The Evrensel Conflict: Act 1 -- Chapter 1, Mission 2: Dragonborn

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Ysmir Stormcrown
Whiterun Plains District

The incoming rocks were intercepted by a large shape, an Ice Atronarch summoned by Ysmir to shield him from the barrage. With it's purpose fulfilled, the golem returned to whatever Plain of Oblivion it had come from.

Perhaps it shouldn't have surprised him, with how the world seemed to have twisted into a mockery of his own, that the creatures of Apocrypha would be used against him despite his status as Mora's Champion.

But it didn't matter in the long run. While mighty, the Lurkers of the Woodland Man were no match to a Dremora Lord, especially of the Valkynaz caste.

Ysmir's four summons made short work of the approaching Cultists, using their incredible strength to hack and slash through the crowd as the blood of Man and Mer pooled on the ground, mixing with the rainwater. The Dragonborn ignored them, focusing on the encroaching Daedra as a spell lit up in his hands - Concentrating it into a single point captured between his palms, he released the charged magic, striking a Lurker in the chest, making it buckle and return into Oblivion before it leapt to another target, and then again. Successfully nearly halving the Cultists' beastial support.

Turning his gaze on his largest, although not necessarily his most dangerous foe, Ysmir prepared himself once again to twist reality to his will, feeling the Words on his tongue as he finally shouted.


It tore through the Daedric giant, taking whatever counted as it's soul and ripping it from it's body as it was captured in one of Ysmir's soul gems.

With it's essence stuck on Nirn, the body had nowhere to go, falling limp on the ground like a dead fish, accidentally crushing two Squid-Masked worshippers - Though that wasn't the end of it.

Twitching and groaning, fueled by Dark Magic, the giant Lurker returned to it's feet, now firmly under the control of the Last Dragonborn, who sent it against it's former allies.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Birdsie
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- Sivraks, Housebane - Whiterun Hold, Skyrim -

An indeterminate amount of time passed Sivraks by as the shock of being in another world finally began to settle, along with the teleportation unsettling him and having to immediately fight another Eliksni to the death in a land neither of them knew, for this definitely wasn't Earth. Sivraks had been all over during his Devil days, nowhere other than The Last City did the humans make a new, permanent city settlement for they did not dare venture beyond their walls. Especially not one so...archaic, in appearance, as it more resembled the cities of Earth's long distant medieval times. Though before he could ponder its meaning any further, the sky darkened swiftly as a storm coalesced above the city in a manner that was not natural, on any world in any part of the universe he knew of.

Leaving Relris's corpse where it stood, Sivraks took off to investigate.


The charred, shattered remnants of Whiterun's gate were already enough of an indicator that something had gone terribly wrong here, without the screams of the populace and the sounds of fighting inside the city proper to add to it. Proceeding further into Whiterun, making his way past the bodies of Guardsmen and civilians who were likely hit by collateral damage, Sivraks would come upon a dark-clad figure with a strange, red glowing blade that was far more advanced than Sivraks's own Arc Blade, facing off against a colourful group of warriors, one with a mechanical arm and a loud, revving sword...Sivraks found this both peculiar and intriguing.

Having no context for any of these fighter's reason for attacking each other or who was actually attacking the city itself, Sivraks concentrated a large amount of Stasis energy into his left hand, raising it up behind him and pounding his clenched fist into the ground, sending a trail of Stasis that traveled for some time until it reached the middle of the fighters where it would suddenly erupt into a large, thick pillar of dark blue ice that had glowing red tinges to its core, likely breaking up the fight itself, but with the aim of bringing Darth Vader closer to Sivraks, aiming to single him out as he stood out the most.

@Birdsie @Wade Von Doom @The Wanderer
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Luer gave a small, thankful nod to Brigid, hearing her compliment. Though his smile was somewhat bittersweet. "Never aim to start a war… it is the innocent who suffer for it. Women… children…" He muttered, shaking his head. He knew, he had seen it first hand. He never wanted to see such a thing again.

He turned focus back to the Jarl at Dusk's question, taking a breath. So they had nothing to go on then. He glanced to the Doctor until that sound came, prompting him to grab his quiver and bow and stand now. That was unsettling.

It was not any better as a guard came rushing in, warning them of an attack. Strangers? Oh no. More of them? He certainly did not recognize the mentioned powers being used though, so it must not be the same group Doom was with. But then who…?

He gasped, seeing the guard stabbed. He took a few steps to go help the poor man but he was stopped short of going any further when he was suddenly beheaded. "N-No!!" He called out reflexively, before growling and getting an arrow nocked. He wanted to go after them, but when they demanded to see the Jarl he moved once again, standing in between the Jarl and the intruder. Dammit! He could have saved the guard. But there was no way he was letting the man get to the Jarl. "You will step no closer."
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Brigid Mahoney
The General is glad her compliment is taken well. She's noted that Luer's mood has improved since their reconciliation, and even more since she's started seeing him and Ryan together fairly often. Brigid has seen on Luer a familiar smile as well; a smile last seen on her Nate what feels like a lifetime ago. With everyone behaving and the Jarl's order, Brigid is glad when things are progressing better. That leader of the guard might continue to be a problem.

But it was just their luck it seems that it all goes South. Brigid shoulders Liberty when there is a loud sound above them, and does not flinch when a guard is first stabbed, then beheaded after he tells them about what is going on elsewhere.

An attack on two fronts, this hall being one.

Brigid does not waste time with words. She takes aim at the leader through the scope of Liberty and fires, and keeps track of his movements; going for headshots, torso, legs, any part of him that looks open for even a second.

Dusk didn't expect much help from the jarl to be honest, he instinctively just wanted to leave a good impression on the leader. For the moment it sounded like there wasn't going to be much action, but that thought was instantly proved false by the sound of a loud impact on the roof of the keep. This sound was then followed by the sounds of a large thunderstorm. A strong rain was meshed together with thunder, almost masking the loud arrival of a guard at the keep's entrance.

The guard seemed almost hysterical, shouting of an attack on the city by powerful forces. The guard didn't have much time to explain though, having instantly been cut down by a man in gilded armor. Luer and Brigid both readied their ranged weapons immediately. Brigid was the first to fire, shooting a blazing crackle of energy at the enemy. A good distraction and opening for Dusk to run in and attack.

