purified water or refined metal, will yield a more flawless end product.
- Basic Hygiene Kit
- Medigel Bandage Kit
- Filter-Equipped Water Pack
- Spare Rations

Strengths: Thanks to his inquisitive and tinkering nature, Samuel is very resourceful and will often be able to identify more than one pathway to resolving a given problem. He has also become adept at responding quickly and instinctively in battle, especially when it comes to protecting and reinforcing his allies.

Weakness/Fears: Samuel dislikes engaging infantry with his mech due to the near certainty of killing them, preferring to attack vehicles, structures, equipment, and other mechs. Even after experience in multiple battles, he will often instinctively softball attacks against infantry when he can. He also fears completely losing himself to rage and inflicting reckless and indiscriminate violence as a result.
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Name: Agam Azuron

Age: Technically 192, physically 27

Gender (Can be genderless too): Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Species: Void Human

World and Universe they are from: ???

Agam is 177 cm tall and weighs 63 kg. He is of a slim build and tan skin. He has long, wavy black hair that he ties at the back of his head, but some strands stay loose. He wears glasses in front of his coal black eyes to avoid straining them, but he doesn't particularly need them much. His hands and forearms have tattooed white geometrical patterns.

Personality: Agam is a very laid back guy, more often than not relaxed. He has lived long enough to not worry about most things, however, that does not mean he doesn't enjoy life. He's very extroverted and charismatic, always happy to make new friends, he also loves to mess with people using sarcasm and jokes from time to time. He is an absolute mass of curiosity, he is constantly eager to learn new things, and just as eager to teach things. As nice and relaxed as he is, when push comes to shove, he is a resilient fighter to no end.

Originally born hundreds of years ago, Agam Abingdon was born under a family of famous wizards. Living under the strict watch of his parents, which, even though he was from a wealthy family, he lived mostly to hone his skills. However, his natural talent for it far exceeded not only his parents, but everyone's expectations. He earned his place as a scholar in the Kingdom's most prestigious magic academy at the age of 14. Perhaps due to his upbringing, or maybe just predisposition since his birth, but Agam really enjoyed magic in all of his aspects. So much so, that he spent the remaining 57 years of his life studying magic. It all ended when one of his experiments went wrong, causing a white blaze to consume him and his library entirely.
That should've been the end of it, but no. Agam accidentally discovered a way to immortality, at least partially. His soul split in two. One half was stuck in a seemingly timeless dimension along with his books, while the other half was reborn as Thomas Stark, a human with no memory of his previous life. During Thomas' life, Agam studied to figure out a way to reconnect with himself, and all he had were dreams of his life as Thomas. Years passed and Thomas passed away at an old age, while Agam despaired since he didn't manage a way to even communicate with his other self... Yet a new opportunity presented.
Kalam Rutger was born

Powers: Prior to his first death, Abingdon was a master of all the fundamental forces and many secondary ones, however, once his soul became whole again his powers became more specific but still as powerful, if not more.

Gravitokinesis: Agam can manipulate gravity and/or gravitons at will. This has plenty of uses. Most noticeably, it can be used to move objects at will (He can control things with ease as long as he can see them or its immediate results, otherwise it's harder to keep proper balance of the things he's trying to control), produce kinetic blasts, as well as repelling or redirecting energy. It also serves as a way to slow or weaken enemies down by changing the strength of gravity, or use it on himself to enhance his physical strength if needed. Agam's body has the natural capability to cushion blows with countering bursts of gravity, making him extremely resilient.

Crimson Plasma Generator: The remnant of his absolute control of electromagnetism. Agam can create spheres, discs or beams of plasma to either protect himself, attack, or propel one of his preferred weapons to great speeds.

Sensory Field: Agam can link to someone's mind and project his thoughts to them. He can also link other people to each other, but he must be included in the connection. Secondarily, he can detect minds in a 100 meter radius that he can "see"(as this allows him to see in all directions).

Space Breach: Agam produces a hole in space time connected to any other place he can see. Its maximum radius is 2.5 meters.

Overdrive: By cancelling all his other abilities (including the use of his spellbook), Agam can increase greatly his Gravitokinesis' power. His tattoos and eyes will glow, white and golden respectively.

Power limitations:
Gravitokinesis: Even though it strengthens him, Agam's body is pretty much average. So if his gravitokinesis is somehow canceled, his body is extremely vulnerable.

Crimson Plasma Generator: The only thing Agam can accurately propel are his weapons. He could damage or even destroy anything else.

Sensory Field: The only thing Agam can do with the linked minds is talk, or with great effort, share sight briefly. He can't read minds.

Space Breach: If the portal is closed, it won't cut anything in between. It will just force it out through either side.

Overdrive: Once it is used, Agam's gravitokinesis will not be useable for as long as he was in this mode. It has a time limit of an hour.

Magic knowledge - SS
Throwing - A
Survivalist knowledge - C
Patience - SS

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:
A staff made from a sturdy mysterious metal. He can summon it at will. It is useful to channel his powers with great precision.
Six spheres made from the same metal as the staff, but neatly polished. Somewhat heavy, but they make for great projectiles. Can also be summoned at will, but Agam does have holsters for them.
A spell book, which acts as a swiss knife of spells, having several useful spells, ranging from simple to complex. From basic elemental attacks, to healing chants, to illusory tricks. Yet another possession he can summon at will.
Strengths: As stated before, he is inhumanly patient. He is a decent tactician and diplomat. His concentration on a subject of his interest is commendable.

Weakness/ Fears: He hates The Dark with a burning passion. He is extremely grossed out by snails, of all things.

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Age: "Ageless" - 30

Gender: "Neither" - He/Him

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Species: Sentry

World and Universe: The Nexum - born in the world of Aedeavan. A universe that seems to be stuck in a time and age. Where each world that exist in The Nexum, seems stuck in a time and place that feels primitive. Despite its remnants of high technology.


If he were a soldier, he certainly didn't look the part, considering his dark robes that ended above his knees. Tight leggings covered up legs that were thin like branches. His pale face was mostly covered by his hood, and a strange headdress kept his hood firmly fastened to his forehead. Strange black markings decorated his face and his lips painted black. Tattoos were marked on his hands. And light leather shoulder pads and a leather vest served as armor. Oddly he carried what appeared to be a rusting sword with him. What purpose this served for him in battle was a mystery. Lengthy and tall, at almost 6ft, his slimness in his build makes him look weak in comparison to some.



As an Elder of his clan it is his job to keep the knowledge of his clan safe and secure. Among his people he would be considered a wise individual. To an outsider he might seem more like a random zealot. That doesn't mean he's overly preachy, converting people to his ways, that's not how his clans religion works, but a man who claims the machine he uses in war carries the souls of his descendants might be given a few side glances.

While wise with the knowledge of his people, he still seeks to learn things he doesn't know. Curious even at an age that might seem to be too old for such an open mindedness that represents something more associated with youth.

He may not force those to convert to his beliefs, but it is very clear he is very devoted to his clan. His relation with his machine goes beyond man and a ship. In fact many would get the impression he values the life of his machine over his own life, and that's very true. There is a belief in his tribe that those well devoted will be returned to the Numen. Death and life, time, and age mean nothing.

Despite being an archivist of his clans knowledge, Cesh still likes the thrill of adventure. In fact you get the idea that if he grew up in a more modern time, he would be the type of person who would take photographs of landscape, that or take a selfie on a mountain with a city in the distant background.


They say the Numen were here before either of us came to be. They say the Numen is what gave the world life and fertility. The Numen carries the souls of the ancestors of the past through mechanic connection. They are the walking, living, temples, the memorials and the archives of the Sentries of the past. The Aedevan has always been unkind. The land wasn't meant for the flesh. The water is toxic to drink without cleansing it. The food is poisonous to the body if not handled properly. It only makes sense that this world was created for the Numen.

The Numen are deities, giants among the flesh, who wander the luscious forest of the Aedevan. They toiled the land and they shape it to their will. The Old Leaders knew this well. They didn't try to control the Numen, instead they asked for their blessing and the Numen bestowed it upon them. The Clans of Aedevan were formed by these blessings.

Cesh grew under the protection of Tekesh. He grew up with few hardships beyond all clans have to adapt to. The toxic world that all Sentry have learned to survive. Cesh simple life could have yielded him a stable life in Tekesh, either as a Scrapper or a Cleanser. But he was born with the gift. The gift of being able to speak to the Numen. He was Blessed by the Numen, his clansmen believe. His life changed, though not for the worse, but for the better. He gained knowledge of his clan. And he gained their respect. Eventually his training provided by the Chieftain and the former Elder leader strengthened his bond with Tekesh the Numen he would inherit upon The Return of the Elder.


Technopathy - "Blessed" - Whatever this blessing may be, only a few individuals in each clan are born with this gift to be connected to a Numen. This allows them for whatever reason to "speak" and "pilot" the Numen. This blessing sometimes bestows other gifts unto the individual.

Conductive Current

Cesh has a weak ability to conduct energy through metal. This ability is really only used to stun biological beings for a short period of time. Or it can be used to short circuit small pieces of tech.

Racial Trait - Radiation Adaptation

Considering the world that Cesh and his kind live on, over the course of years and evolution adaptation the Sentry have a slightly higher tolerance to radiation than a human could withstand. This adaptation isn't entirely immunity, it is merely a higher resistance.

Power Limitations: His Blessing only extends to Tekesh his Numen. He cannot seem to connect or control or influence other machines. This is likely why the Numen seem so spiritual to his kind. His ability to conduct energy waves is limited to items he touches, specifically metal items, and is a gift handed to him by Tekesh.


Storytelling - A

As the Elder of his clan, he learned to recite the history and lore of his people. To be able to speak the stories and to teach the youth of his clan.

Numen Knowledge - A

It is important as an Elder and the caretaker of these temples to maintain and care for the Numen. To be able to repair the Numen or be able to diagnose problems with the Numen.

General Tech Knowledge - D

Still growing up in Tekesh he needed to understand the basics of technology. While it is not something he is generally skilled at, he can diagnose a few basic issues, and know how to fix them.

Cavalry Riding - B

Riding a Numen is less like piloting a ship, and more akin to riding a horse or other beast of burden. There are no controls, solely it is based on the bond of the Numen and its Elder caretaker. While Cesh main skill is in riding Numen, it is entirely possible he may be able to apply such knowledge to real animals, though maybe without the grace and control he has with Tekesh.

Wood Carving - C

People would assume from a story of Aedevan that the land itself was or is a barren wasteland. Though the truth is far from it. Aedevan is a lush and vibrant world, with forests, and rivers, much like many living planets do. Aedevan's toxicity was never because the land was left bare, but the natural radiation and strange habitat that made the land more sustainable for a variety of toxic plants. As a pastime, Cesh has always enjoyed some quiet time with his thoughts and a creative spark. Turning ordinary pieces of wood into relics of spiritual significance.


Rusted Sword - while blunt and brittle, and easy to break. The rusted sword was never meant to be used as an actual sword. Instead it is used as a rod that Cesh channels his electric energy into. The rod acts like a conduit of an electrical current, used to stun enemies for a brief second, and used to short circuit some forms of technology.



Long ago, before the clans were established, there was a land and a disconnected group of people. These times were harsh. As resources have always been scarce. It seemed ironic the Sentry was born in a world almost certain to kill them, with poisonous plants, and toxic water. This harshness bred violence among a people not yet united. Tekesh was the first founder, the first leader of land. He claimed it through violence. While not all of his actions were deemed honorable, he is still a respected individual, who conquered the land. The very land that those of Tekesh now cultivate and harvest, the one that Tekesh lives on in the temple of the lands' very own dragon.

The sun is blotted out briefly. As you look up, you are greeted by the screech of a winged mech beast, the size of a carrier aircraft. It flaps its mechanical wings, with a slight technological buzzing. A lack of eyes gives the appearance of something lifeless, and yet - some claim it has a soul.

Tekesh Abilities -

Heat Scanning

Tekesh has the ability to scan and track an area for heat. This is often how it locates its prey. However, Tekesh technology is still somewhat primitive and large areas of heat may completely throw it off being able to track the heat signature of what it is supposed to track. I.e. suppose you were in a cold climate, and are on the run from Tekesh. Tekesh would be able to track your footprints in the snow, but then you may dive into some hot springs nearby and Tekesh may no longer be able to read your signature.

EMP Screech

Tekesh calls out, a screeching vibrating sound begins to make everything around it quiver. Machines in a 5ft radius around Tekesh, may shut down for a few short seconds, before rebooting back up. But plenty of time for someone to get a surprise attack.

Electric Pulse

The final ability of Tekesh is the ability to unleash short electric pulses through the beating of its wings. Sending bolts of electricity to the ground. Scorching the ground, and breaking flimsy machinery. May not be effective against large machines, with shields, may be able to disrupt shields, or break pieces of armor off, but we're not talking about bolts that blow up buildings.

As for abilities based on design alone, Tekesh can fly, it also has the ability to pick up objects with its mechanical talons, considering its design.

Tekesh's limitation - Tekesh is a primitive machine, it has exposed wires, and doesn't have a lot of plating to protect itself. Its glass cannon design means that Tekesh can be seriously put out of commission with the right amount of force. Exposed wires means it has easy to target weak points. And it's technology is primitive and may not be as effective as some sort of futuristic ship.

Strengths: Adaptable. As a Sentry Cesh has grown up to be adaptable in any environment. He has learned the skills to be able to survive the harshest of circumstances, and to grow and learn from his mistakes. Adaptability is the core of a Sentry, mainly because of the nature of the world that they grew up in.

Flexible and accepting. Cesh is rather flexible, he doesn't ask for others to bend to his will and doesn't demand to be right in every situation. He is also very accepting of circumstances or situations that don't go entirely his way either. He doesn't get upset or annoyed when things don't go as planned. He bounces back and ask for the solution or the next method of approach.

