The Engagement (Inkheart789 & Eyeris)

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Yes, clever girl...

Being in Cara's mind was like being in... a fog. If an visual image were to come to mind, it was as if Hibiscus were standing in a thick fog, with Cara's voice echoing all around her.

"He was a necromancer." Hibiscus answered into the fog. "I knew him a long time ago." The fog was Luke-warm, humid, it drifted about lazily. "I killed him back then, that is why he has killed me now. Petty vengeance." She would have scowled, disapproving. "I know you are curious, but I won't say his name, he might here."

"Have you ever gotten a feeling that someone was talking about you, even somewhere far away? It's like that, though, with the aide of magic you can know for certain who is saying your name and where. Names are like that..."

"We are lucky... He doesn't know that I am still here. We best keep it that way. Once we are beyond this place, if we find anyone who knows you or I, best to say you simply fled to escape me and the wedding." People would pity the damsel-in-distress. A girl escaping the evil necromancer she was nearly forced to marry... a very romantic story. They would feel badly for her, they someone might help her after hearing such a story. Cara was a pretty girl, she could trick them easily...

Except, it wouldn't be a trick or a lie, for it was all true.
Cara listened carefully, sure to take in all that she could. "I hope I do not have to meet him anytime soon, if at all." She said softly, her eyes following the cracks in the floor. "When will you be gone forever? I know you cannot be very strong and I don't think there is a magic powerful enough to bring you back."

She had not read much about magic, but her parents had forced some on her. All of the books talked about various strengths of magic and of the people performing the spells.

"Humans will believe the story. I don't people we will come across anyone I know, unless we go across sea, but I will prepare a script in my head to go with. Perhaps I will tell my sob story and how my parents used me as a gambling piece and I used it as a way to escape. It would make sense to most." Cara said, starting to think about the idea. If she had had it sooner she might have left, but the living wasnt bad with Hibiscus and she had food and shelter.
"You understand... people... better than I. Weave your story as you wish." That story would be better, leaving out the whole necromancy thing would keep any interested in magic off Cara's trail as well. "Your story is sound."

Cara the game piece pawn...

... yet, if a pawn made it across the board alive, they could become a queen.

"I'm not sure how long I have." Hibiscus admitted. She would stay as long as she could, to make sure Cara got out of this mess somehow...

"I thought it would be impossible for him to come back, yet it has happened." She spoke bitterly. "I killed him because I though I'd finally become stronger than him. He's proven me wrong... again."
Cara bit her lip, hesitating before she spoke. "I wish you were here to help me. I don't understand the... Creatures here and I don't feel safe. Even when I'm around humans I'm still part of your world now and I cannot protect myself."

She closed her eyes and tried to bring happier images to her mind. "I need to sleep, but I fear he will find me or someone will know you are no longer here. If anyone asks about you, what should I say?"

Though Cara did not like to rely on people, she realized that this was a better way to be in her current situation. At least she had someone to rely on... Or at least suggestions to rely on.

"And if he was dead how did he come back? Is he really alive or just a spirit of some kind?"
I am still here Cara.

Hibiscus... sat... in the fog. Settled in, rather. Cara mind was growing accustomed to her presence. The dead-woman could relax a bit.

"Perhaps you should say that you defeated me. Beat me at my own game."
Hibiscus would have smiled. "If they are afraid of you they will not harm you... Yes, tell them that you are the mistress of the Hollow now. You are clever after all."

Yes, but how clever? She'd have to think of something else... in the meantime Hibiscus moved onto the second question.

"I do not know exactly. Death, as you may have guessed, isn't the end. Not exactly. It certainly can be. If you accept it, well, they say it's like falling into a pleasant dream... but, some are restless."

"Some fight against the current, cling to the world. If they manage to make it back here, well, at first they are ghosts merely memories. Sometimes they grow tired and return to death, flickering out like a candle. This is quite common, actually."

"Or they could grow in power. These are not like their former selves, they remain here due to their vices, and so become them in a way. A caricature of their former flaws or weaknesses. When they regain a certain level of... sentience... we start to call them demons. They have no knowledge or care for who they were in their former lives, they have no connection to themselves. They are only hungry. They feed on weaker souls, both living and dead."

"Then there are necromancers. Necromancers found the secret of crossing between life and death, and the power to command demons and spirits. Here is the difference: The demons can't help what they are, they haunt the earth because of their savage impulses, they feed on the weak because they must in order to survive. Necromancers do it... because they can."