Dusk unsheathed the black blade on his hip. This was actually the first opponent to see the new blade he realized, and the first time he had used it in his new form against a true enemy. Its surface resembled ebony, and shined in the torchlight in the keep as Dusk charged at the armored man. Dusk's stance was wide and low, and coupled with his speed while he advanced it made it look like he was running on all fours. Any cultists that would attempt to get in his way would get slammed to the side. When he made it up to the man in armor, the sword's blade was faced downward. Dusk then did an upward slash with the blade, resembling an uppercut, up the man's chest. If the man was able to block the sword, he would need to contend with Dusk's strength or otherwise be pushed back.
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Lucas Brightstone

Lucas skirted to as he witnessed Azula create a circular field a of crackling lightning around herself, recognizing the danger of charging right into an area of effect like this. Before he could rethink his approach, he found the wind suddenly knocked out of him as he was blown off his feet by some invisible kinetic force, sent flying back dozens of feet and tumbling backward over the ground before slamming to a halt against the side of of a building.

"Lucas!" Toby shouted out, the Palico quickly hopping his way over to cover his winded companion. "Are you alright?!"

"Urgh, that hurt," the young man grunted, feeling a dull soreness all over the area on his side where he had impacted the wall. Thinking quickly, he reached into his belt and pulled out a small bottle of green fluid. He popped the cap on it and raised it to his lips, quickly gulping down the Mega Potion. Already he could feel the the soreness begin to rapidly fade as his internal wounds rapidly healed.

He then took stock of the battlefield. More of the other heroes were beginning to engage the elemental wielder and the imposing man in black armor, the one who seemed to have some form of telekinesis. The one named Ysmir had used some sort of power to seize control of the slain monsters, including the giant one, but plenty more monsters and cultists were still running amok, attacking the less-prepared guards and even civilians.

"Change of plans Toby, we're tackling the small fry first," Lucas said as he quickly got back up and began running back into the fray.

"Aye!" Toby replied as he hopping alongside his companion, readying his bone scyth. A nearby group of civilians was being beset by more of the strange fish monsters, with a few people already appearing gravely injured. Lucas wasted no time as he charged, placing himself between the civilians and the monsters as he slashed furiously at the lead monster, his blade biting into and carving through the creature's outer flesh and building up energy in his blade

The creature let out a burbling roar of rage as it tried to counter attack with a heavy swing of it's tentacles, but Lucas turned into the blow with his shield, blocking the worst of the hit before whirling around for another series of slashes, putting the Lurker on the backfoot. As two of its buddies began to close in, he rolled back to give himself space before charging his phials.

He then engage the switch mechanism, combining his blade and shield and transforming it into a gigantic axe before swinging it in front of him. The axe-head, now charged with blast energy, cleaved into one of the other approaching Lurkers and released an explosion that blew out its torso, sending it flying back in a smoking ruin. The blade arced around, with the second lurker barely reacting in time to duck out of the blow, but Lucas had already used his momentum to bring it around for an overhead swing, stepping forward and bringing the charged axehead down upon the second Lurker's head, splitting right through it and down into its body, killing it instantly.

Meanwhile, Toby charged around to the wounded Lurker and rapidly hacked away at it with his scyth, itself also imbued with Dragon elemental energy, inflicting more wounds in a flurry of slashing blows. The creature tried to respond with tentacles and acid, but the Palico nimbly ducked and weaved around its attacks. Soon enough, the monster fell to one knee as something important in its left leg was cut, and then Toby seized the opening, leaping up and swinging his scyth expertly, slicing right through the Lurker's neck. The slain creature fell over in a heap.

"Quick, get to shelter and warn everyone else!" Lucas bellowed, doing his best impression of the Commander. The shocked civilians he had rescued did just that, quickly retreating from the scene.
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Ryan Zokkendov

The conversation with the Jarl was certainly not taking an interesting turn, and it was not one Ryan could provide much to either, so his silent inspection continued. Considering the materials used on this apparently royal building, it seemed like a familiar point of civilization to his very original one, which was comforting to him for some strange reason. Nostalgia? Perhaps. But Ryan knew all too well it was a pointless waste to feel for his original world.
Before he could delve deeper into his own thoughts, the entrance door slammed open. A panicked guard informed of an invasion of mages. More evil scattered? Here so fast? What was... Ryan had no time to process the news, as a slicing combination killed the guard before he could even finish talking. A man in golden armor was the responsible, who requested to speak with the Jarl. Luer readied his bow and Brigid fired her weapon respectively. Ryan gave not much thought to the situation and rushed along Dusk. Using the thrusters of it to fly towards the armored foe while his crossed arms had Kroniid and Sahqo materialize in their respective hands. For a moment it would seem like Ryan would slash at the head from the front with crossed slashes of his flaring red blades. But at the last instant he adjusted the thrusters and nimbly went over the golden enemy at full speed. Making his crossed horizontal slashes at the same time on the target's neck as he was still upside down. To finish, he landed on his feet, but in order to not give his back to the biggest threat at the moment, he made a quick turn while slahing towards the knees of the enemy, then taking a stance while trying to keep an eye in as much as possible, but mostly the killer of the guard before him.[/color]
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Luer gave a small, thankful nod to Brigid, hearing her compliment. Though his smile was somewhat bittersweet. "Never aim to start a war… it is the innocent who suffer for it. Women… children…" He muttered, shaking his head. He knew, he had seen it first hand. He never wanted to see such a thing again.

He turned focus back to the Jarl at Dusk's question, taking a breath. So they had nothing to go on then. He glanced to the Doctor until that sound came, prompting him to grab his quiver and bow and stand now. That was unsettling.

It was not any better as a guard came rushing in, warning them of an attack. Strangers? Oh no. More of them? He certainly did not recognize the mentioned powers being used though, so it must not be the same group Doom was with. But then who…?