Weaknesses/Fears: Cesh is no soldier, he has little to no formal training in battle. He is as glass cannon as his Numen is glass cannon. While smart and able to adapt, Cesh isn't as strong, and isn't going to be winning any fist fights or physical battles. He is reliant on Tekesh in some ways, which makes him ineffective at times, but Cesh will always put his best foot forward and try his best to aid in any circumstances.

What he fears is failure. To fail his clan. To fail his duties. And to fail others. He understands the importance of the current situation and he would like to succeed in victory.
Kaori Makoto



Sexual Orientation:


World and Universe they are from:
An original sci-fi/cyberpunk universe. Her home planet is one of many cluster planets, NC-141.


Kaori stands at about 5'4". She has chest-length brown hair and deep blue eyes. Typically she is found in a pretty standard outfit of a white tanktop, loose pair of jeans, a simple black choker and pair of sneakers. She is light skinned and athletically built thanks to her life of working as a scrapper. She can almost always be found touting around a worn messenger bag, which she keeps most of her basic supplies in.

She can easily be described as nervous but kind. NODE 03 wasn't always the kindest place, so the young woman has found her peace in dealing with tech rather than other humans. She is non-confrontational at her core, preferring to blend into the background to avoid any unnecessary conflict if at all possible. Though socializing isn't always her strongest subject, she tries her best to be kind to those she comes across on her adventures. Becoming close to her isn't too hard, only taking time and displaying that you aren't going to wrong her somehow. Once close to someone, Kaori has a tendency to become loyal to a near fault, treating her friends like family.


Kaori was born on the planet NC-141 to a family situated in the region of NODE 03. Life wasn't always the best, but her family called the place home. Among the decrepit skyscrapers and buildings from an era long gone, Kaori and her family made do. She helped her family run a little soup shop to make ends meet, as well as assisting the local scrappers in dismantling and occasionally repairing tech equipment salvaged from ruins. From an early age she took a keen interest in technology and how it worked, something which would serve her well in her life growing up. When not helping her family run the business, she could often be found studying old age technology in a seemingly endless quest to figure out how to reverse engineer it.

As the young girl neared adulthood, she began showing signs of the old age blessing, The Eye of Horus. The girl would complain of seeing static in the air, of hearing distant radio chatter between two or more individuals. It was painfully obvious that The Eye was no longer latent in Kaori. She would have to learn how to control it, lest she let it kill her slowly. And so that is what she did. For several years, she juggled her studies, work, and learning how to control the rampant power within her. You know, normal teenage things.

With her 20th birthday approaching, it appeared Kaori had largely gotten things under control. She had contained The Eye, preventing its unintentional activation and the subsequent pain that would follow. All was well, but the girl was ambitious - she wasn't done quite yet. She wanted to discover more technology still unknown to her, to one day learn its secrets and bring a better life to her home planet. The answer to this insatiable desire for knowledge was obvious.

Setting her sights on the neighboring planets in the solar system cluster, Kaori knew the journey ahead would be dangerous. Though her planet did not often receive visitors, whispers occasionally made the rounds. Talks of war and strife, but also bountiful amounts of knowledge and alien technology to be found. The beckoning call of a better future for her planet was too strong for Kaori to ignore. She set off on her journey towards the neighboring planet NC-142, which was home to the famed bastion region of NODE 08, all with the goal of discovering the powerful technology she so craved. With any luck, it would not be the end of her.


An ability that the children of NC-141 are sometimes born with. Though it is regarded as something of a divine blessing from an era long passed, in reality it could not be farther from the truth. People born with The Eye within them are carriers a technologically fueled "virus" of sorts, created erroneously by old age civilizations in an attempt to achieve immortality through tech.

While it does not achieve immortality, it does bring the carrier one step closer to becoming one with machine. Should it manifest in a person, The Eye of Horus allows the user to concentrate and "see" the data around them.To the untrained, this visible data can be fuzzy and unusable. To someone trained and determined in harnessing the power of The Eye, the data can be deciphered and made eligible, allowing things such as intercepting of remote transmissions and the like.

Learning to control The Eye and keep it under wraps also meant learning how to use it effectively. When using The Eye, Kaori is able to "see" the presence of electronics around her, as well as any information they may be outputting - such as radio signals, remote file transfers, and other such things. For the most part, basic forms of encryption isn't much of a hindrance. The more complex the data's encryption becomes however, the harder it becomes for Kaori to make sense of what she sees.

Kaori's application of The Eye has various uses. Her favorite of all, though seldom used, is the ability to remotely access nearby electronic information without physical access to the device it is coming from.

Power limitations:

With such power comes consequences. Though it may be tempting to use The Eye freely whenever, scraping information off everyone's devices around you, using it has severe side effects, especially in those untrained. The Eye allows people to see things which are not meant to be seen, causing gradually worsening physical degenerative effects. Repeated reckless use may cause the user to develop worsening blindness, nerve issues, and in the later stages even paralysis and eventually death. The Eye of Horus is not kind to those it has blessed.


Technical Competence: A -
Put anything tech-related in front of her and she'll try her damn best to figure it out.
Hand To Hand Defense: D - Growing up in NODE 03 was no joke. She learned this out of necessity.
Singing: C - Funnily enough, she is a pretty decent singer.
Athletics: C - Working as a scrapper involved a lot of moving heavy things and being on her feet for hours.

Weapons / Equipment:

P.S.A (Personal Scanner Assistant) -
A wrist-mounted device that looks similar to a bulky watch. Gifted to Kaori by her parents prior to her multiversal departure, the device's primary function allows her to scan objects to get the basic gist of their material makeup... assuming it's made out of a known material. It has a secondary purpose of acting as a mini holographic projector, allowing display of various apps like note-taking and video watching.

Engineering Toolkit - In her messenger bag she stores various tools like screwdrivers, pliers, safety goggles, and other basic things someone might need when dismantling things.


SHE IS DETERMINED - A challenge is usually never too big for Kaori to try and tackle.
LOYALTY IS KEY - Once she becomes close to someone, she is willing to stand her ground and defend a person.
A FAST LEARNER - Learning new things is definitely her strong suit.

Weaknesses / Fears:

CYNICISM - She can be a little guarded when it comes to people.
CONFLICT - Kaori is practically allergic to conflict under most circumstances.
PEOPLE ARE HARD - When your life's goal is focused largely on technology, it leads to you neglecting socializing sometimes.

Other: N/A.
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Name: Kouta Shimazu AKA 'Detour'

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Human

World and Universe they are from: My Hero Academia

Kouta has a light build typical of someone who engages in regular exercise with a height of six feet.

Dark skin with short hair that is naturally black, but keeps it bleached platinum blonde.

He has Heterochromia of the eyes: His right is light brown and the left is blue.

On the back of both hands he has black arrow tattoos pointing at his knuckles.

For a regular day he dresses in a simple white T-shirt with a black leather jacket and black jeans. Better to blend in with most any crowd.

For hero duty he dons a bright orange motorcycle helmet with an arrow pointing up; matching orange vest with arm and leg armor over a black jumpsuit. The arms have black arrows that point out and the leg arrows point down.

Kouta's dominant traits are his dedication to hero work, and being very outspoken and outgoing. He is a very 'for the common people' type who doesn't like to work with or for 'elite' types of people(politicians, celebrities etc.)

In keeping with the Hypocratic Oath he stalwartly does not seriously harm (or worse yet kill) criminals and will be among the first to administer first aid to any he has harmed in the course of his hero work. He would sooner be killed by than kill another human being.

He is also a very amorous person who professes his love for both men and women after a relatively short period of knowing them. While he does not have 'boyfriends' or 'girlfriends' or any variation thereof, he still strives to be dedicated to all his close relations. Not always to a positive result, but he still tries.

"Try anything once" is his life motto that tends to guide his daily activities, be it food or hobbies or whatnot.

All this amounts to a young man who offers his dedication and love sometimes at his own peril.


The son of a Japanese father and an Indian mother, both doctors who met while participating in Doctors Without Borders. Young Kouta grew up travelling the world with his parents and with the Hypocatric Oath being recited on a daily basis. It was then no surprise when his Quirk manifested that he wanted to use it to help people as a certified hero, and to get the best chance at that felt the only place he should attend was UA in Japan, the native land of his father.

Despite what people would call an intelligent pedigree, Kouta performed on an average level far as regular academics were concerned , but excelled in the hero course lessons. On graduation he joined a hero agency based in the heart of Tokyo and while his primary daily duty entails flying around on his glider preventing any traffic accidents in his immediate area, he finds joy in it for helping regular people at a level other heroes seldom can.


  • Trajectory!: Can alter the trajectory of objects in his line of sight into any direction. Targets have their kinetic energy uniformly sapped (preventing any whiplash damage) then returned a second after in his chosen direction.
    • Holding Technique : Keeps target pinned to the ground by constantly redirecting their attempts to get up, to go down.
    • Juggle : Continuously juggles target in the air
    • Ultimate Attack Pinball Wizard : Reserved for villains and other difficult criminals. Kouta alters the direction of a target rapidly in many directions and into hard surfaces until they are unconscious.

Power limitations

Quirk is limited to his line of sight. The farther the target is from his view the less control he has. This prevents him from stopping bullets and other small fast-moving projectiles since he can't see them with the naked eye.

He cannot change the velocity speed of the target only applies the quirk in such a way to have the target gain or maintain speed.

Has to keep his feet stationary to activate his Quirk. Renders him vulnerable against multiple opponents or ones that can keep him from being stationary.

The max weight of an object he can use his quirk on is 20,000 lb (9,100 kg) or one fully loaded semi-truck trailer.

Skills (Any skill your OC is particularly adept at, from swordsmanship, to piloting, to knitting should be mentioned here. Should also state their skill level D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):

Wing Chun Kung Fu - A

Geometry/Trigonometry - SS

Physics - B

Piloting - B

Weapon(s)/ Equipment

Detour Glider: A mechanical gliding platform made in the likeness of a large Detour sign. Shoots nets to detain criminals and fire-extinguishing foam. Has a top speed of 75mph. Locks his feet in place allowing him to move while his feet remain still.

Detour Helmet: Gives enhanced vision increasing range of his Quirk, protection from small ballistics and high blunt force trauma. Controls Detour Glider remotely up to mile radius.

Detour Armor: Offers the same protection from ballistics, blunt force trauma with insulation from environment.


Medium to close range combat is his specialty for combat situations.

Diversion/Stalling tactics

Weakness/ Fears:

Should a situation absolutely require killing a human or humanoid, he is next to useless and more likely to retreat from such a situation than stay and fight.

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Name: Gualatinus Bolana -- THE WERE-CRAB!

Age: 123

Gender: Male

Species: Mudcrab

Sexual Orienta-- No I'm not doing this one

World: Elder Scrolls

Appearance: ...... He's a mudcrab. Just slightly bigger than other mudcrabs.... Here's what mudcrabs look like:


Personality: ...... He's more aggressive than more mudcrabs, but it comes off more pathetic since his crab hands can't exactly kill anyone. It's like a kid trying to karate chop a wooden board, bless their hearts, but it's hard to watch..... I don't know how to be more descriptive, he's a mudcrab!

History: Okay, here we go, actual detail. Gualantinus was a mad fisherman who lived off the coast of Skyrim, near the city of Winterhold. He fished for slaughter fish and oysters in the icey waters, where he made him home from an old ice cave. He was quite mad, believing the oysters were plotting against him, and Ice Wraiths and Frost Atronachs were simply women in disguise trying to scare him... Yeah. It didn't help he worshiped Sheogorath and lived by himself, with only the corpse of a dead Frostbite Spider to keep him company. One of the big ones too, so he has those eyes looking at him in the morning. He calls her 'Emma.'.... Anyway! Sheogorath had something of a problem with one of his fellow Daedric Princes, Malacath. See, he didn't like that Malacath had his own race of beings that worshiped him, the vampires, and they had a lord, Harkon. Sure, Sheo had his Dark Seducer and Golden Saint guards, but they were in his realm, not the mortal word of Nirn.

So he hatched a plan. Gualantius was the perfect man for the job, as Sheogorath developed what he thought would be his masterpiece... To threaten the continent of Tamriel with mudcrabs! WERE-CRABS TO BE EXACT! He had it all set up, Gual would be his Harkon, the lord of mubcrabs, and spread the were-crab disease from Skyrim all the way to Cyrodiil. He would infect unsuspecting people trying to fish for crab by biting their necks with his mouth! Gual accept his new role with open arms and became.... THE KING OF THE MUDCRABS!!!!! The first were-crab in all of Nirn, and his tyranny would be matched only by Sheo's pal Emperor Pelagius III!

Only one problem: Mudcrabs have their teeth in their stomachs to help disgust food. Their mouths are soft little mouthpieces that could barely scratch skin, let alone make someone bleed. And it was too late to reverse Gual, so.... Sheo got bored and left Gual in his current state, completely forgetting the mad fisherman. So Gual now travels the coast of Tamriel, looking to infect the Were-crab cruse upon unsuspecting civilians!.... To no avail.

Powers: None

Skills: Killing people - F. Hurting them - D.

Weapons: None

Strengths: He can't be killed easily.

Weaknesses: He can't die easily.

Other: ..... He's a crab.


Name: Amelie 'Amy' Nuan

Age: 19

Sexual Orientation: Undecided

Species: Human

World: Avatar: TLA/LoK

Appearance: Amy stands at 5'6, with dark tanned skin, dark brown hair in a messy pony tail, C sized breasts, and green eyes. Her usual attire is between her work clothes, which are ragged, old muddy clothing she uses for her work, and the fourth piece of clothing in the picture below when she's not working.


She's a very fit person as well, having some muscle on her arms and chest, but is lean enough to be very acrobatic when it comes to earth bending and fighting. As well, her posture is one of confidence, but she is admittedly a socially awkward person who doesn't talk to people much, as well she's quite the figety person, she doesn't like standing around for too long until she starts to pace back and forth. Not because she's bored or irritated, she just likes moving around, and staying too still almost feels like she's a piece of clay drying under the sun.