"He is in that last category. The most dangerous. I assume that, in death, he found a way to gain power, enough power to return from the sixth gate." Hibiscus touched her neck. "I felt his hands... Which means he is working-out a physical form. It would have taken all his strength and power to return, he is likely exhausted, and will need time to create a physical form for himself. There is not a lot for him to work with in my palace, so it will take him time. A week if he is rushes it. Yet, tthinking that I am gone, he will have no need to worry. He will take his time to make a perfect incarnation for himself. He was always Vain, you see."

There were no people at her castle. Yes there were plenty of components, equipment, and books, but no people. As powerful as you were, to gain a physical form one needed flesh. Hibiscus woudl smile again, Cara had inadvertently done them a favor by getting lost here. He would not come here where half the population was rotted. He'd likely go to the village at the bottom of the hill.
She shivered at the mention of him rebuilding himself, Cara assumed that she meant taking a human body or something similar. "I will do my best to never meet him." Cara decided after hearing how he was created.

"I don't know if people would believe me if I said I overthrew you. They do not know I can do magic, they will just see me as a human, and not just any human could overpower you." She said, admitting that Hibiscus was powerful. Cara did not know if she was well liked though, so maybe people would want to hear she was overthrown.

After Hibiscus spoke about coming back Cara frowned slightly. "Does this mean you could come back too? That you are not dead for certain?" She asked, her voice growing soft and had a hint of excitement. It would mean Cara did not have to do everything alone, that Hibiscus could come back and protect her. As strong as Cara was, she was not good at protecting herself. In life she always sought out protectors, which was why she was fine with moving in with Hibiscus.
"We will come up with something." Hibiscus shrugged. "You'd be surprised... the demons are always so sure of themselves, occasionally, the so-called weak win their wagers." There would be a touch of mirth in her voice.

"Don't underestimate yourself, my dear. But yes, it would be best if you never met..."

Hibiscus was surprised. Is that a touch of hope in my fiance's voice?

"It is... possible, that I return." She wondered if that is what Cara truly wanted, or if Cara was willing to put in the effort for it.

She would have to do some necromancy herself.

Yet, if Hibiscus were able to return she would be able to protect Cara.

There might not be another way. If they came looking for the girl, there was little Hibiscus could do in her current state.

Resurrection was their problem... but, it might also be their solution.
"Possible... That's all we need." Cara said softly, nodding just to convince herself that she might not be alone one day. "So tomorrow morning is when you want to leave... I will be up with the sunrise and then I will try to find a horse or something."

Cara had no idea how she would travel since she did not have any money to but horses or things of that nature. Hopefully luck would be on her side, or she could use Hibiscus' respect to gain a way of traveling.

"What will you do as I sleep? Are you still here or do you go away?" She asked as she yawned, fatigue coming over her. It had been a long day with emotional stress.
"I'll be here..." Hibiscus stood in the fog, it seemed to darken as Cara drifted out of consciousness. "Goodnight."

Hibiscus stood there... existed there... Cara wants to bring me back. Cara had accepted her engagement, and her new life, did she... enjoy it? Hibiscus had always imagined herself as fowl company, but perhaps Cara saw her differently...

Do not over-think this. Hibiscus told herself. Cara wants me back because she needs someone to look after her. It was true. Painfully true. The dealer-demon would come calling sooner or later. And when he did, if he found out that Hibiscus was still alive, then HE would come calling soon after that.

If HE came after Cara, and Hibiscus was not at her full power, then Cara would surely die...

... or perhaps he would not allow her to die, and she would suffer in a way few mortals could imagine.

No, that won't do at all. Hibiscus thought. She told herself that she had grown accustomed to Cara's presence. Her existence in Hibiscus's life was a business obligation, a coincidence.

Yet now, in the fog, without a body or a heart, Hibiscus could admit to herself that she... preferred Cara's presence. And the thought of HIM getting his hands on HER was... more than a bit distressing.

It was unacceptable. She'd find a way, no matter what, to keep her out of his hands.
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When Cara woke it took her awhile to remember where she was and why she was there. It hit her all at once and she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out. "Are you here Hibiscus?" She asked softly as she stood and straightened her dress. "I'm going to leave and find the horse."

Cara made her way out of the place quietly, remembering the way she had come in. She was afraid of the people... Or things in the front hallway, but today she couldn't see them. As she finally made her way out Cara was happy to see the horse tied up on the side of the building.

She quickly untied him and hopped on it's back. "Go," Cara urged, making it face the opposite direction they came from. With some reluctance the white horse started trotting, it's hooves echoing down the pathway. It was eerily quiet and all sounds could be heard.
Hibiscus held her peace for some time, until Cara was far away from the little village of the dead.

"Well done." She commended the girl.

Hibiscus knew where they must go. She had a hide-out of sorts, a storage-space of sorts, an abandoned laboratory of-sorts. She had little stashes around the country, places she had touched, places she kept things of import.