He gasped, seeing the guard stabbed. He took a few steps to go help the poor man but he was stopped short of going any further when he was suddenly beheaded. "N-No!!" He called out reflexively, before growling and getting an arrow nocked. He wanted to go after them, but when they demanded to see the Jarl he moved once again, standing in between the Jarl and the intruder. Dammit! He could have saved the guard. But there was no way he was letting the man get to the Jarl. "You will step no closer."
Brigid Mahoney
The General is glad her compliment is taken well. She's noted that Luer's mood has improved since their reconciliation, and even more since she's started seeing him and Ryan together fairly often. Brigid has seen on Luer a familiar smile as well; a smile last seen on her Nate what feels like a lifetime ago. With everyone behaving and the Jarl's order, Brigid is glad when things are progressing better. That leader of the guard might continue to be a problem.

But it was just their luck it seems that it all goes South. Brigid shoulders Liberty when there is a loud sound above them, and does not flinch when a guard is first stabbed, then beheaded after he tells them about what is going on elsewhere.

An attack on two fronts, this hall being one.

Brigid does not waste time with words. She takes aim at the leader through the scope of Liberty and fires, and keeps track of his movements; going for headshots, torso, legs, any part of him that looks open for even a second.

Dusk didn't expect much help from the jarl to be honest, he instinctively just wanted to leave a good impression on the leader. For the moment it sounded like there wasn't going to be much action, but that thought was instantly proved false by the sound of a loud impact on the roof of the keep. This sound was then followed by the sounds of a large thunderstorm. A strong rain was meshed together with thunder, almost masking the loud arrival of a guard at the keep's entrance.

The guard seemed almost hysterical, shouting of an attack on the city by powerful forces. The guard didn't have much time to explain though, having instantly been cut down by a man in gilded armor. Luer and Brigid both readied their ranged weapons immediately. Brigid was the first to fire, shooting a blazing crackle of energy at the enemy. A good distraction and opening for Dusk to run in and attack.

Dusk unsheathed the black blade on his hip. This was actually the first opponent to see the new blade he realized, and the first time he had used it in his new form against a true enemy. Its surface resembled ebony, and shined in the torchlight in the keep as Dusk charged at the armored man. Dusk's stance was wide and low, and coupled with his speed while he advanced it made it look like he was running on all fours. Any cultists that would attempt to get in his way would get slammed to the side. When he made it up to the man in armor, the sword's blade was faced downward. Dusk then did an upward slash with the blade, resembling an uppercut, up the man's chest. If the man was able to block the sword, he would need to contend with Dusk's strength or otherwise be pushed back.

Lautrec looked at Luer for a moment, before taking a step forward. "Like this?" He asked, a smug smile hiding under his helmet. As soon as Brigid started firing, the strange knight quickly strategized between her and the approaching Ryan. An uncoordinated attack. In a moment's notice, he rolled to the side with quick speed, dodging the first few shots from her rifle, and intentionally in the directly Ryan was, as when he just managed to duck Ryan's horizontal slashes, the moment he landed, Brigid's laser-fire would greet him. He then ran up the stairs from the side, moving so fast, he was still able to outrun her gunfire; jumping up onto the long dining table. When Dusk was about to attack, his sword would ram through the table, splitting it in half, with splinters of the wood being cut flying upwards. Yet, he would manage to roll out of the way just in time, dashing forward back onto the ground.

Like that, he was already moving past the group from around the sides, using the massive pillars along the sides of the room as cover to hide against more of Brigid's firepower and anyone else attempting to shoot him. Another guard quickly ran up, with Irileth charging towards him with two more beside her. As that guard tried slashing across Lautrec's chest, the knight knelt down, wrapped one of his blades around his ankle, and swiftly cut through it; knocking the poor man's balance off and falling to the ground, shouting in pain as his foot began to bleed out. The knight then jumped over the side railing, only a few feet away from the Jarl himself.

Still in front, the other cultists waited for Dusk's attack before they struck back, and once the humanoid made his first strike, two shot lightning out of their hands towards him. If it didn't hurt him, it would at least slow him down so the others could charge in and slip their blades into his throat. Others rallied to Ryan, pulling out their blades and charging forward to strike at him. More then charged forward, casting Ward spells to block Brigid's laser shots. They were magical shields, used for protecting against magic. Since her arms used light to attack, they simply disintegrated once they hit. It protected their fronts, but not their sides, and only several were using it, while those behind them casted fireballs and flames their way. The fireballs would explode into a magnificent eruption, setting fire to the floor rugs and the other table; the flames also crawling up the pillars to burn the wooden walls of this great building. Today, Whiterun would be ashes, all to grab just one man.

Crossbreed Priscilla

Well wasn't this a predicament she now found herself in. Other people approached with apparently malicious intent, the aggressors all suddenly attacking the group she found herself a part of. Unsure of what to do, and ever a follower of letting the world do its thing, those watching would see the giant woman suddenly disappear into thin air.

Cloaking herself, she separated herself to what she deemed a safe distance, to watch and learn of this place by its outcome. She had no reason to fight, they hadn't attacked her, and the people she'd met while friendly, certainly hadn't gained her trust. She could risk her life for them, or she could explore and perhaps learn more of her predicament outside of what they'd told her.

She hoped they wouldn't blame her, all she knew what was best for herself, and that was to stay away from everyone and everything from what she'd been told since she'd been young, though she did hope they would win.

An explosion in the distance would shake the ground Priscilla stood on, with its orange glow just reaching over the rooftops of the buildings. The battle was getting more intense, with lightning striking the ground and the clouds growing black like a hurricane was beginning to form. The city was involved in a sudden war.

As that happened, however, something lurked in the bushes. Slowly crawling through the brush and leaves, and stalking her like she was prey. Slowly it moved, eyeing her every move, waiting for the moment to strike. She wouldn't be prepared for it. No one was.

No one was ever ready to face off against.




Before it could pounce upon her like a cat would to a mouse, it..... unfortunately fell over, not realizing the bush it was in was atop a big rock, and just as it tried to pounce, it slipped off and fell directly on its head; struggling to try and right itself............... THE WERE-CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB!!!!
Ysmir Stormcrown
Whiterun Plains District

The incoming rocks were intercepted by a large shape, an Ice Atronarch summoned by Ysmir to shield him from the barrage. With it's purpose fulfilled, the golem returned to whatever Plain of Oblivion it had come from.

Perhaps it shouldn't have surprised him, with how the world seemed to have twisted into a mockery of his own, that the creatures of Apocrypha would be used against him despite his status as Mora's Champion.