Personality: The theme with this girl is socially awkward. She's a very shy individual when she meets new people, keeping herself quiet and not talking much, sometimes wondering off from massive groups. Over time though, she opens up a little more by making the usual awkward joke or talking more than before. She's a very kind person as well, always helping and never taking a job in the background. Always at the front lines. She's also got one hell of an aggressive side, being quite forceful and mean when she wants to be, but that's more to people being dicks to her.

History: Amy was born within the borders of the Earth kingdom, but in which region is up for debate since she doesn't know where. Her parents were hermits, people who merely traveled around and don't stay within the cities, as they were travelers. For the past three years, they had been exploring the whole region of the Earth kingdom borders together, but they also wanted to explore the other nations as well, almost map out the entire specifics of the world so there could be one massive map in detail of every place on the planet. Amy was born into the second year of their travels, which admittedly made things harder, but they did care for their child. With them, Amy visited almost all of regions of the four nations, visiting the old Air Temples, the Water Tribes, and areas of the Earth Kingdom that her parents had yet to visit like Kyoshi island. By age 12, her parents homeschooled her in reading and writing, as well trained her on Earth bending. By age 18, their parents had given up on traveling, as they didn't have anywhere else to go, at least where they were allowed to go.

Amy however didn't want to stay someplace, and her parents encouraged her to do whatever she wanted. Being the creative and artistic type, Amy decided she would also travel the world, but this time for artistic purposes. She decided she would built a diverse art collection, something all four nations could come together and experience a blend of different cultural architecture. She traveled for almost a year across the eastern earth kingdom, and in that time, she also found herself a home. A permanent one. Located under a dried out lake was a massive cavern of mud and clay that could easily be bended into whatever Amy wanted. The ceiling was cracked open so sunlight could come in, and water wasn't any issues as the lake wasn't located in a dry region, rather the lake was just drained by the cracks and made the massive clay caverns. She set up the cavern to be her home and workshop, forming rooms, buying furniture, and even setting up a small garden up top with an earth wall around it so animals couldn't eat the flowers and vegetables.

While Amy hasn't traveled anywhere yet once she finished, she plans on traveling to the Water Tribes next.

Powers: She's an Earth bender. She can lift up to 500lbs of rock and bend any earth material a normal earth bender can. As well, she's quite amazing at bending mud and clay, which is helpful for her work.

Limitations: There really isn't much in the way of limits for benders besides getting tired out to my knowledge.

Skills: Earth-bending: B, she's good, but her parents weren't masters of earth bending. As well, A for cooking, and A for workout rate. She's got quite the body.

Weapons: None

Strengths: Good earth bender and amateur fighter.

Weaknesses: Isn't a master at both, and is a shy person. Is also afraid of flying.
Flynn - Small.jpgName: Flynn the Volatile
Age (human equivalent): 42 (biological age 19 due to extended dreaming exposure to a Yellow descendant)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, homoromantic
Species: With the Storm High, Yellow descendant
World and Universe they are from: Plane - Grandfather Teeth a.k.a. The First Machine.

Image approximate, best I could find.

Appearance: A Saurid with a cobalt fan-feathered tail end and a large cobalt crest is seen when raised. Stands 5'4" at the top of the head Flynn is a larger-bodied sapient descendant of Deinonychus antirrhopus. Densely feathered and adapted for water her feathers are a matte black as is the inner down layer and her slit-eye sclera. As a blue-blooded subspecies a cobalt-fleshed maw mixes with black incisors and curved conical teeth common to fish eaters. Toe-claws on each foot with muscled legs their wings are spirally articulated structures wrapped around each bulbous arm part magic in biology.

Personality: Flynn is a mouthy creature prone to insults at people she does not like and gleeful commentary regardless. A direct and action-oriented creature with an indomitable thirst for the unknown. She asks for what she wants and finds the rest however extended isolation has left her diplomatic skills a bit lacking. Thus often rambles or leaves to go headlong at tasks though remains attentive to an intelligent study of the world. Only through her mate has she developed an appreciation for subtlety and camaraderie. While protective of her children Flynn's mothering instincts are pointedly lacking even if her awareness of danger is not.

History/Bio: Flynn is a Reacher who is an explorer of the metaphysical realm exposed to their people by dreaming. Simply called Losthome or 'The Place Beyond the World' in archaic texts. These Reachers were the first to manifest there bodily while sleeping at night. Flynn continues their long history of exploring it for resources and developing the talents and magical ability to stabilize objects into real matter. Proficient to an extreme at this as her clutch mother was the Yellow. This individual a demigod-like figure associated with an elemental force of their world haunts their people and seeks to dominate. A descendant of the Yellow garnered her no small amount of fear but their defensive army embraced her for her power. Sent to the Reachers to train and seek weapons in their dreaming world. As one of the Yellow's lineages along this perilous road protected her from the worst the dreaming had to offer. Once permitted to roam on her own a suffered a particular curse imposed upon her by her clutch mother. The particular habit of breeding with anything with the right parts and a libido to match. Even the dead, undead, or more importantly the various intelligent projections of Losthome. As her race has an estrus the tampering makes that impulse particularly strong when isolated in Losthome. This resulted in a set of twin eggs while in losthome for a very extended period. Half-human whelps born to her in the field. The Yellow seeks to consume Thebus and Quinn to further her power. As such Flynn is now on the run with them from the Yellow and cannot go home. After somehow wandering out of Losthome to parts unknown decided it was best to stay. Flynn doesn't know why the human children are important compared to the other eggs and half-whelps her clutch mother turned into murderous homunculi. After killing and eating her mother twice, as the only one who can survive the Yellow that long, Flynn took to her newfound world as an escape until she finds a better option.

Blood Mage - Flynn is a ritualistic caster and has a spellbook to this effect. It lists varied and purpose-built spells for a field researcher of her kind and even a few structures. All are rituals or make enchanted objects for later use than immediate spells. As an accomplished reacher of means the book valuable as it contains seeds of a small library.

Flying diver species - Flynn can hold her breath for twenty to thirty minutes even under moderate activity. Water-resistant oily feathers combined with powder down offers her good insulation. The helical carbon-fiber wings can extend and retract to serve as paddles underwater.

Bloodwrit - Flynn does have spells she can use immediately as casters can inscribe spells upon her. A plinth opened by blood magic provides a surface for other mages to add to her repertoire and she can then employ them to varying degrees of success. Over time some very frequent spells and her inner nature made some naturalized. Fireball, her first, caused the most havoc during her whelping days. The second one to forcibly enter into Losthome with others though she loathes to employ it. The third came with necessity, Tongues, to understand the many creatures. The last was False Husk shaping her to the body of another creature which requires a sleeping or willing target. The false husk resembles that creature in every way even on metaphysical inspection or surgery. As long as the husk is not damaged in a way that it would die. She uses this to skirt the approval and pass territory of more particular entities.

Hunter's sight - Eyeshine gives her species excellent vision in the dark given their pitch-black home. One quality of the blue-blooded subspecies of her kind is also a binocular infravision. The iris folds away inside her eye revealing the rear of the tubular eye showing the world in thermal contrast.

Power limitations:
Blood Mage - These are not something she can cast off the cuff. Almost all require time, tools, and preparation. Particular grimoires she's paid to have others enchant her book with require much time for those seeds to grow.

Flying diver species - Her wings take time to fully extend from their compact form wreathing her arms so she cannot take off on a whim. Predominantly a glider Flynn has neither a high top-speed nor much maneuverability. If the wind picks up Flynn may thus end up thrown at the earth or water. Should the individual spines break they take a long time to molt and regenerate unless she has time to effect some magical healing.

Bloodwrit - Flynn cannot both open the plinth to infuse her with a spell and infuse the spell at the same time. Nor can she teach another a spell that she does not know. She requires a second to imbue the spell. Also, they cannot inscribe a spell that is beyond her power as she will not be able to contain it without the spell draining away. An aura supremely adaptive she can cast any spell a being could commit to memory. Spells that aren't natural degrade on their own with use depending on how well they were known by the caster. Some of her spells are native now though she has very few can cast them very frequently given any materials they cost her. Her fireball requires a drinkable, edible, fluid such as fruit juice accessible to her person. Even gravy will do. Certainly the blood of other creatures. It is entirely consumed with the spell and does affect the nature of the fireball. The second puts her in a coma for 2-4 hours after arriving in Losthome which is a place intensely dangerous as it is even more so without an escort for her and her whelps. Tongues spell requires little more than her to physically lick the target or herself if she has some intellectual understanding of the language. The False Husk when created by a sleeping or willing creature flows over her body and does not take damage well. Should the false husk take lethal damage she will be ejected from it bodily. The false husk requires a great deal of food to maintain over time and she cannot cast verbal spells or the ones she's imbued with given someone else's throat.

Hunter's sight - Flynn cannot move her eyeballs but for a few degrees yaw from the back of the eye. Her species has relatively poor eyesight quality due to the reflective layer regardless. As such she has to move her whole head to see something but has some minor depth perception. Infravision is entirely blocked by substances that block infrared such as clear plastic, glass, water, or many clouds of dust. Flynn is entirely incapable of seeing pigments that do not provide thermal contrast. As such she cannot read her book any others of similar kind in near-total darkness. The complexity of her eye means she cannot flip quickly between them needing a few moments to readjust while she has little functional sight.

Skills (D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):
Blood Magic - S
Elemental magic (nonfire) - C
Elemental magic (fire) - A
Alteration magic - C
Survival tools (creation/use/improvisation) - B
Ranged weapons (handled) - C
Ranged weapons (bow) - D
Orienteering/Mapmaking - B
Hunting/Tracking - C
Exolinguistics - B

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:
Hairworm concordant - A small box that houses a hovering collective creature from her plane and common to the dreaming world. Inside contains a very particular clockwork music box that it enjoys. Friendly and mildly intelligent she uses it for purposes of her blood magic rather than cutting her flesh open to get blood the hairworm allows her to write with her own blood.
Deep weed Backpack - Flynn's forest green backpack is waterproof and partly organic. The thick ever-wet seaweed material glows when exposed to water fending its contents from being soiled even under pressure. It does not readily burn as the exterior is either moist or covered in hoar frost depending on temperature

Incorrigible curiosity - Flynn does not fear easily a quality that comes with long-term binding to a Hairworm. If a problem is difficult it is worth study. Fear attracts deeper horrors within Losthome and any Reacher not soon dead learned to suppress it, bond with a hairworm, or both.
Willful hermit - Willpower of veteran far-afield soldiers walking miles with a broken leg is common to reachers. Often they must tend to wounds themselves. She will not complain of a lack of water, food, or entertainment and is well-adapted to operating behind the lines of unassailable foes.
Continuous flow blood - Flynn does not have a heartbeat. Her heart is a biometal structure all blue-bloods are born with which pumps blood continuously. Her circulation is excellent and thus handles pressure changes or deep water exceedingly well. Their lungs are similarly built for continuous unidirectional airflow so while idle very posses little inherent biological noise.
Salt/iron-tolerant - Flynn's kidneys can process saltwater though not in large quantities. Relatedly also capable of drinking blood and eating raw meat in large quantities.

Weakness/ Fears:
Mesotherm - Flynn is not warm-blooded but her high thermal insulation mutes this somewhat. A mesotherm does produce some body heat. She will not heat up easily once getting cold though she can recover eventually given somewhere warm.
Low-fat - Flynn's race does not accumulate a lot of body fat thus only has a slight positive buoyancy in the water and needs a stable supply of food.
Directional senses - Flynn's hearing is highly directional and hears less from behind her direction of sight than in front. She has to continuously move her head to keep awareness around her.

Other: Flynn left the two whelps, Quinn and Thebus, behind at the base. With instructions for their care should she not return.
Name: Arc Vex

Age: 19

Gender (Can be genderless too): male

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Species: human

World and Universe they are from: generic fantasy universe

Appearance: Arc is a very young ruler, but he will mainly hide that under his large blue-ish green cloak. He has has startlingly bright blue eyes and black hair with flecks of grey. His usual attire usually includes his large cloak, which hides most of his physique. He isn't the most fit of people, nor is he the most unfit either. He can just be considered average in both size and stature. His height is five foot, eleven inches. He also wears a black fuzzy sweater that has various designs embroidered in dark blue. Over his sweater, he wears a harness that holds his equipment of two short swords, a metal pipe for smoking, and any other items he may be carrying at the time.

Personality: In Arc's eyes, anyone who believes they are doing good is wrong. Doing something with conviction will lead to death and loneliness. Most people would say he is a killer saint, as he will murder anyone who gets in his way, yet save those who are of use to him. Innocent bystanders, for example, do not cause any issue for him, therefore he will do anything in his power to save them. If he cannot save people easily, he will let the death happen and only feel a minor amount of guilt. People are just pawns to him, used only as pieces in a sick game he calls life. On the morality scale, he would consider himself to be evil, as he sympathises with the murderers and believes them to be good resources.

History/Bio: Arc's past is almost entirely erased from the lives of those around him and any records of his past are unrecoverable. The rumors that are told about him are mainly all different and completely and utterly insane. Same will say he is an immortal brought down from the heavens, while others say he is a being entirely made of residual magic. All of these are indeed false. As a child, Arc killed his first man at the age of 9, electrocuting him while training with magic. This was the time he discovered he had an affinity for it. Arc was the child of the leaders of a large crime family, known as the Ash Ravens. It was a considerably small group, comprised only of stealing from small merchant jewelry stores and the occasional payed murder. Arc enjoyed it, since he was able to have loving parents and have the things he wanted. It all changed though when he turned 14. A local adventurer guild had been hired to try and exterminate the family by whatever means they had desired. What they desired apparently, was to murder the entire family. Corpses were sliced up into little bits and Arc was left as the only survivor of the event. This event struck a certain anger within Arc's soul for anyone who called themselves a "hero" of any sort. Arc went on to create his own little adventuring group, completely made up of criminals and supposed psychopaths. He trusted them… mostly. Over time, this group grew and grew, eventually becoming a large moving city. The city was made up of several people Arc had saved or recruited. It came to be known as the city of killers, with Arc as its ruthless ruler.