But it didn't matter in the long run. While mighty, the Lurkers of the Woodland Man were no match to a Dremora Lord, especially of the Valkynaz caste.

Ysmir's four summons made short work of the approaching Cultists, using their incredible strength to hack and slash through the crowd as the blood of Man and Mer pooled on the ground, mixing with the rainwater. The Dragonborn ignored them, focusing on the encroaching Daedra as a spell lit up in his hands - Concentrating it into a single point captured between his palms, he released the charged magic, striking a Lurker in the chest, making it buckle and return into Oblivion before it leapt to another target, and then again. Successfully nearly halving the Cultists' beastial support.

Turning his gaze on his largest, although not necessarily his most dangerous foe, Ysmir prepared himself once again to twist reality to his will, feeling the Words on his tongue as he finally shouted.


It tore through the Daedric giant, taking whatever counted as it's soul and ripping it from it's body as it was captured in one of Ysmir's soul gems.

With it's essence stuck on Nirn, the body had nowhere to go, falling limp on the ground like a dead fish, accidentally crushing two Squid-Masked worshippers - Though that wasn't the end of it.

Twitching and groaning, fueled by Dark Magic, the giant Lurker returned to it's feet, now firmly under the control of the Last Dragonborn, who sent it against it's former allies.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Birdsie

It was that last shout that finally gained the attention of an outside force. Before, it had heard them in the distance, drawing its attention. And when it heard another shout, it knew it was him. The Dragonborn was here. And Ysmir was attracting the attention of the creatures he had fought so hard to attain his powers. In the sky, he could hear the familiar roar of a creature he had hunted for years, and when looking up, the lightning would illuminate the shadow of such a beast. A dragon.



It rushed down under the clouds, flying overhead of the whole town, as it sprayed fired from its mouth across the whole town. Those unprotected, or didn't dodge in time, would be skewered alive, both cultist, and citizen. The town glowed orange and yellow, as the fires blazed across the buildings, burning everything away. yet the black waters produced more Lurkers to join the battle, even as the cultist numbers dwindled down. To aid with the attack, the cultists summoned to their side Flame Atronachs; two for each remaining cultist left, like a Hydra spewing two more heads. The waters needed to be purified or removed somehow, or else the lurkers would keep coming, and the cultists were now only a dozen in numbers within the city itself.
Lautrec looked at Luer for a moment, before taking a step forward. "Like this?" He asked, a smug smile hiding under his helmet. As soon as Brigid started firing, the strange knight quickly strategized between her and the approaching Ryan. An uncoordinated attack. In a moment's notice, he rolled to the side with quick speed, dodging the first few shots from her rifle, and intentionally in the directly Ryan was, as when he just managed to duck Ryan's horizontal slashes, the moment he landed, Brigid's laser-fire would greet him. He then ran up the stairs from the side, moving so fast, he was still able to outrun her gunfire; jumping up onto the long dining table. When Dusk was about to attack, his sword would ram through the table, splitting it in half, with splinters of the wood being cut flying upwards. Yet, he would manage to roll out of the way just in time, dashing forward back onto the ground.

Like that, he was already moving past the group from around the sides, using the massive pillars along the sides of the room as cover to hide against more of Brigid's firepower and anyone else attempting to shoot him. Another guard quickly ran up, with Irileth charging towards him with two more beside her. As that guard tried slashing across Lautrec's chest, the knight knelt down, wrapped one of his blades around his ankle, and swiftly cut through it; knocking the poor man's balance off and falling to the ground, shouting in pain as his foot began to bleed out. The knight then jumped over the side railing, only a few feet away from the Jarl himself.

Still in front, the other cultists waited for Dusk's attack before they struck back, and once the humanoid made his first strike, two shot lightning out of their hands towards him. If it didn't hurt him, it would at least slow him down so the others could charge in and slip their blades into his throat. Others rallied to Ryan, pulling out their blades and charging forward to strike at him. More then charged forward, casting Ward spells to block Brigid's laser shots. They were magical shields, used for protecting against magic. Since her arms used light to attack, they simply disintegrated once they hit. It protected their fronts, but not their sides, and only several were using it, while those behind them casted fireballs and flames their way. The fireballs would explode into a magnificent eruption, setting fire to the floor rugs and the other table; the flames also crawling up the pillars to burn the wooden walls of this great building. Today, Whiterun would be ashes, all to grab just one man.
Robin was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the gold-clad knight, but he wasn't inactive. Noting his allies going straight for the invader, he took a position closer to the Jarl. Balgruuf was supposedly the target here, so it would be smart to prioritize his safety. Besides, though Robin had a feeling he could contribute significantly to a fight against this opponent, that would be more if he intended to stay and fight. With the speed he moved at, the man was not someone Robin could consistently keep up with in this kind of situation.

"Jarl Balgruuf. Please stay close and stay ready. I believe I can trap our overconfident assailant if he approaches, but I need him to come to us."

If only Chrom were here, he'd surely stop the assassin in his tracks. Not to say Robin didn't have strengths of his own, as the masked mages would soon find out, just that he was not quite at his friend's prodigious physical ability. An interesting fact to note about Elwind, it could be cast in multiple ways. This may be in the form of blades or simply a forceful blast of wind. The blade's penetrative ability and accuracy was not to be underestimated, as with the proper focus it could be aimed at precise points to be far more effective than it otherwise would. Coincidentally the perfect target was in that very hall.

Such was the fate of a certain chandelier on the ceiling, positioned right above the poor cultists. Their barriers protected them well from the front yet they were still highly vulnerable from above. They were already being whittled down, but with this heavier chunk crushed the rest will hopefully scatter. That left only the most powerful foe to worry about at present. The golden knight was quick and clever, but Robin had an idea that might neutralize him or at least make him wary of approaching the Jarl.

Robin drew his Levin Sword and held it downwards to the ground, keeping his Elwind Tome in his other hand. There were few attacks faster than the forceful and sharp blades of wind that made up this spell, but he wasn't going to bet on that alone being enough to catch this enemy. No, the point of Elwind was to ensure there could be no approaching from above and to carry any drinks and other containers holding liquids in the room shattering onto his surroundings. By forcing this man to attack the Jarl at ground level he'd run right into Robin's trap. Once he entered a few meter range, the Levin Sword would discharge it's potent electricity along the ground and paralyze the victim. From there, any of his comrades or even the Jarl himself could easily finish the dastard so long as Robin kept up the electrical flow.
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Crossbreed Priscilla

Priscilla's mindless walking was suddenly interrupted by the very ground she stood on shaking, the rooves of the structures suddenly being bathed in an amber glow. "I hope they'd doing well" she bumbled to herself, before hearing a distinct clattering sound by her feet.

A small grab seemed to have fallen over, seeming mightily out of place in this world. It reminded her a lot of her own situation.

"Why hello there smallest of creatures, dost thou require mine hand?" she asked as she briefly flickered out of invisibility, already reaching down and picking up the snipping critter with her free hand and continuing her journey to god knows where, as long as it was away from the danger, now featuring a now invisible crab.

Sidling on by, Priscilla let curiosity best her and made her way inside dragonsreach that seemed to be having its own share of battle, only to be met with a faintly familiar sight. A knight wearing armour she vaguely recognized as being for her mother's cause.

The chaotic tension in the air was palpable as the knight seemed to dash through the room, narrowly avoiding attacks. It was discomforting as he seemed to have more of those cultists helping him, who were attacking those friendly few outside, not to mention the faintly familiar faces she'd caught from her glimpse inside earlier.

There seemed to have been a fair amount of action already, she just hoped she wouldn't get hurt in her attempt to figure out what was going on.

Thinking through what she remembered from her own childhood, she uncloaked herself by the door and called out "Knight of Fina?" to the knight, one of the many names of her mother, just to check if there was some reaction "Do you know what's happening?".

The last of the charge leaves Azula. Smoke rises from her shaking body. Her heart and therefore life has been spared from the lightning strike; at the cost of damage to the rest of her body as she feels muscles twitching. The blinding flash has faded.

Her golden eyes snap to the source of words shouted with vigor and conviction. The Dragonborn has been drawn out and is fighting them, just as planned. Even if she is hurt worse than thought, and early at that. The plan needed to keep its momentum. Meaning she had to play her part.

"Keep to the plan! Or behold your end!" She declares loudly to be heard by all, but directils it as an order for the remaining Cultists.

Azula targets the Lurker that Ysmir has turned on them. With quick movements of her arms and feet, ending with a sharp jab at the Lurker, a bolt of bright white lightning shoots forth from her fingertips. It's not a single bolt such as the one that struck her; it is one continuous bolt that strikes the Lurker and will not abate unt she sees the giant thing crumble to a dead and useless puddle of flesh.

When the giant pillar of blue ice erupts into the middle of the battlefield, Azula snarls and back-flips away from it.

"Now what?" She asks herself, landing in an alley. Her black hair is in disarray, and she almost on habit uses both hands to fix it back into order as she observes the changed battle, and also stays alert for any attacks on herself.

The question is answered by a creature from her dreams that has felt more real as she's come to this world. It comes down from the sky and rains destruction on the city, and a grin of mad glee comes to the woman's face.

"A Dragon...a dream come true!" She declares and cackles.

Appointing herself as the protector of The Doctor had been a knee-jerk reaction. Morgan realizes that when she sees the man in gold armor dodge the attacks from Ryan and Brigid to run for the Jarl,

She hopes there is still time to take the right action.

"Protect the Doctor" Morgan tells Brigid who is still near the Doctor before she sprints away. Not at the Cultists, though she does keep aware of them to try and avoid any of the attacks she goes for the target of their assault: The Jarl. Her keen vision keeps up with his movements as her supernaturally powerful limbs carry her at a swift speed across the hall. He avoids Dusk, and cuts down a royal guard with his curved swords before jumping over a railing to be mere feet from the Jarl.

Morgan leaps forward from the floor to intercept him mid-air with several rapid kicks. From what she has seen, Morgan feels no choice but to hit him with the full force of her strength in each kick.
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Streets of Whiterun

After dealing with his fair share of cultist, Nero caught a glimpse of tall, dark and ugly raising his glowing red sword, just before the man literally dashed at Nero. Barely having time to dodge, let alone bring up Red Queen to even attempt to deflect, Nero angled his body backwards like a rather famous scene from a movie of a guy dodging bullets, only similarity here was that Nero took a light graze to the cheek. That was when Nero understood that not only was Vader's saber a new thing to him as what was maybe barely a centimeter touching his skin for less than a second burned him.

"Fuck!" He cursed as he fell back. A thin line across his left cheek from where the saber was close to him was gonna be a burn scar til his healing ability did away with that. For now though, he was going to have to deal with it itching and being a pain, literally.

He noticed Vader spun around to deal with the bossy dude coming at him, throwing the saber at said guy, which gave Nero an open opportunity for a counter-attack. Not wanting to waste it, Nero raised Devil Breaker, preparing it for Break Age. An attack that if landed would send the equivalent of a lightning storm through Vader, sending him back a couple of feet. But if it didn't land, it'd explode into nothing, or give him a nice shock but nothing too damaging if it just grazed Vader.

@Birdsie @GabrielWho97 @Vulthurmir @Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin
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Luer glared as the armored man mocked him, about to let loose an arrow for that when Ryan charged and the man took off. He growled to himself as he tracked him, though he gave up quickly on attempting to fire at him while he was moving. He would not get a hit. Instead he would be better off waiting for the Knight to come to them.

A lot happened all at the same time as the Knight lept down. Robin began casting a spell, Morgan moved to intercept and Luer out himself between the Jarl and the Knight's path. "Stay behind me." If worse came to worse, he could take the hit in the Jarl's place. He would not stay dead for long anyway. If Morgan failed, Robin's spell and Luer himself were the next obstacles for him. Protecting the ruling was his job at all costs, that was not going to change be it his king or not.
Lautrec looked at Luer for a moment, before taking a step forward. "Like this?" He asked, a smug smile hiding under his helmet. As soon as Brigid started firing, the strange knight quickly strategized between her and the approaching Ryan. An uncoordinated attack. In a moment's notice, he rolled to the side with quick speed, dodging the first few shots from her rifle, and intentionally in the directly Ryan was, as when he just managed to duck Ryan's horizontal slashes, the moment he landed, Brigid's laser-fire would greet him. He then ran up the stairs from the side, moving so fast, he was still able to outrun her gunfire; jumping up onto the long dining table. When Dusk was about to attack, his sword would ram through the table, splitting it in half, with splinters of the wood being cut flying upwards. Yet, he would manage to roll out of the way just in time, dashing forward back onto the ground.