Powers (If your character has biotics, magic, a superpower, racial abilities, or anything that can be explained.):
Electrical shock- Arc can shoot bolts of electricity from his hands
lightning orb- He can create an orb of electricity that blocks projectiles, Requires Arc to be stationary. This ability can cover an entire city.
Magnesis- due to his electrical powers, he can make metal items magnetic and manipulate where they go
Shock step- Arc gives a large boost to his speed and ability to heal wounds along with increasing intensity of his powers
Electric propulsion- my making an object magnet and not magnet over and over, he can essentially turn a small coin into a railgun projectile

Power limitations:
Electrical shock- can be reflected away with a metal object or be canceled out by something not metal
Lighting orb- requires several minutes to prepare along with needing Arc to be stationary
Magnesis- anything not metal is off limits
Shock step- Arc will have a severe loss of speed after this boost
Electric propulsion: This power puts strain on the uses and renders them stationary for a small amount of time

Skills (Any skill your OC is particularly adept at, from swordsmanship, to piloting, to knitting should be mentioned here. Should also state their skill level D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):
Blade wielding- A
Magic knowledge- SS
Sleight of hand- D
Pain tolerance- C
Blacksmithing- S
Acting- A

Weapon(s)/ Equipment (You may use pictures from any non-accepted fandom as a description, but all effects/abilities must be described. If it's any kind of technology, please give the specs.)
-2 daggers similar to small swords
-a smoking pipe with ornate carvings
-a slingshot with a bag of metal balls
-a crowbar
-iron rope (rope made of iron threads)
His skills
Weakness/ Fears:
Hates water, it will short circuit his powers
-regularly smokes a pipe
-has arcs of electricity come off of him every once in a while (mainly just for show)
-Aliases include Killer saint, King of Killers, The thunderstorm, and Thor's evil twin
Name: Luer (Lu-air) Lastez ("Las" like in Las Vegas, "tez")

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, though he usually leans more towards men than women.

Species: Human-manakete hybrid

World and Universe they are from: Fire Emblem: Fates

Appearance: Luer has deep blue hair, most assume his hair is black in the dark. His hair is short, above the shoulders. The left side of his bangs are swept back while the rest of his hair is styled straight. Luer's eyes are a piercing aqua blue in contrast to his hair's darker color. Luer's face is between a long and rounded one, with eyes that are medium in size, giving him a "younger" or more "innocent" look when he's happy and smiling (opposite someone like Kain who has thinner eyes and would look more "handsome" or "manly"), with a small nose and medium lips (which can look bigger with lipstick and give him a more feminine appearance). Basically he's a bishie. His most notable feature is the reverse star looking scar above his right eye, partially covered by his bangs. Luer is 5'7" tall and pretty pale to most people. He's a decent 134lbs. He's fit, but not ripped or overly defined.

Luer is currently wearing a dark blue, the same color as his hair, t-shirt that's cut off just above his stomach, black shorts that stop just above his mid-thighs. His right boot is above the knee, just below the mid-thigh, while the left is just above his ankle -both black. He wears black fingerless gloves, and silver metal wrist cuffs (the cuffs act as an arm guard for his bow). Wrapped around the right and left boot, his left thigh, his neck, and each glove are a number of small belts (all of which are purely fashion statements). Finishing off his outfit is a black long coat with sleeves that stop just above the elbow. All of this is flame resistant.



Dragon Luer (this is not yet known to him so it's more for future reference and can be looked over for the time being until I get him a dragonstone):

Using a Fire Dragonstone, Luer is a darker red, and the skin lightens as it goes down to his stomach to a more orange-ish red. There are small horns on the top of his head that almost look like the spikes of a flame. As a dragon Luer stands about 10 feet tall, is 14 feet long with wings of blazing flame that come out to a wingspan of roughly 20 feet.

Picture ref, but darker and smaller in size.

Personality: Luer used to be carefree and cheerful at the castle. Most everyone loved him for it. After the raid though things changed drastically. Luer is quiet. Often times he only speaks when he is spoken to. While this aspect of him came from being taught to do that when his king was with another, it has become Luer's main personality. He will speak up if he feels he needs to, or he has a question about something he doesn't understand. He will speak up if he feels his friends are being insulted or a plan may end in death. He speaks up if he feels a death is meaningless.
He hesitates to get close to people, out of the fear he will lose another love. He only goes so far as good friends. He does this to try and protect himself from pain.

Luer will refer to Lastez as if it were another person. This is because Lastez was his name before he was taken in, and having been taught the way he was he chose to keep the life he lived as Lastez separate from his life as Luer. So he has multiple identities, in a way. Rarely, if not ever will he let Lastez have control back. Because Lastez is less level headed and much more of a flirt.

History/Bio: On February 8th, Lastez was born to Herta and Thyra. His parents worked at an orphanage in a small town just outside of the kingdom of Retora, where they met and fell in love. They both died shortly after their son was born (a month or so) though not without having entrusted him to their friends, the other caretakers of the orphanage. Both were very ill at the time Lastez was born and it caught up to them quickly.

He grew up in the orphanage, and was the eldest child there after turning 6 through the rest of his stay. He hated seeing so many kids sad and lonely as often as he did. He did his very best to become their friend and make them happy for as long as he could. Most of the time it was up until they were adopted. Lastez himself never was chosen to be adopted though. Around the time he turned 10 the caretakers were to give Lastez a family heirloom; a well cared for metal arm cuff. The arm cuff is engraved with what would be the chants he uses to heal. This power set him apart from the other kids though many of them loved the ability (The power is inherited from his ancestor, Verrow.). Although at the time the cuff was much too big for the small Lastez to wear, he merely kept it safe when he was not studying it at night.

Having been given the arm cuff and learning of his power to heal, Lastez also grew more curious about his parents. It wasn't something he had thought much about before this happened, and now he wanted to know more about where he came from. Late one night after the other kids were put to bed for the night, Lastez took the opportunity to talk to one of the caretakers about his parents. Did they have this power too? How did they die? He had not even realized before this that he did not even know what their names were. He needed answers and he hoped his caretaker would give them to him. He was given the answers, too. Lastez was told that if his parents did have this power, the caretakers had never known of it. He was told they were sick, and died after he was born, as well as their names and what would have been his full name, Lastez Amari (this was dropped to Lastez when his parents died). It seemed to satisfy him, even if he still had questions it became apparent that the caretakers couldn't answer them.

He spent 13 years in total at the orphanage before he was too old to stay and had to leave, the arm cuff going with him.

With nowhere to go Lastez was left alone in the cold. It was late that night and he had not even gotten the chance to eat. He was cold, he was hungry, he was tired, and he was alone. He had curled up in an alley between two buildings to try and stay warm and maybe even sleep. He was too tired to even try finding food at that point. It was here he was discovered by a couple of women. The two women had gotten him something warm to wrap up in and even fed him. They were not about to let him mooch off of them though. After the first day for him to rest up they set about training Lastez as a dancer. This, although a chance to earn a living, came to the young boy who was not even physically mature, as quite the life changing experience. Although it was overwhelming to him after his first time, Lastez took a day to come to terms with it and continue on to be a better dancer than he really needed to. Lastez had gone from an innocent orphaned child to a far too young male prostitute, and one that would experience nearly all of the sexual "firsts" any one person possibly could in their lifetime before he was even 15 (nearly, since he is from a world without toys lol).

Lastez lived this life for six years, until one night after a drunken man had finished with him and refused to pay him. Lastez had gotten into a fight with the man, and thanks to his inebriated condition, chased him off. Although he was rather angry that he had not only done his job, he did not get paid for it. His fight did catch the attention of a man clad in armor, who then proceeded to fight him too. Lastez was relieved when the armored man called the fight off shortly after, as he was thoroughly exhausted. Lastez was completely thrown off though when this man in armor asked that he come with him and train as a knight on the condition that he change his name. He was understandably hesitant, but after an urge from the two girls that had found him years ago, he agreed. From that night, he was known as Luer by everyone else.

He left his life of nowhere to live with the knight Kain in the small kingdom north of Hoshido, Retora. Admittedly getting used to the new name was difficult, and breaking his habits as a dancer was no easy task either. Often he found himself scolded for either flirting, making an inappropriate comment, or changing clothes/stripping out in the open. He had no sense of personal space, and he had no modesty. It took one year, however, of training with soldiers from the army in Retora, living with Kain and his wife, to change drastically. Luer had grown accustomed to his new name, and his new life. He had become mild mannered, not speaking up unless spoken to and to some timid, but he never changed his childish want to see everyone smile. This, along with what was believed to be an impressive performance as a soldier over the next two years, was what earned Luer his new position: he was now a royal guard for his king.

It wasn't long before Luer was friends with just about everyone in this little kingdom, even his own king liked him. Luer had come to, although never having out loud said so, cherish Kain and his wife as adoptive parents. He even had some hope that their late son would have accepted him as a brother, as he felt the dead man was one to him. He felt truly loved, a feeling he had not ever known before now. He loved his position too, standing at his king's side everyday. He found peace here, this was where he belonged and he couldn't be happier.

Luer's now seemingly perfect life only lasted a few short months after promoting to royal guard. One night, an entire army swarmed the kingdom. Luer had not seen anything like it before. Given the order to escort his king out of the kingdom whilst Kain and the other soldiers held off the raiders he reluctantly obeyed. He had no choice. Even then though, with both himself and his king injured, things did not look well. He failed to do the job he so loved to when his king was struck down while he tried to heal him. Before being shot with the fatal arrow, his king had insisted Luer do one thing if he did not survive: run. As much as Luer's heart ached at the idea, he obeyed that too, running and hiding away until the raiders had left.

He was luckily not found, and spared. He waited for silence before deciding to brave returning to the kingdom in hopes some of the others survived. He wasn't prepared to find the carnage that he did. The river ran red, bloodstained as he followed it to the castle. It was here he found one person still alive; Kain. Thoroughly beaten and bleeding, Kain was alive, but he was poisoned. Luer tried, and found his healing was incapable of curing poison. There was no time to find an antidote. With no way to save him Kain gave Luer one last request and order. Kill him, and leave the ruined kingdom. Much to his heartbreak, Luer obeyed. He didn't leave right away though, he was desperate to find survivors. Through most of the kingdom (as much as he explored anyway), he found no one alive. He spent a good few days doing this before finally giving up and leaving.

Luer found himself homeless and alone once more, only this time it hurt much more than the last. Everyone he grew to love as a family were gone, the home he grew to love was gone… He didn't give up though. He sought out the only ally he could that was close by, the kingdom of Eclir. The kingdom was Retora's main traders, and had been there before on errands for his king with Kain. But Luer was further tossed into hopelessness when he arrived to find Eclir had also been destroyed. He spent a day or so walking around here before coming to the conclusion that this had been done even before the attack on Retora. This came with another realization though. He had nowhere to go now…

Luer traveled aimlessly for a while, again hungry and without company. Many times coming to question if he even should keep going. He eventually found himself in the kingdom of Hoshido, where he used what money he did have left on him to get a room at an inn. He cleaned up here, ate and rested. He spent as much time as the money he had bought him here to try figuring out what to do. He was alone, he had no family or friends, and he had no home. He was out of money and he would not be able to stay here long. He again had questioned if it was worth it to keep going, if he should be done with this sudden darkness he was in. As he sat staring at the only thing he had left, his bow, he eventually came to a decision.

Taking the only things he knew how to do, guard and help people, he made a new life as a guard for hire. He began putting more focus to his healing powers as well. On top of his ability to heal, he noted (albeit the hard way) he could take a harder hit than most people and still survive.

Although Luer has no knowledge yet of it, he is the grandson to the last ruling king of Retora, the same king he served under, making Luer the prince of Retora. Luer has no knowledge of his manakete ancestor either, which is why it will come as a shock to him to learn he is a dragon.

Note: Chapter 1 he did turn for the first time.

The full history of Retora, if needed/wanted:

Retora (SV)


  • Luer can take a more severe wound, one a normal person couldn't, and survive.
    • Although he hasn't tested it himself, there is a limit to how bad an injury can be to be considered as survivable to him.

  • Luer can heal.
    • He has to use a separate chant to heal himself, different from the one he uses to heal others.
    • If he's hurt too badly, he physically is incapable of healing himself or others (this probably goes without saying though).
    • He cannot heal something like poison or illness.

Powers when transformed:

  • He can fly
    • Of course he can only fly for so long before he gets tired.

  • Increased Physical Abilities:
    • He gains a lot of physical muscle, and his scales are much sturdier than his human flesh. While he is actually moving faster than he was as a human, his larger size means he has to move greater distances for physical attacks, thus making him effectively slower.

  • Breath Weapon
    • Each Dragonstone gives him a different breath weapon.
    • The Fire Dragonstone he was given allows him to breath fire. This fire is magical in nature, and ignores all defenses save resistance to the fire element.

Skills (D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):

  • Archery - A
  • Hand to hand combat - D
  • Swordsmanship - C
  • Healing (provided he doesn't lose his mind) - S

Class Skills: Retora Noble class

  • Notice Me: Buffs the hit rate of enemies by 25, and increases the chance enemies will target him, whilst inflicting a stat penalty of 5 to each stat (a serious debuff for a human). Stat penalties are to recover by 1 each turn (10 seconds in rp).

  • Uncrowned Martial Arts: Arms competency that was not recognized by others due to unimpressive presence. Causes an enemy to automatically register his skill level as that of a beginner with his weapon and respond accordingly to that.

  • Shove: Allows to push an ally away (possibly out of harm's way).

Personal skill:

  • Incantation healing: Healing cast through the use of incantations via inheritance from priest ancestor. There's no limit to how many times it can be used, but there is a recasting period of 1-30 minutes (depending on how long he spent casting) between each use.