Like that, he was already moving past the group from around the sides, using the massive pillars along the sides of the room as cover to hide against more of Brigid's firepower and anyone else attempting to shoot him. Another guard quickly ran up, with Irileth charging towards him with two more beside her. As that guard tried slashing across Lautrec's chest, the knight knelt down, wrapped one of his blades around his ankle, and swiftly cut through it; knocking the poor man's balance off and falling to the ground, shouting in pain as his foot began to bleed out. The knight then jumped over the side railing, only a few feet away from the Jarl himself.

Still in front, the other cultists waited for Dusk's attack before they struck back, and once the humanoid made his first strike, two shot lightning out of their hands towards him. If it didn't hurt him, it would at least slow him down so the others could charge in and slip their blades into his throat. Others rallied to Ryan, pulling out their blades and charging forward to strike at him. More then charged forward, casting Ward spells to block Brigid's laser shots. They were magical shields, used for protecting against magic. Since her arms used light to attack, they simply disintegrated once they hit. It protected their fronts, but not their sides, and only several were using it, while those behind them casted fireballs and flames their way. The fireballs would explode into a magnificent eruption, setting fire to the floor rugs and the other table; the flames also crawling up the pillars to burn the wooden walls of this great building. Today, Whiterun would be ashes, all to grab just one man.
Robin was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the gold-clad knight, but he wasn't inactive. Noting his allies going straight for the invader, he took a position closer to the Jarl. Balgruuf was supposedly the target here, so it would be smart to prioritize his safety. Besides, though Robin had a feeling he could contribute significantly to a fight against this opponent, that would be more if he intended to stay and fight. With the speed he moved at, the man was not someone Robin could consistently keep up with in this kind of situation.

"Jarl Balgruuf. Please stay close and stay ready. I believe I can trap our overconfident assailant if he approaches, but I need him to come to us."

If only Chrom were here, he'd surely stop the assassin in his tracks. Not to say Robin didn't have strengths of his own, as the masked mages would soon find out, just that he was not quite at his friend's prodigious physical ability. An interesting fact to note about Elwind, it could be cast in multiple ways. This may be in the form of blades or simply a forceful blast of wind. The blade's penetrative ability and accuracy was not to be underestimated, as with the proper focus it could be aimed at precise points to be far more effective than it otherwise would. Coincidentally the perfect target was in that very hall.

Such was the fate of a certain chandelier on the ceiling, positioned right above the poor cultists. Their barriers protected them well from the front yet they were still highly vulnerable from above. They were already being whittled down, but with this heavier chunk crushed the rest will hopefully scatter. That left only the most powerful foe to worry about at present. The golden knight was quick and clever, but Robin had an idea that might neutralize him or at least make him wary of approaching the Jarl.

Robin drew his Levin Sword and held it downwards to the ground, keeping his Elwind Tome in his other hand. There were few attacks faster than the forceful and sharp blades of wind that made up this spell, but he wasn't going to bet on that alone being enough to catch this enemy. No, the point of Elwind was to ensure there could be no approaching from above and to carry any drinks and other containers holding liquids in the room shattering onto his surroundings. By forcing this man to attack the Jarl at ground level he'd run right into Robin's trap. Once he entered a few meter range, the Levin Sword would discharge it's potent electricity along the ground and paralyze the victim. From there, any of his comrades or even the Jarl himself could easily finish the dastard so long as Robin kept up the electrical flow.

The last of the charge leaves Azula. Smoke rises from her shaking body. Her heart and therefore life has been spared from the lightning strike; at the cost of damage to the rest of her body as she feels muscles twitching. The blinding flash has faded.

Her golden eyes snap to the source of words shouted with vigor and conviction. The Dragonborn has been drawn out and is fighting them, just as planned. Even if she is hurt worse than thought, and early at that. The plan needed to keep its momentum. Meaning she had to play her part.

"Keep to the plan! Or behold your end!" She declares loudly to be heard by all, but directils it as an order for the remaining Cultists.

Azula targets the Lurker that Ysmir has turned on them. With quick movements of her arms and feet, ending with a sharp jab at the Lurker, a bolt of bright white lightning shoots forth from her fingertips. It's not a single bolt such as the one that struck her; it is one continuous bolt that strikes the Lurker and will not abate unt she sees the giant thing crumble to a dead and useless puddle of flesh.

When the giant pillar of blue ice erupts into the middle of the battlefield, Azula snarls and back-flips away from it.

"Now what?" She asks herself, landing in an alley. Her black hair is in disarray, and she almost on habit uses both hands to fix it back into order as she observes the changed battle, and also stays alert for any attacks on herself.

The question is answered by a creature from her dreams that has felt more real as she's come to this world. It comes down from the sky and rains destruction on the city, and a grin of mad glee comes to the woman's face.

"A Dragon...a dream come true!" She declares and cackles.

Appointing herself as the protector of The Doctor had been a knee-jerk reaction. Morgan realizes that when she sees the man in gold armor dodge the attacks from Ryan and Brigid to run for the Jarl,

She hopes there is still time to take the right action.

"Protect the Doctor" Morgan tells Brigid who is still near the Doctor before she sprints away. Not at the Cultists, though she does keep aware of them to try and avoid any of the attacks she goes for the target of their assault: The Jarl. Her keen vision keeps up with his movements as her supernaturally powerful limbs carry her at a swift speed across the hall. He avoids Dusk, and cuts down a royal guard with his curved swords before jumping over a railing to be mere feet from the Jarl.

Morgan leaps forward from the floor to intercept him mid-air with several rapid kicks. From what she has seen, Morgan feels no choice but to hit him with the full force of her strength in each kick.

Lautrec was quick to study Robin's attack, stopping for a moment in his tracks upon seeing Morgan then jump up to kick him as hard as she could. These people lacked coordination. How useful.

With his movement stopped, Morgan was forced to come at him to attack. And considering Robin was aiming right for him, he blocked the first kick, putting up his arms so the armor absorbed it, then let Elwind hit her from behind; Lautrec using Morgan as just a human shield to protect him. Before Robin had a chance to summon another spell, Lautrec quickly charged up to him, using his right and Shotel to slash at the tome book, trying to cut it in half or knock it out of Robin's hand. His other Shotel then tried slashing Robin's throat.

Luer glared as the armored man mocked him, about to let loose an arrow for that when Ryan charged and the man took off. He growled to himself as he tracked him, though he gave up quickly on attempting to fire at him while he was moving. He would not get a hit. Instead he would be better off waiting for the Knight to come to them.

A lot happened all at the same time as the Knight lept down. Robin began casting a spell, Morgan moved to intercept and Luer out himself between the Jarl and the Knight's path. "Stay behind me." If worse came to worse, he could take the hit in the Jarl's place. He would not stay dead for long anyway. If Morgan failed, Robin's spell and Luer himself were the next obstacles for him. Protecting the ruling was his job at all costs, that was not going to change be it his king or not.

Again that stupid looking fellow was trying to act the brave warrior. Yet, he could sense something from him.


"Undead, are we?" Lautrec said between attacks, looking right at Luer. "The curse radiates off you like the sun's light on metal. And here I thought I was but the only undead in this frozen wasteland."

Crossbreed Priscilla

Priscilla's mindless walking was suddenly interrupted by the very ground she stood on shaking, the rooves of the structures suddenly being bathed in an amber glow. "I hope they'd doing well" she bumbled to herself, before hearing a distinct clattering sound by her feet.

A small grab seemed to have fallen over, seeming mightily out of place in this world. It reminded her a lot of her own situation.

"Why hello there smallest of creatures, dost thou require mine hand?" she asked as she briefly flickered out of invisibility, already reaching down and picking up the snipping critter with her free hand and continuing her journey to god knows where, as long as it was away from the danger, now featuring a now invisible crab.

Sidling on by, Priscilla let curiosity best her and made her way inside dragonsreach that seemed to be having its own share of battle, only to be met with a faintly familiar sight. A knight wearing armour she vaguely recognized as being for her mother's cause.

The chaotic tension in the air was palpable as the knight seemed to dash through the room, narrowly avoiding attacks. It was discomforting as he seemed to have more of those cultists helping him, who were attacking those friendly few outside, not to mention the faintly familiar faces she'd caught from her glimpse inside earlier.

There seemed to have been a fair amount of action already, she just hoped she wouldn't get hurt in her attempt to figure out what was going on.

Thinking through what she remembered from her own childhood, she uncloaked herself by the door and called out "Knight of Fina?" to the knight, one of the many names of her mother, just to check if there was some reaction "Do you know what's happening?".

The Were-crab was not pleased with this rather large woman picking it up like it was just a pebble washed up along the shore of a beach. Once she picked it up, it tried snipping at her dress with its claws, but the fabric was like chainmail to it, as it was too thick to cut through. It struggled as best it could under her grip, but she was as strong as a mountain, and eventually, the brave and fearsome Were-crab tired itself out and bravely decided to take a breather as she carried him. It was now invisible. It could strike again without anyone noticing it. It would bide its time under the evil clutches of this tall woman.

In all the chaos, Brigid had pushed the Doctor back from all the chaos and fighting, much to his displeasure, but upon hearing Priscilla's voice call out from the burning building behind them all, at the front door, he became confused. Along with Lautrec, who momentarily became distracted upon hearing Fina's name. "What?" He called out, not recognizing her. From her appearance, she was yet another strange being who was brought to this land, but she was from his world?

"Don't come any closer!" The Doctor shouted to Priscilla, but it was too late, as the cultists quickly turned around and tried blasting her with fire. The Were-crab then became to panic in her arms.
Lautrec was quick to study Robin's attack, stopping for a moment in his tracks upon seeing Morgan then jump up to kick him as hard as she could. These people lacked coordination. How useful.

With his movement stopped, Morgan was forced to come at him to attack. And considering Robin was aiming right for him, he blocked the first kick, putting up his arms so the armor absorbed it, then let Elwind hit her from behind; Lautrec using Morgan as just a human shield to protect him. Before Robin had a chance to summon another spell, Lautrec quickly charged up to him, using his right and Shotel to slash at the tome book, trying to cut it in half or knock it out of Robin's hand. His other Shotel then tried slashing Robin's throat.
This Knight was fast, scarily so! Robin hadn't meant to so directly attack with Elwind, but seeing an opening he thought it worth the risk. He didn't anticipate Morgan jumping close enough to be moved into the attack's path. He winced apologetically as it impacted her but had little time to do much else as their foe landed and closed the distance between the two of them quickly. The man was easily as physically able as Chrom or Lucina, managing to bring his unusual weapons to bear before Robin could even think to try delaying him further.

Thankfully, he had experience against fighters of that level. And more so despite the assassin's intelligent approach, he missed one key detail. Robin hadn't been holding his sword down and off to the side because he didn't need to use it, he did so to draw attention away from it. Bending backwards rapidly to avoid the swing for his throat and aware that he'd fall from going so far, Robin simply let go of his tome and blasted the ground beneath them with his Levin sword. Robin himself will have to feel some of the shock at this range, but the weapon was pointed mostly towards his opponent's feet and with both his position and seeming lack of knowledge on the lightning blade, there would be no chance to react and avoid this.

This plan had certainly been risky and he ended up far closer than he'd like to getting a new opening in his throat, but barring something entirely unexpected this was checkmate! Luer was still up and ready so finishing off the soon to be electrified killer should be easy.
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Darth Vader

When Nero's Break Age came, Vader was left unsurprised; the Force kept flowing and ebbing across the battlefield, in bubbles of consciousness that felt like a distinct field of data to Vader's mind. He could foresee up to a couple of seconds into the future with casual focus, with a trifling exhalation of willpower, as all Force-users did whenever fighting against others or each other. He'd expected such an attack.

There are no surprise attacks against a Sith Lord. There is only the hope that when your attack flies, he will have underestimated you.