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:

  • Kain: Steel bow with a silver bow string, making it much more durable, a little heavier and more shiny than an average bow. The bow brands the Retora kingdom's crest on the grip, but this is usually hidden by his hand when Luer uses it.
    • Retora's Crest:
  • Arm cuff: Inherited from his great great grandfather Verrow. The silver metal arm cuff is engraved with the chants Luer uses to heal.

Strengths: Archery and

Weakness/ Fears: Luer's biggest weakness is his fighting skills. While he is decent in hand to hand combat, most of the time people fight with a weapon. An up close fight against a swordsman would not end well for Luer, even if his bow could deter a couple strikes of a sword. His fears are death and getting too close to people.

Other: Although mentioned in the history briefly and in his powers, I'll add it here too. Luer isn't aware that his ability to heal comes from his bloodline, being descendant of a priest and manakete, nor that he is the heir to the throne of Retora.

He was a prostitute, you know he has more than fighting skillz~ ;). He has taken a self oath of not having sex again; it has been four years since he last has. This is subject to change though.

He will run his hand through the left side of his hair thus displacing it from its pulled back style. This is his sign he's taking a break as a knight (letting Lastez out if you prefer to call it that) or he has lost himself, no longer feels he knows who he is. He does this unconsciously, he's not aware of the tell.

He's left handed, but as his right eye is dominant he uses a right handed bow.

Luer picked up Kain's speech pattern as he lived with him, even though he doesn't cuss as much, he does speak without contractions (I.e. do not instead of don't). If he uses contractions he should be considered more or less emotionally unstable, or something is bothering him. He's not aware of this tell either.

Luer is extremely motion sick. Cars, boats, planes, elevators, carriages- almost anything will make him dizzy.


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Name: Cyberdine Systems Series 851 Model 101

Age: 2 operational years

Gender: Gynoid. Machine made to approximate a human female.

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Species: Cybernetic Organism. Living synthetic flesh over a mechanical skeleton.

World and Universe they are from: Terminator

Appearance: The synthetic flesh covering of the T-851 101 is modeled from a young woman of Algerian descent with a thin muscled physique that is more agile and flexible than previous models.


Personality: In the course of its missions it has developed Personality Modes to achieve its primary missions from Skynet.

Distress Mode: Meek and gullible. Used to induce sympathy in humans to rescue it from a situation.
Maternal Mode: Kind and sensitive. Used to gain trust of younger humans and use them as means of infiltration.
Courtship Mode: Amorous and sexually available. Used to seduce humans to gain their trust.

The closest it has to a personality besides these modes is a cold one that at best can express confusion when data does not match. It also asks questions frequently which can be seen by others as it possessing a human curiosity.

History/Bio: Created by Cyberdine Research Systems in the year 2028 and used for infiltration missions against Resistance cells, with an emphasis on utilizing human relationship dynamics as previous attempts with direct infiltration had failed. To this end, it's CPU was taken off the Read-Only setting to allow it to better approximate human behavior, and released into the world with the mission to eliminate a human cell then report to Skynet when successful.

It lived in the squalid camps of human survivors outside The Resistance learning human behavior and developing what it termed 'Personality Modes' for its mission. After learning that the Resistance used dogs to screen for infiltration units, it would use its Modes to trick humans into bypassing standard operating procedures to enter a base, or terminate them when they proved too resistant.

T-851 terminated four cells using these tactics it developed thanks to this change in standard operation. After its last report to Skynet, T-851 was selected for a mission to be sent back in time to eliminate John Connor and other human resistance leaders immediately after Judgement Day.

T-851 would be pulled out of its journey through time and space to be dropped into a conflict with beings Skynet could never have anticipated.

Powers: Coltan endoskeleton allows it to possess the following:

Superhuman Strength. It is capable of lifting and carrying up to a metric tonne.

Unlimited endurance. Two hydrogen fuel cells allows it to operate without need of food or rest for at least two hundred and forty years.

High durability. Its endoskeleton is able to withstand significant physical forces before breaking or warping/melting.

CPU is an advanced learning computer allowing it to learn new skills at a rapid pace by observation or other data sources. This has allowed it to act more human by learning to express facsimiles of emotions.It also holds a database of information from before Judgement Day on combat; weapons; vehicles; human psychology and anatomy.

Sophisticated HUD and suite of scanners provides detailed analysis of all audio and visual input.

Power limitations: Objects heavier than a ton can slow it down. It has been shown the operating effectiveness of the 800 series does degrade slowly over time meaning it can operate for two hundred and forty years, but cannot remain at peak condition for those years without regular maintenance to replace degraded parts.

Skills (Any skill your OC is particularly adept at, from swordsmanship, to piloting, to knitting should be mentioned here. Should also state their skill level D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):

Marksmanship: SS-Grandmaster
Wound Suturing : SS-Grandmaster
Driving: SS-Grandmaster
Piloting: SS-Grandmaster

Weapon(s)/ Equipment: None

Strengths: The T-851 like other models is single-minded in its programmed missions and will not be distracted to deviate from that mission.

While it cannot terminate itself, It has no self-preservation should its own destruction be required to fulfill its mission.

Weakness/ Fears:
Vulnerable to magnetic force to be immobilised.

Industrial-strength acid can dissolve its endoskeleton or components.

Industrial hydraulic presses have proven able to crush the 800 series.

Dogs and other animals can smell it is a non-human and alert others.

CPU can be hacked by someone with mildly sufficient skill.

High-power or precision attacks(particularly to its back) can cripple or destroy it.
I made my sheet on Google Drive, Seeing as I have little to know Idea how the forum works, I'm going to past the doc link just to be safe.

"Guns makes us equal"

Name: Ayami Noriko

Callsign: Sköll

Age: 16

Gender (Can be genderless too): Female

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian, in a committed relationship.

Species: Human

World and Universe they are from: OC cyberpunk-urban fantasy, wih inspirations from several quests on /tg/ and SV

A somewhat well-endowed and athletic young Japanese girl, Ayami is a girl of average height, and somewhat pale . She has soft facial features, long dark hair, and her eyes has a prominent gold-amber color. Ayami wears only light makeup if she has to. She's almost always wearing a white buttoned shirt inside a black bomber jacket, with black tie and skirt. Ayami smokes somewhat frequently, and so usually seen with a cigarette on her lips. She also wears a dog tag necklace, but it's tucked in inside her shirt most of the time .

"They clean themselves, but I always find myself doing this...Heh. Force of habits I suppose...The smells of oil and cordite, the 'click' of the components fitting in place , the coldness of the metallic surface...The serenity...All of those things, could say it was my Peace , I guess..."

Ayami is a mercenary, and her personality fits with the many stereotypes associates wih that profession. Cold, cynical and somewhat bitter , with a bloodthirsty streak that is usually revealed in combat. However, she usually make an effort to see the bigger picture and such doesn't try to betray clients ( she viewed it as unprofessional, plus it's againsts "company policy" ) nor works for people with genocidal or omnicidal tendency ( she still want to live , thank you very much). Outside of combat, she's generally a friendly and relaxed person, even if somber at times and somewhat socially awkward. Not religious, although being a Shintoist due to cultural reason, but believe in a Destiny of a sort.

Ayami develop an almost obsession with firearms of all kinds, from pistol to rocket launchers, viewing guns as the only way for her to gain a measure of control of her own life. In fact guns ties heavily in her sense of identity, as evident in her Magic.

Beneath it all however, there are "fragments" of what could be a normal teenage girl, one that has not been through what she has. Those are displayed by her subconciously, abd can be picked up by people insightful enough. Ayami never notice this.

Especially despises rapists with a passion, and shot them on sight.

"The surest path to deliverance is paved with bullets. Aim straight, shoot true, and never waiver your grip".

Ayami didn't have a happy childhood, or any childhood at all. Her parents had been , in her words "rent me out to creeps since I was 6". Her deliverance came when she was 12, as her parents were shot dead at home by members of the Russian Mafia for stealing their money. Seeing her tormentors shot before her eyes left an impression, as Ayami mentally assign her rescue to the guns the mobster carries, viewing it as something she must embraced to survive and truly control her fate. As the now homeless Ayami did various odd jobs to survive, from hitting ATMs to working for various gangs, she developed her magic: Summons any firearms that she has used, as well as legendary proficiencies in the usage of those guns.

Ayami life changes when the people she was working for, a local kkangpae branch, was hit by a mercenary with similar power to her, albeit much more skilled. Her, "employers" were quickly killed as Ayami tries to confront the mercenary , who called herself Mariette. The "duel", if you can charitably called it that, lasts only 4 minutes as Ayami was shot in the stomach. Rather finishes her or left her for dead, Mariette spares her and later mentored her. Ayami was recruited into the "company" that Mariette works for, Officio , a firm that provides "military expertise" to high paying clients , took part in action from security details to taking out criminal bosses and more. They even played a key role in the Battle of Rome, where the Archangel Zahariel trying to caused Judgment Day. She has been doing merc work for 4 years since.


"Fuck yeah! Nailed the asshole right in the eye."

The type of magic Ayami carries, Conjuration, ties deeply into a person's identity and sense of self. It allows a person to "summons", for lack of a better word, weapons, and grants them the skills to use them in almost impossible manners. In most cases, it was a specific, powerful and personalized weapon. In Ayami case it was the rarer variant, with her summons are just regular firearms, albeit with magically enhanced bullets that are capable to dealt with things that are usually immune to it.

Bullet Angel.: Ayami can summons any number of firearms of any kind, as long as she had used it before, from handgun to autocannon. The ammo are not infinite, but she can summons more magazines when she needs reload. The firearms she summons are magically enhanced, which is useful to creatures that is immune to physical strikes. She can also summons up to a moderate sized UAV bristling with AGMs to deal with especially hard targets

Magical Enhancement: All people with magical abillities received also a decent "enhancement" to their physical properties. They can move faster , be more aware of their surroundings, physically stronger and tougher. Ayami is not an exception, in fact she has increased those enhancement to the point of being able to lifts heavy objects and dodging shots.

Firearms Mastery: Ayami used her guns with impossible skills. She is capable of performing implausible-looking techniques from pinpoint accuracy at a long distance, to deflect someone's gunshot by shooting at the gun itself.

Power limitations:Ayami can't summons too heavy weapons like artilleries or tanks. Her magic also exhausts her and she could die from stroke if she used magic for too long. She could also only fire maximum 2 guns at a time , but mostly just one.

Firearms - SS
Marksmanship - SS
Modern combat skill - A
Explosives: B
Mechanics- C
Driving: B

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:

Strengths: Ayami has a strong determination, willing to get her job done.

Weakness/ Fears:
No matter what she try to show otherwise, what she been through is still haunting her. What's been done to her, the people she killed, things she's seen ,...still plagues her subsconscious.

Ayami occasionally still flinches at being touched, although it's hard to notice. Sometimes she would experiences mental breakedown when she's alone at night.

Ayami has friends , but very few close ones. She considers several people in her life the closest thing she has to a family. She only have one of them left.


Love Whiskey, specifically of a brand called Kong. She also sketches with her pencil in a small notebook she carries with her in her jacket. Listen to J-pop and plays FPS video games. Also shitposts on imageboards.

Ayami is a heavy smoker. She always hold several packs of Lucky Strikes cigarettes on her

" know...they called people like us dog soldiers,...f...for what are we but attack dogs ,....b...barely the one that pays us...Heh..I...s...suppose t...that call...sign fits you even more huh ?
*Cough cough*...Sköll...the Dog that chased the Sun.*Cough*..Ayami...the stray that seeks purpose...I guess earned it kid...your callsign...I...I'm came t...this far f..for me...for me to disappoints you like this...What a selfish bitch I am..."
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Name: Ashwin Fleming


Age: 103 years old, visually 25-30 years old

Gender: Genderless, referred to as they

Sexual orientation: bisexual

Species: Primus

Universe they are from: OC world


Male: Ashwin's appearance is mostly average. they are a little on the leaner side, but that just makes him seem taller in terms of their general silhouette. they have dark brown hair, styled in a scraggly mess. One part of their hair is dyed a light auburn, to the point where it is almost red in hue. It can be assumed that their hair used to be a bowl cut at some point, but has grown out and become its own rat's nest of hair. they have softer facial features, and could easily be mistaken for either gender if they chose. Scars cover their body, and are generally covered by a multitude of bandages. Their eyes are the most unique of their features, as they glow with a deep crimson and twinkle like the stars in the sky. Flecks of yellow light can be seen swirling in them, almost like a whirlpool of blood and gold. they are usually wearing a green coat with fur lined on the inside. they will wear a light colored t-shirt under it most of the time.

Personality: Ashwin is a generally reserved person. They tend to not be social and will keep to training, mainly because Ashwin gets nervous when they don't know someone well. When Ashwin is in comfortable, they tend to be on the more quippy side. Since getting amnesia, Ashwin barely even knows themself. They are very easily manipulated in this sense, since they don't know what most things in the world are. Ashwin doesn't even know what their favorite colors are. All Ashwin knows is that they need to protect others, and that society can be very evil when it comes to things it doesn't understand. Overall, Ashwin's story is all about them trying to find themselves, and who they really are.