When it came, with the noise of its crackling conflagration, Vader leaped upwards, and as the beam pivoted to follow the arc of his movement, the Sith Lord sent a tremor across the Force. It went down into the earth and carried through, before detonating close to Nero, upsetting the foundation of the earth and unbalancing him, as well as kicking up a dust cloud that obscured the entire battlefield.

The Sith Lord's pitiless assault came a second later. With the whoosh of his sunburned, tattered cape, Vader leaped through the dust cloud, red lightsaber ablaze in hand, held aloft to murder. He brought it down, and when Nero parried it, Vader inexorably brought it down again, and again. Once, twice, thrice, four times he struck, focused on sheer overwhelming brutality; when the last strike broke Nero's guard, the Sith Lord used the opening to slice through his mechanical hand with a deft slash, before jumping backwards to dodge a counter-attack.
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Brigid Mahoney
"Shit" Brigid stops firing when it is clear the Cultists can erect a barrier against her laser rifle. For the first time in a long time, Brigid feels inadequate with how much magic is being thrown around in this hall. And here she was with only a Laser Rifle, a .44 Magnum Revolver, and a non-magical sword in reserve.

Good thing she has all of that, plus determination and adaptability.

"You'll want to step back Doctor, and if you happen to have a shield NOW would be the time to put it up." She backs up to force The Doctor back as well. Liberty is returned to her back.

Someone else, a huge...woman? Carrying a huge crab, enters the hall, and behind her she sees an inferno that had once been a city. This impedes the action for only a few moments, but Brigid uses the moments of distraction.

To test their barriers, she draws Revolution and empties the cylinder into the one Cultist nearest her and The Doctor.
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Location: inside Dragonsreach

This knightly man seemed to be very nimble with his movements, choosing to instead dodge out of the way of Dusk's blade. This man was on the defensive it seemed, or rather, he was only focusing on each person in the group individually. Dusk couldn't quite gauge what the man had done next, as he was promptly hit with an electrical shock. It was painful, and his insides seemed to boil and destabilize for a slight moment. The fact that both cultists attempted to slice at his throat with simple blades was their downfall though, as the blades couldn't penetrate his skin.

Dusk retaliated by grabbing the throat of the nearest cultist on his left and throwing him over the group and towards Lautrec. The person's neck had supposedly snapped due to the amount of force it took to do that action, so his lifeless body careened like a ragdoll. The remains of the cultists surrounding him would be sliced to ribbons by Dusk's blade as it cleanly cut through their robes like butter. Those who had tried to cast spells at point blank range were met with their fingers being sliced off, and then promptly their heads. Once Dusk had gotten rid of the enemies surrounding him, he noticed that Brigid and the doctor were in a battle with those cultists that had erected magical shields of bright blue light. Dusk thought of one way he could assist without getting bombarded by magical attacks, and that was by using the environment around him.

Dusk turned to the table he had previously cut in half. He sheathed his blade on his hip, and then proceeded to pick up the wooden slab and throw it at the line of cultists. Those that were hit would get their bones broken from the impact, and those who were not would probably be distracted from the attack. Dusk was out of moves that would help at that point, not wanting to get in the crossfire that was between the two groups in battle.
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It was that last shout that finally gained the attention of an outside force. Before, it had heard them in the distance, drawing its attention. And when it heard another shout, it knew it was him. The Dragonborn was here. And Ysmir was attracting the attention of the creatures he had fought so hard to attain his powers. In the sky, he could hear the familiar roar of a creature he had hunted for years, and when looking up, the lightning would illuminate the shadow of such a beast. A dragon.


It rushed down under the clouds, flying overhead of the whole town, as it sprayed fired from its mouth across the whole town. Those unprotected, or didn't dodge in time, would be skewered alive, both cultist, and citizen. The town glowed orange and yellow, as the fires blazed across the buildings, burning everything away. yet the black waters produced more Lurkers to join the battle, even as the cultist numbers dwindled down. To aid with the attack, the cultists summoned to their side Flame Atronachs; two for each remaining cultist left, like a Hydra spewing two more heads. The waters needed to be purified or removed somehow, or else the lurkers would keep coming, and the cultists were now only a dozen in numbers within the city itself.
Ysmir Stormcrown
Whiterun Plains District

The Dovahkiin had felt the presence long before the Dragon had arrived.

Ysmir's soul roared, a hundred Voices shouting out in anger and hunger. While he had been fairly certain before, the existence of Mirmulnir had only confirmed his suspicions.

He was in the past.

An impossibility most would claim, but as the Lastborn of Akatosh, Dragon-God of Time, he knew it was well within his Bormah's, his Father's, power. Although why, he wasn't certain, he would not give up the chance to turn the Aldmeri Dominion into ash once more.

"Mirmulnir!" His shout echoed through the battlefield, catching the Dragon's attention. "Ziil Los Dii Du!"

The irony wasn't lost on Ysmir as he used the exact words Miraak had once spoken, tearing the souls of his minions before consuming in their Battle of Apocrypha. A taunt, made to enrage the flying beast more than anything else.

"Luft zey waan hi krilon, Zeymah!"

By now, his Dremora had nearly finished off the rest of the Cultists, turning their glowing blue eyes in the direction of the emerging Lurkers. Despite being related on some base level, the Daedric Knights had no qualms cutting down their distant kin - In fact, relishing it as they carved through yet another summon.
Crossbreed Priscilla

Too late to heed the man's warning, Priscilla could do not but retaliate as the cultists turned to attack her, deciding that she would need to fight, and to do so would require both of her hands. The creature she held seemed sturdy enough, and if that knights was with the cultists, that made him just as much of an enemy.

"I'm sorry, little one" She'd say, performing a small wind-up with her off-hand before the crossbreed threw the crab at the golden knight at about half strength, more so to distract him or topple him over than knock him unconscious, hoping that the little creature's shell would protect it and feeling mightily bad about it, yet not having much time to think on it as the waves of fire suddenly crashed over her, eliciting a pained whimper from the half-dragon as she disappeared yet again.

"Why dost thee hurry towards thine deaths?" would all that would be heard in that soft-spoken voice before the audible slicing of her scythe invisibly cutting through air could be heard and the duo of cultists were cleaved in two, spraying their blood across the walls, remaining out of sight this time to wait until safety was apparent.