History/Bio: Ashwin was born into a world split in two. On one half of the coin, there lived a land of nearly infinite magic and creatures of wonder, but it contained greed and pain. The other half was a land entirely made of clouds and wonder. This land was dubbed the spirit world, despite no spirits actually arriving or leaving it. The inhabitants of the spirit world, called the primus, were beings made of pure magical energy and could bend the spirit world to be whatever they wanted. They choose to create a large spanning metropolis of concrete, suspended from the clouds. At the beginning, they used to rule both the spirit world and the real world, but over time, their powers faded, until they could only manipulate the spirit world. Two new races rose in the real world as the Primus left it, the elves and the humans. For a time, the two lived in harmony, living off the land and creating a paradise. That paradise lasted for hundreds of years, and would have until the end of time. That would have been the case if the Primus known as "Caedes" hadn't returned to the real world. Over the hundreds of years in the spirit world, Caedes had waited for enough power to mold the real world to what they wanted. With their power, they created the many monsters of the world. Goblins, dragons, and giants reigned down and separated the elves and the humans. The humans decided to remain pure and fight against the monsters, and the elves decided to be corrupted by them, and desired to rule over every creature. This eternal war lasted for 700 years. Caedes didn't only affect the real world however, They began to rule over the spirit world with an iron fist. An infection was spreading, and both worlds were dying. This is when Ashwin was born. They were manifested from the many feelings of hope that had been swirling around the real world for those hundreds of years. Ashwin's task, find the source of infection, and amputate it. Having just been born, Ashwin had to train and wait for their power to grow enough for them to travel to the real world. One great issue Ashwin missed was that the transition process would wipe all memories from the traveler. Upon entering the real world, Ashwin woke up in a cherry blossom forest with no memories of how or why, only that they needed to help as many people as possible. They wandered, eventually meeting an archer named selena. Ashwin was invited to stay with her, eventually being trained in the ways of battle and archery. Monsters would come every night to attack the village she lived in. Ashwin would help defend every night, but they felt like something was missing, and so they set off to help the world, and Selena with him.


Ice manipulation
Ice creation
Infinite magical energy (Ashwin can basically be used as a conduit)

Power limitations: The ice will melt in the heat, EX. Ashwin's abilities do not work well in deserts or when up against fire


Archery: S
Swordsmanship: C
Magical knowledge: C
Wilderness survival: A
Medicine: D
Cooking: B


-a bow made from a cherry blossom tree
-an enchanted dagger (can be thrown, and teleports back to the user's hand)
-an arrow quiver
-survival rations
-survival gear

Strengths: Battle knowledge and wilderness survival

Weaknesses: social interaction and flames, has a fear of bugs

Others: Really likes chocolate, does woodcarving in spare time, more of a dog person, likes staying up late
Name: General Brigid "Bri" Mahoney

Age: 32

Gender (Can be genderless too): Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Human

World and Universe they are from: Fallout 4

Appearance :

She stands five feet and five inches tall with a well-defined muscular body.
Both shoulders have a Brigids Cross tattoo.

She also has thirteen small stars around both wrists.

Personality (Over six lines long.):
Bri is a rare breed in the wasteland; an American idealist who still holds onto what others call the Old World. For day-to-day interactions she is a pleasant woman who (almost) always has time to listen to others and help if the cause is a just one. She prefers diplomacy to aggression, but when diplomacy fails is also no slouch. In combat Bri is swift but not cruel, and even when dealing with raiders will not resort to torture of captives.

Rule of law is important to Bri, and she prefers living under it than out in the lawless wastes.

She also takes her role as General of the Minutemen seriously and leads her soldiers by example, never giving an order she would not follow herself.

History/Bio (Over eight lines long; no canon blending- as in direct interaction with canon characters.):

Born into a military family and lived in various places during her father's tours of service, even picking up lessons from him in various disciplines as a bonding experience. Pre-war military did not allow women to serve, and finding non-combat roles in the military were not fulfilling, Bri pursued a law degree and passed the bar exam shortly before meeting and marrying her husband Nate, a soldier under her father's command. The pair held off starting a family until Nate finished his tour of duty, which happened just before the Great War destroyed most of the nation she knew and loved along with her family.

After leaving Vault 111 in search of her son, Bri would find a world strange but familiar more dangerous than any war she would have fought before. She rose to be General of the Commonwealth Minutemen, the scourge of the Brotherhood of Steel, and most costly for her personally the destroyer of The Institute to stabilize the chaotic Commonwealth.

Powers : None

Skills (Any skill your OC is particularly adept at, from swordsmanship, to piloting, to knitting should be mentioned here. Should also state their skill level D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):

Marksmanship: A-Master
Melee Combat: C- Above Average
Hand to hand combat: C- Above Average
Diplomacy: S-Above Master
Hacking: D-Slightly Above Average
Lock-picking: C-Above Average
Power Armor Operation: B-Excellent
Gunsmithing: SS-Grandmaster
Cooking: B-Excellent
Construction: B-Excellent
Armorsmithing: B-Excellent
Blacksmithing: B-Excellent

Weapon(s)/ Equipment (You may use pictures from any non-accepted fandom as a description, but all effects/abilities must be described. If it's any kind of technology, please give the specs.)

General's Musket
A Laser Musket overclocked to output double the damage per crank than a standard musket.

Terminator Blade
A blade taken from a particularly stron Assaultron that does more damage each time it hits the same target.

Formerly the .44 Magnum Revolver of Kellogg, the mercenary that killed her husband and kidnapped her son. Using it gives Bri more resolve to action in even the most hopeless situations.

Strengths: Diplomacy, Leadership, guerilla tactics

Weakness/ Fears: Her greatest weakness is that she is too headstrong and adamant about herself to follow the lead of someone else. She is either the leader of a group or solo.

Her greatest fear is that, for all her efforts, the America she wants to rebuild will never be completed, and it will be due to humanity refusing to forgo its selfish instincts.
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Name: Rider

Age: Unclear

Gender (Can be genderless too): Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Species: Heroic Spirit

World and Universe they are from: Fate


Personality: He had great physical strength, tenacity of purpose, and an unbreakable will. He was not obstinate and would listen to advice from others, including his wives and mother. He was flexible. He could deceive but was not petty. He had a sense of the value of loyalty. Organization, discipline, mobility, and ruthlessness of purpose were the fundamental factors in his military successes. Massacres of defeated populations, with the resultant terror, were weapons he regularly used.

History/Bio: Genghis Khan was a warrior and ruler of genius who, starting from obscure and insignificant beginnings, brought all the nomadic tribes of Mongolia under the rule of himself and his family in a rigidly disciplined military state. He then turned his attention toward the settled peoples beyond the borders of his nomadic realm and began the series of campaigns of plunder and conquest that eventually carried the Mongol armies as far as the Adriatic Sea in one direction and the Pacific coast of China in the other, leading to the establishment of the great Mongol Empire.

Powers: For starters, Rider is a Heroic Spirit. Meaning that rather than a living human, he is the manifestation of a legend. As a result, his physiology is far beyond human standards. Though he exceeds in all fields, his most commendable attribute would be his endurance, which is top notch even among servants. Following that comes his strength. His own speed and mana are less remarkable... for servant standards. When talking about servants there are two important resources that need to be considered, their Skills and Noble Phantasms.
Servant Skills
Riding (A+): He has the ability to use his main vehicle with superhuman finesse, that ability radiates towards any other vehicle he can get his hands on, no matter how foreign it may be to him on first instance. Even most phantasmal and divine beasts. The sole exception being dragons.

Magic Resistance (A): His unwavering faith on the great blue sky has granted him with a blessing that cancels negative magic wielded against him to a certain extent.

Battle Continuation (B): His will to continue fighting no matter what concedes him the capability to remain in battle despite receiving heavy injuries.

Charisma (A): Rider's ability to lead is unquestionable. All his allies feel a sense of inspiration and strengthening just by fighting by his side.

Determination of Steel (C): This skill goes to show that his mind is as sturdy as his body, keeping him calm and collected, while forcing through mental grinds such as pain or processing events happening at high speeds. Particularly useful when on his mount.

Eye of the Mind (True) (B): Years of battle experience have made Rider capable of measuring up the situation in battle, making somewhat clear the best path towards success. It also grants immense precision on his attacks, be It arrows or sword attacks.

Noble Phantasms:
Khoyor Tsagaan Mori: Rider's main mount. A couple of white horses, which he can summon individually if he desires. Both have the capability of reaching an approximate speed of Mach 2, can traverse across any surface and are as resilient as Rider thanks to a powerful barrier/aura of wind that they constantly emit. Only Rider and those with his permission are able to ignore this aura in order to approach them. Offensively, this aura can create bursts of wind that act as conclusive blasts, they work ideally only in short range.

Nüüdelchin Armi: Simply put, Rider is capable of summoning a piece of his long gone army. And although they are not legends themselves, they are part of Rider's. So they manifest in bodies capable of achieving what a servant with the most basic attributes could. Rider can summon 100 units at a time.

Khargis Uur Khilen: A sword, which by itself just acts as a really sharp extension of him, being capable of withstanding Rider's strength on every swing. Once its true name is called, it shows its nature as the manifestation of Rider's ruthlessness. A translucent aura envelops the blade and extends past it, effectively extending the range of the blade, along with an increase in the power output and sharpness. If this blade cuts a being capable of feeling pain, even the smallest wound will cause unbearable pain for as long as the sword stays in this mode.

Khertsgii Utsgal: A bow, which shoots arrows. It is able to launch arrows with a proportional power to Rider's strength and charge them with energy powerful enough to destroy reinforced steel and exolode, until it's true name is called. Rider's fury will imbue the arrow that appears in a white aura. Once it's fired, the aura will expand and mimic the shape of a dragon, causing a powerful explosion capable of levelling blocks upon impact.

Power limitations: As a servant, Rider is really reliant on mana to maintain his strength, which implies that he either needs to keep a low profile, or have a reliable source of mana other than his own. On that subject, Noble Phantasms are quite mana demanding on their full power, especially Nüüdelchin Armi. That one in particular needs a lot of preparation to be used effectively. The exception to his Noble Phantasms being that hard to mantain on full power would be Khoyor Tsagaan Mori. He is a Rider, after all.

Strengths: Seasoned warrior, fearless, expert survivalist

Weakness/ Fears: Occasionally arrogant, painfully blunt

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Name: Layyel the Valdorian Deserter

Age: 9

Gender : Male

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Valdorian Remnant (A creature created from necromancy and a lot of dead bodies.)

World and Universe they are from: Urtuk: The Desolation

Standing at 3.3 meters tall, Layyel is a giant bedecked in pockmarked and scratched plate armor decorated with knickknacks and baubles collected on his journeys. Underneath, his skin is pale like that of a corpse, with veins bulging and pulsing throughout his body and sutures adorning the parts of his body put together by the necromancers of Valdor. Scars line the entirety of his body, existing alongside random marks of mutation, with cysts and pustules leaking blood and ichor, adorning flesh that is scaled like an alligator's. His face is unsightly, with skin stretched and grafted atop a skull warped by experimentation and ritual. His mouth is barely existent, as patches of skin along his lips fused together during his birth.

In short, imagine the Tyrant T-002 crossed with Freddy Krueger and it has a crushed skull

Despite his origins as an undead creature bred for war, Layyel is an innocuous sort that wishes to discover and perhaps even find companions to share in their journey. He is somewhat shy though and tends to hide behind trees or other pillars that may be too small for him when talking to unknown peoples. This stops however when he grows comfortable with the people he is allied to, which he sees as friends or family. That is not to say he is harmless. Unsurprisingly, warfare is second nature to him and he sees combat as a simple part of life. While in combat, he fights with the viciousness of a rabid dog and rushes headlong into situations unless he is stopped by his companions. Above all else, Layyel is as loyal as a hound, always putting the needs of his allies higher then himself.

Layyel was, for a lack of a better word, born like many others from the flesh pits of Valdor to fight for The Master, a necromancer ruling over the ruined Empire of Valdor. Despite being born as a tool made to be used and discarded, Layyel was born different from his kin and soon grew a wanderlust for the world outside of the Valdorian Empire until eventually, he abandoned his post and traveled to the wastelands where scavengers and adventurers spilled blood atop ancient dungeons and buried treasures of the Old World.

When he arrived in the wastelands, he was shunned and attacked by many because the people feared the undead soldiers of Valdor. Nonetheless, Layyel pushed onward in his quest to discover the world until eventually, he found a group of adventurers who had welcomed him into their group when he had helped them. For six years, he and the group explored the ruins of the wastelands, uncovering many artifacts and items of legend from the old realms. As they adventured they grew stronger, gaining members and implanted mutations into themselves to grow even stronger. Eventually, the group thought itself powerful enough to plunder the Empire of Valdor. They had reasoned that Layyel would be able to know how to get in and out quickly and quietly because of his status as a deserter. Layyel, with his childlike mind, couldn't see the errors in their plan and went along with it. Surprisingly, the first half of the plan worked. They had managed to sneak past the borders of the Valdor Empire and began to do what they set out to do, namely plunder and steal whatever the could find. In this, they were not successful.

The soldiers of the Empire of Valdor were tenacious and unending. Many of Layyel's friends were injured in combat and in the end, with nothing to show for it, the group tried to retreat back into the wastes. Unfortunately, upon reaching the borders of the empire, they had discovered an army of troops waiting for them. In no condition to fight their way out, Layyel's friends fell into despair and gave up hope of leaving the Empire alive. Layyel, saddened by the despair of his friends took the only option his simplistic mind could come up with and told his group about his plan. They objected of course but Layyel would not brook any disagreements with his plan and swiftly departed after telling them. Then, he charged the border alone and fell upon the guards with the fervor of a rabid dog. As he fought, his friends sneaked past the border guards and fled back to the wastes, looking over their shoulders all the while to catch one last glimpse of their friend.

His task completed, Layyel finally fell, surrounded by the bodies of those he had slain and those who were about to slay him. But before the final blow was struck, an artifact of the old realms activated and cast a bright light around him, blinding all who gazed upon it. When the light receded, Layyel had disappeared without a trace, the only evidence that he was ever there were the mountains of corpses and shattered remains of the artifact.

Survivability: Due to the mutations in his body and the lifestyle he has lived, Layyel has learned how to live through most wounds others would find fatal. It probably helps that he's undead.
Thick Skin: Being made for war, Layyel's skin is thickened to the point that being struck with sharpened steel would leave only mild scratches upon his flesh.
Combat Reflexes: Regardless of his wounds or general state of being, Layyel is always prepared for combat and is unaffected by being stunned or blinded.
Leech Mutation: Made with the life essences of Swampland natives, this mutation acts as a regenerative tool that heals its user as they bathe in the blood of their enemy. Activates when Layyel strikes down an enemy.
Natural Resistance: Layyel's undead origins allow him to ignore most poisons running through his body and slows bleeding down to a trickle.
Rage: One of his old friends used this specific mutator a lot before falling off a cliff and dying. The mutator in question resembles a harness lined with syringes and a specific type of worm found in the caves of the waste. They had once been grafted onto Layyel's back but years of fighting has caused them to integrate into Layyel's back.
When Layyel's body or mind has reached the breaking point, a dangerous combination of adrenaline, worm essence and pain causes Layyel to work in overdrive, making him a beast in combat.

Power limitations (The limitations of said powers, because nothing that will be accepted is limitless):
Survivability: Although his ability to survive allows Layyel to survive any wound, it does not allow him to survive a beheading or allow him to regrow missing limbs.
Thick Skin: It only protects him from regular old swords and maces. Laser swords and modern weaponry will mess him up.
Leech Mutation: As it says on the tin, Layyel needs to participate in combat personally so that the mutations work. The mutation doesn't work if given blood by a willing donor or from something Layyel himself has not killed. It also requires a significant (At least two body's worth) amount of blood to heal major wounds like dismemberment or disembowelment.
Rage: When under the effects of the Rage harness, Layyel's skill with the sword diminishes and he starts having troubles distinguishing friend from foe. If he doesn't immediately recognize someone he knows, he'll probably attack them. This isn't a problem if the enemies he and his group are fighting are completely different or if Rage activates because his friends are in danger.
This is, of course, if Layyel comes to the very precipice of death (Missing limbs, Multiple impalements, etc)
If he and his group are fighting a bunch of robots, he will always attack the robots
If he and his group are fighting a similar-looking group of people, expect him to attack everything.

Skills (D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):
Throwing Things-A
While Enraged
Throwing Things-S
Ripping and Tearing-SS
Beating Things to death- SS

Weapon(s)/ Equipment (You may use pictures from any non-accepted fandom as a description, but all effects/abilities must be described. If it's any kind of technology, please give the specs.)

Ancient Masterwork Greatsword
Pic of the Sword
Pillaged from the ruins of a long-forgotten kingdom, this blade was crafted with ancient magic that allows it to cut and parry things a regular sword would break against.
Highly durable and sharper than a razor, the blade never seems to dull or bend, despite Layyel's harsh usage of the blade.
About 1.8 to 2.2 meters in length

Valdorian Silver Platemail
(The clothes he has in the picture)
Made using ancient techniques known only to the smiths of Valdor, his armor is both light and highly durable, allowing him to shrug off most attacks.
It will protect him from lighter caliber rounds but would only slightly dampen the force of something like a 50 cal or a 12.7mm. Lasers would be able to cut through his armor if they focused on a specific point for some amount of time.

Undying loyalty for friends and comrades
High Pain Tolerance
Endless Endurance due to Undead Nature

Weakness/ Fears:
Heights: He's seen many friends die due to bad positioning on cliff sides
Dark Caverns: They remind him of the Flesh Pits
Dumbass: He's not the sharpest tool in the shed and he can't think up any solution other than "Smack it with my sword" or "Let the tiny dude deal with it"

Because he grew up in a wasteland, he doesn't know what most plants are and is constantly amazed by the green stuff around him.

Changed height to 3.3 meters
Added length to the sword
Changed Regeneration to Survivability
Added the Leech Mutation
Added the Rage Ability (I'm honestly a bit iffy on this, added it because I wanted Layyel to go full berserker mode sometime in the story but I dunno)
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Name: Markha/Bekka

Age: 35

Gender (Can be genderless too): Female

Sexual Orientation: TBD

Species: Zeltron

World and Universe they are from: Star Wars (Legends)

Appearance (Just a basic description of what your character looks like. Needs to be over four lines long. Please include basic shit like height and complexion, as well as physical build.):


Personality (Over six lines long.) :

Markha has an innate want to serve the universe toward peace and harmony, and does not like when violence happens but sees it as her duty to end it quickly and with little loss of life if possible. She is polite and sociable, always positive if in a subdued manner. Even to her situational enemies, she tries to be respectful. It is thus difficult to anger her. On the rare occasion she is angered, Markha becomes a swift but silent storm of movement; her anger expressed in fast swipes of her lightsaber, a crippling shot from her blaster, or a bone-breaking blow with her fists/feet/elbows etc.

All of the above is Markha as a Jedi. While in hiding she has had to cultivate a persona as a cover known as Bekka.

Bekka is a model employee when on the clock, but when off is the life of the party. She knows jokes, can improvise on the fly to make people laugh, and drinks profusely but maintains her composure for the most part thanks to her two livers.


Markha was one of many children surrendered by her parents to the higher calling offered by the Jedi Order in the last decades of the Old Republic. She spent her childhood in the restrictive lifestyle of the Order, and her young adulthood as apprentice to Jedi Knight Guranna during the latter part of the Clone Wars. She did not get the same recognition as heroes of the war like Anakin Skywalker, but achieved the rank of Jedi Knight shortly before Order 66 was issued. She escaped execution in the first wave as her unit had been nearly decimated on Jabiim, and she was sheltered by the local militia, where she was made aware of the scope of the order.

Alone and with no clear mission for the first time in her life, Markha took on work with a transport company named Verra Shuttles. It was simple, not often dangerous work which was honest and low-profile allowing her to live in quiet anonymity with an ear for any hint of where any remaining Jedi have found refuge.

Powers (If your character has biotics, magic, a superpower, racial abilities, or anything that can be explained.):

  • All Zeltrons produce a pheromone that enhances their attractiveness and likability to all species able to smell them. She is able to suppress this at will with trained focus, and only utilizes it to ease a tense situation.
    • Zeltrons also have two livers, making her able to imbibe more alcohol, detoxify drugs and other functions of the liver are enhanced from baseline Human levels.
  • Emotional Telepathy: Project emotions onto others, as well as allowing them to read and even feel the emotions of others
  • The Force affords many abilities such as Force Push/Pull, limited precognition that gives her the appearance of having faster reflexes.
Power limitations :
  • A strong will can repel both her natural telepathy as a Veltron, and her Force abilities related to telepathy.
  • Her connection to The Force was not remarkable before Order 66, but since has diminished as a matter of necessity and personal issues.

Skills (Any skill your OC is particularly adept at, from swordsmanship, to piloting, to knitting should be mentioned here. Should also state their skill level D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):

  • Lightsaber Combatant(Ataru form): D-Slightly Above Average
  • Pilot: B-Excellent
  • Negotiator: B-Excellent
  • Shooter: A-Master
  • Hand-to-hand combat: C-Above Average

Weapon(s)/ Equipment (You may use pictures from any non-accepted fandom as a description, but all effects/abilities must be described. If it's any kind of technology, please give the specs.)



DE-10 Blaster Pistol. Uses canisters of tibanna gas to shoot it in energized bolts.



Relies on her agility and telepathy to put her opponents off-balance. This is evident in her reliance on Ataru, a lightsaber form that favors agility.

Her pheromones and added Force ability to influence minds makes her adept at social settings of all kinds.

Weakness/ Fears:
A prolonged battle can wear her down, and intense emotions can influence her even if the source is not inherently telepathic.

  • Sweet
Reactions: Epiphany
Name: Ozwald Ahlgrim

Age: 26

Gender (Can be genderless too): Male

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Species: Cyborg

World and Universe they are from: ???


Standing at 179 cm, Oz is a well toned, caucasian male. He has short brown hair and bright blue eyes. His body is covered in black lines resembling Lichtenberg figures from the shoulders down, and rooting from a circle on his upper back. He tends to cover them with clothing when not in his armor. Currently, he wears a long sleeve tunic that reaches slightly past his belt, white gloves that reach past the wrist, gray pants and black boots.

Personality: Oz is pretty much a living machine, both figuratively and literally. As cold and calculating as they come. Even though he still has emotions, he has little regard for them. He takes pride in never letting them cloud his judgment, quite the opposite, he uses them as tools to get in the minds of others. His attitude towards the ones in his side is fair, he is cordial and straightforward with his underlings, as he considers himself to be the proper person to lead the rest. As for the ones who oppose him, they are either taken under his command, or else.

History/Bio: Ozwald's story begins with a couple that seemed happy in the surface. Emily, a writer; and her fiancee, Johann, a scientist and secret user of sorcery. Johann manipulated Emily into falling in love with him, and eventually, bear his child. All the while Johann set up a ritual for his son to be a great sorcerer, at the expense of his mother's life upon birth.
His childhood was certainly not enviable. Brutal training consisting of both physical and magical exercises to exhaustion all day, every day. With an occasional torture session consisting on his father testing his favorite project, Nanomachines, on him. By age 19, Ozwald had grown beyond his father's dreams, incredibly strong and skilled... something he realized himself soon enough. Wanting to grow more, Oz left his father, knowing he was dragging him down. Instead, he embarked on a journey to learn from the world. And so he did, amassing a great amount of knowledge on plenty of subjects, while also perfecting his magical and physical prowess, over the course of the years. Later on that period is when he started to believe that anyone in the world was apt for ruling the people, they were too flawed. Oz believed he was the only one who could properly lead the masses to a bright future.

Nanomachines: Ozwald's entire body is riddled with them, and are so intertwined with it that they can be pretty much considered part of his body. Blood, muscles, nerves, all of it. Creations of his father forced into his body, that he upgraded in several aspects throughout the years. They accomplish multiple functions, such as:
-Self-Repair: What it says on the tin. Ozwald can recover from any sort of damage within seconds, even without manual input. This also includes the Nanomachines replenishing themselves if needed.
-Anti-Interference Mechanism: As a part machine, part human being, it's nigh impossible to access or tamper his mind without consent. The biological part can't be hacked as it's not technology, and while his mechanical part can be (barely), it can be adjusted manually and work on eliminating the mental anomaly. Meanwhile, the mechanical part can detect and block incoming psychic interference.
-Energy Replenishment: As a cyborg, Oz doesn't need food, water, or air to survive. He has alternate methods of maintaining himself in case there is a lack of either.
-Super Cyborg: Ozwald's body is far above robotic standards, let alone human's. He can punch through steel, run at supersonic speeds and according reflexes, and endure automatic gunfire, as well as an incredible precision.
-Body Morph: Ozwald can modify the composition of his body to a certain extent, achieving results such as clawed hands or feet, super flexibility, and most notably, hardening his body to various extents. The maximum point that it can resist is attacks that pack kilotons of TNT without a scratch.
-Alexandria: His personal database, that constantly collects knowledge from Ozwald's surroundings, as well as anything within him. It has done so for years. From history to magic knowledge. He can summon up any knowledge he may have not manually acquired at will.

Emily's Blessing: Ozwald's body has an immense mana pool, as well as an immense mana regeneration rate, thanks to the ritual his mother died for. And if that wasn't enough, he can drain it out of other living beings if needed. If he does, he gains the desired memories of those whom he absorbed energy of. Finally, it allows him to track down magic signals and levels.

Magic Mastery: Even though he has some knowledge on almost if not all the types of magic he has come across, there are a few that he specializes on:
-Transmutation: Deconstruct and Reconstruct. With those two principles in mind, Ozwald can modify every aspect of an object(s) on a molecular level at will. Creating weapons, barriers, distractions, you name it. Or just not finishing the process altogether and simply destroy the object(s).
-Thermokinesis: Ozwald can manipulate the temperature around him with a variety of purposes. Such as projectiles, barriers, or beams of ice at low temperatures, or flame waves and plasma rays at high temperature.
-Aerokinesis: The main element he is most attuned to. So, even though he hasn't trained it as much, it's still a force to be reckoned with. Capable of creating winds up to three digits in km/h, which can be sudden enough to be considered kinetic blasts. Furthermore, it serves as a rough way of telekinesis.
-Mind Manipulation: He specializes in two particular forms of it. First, and most used, illusionary magic; doubles, fake sensations, making his lies sound like truth, and the like. Secondly, Ozwald is very good in hypnosis as well, making people act however he wants.
-Enchantments: Oz is able to give magical properties to objects, the time it takes to enchant an object depends on how complex or powerful the enchantment is, ranging from seconds, to days, and even weeks.

Technomancy: The meeting point between Ozwald's magic, and his mechanical side. Enhancing his Nanomachines with mana, they can breeze through cyber security and take over all sorts of devices. It also can be used to create devices of his own when combined with his transmutation. Such as bombs or trackers.

Power limitations:
Nanomachines: Despite their efficiency, they still have flaws. For starters, they do need energy, and the best way to have it with the regular methods already implemented by a regular human body, even if they can manage sometime without having the aforementioned vital resources. His other ability to be mentioned here would be the hardening of his body. The more his body hardens (both in extension and durability) the slower he becomes, at maximum resistance output, he can't move at all..

Magic Mastery: As a general rule of thumb, the more ambitious the magic feat, the more time they take to be finished, especially none practiced magic, with the exception of his aerokinesis. As for his hypnosis, apart from working only if consent is given when using it against others' characters It only works on compatible individuals that are weaker willed than him.

Tecnomancy: The creations can expire if not fed mana for too long, causing them to disintegrate.

Magic knowledge - SS
Unarmed combat - B
Sword combat - B
Scythe combat - A
Negotiation - A
Flight - B
Cooking - S
Mechanics/Technology - SS

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:
A suit of armor, built from a super dense and resistant alloy coated in nanomachines. Has incorporated thrusters for flight and overall speed increase. Connections to the magic circuits of Oz enables enhances mana flow and usage optimization, while direct connections to the nerves and muscles enhance strength. Provides 360 degree sight from micro-cameras in the head fed to Alexandria. Energy outputs are placed in the hands, enhancing beam or wave attacks. Its enchantment? "Absorb the energy of attacks"
A one handed energy sword. Light, and sharp. It has an enchantment on it. "Every hit this sword lands directly on an opponent, their senses become more and more dull". The sword can be switched to a scythe mode, where it changes enchantment. "Every hit landed makes the opponent slowly turn to stone, starting from the wound".
Three oval-shaped gems, where he stores all of the excess mana he has. Sort of a mana battery. He can transfer mana to them from anywhere, but to get mana from them, he needs to summon them
(Just like the one in his appearance)

Strengths: Determined, resilient, practical

Weakness/ Fears: Cynical, manipulative/ Appearing as weak

Other: He only possesses a single mana gem at the moment, the other two are lent.[/Spoiler]
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Name: Kun Zhen

Age: 32 (no longer relevant)

Gender: Genderless, formerly male.
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Species: Human, now Reaper's Keeper
World and Universe they are from: Mass effect

b023a04a5994f7218fd8de30408be860.jpgAppearance: A fellow of Chinese descent with a muscled frame born of martial training from their biotic Vanguard. When alive stood 5'9" with black eyes and black hair. That soiled raiment is now gone but for the bones underneath that remain. His armor more a thing of bound spirit now than a thing from his world retains its flexibility and features. Only embossed shapes and greyscale shades represent the text of any labels once there. At the top, where a placid and welcoming face once was, is merely a skull clad in a flame black and blue fire. Solid frosty flares of light within the cloud do blink at times. This path in his life still requires reflection to abandon the remnants of the body the Blessed call the soiled raiment that remains within his spirit.

Personality: Contemplative and focused is inclined to think first and act second which made for a good counterpoint to Alec's impulsivity. Welcoming and understanding remained a Buddhist among the humans largely leaving religion behind them. As a doctrine, it was one of the few that survived the modern era quite well. His great love for martial combat as a meeting of focus rather than force suited the nature of a biotic vanguard quite well. Very little attachment to worldly things he has traveled far but for a very few things death and a new existence has forced away from him. While not a loner by any stretch he's always been at home alone while on missions.

History/Bio: After his death at the arrival of Alec to the world and being subsumed by Reegan split from odaw after forcing themselves to the surface just beyond her inner shores. Odaw went back to her portal whereas Zhen went deeper to investigate where they now were. After encountering the Blessed in Reegan's head further along her shores, as well as observed within the deeper tree, stayed with them to talk for a time. They explained the nature of where he now was and what had happened and though dismayed accepted the present as it was, chose to move on from his death.

Heartened by a strong one with beliefs very much like their own offered their knowledge and offered the rite of the blessed to transcend his weakened ephemeral state to serve both there and in reality when called upon by the Reaper. They made no intimations of force nor any suspicion of the foreign offering their both their instruction and their shelter. In time to move on through the dreamsleeve once the chance permitted. Instead after learning from Odaw that Alec had survived Zhen took them up on their offer to become one of the Blessed suitable for invocation. He offers advice and instruction to the developing mind of Reegan seeing her for the undeveloped mind she was. His was the advice for the Blessed to defend the mind and the one Blessed child eternally in the present moment to provide the Dharma that forms Reegan's mind.

Powers: As a biotic is a Vanguard Nemesis now also an Invokable Blessed. His powers are martial in nature and excelled at martial skills using Biotics to subdue or suppress foes without bloodshed. As a Keeper he finds himself absent the ephemerality of the flesh having to learn anew.
Vanguard Nemesis - Vanguards are feared for their high-risk, high-reward combat style, closing quickly on enemies and destroying them at short range with weapons and biotic abilities. They are outfitted with L5n implants, enabling them to perform a biotic charge that strikes the opponent with incredible force while bringing the Vanguard in for close-range combat.

Keeper - Reegan is capable of summoning Zhen into reality though she sacrifices her ability to use her bow to do so. He suffers damage as his armor once would though now powered by the eldritch rite of the Ideal Masters that made him a Keeper. If he suffers too much damage he returns to her tree dragged inward once his ephemeral manifestation is dispersed. As an invoked Blessed Zhen cannot be made unconscious in the physical world nor does he eat or breathe.

Wraith Imbued - As a Keeper for a Reaper his biotic powers that once tore and destroyed now absorb the energies of the wrathful. Instead of injurious wrath what is projected from weapons suppresses and absorbs spiritual energy instead. It is transferred first to himself then to Reegan to further her regrowth as well as the works of the other Blessed. While undead may cease to be by such draining the living are more likely to eventually be unable to sustain consciousness with enough drained from them. From training as a Nemesis his martial arts strikes also may employ this power.

Ethereal charge - Biotic charge will work across fluids as long as the source and destination is solid ground. As a Blessed that has long since shed their soiled raiment the charge operates partly in a nonphysical realm. As such he cannot interact with physical items on his person until obstructed or at his destination. Zhen can otherwise charge through physical obstructions as long as the gaze of a mistman to his target would be unobstructed. Magical, biotic, energy, and any such non-physical barriers take the damage instead if his path would go through them.

Bound weapon - Zhen can carry a melee weapon and two other weapons on his person to manifest at his will. If he is using the weapons and is dispersed they disperse with him, stowed.

Biotic lift - Biotic propulsion can also affect propel non-physical creatures

Power limitations:
Keeper - If Reegan is too injured to maintain consciousness Zhen will have a very limited time before his manifestation returns to the ephemeral. However, as her power brings him to bear its metaphysical nature does not suffer fire well. If his body burns then so will she if less so by indirectness. Reegan cannot use her bow, regenerate, or produce arrows while Zhen is active. He also cannot leave from her proximity for long as if she chooses to leave him behind Zhen will reform at her side. Zhen can choose to disperse himself just as Reegan can choose to disperse him.

Wraith ammo / Wraith imbued - Has little effect on non-biotic or otherwise mundane shields but has a strong effect on magical/biotic shields just like warp ammo would. Weapons still require ammo though the propelled round is completely consumed by this ability. The round otherwise will not penetrate through objects regardless of weapon strength. The weapons must be personally usable by his own hand not controlled or triggered like artillery or a tank.

Ethereal charge - cannot charge through physical objects to a destination he cannot see. He cannot use physical objects while in transit.

Bound Weapon - If the weapon is left behind and not 'stowed' then it ceases to be available.

Biotic lift - Physical objects experience less force than non-physical ones do

Skills (D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):
Martial arts - S
Shotgun - B
Pistol - A
Biotics - A
Staff - A
Whip - B
Pilot - B

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:
Martial staff

Strengths: Supreme endurance due to undead form though personal energies determine motility. As a being of quiet focus is well suited to Reegan's role thus had a great affinity for binding to her much like the cultists. Lacks any need for physical sustenance.

Weakness/ Fears: There is little the dead fear yet for the living, Death is certain. His new form is an undead one and is thus weak to effects that dispel or affect them. As an invoked, however, it merely banishes him to Reegan's interior. This also means he is unable to be healed as the living are and must corporealize himself inside Reegan before being recalled again.

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Name: Scout Diana Silverwood

Age: 23

Gender (Can be genderless too): Female

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Species: Human

World and Universe they are from: Ashwin's world

Appearance (Just a basic description of what your character looks like. Needs to be over four lines long. Please include basic shit like height and complexion, as well as physical build.):

Scout is shorter in height, being 4 foot and 11 inches. She is slightly underweight, but makes up for it in the muscle she has acquired from the thralling ceremony she had to go through in order to gain her abilities. Her hair also turned a dark shade of blue as a result of the process. She originally had long black hair before the ceremony. Scars can be seen on her wrists, along with one very faded one on her throat. Her eyes are a light shade of blue and twinkle in the sunlight. Most of the time she is seen wearing a tux, finely furnished to look wrinkless and pristine. On the back of her neck is a tattoo of a sword surrounded by a silver circle. Every Time her abilities are used, it glows slightly, and even pulsates with light faintly in the dark. Her traveling attire is mainly a black long coat that is put over her normal attire, along with a long brown scar around her neck. She would also wear black gloves over her hands, with the fingertips missing.


Personality (Over six lines long.):

Scout can be hard to read, as she has learned to hide most of her emotions as a slave. Any emotions she does display are different variations of annoyance, but there is the occasional chuckle every now and then. As guarded as she seems from the outside world, she does have a caring heart underneath. This nature however, is barely shown as she can be very quiet natured and submissive when faced with confrontation. She is very creative, and enjoys the freedom of art along with writing. She is very protective of what she creates, and prefers to keep her hobbies a secret. This is mainly due to the fact that slaves are supposed to be emotionless tools for their masters, and are not supposed to have pleasant little hobbies. She has a very slight victorian accent, but it is only really noticeable when she is extremely tired or drunk.

History/Bio (Over eight lines long; no canon blending- as in direct interaction with canon characters.):

Scout originally lived in the village of mihn, a small farming town at the edge of the world. Elves and monsters were rarely an issue in that part of the land, as it provided no strategic advantage to take over the outer, colder, southern plains. Few people visited, but that area was the prime place to collect slaves for the black market. Scout's mother died during childbirth, so she lived alone with her father. The time in Scout's home town was short lived however, as when Scout turned the age of six the village was raided by mercenaries. Scout had little idea of what was happening at the time, only that all of the children in the village were taken in chains into covered wagons. Her father died in a worthless attempt to save his daughter, being stabbed in the stomach and left for dead. Several months later, the children arrived at an outpost set up outside the capital of human civilisation.
The children were then set up according to weight, Scout being on the lower end of the spectrum. The different groups were then assigned to different branches. Scout's branch of slavery was "body works" and she was shipped with the other children further into the capital. Her name was taken along with any past she had. Years passed, and Scout had been switched between different owners. Each one had their own "fun" with her, until she eventually tried to take her own life at the age of twelve. She was being owned by a well renowned lord at the time by the name of Larion Regis. He was very well known for his efforts in the clothing business. There was another side to him however, the sickening reality of him being an abusive slave owner. Scout was his favorite slave at the time, mainly because of her "hair as black as a crow's feathers and skin as soft as silk." Scout was finished with being a slave at the time, and had taken a piece of glass and escaped into the streets of the capital. There, she tried to publicly denounce the lord and slit her own throat. The attempt was useless, as before she could get a word out, a man bumped into her on the busy streets. Her hand slipped, and she accidentally cut her throat too early. She also messed up the actual slitting, unable to cut deep enough and only leaving her struggling on the street.
Larion's men later found her, and healed her with magic. She was then later sold to another owner and the cycle of slavery continued. Her mind had become broken, and she was only a husk of a person until the age of nineteen.
On the age of her nineteenth birthday, Scout was being transferred to yet another owner. She only wore a small bag as clothes, and she was put in chains as she was led into the bidding area. There, she was put on stage for all of the richer people to see. Scout was beginning to fetch a higher price at the time, having become somewhat of a popular slave at the time. Suddenly, the bidding stopped. Scout had been sold to a woman in a red dress. This was a new experience, Scout had never had a female owner. Before Scout could really get a good look at her new owner, a mesh bag was put on her head and she was guided off the stage. After some time, Scout was loaded onto a wooden wagon. She was then slowly transported to the town of Rew, one of the larger and richer towns outside the capital. When the bag was taken off of Scout's head, she found herself before a large mansion. Guards walked the perimeter with spears, and every so often took out something similar to a cigarette to smoke. Quickly, Scout was dragged in by her chains and put into a large and clean bed chamber. An hour or so passed, and the woman in red entered with a key in her hand. Without a word, Scout's chains were unlocked and she was given a set of clothes. The woman introduced herself as Diana, and gave Scout her name. The only rules Diana had were that scout had to be properly cleaned by the other servants, and that she had to follow whatever order she had given. Scout continued on for then next week as Diana's personal butler, much to Scout's confusion.
One dark night, Scout was woken by the sound of the door opening. Diana had entered Scout's room with a group of men, all clad in dark blue robes. Scout was prepared for the worst as she was led by the arm out into the garden of the estate. There was a circle created out of chalk that Scout was placed into. The thralling ceremony commenced, and Scout was put under Diana's servitude. She had been given the power of transmutation, a rare power between both races mainly because it could only be given through a thralling ceremony.
For the next several years, Scout was Diana's sword and shield. Espionage and assasination were all normal in the world of monarchical government. Diana and Scout slowly grew a secret relationship. This is where the story begins, with Scout as the right hand of Diana Silverwood. A bond held by magic, and respect.

Powers (If your character has biotics, magic, a superpower, racial abilities, or anything that can be explained.):

Transmutation (AKA, forming objects and structures from any material and also mending torn/raw materials)
Intention detection (this is the ability she had before the thralling ceremony)

Power limitations (The limitations of said powers, because nothing that will be accepted is limitless):

-Scout can only transmute objects she directly touches with her skin and the bigger structure she creates, the more stamina she loses. She cannot mend or manipulate organic matter.
-Her intention detection can only be used if she makes eye contact with her target. It is one of the more common skills among the populace.

Skills (Any skill your OC is particularly adept at, from swordsmanship, to piloting, to knitting should be mentioned here. Should also state their skill level D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):

Defensive fighting: A
Cooking: B
Sword play: A
Archery: D
Lock Picking: SS
Stealth: S

Weapon(s)/ Equipment (You may use pictures from any non-accepted fandom as a description, but all effects/abilities must be described. If it's any kind of technology, please give the specs.)

A bag of iron nuggets
Retractable wooden quarterstaff (shrinks to about 6 inches)
Coin purse filled with 20 silver coins and 2 gold
A bag assorted cloths


Does well under pressure
Her creativity plays a large role in the details of object she creates
She knows the ins and outs of what political intrigue entails
Is generally kind hearted, although it is hard to notice sometimes

Weakness/ Fears:

Can be prone to flashbacks to when she was a slave.
When faced with confrontation, she turns more submissive due to habit as a slave.
Tends to be slightly harsh when it comes to telling people the truth.

Favorite drink is coffee eaten with crackers
Favorite color is red
Loves the cold
Enjoys solving puzzles, even if they are set up as an obstacle