Just in case something like this were to happen, all her tools and means were not concentrated in one place.

"Tell me. Can you see the sun? Which way are we headed?" If they were headed away from the castle, they were on the right track. She wondered how well she could navigate without any eyes.

And how well can I remember...
Cara looked up with a sigh. "It is cloudy today, it might storm. But we are headed in the opposite direction we came from. I did not want to go into the forest, so I headed the other way." She explained.

"I have not seen a person or animal yet... Will they be there where we are going?" Cara asked since she knew whatever they were going to must be full of magic. In this case she did not care as much as long as it meant she got to live. Living was the only thing that mattered to Cara right now and whatever hide out Hibiscus had was her best bet.

"I have a questions Hibiscus. Need we marry if you come back? What would it do besides hinder you, make you closer to me? Since you have enemies wouldn't it be better that they believe I am just a servant or a pet? That way they do not try to use me against you in any way." She explained. Cara had been ready for the marriage, but after finding what might happen again... She did not want to be associated too closely with Hibiscus.
"There will be plenty of wildlife once we get clear of that village. It is remote, so, hopefully we will not see other humans. The place is not so strange... on the outside." She added. "Keep along this path, your doing very well." The necromancer commended the girl.

Hibiscus heard the next question with some apprehension. Cara wanted Hibiscus alive... but not as anything other than a protector.

"Would your rather be a slave or a pet?" Hibiscus tried to keep her voice neutral in Cara's mind. Though, the statement was gritty around the edges. Part of that was out of pity for the girl, someone asking to be a pet thinking they would be safer. The other part was pity for herself. She'd rather be my pet than my wife. "I must be terrible company after-all." She tried to pepper the moment in some humor, mocking herself.

She doesn't understand a thing. I have pets, I have slaves, I can summon more in blink of my eye... or at least I could before all this happened. The contract was very specific, the contract was for a bride.

The contract could only protect Cara if it was fulfilled to the letter.

She decided not to give the girl any mean spirited jabs or harsh truths. She needed Cara right now if she wanted to survive.

"If I come back... That is an uncertain future. Let's think of the present. Keep straight down this road and you'll come to a lake. Let me know when you find it."
Cara frowned slightly as she listened to Hibiscus. "I just thought it would help the both of us. That way I am not killed simply for fun and you do not have to care for me much, as a wife would care. Honestly Hibiscus... I saw Remington more than I saw you. I do not know of your company, it has not been given to me on many occasions. This is the most we have spoken since that first night and you are not here in physical form. Perhaps you are great company, I would not know." She explained, hoping it would not be taken in the wrong way. Hibiscus already seemed rather... Annoyed with the question.

With that Cara dropped the conversation and spent her energy and looking for the lake. It took awhile but eventually she saw water. "I see the lake now." She said simply, wondering if it was truely there or if it was some type of magic and it was hiding a place to stay.
"Then perhaps I should have risked my life to bargain with that demon for you to wed Remington." Hibiscus would furrow her brow if she had a face still. Remington had dealt with the girl often, his human visage was not unattractive... Perhaps she had grown fond of him.

Yet, she remembered that the girl had fled at the sight of him. Clever. Remington kept in line under Hibiscus's cold thumb, but now he was free. Would he be so cordial the next time they encountered him?

"It looks like Remington ran off rather then help you escape. So. You may be dissatisfied but you must rely on me instead." The necromancer softened her tone after Cara announced she had found the lake. Yes, she and the girl had spoken only once in depth, that first night beside the fire in her bedroom. Cara had bared herself, body and soul. While Hibiscus had been cold. It was not the girl's fault that she had been lonely.

"Good. Can you determine the cardinal directions? Follow the bank eastward until you come to a large willow tree. There are several, but this one will be the largest of all."

"It looks like we will be making up for lost time..."
Cara started to put up a front as Hibiscus continued to speak. Normally she was open with everyone, but Hibsicus did not show that she wanted that openness or that she was willing to listen to Cara.

"Okay." She said softly in response to the directions. Cara followed the water, staying closer to the trees since the horse didn't seem to like water. " I've come to the tree I think. Does it have carvings on it?" She asked, tilting her head as she tried to determine what they were. The most she could make out was that they were about magic.

The sight of them almost brought her pain. Her parents had forced her to use magic when she was little and didn't know better. Cara had started to become stronger and was doing more spells, but when the day came that she killed her first person she had sworn it off. It was just a maid and her parents were not upset, but it caused Cara to despise magic with every fiber of her being.
"I wouldn't make it that obvious." Hibiscus huffed. When you find it. Turn North-East, and walk 72 paces." She sensed some of the girls feelings. Yet, Hibiscus continued her taciturn tactics.

What does she want from me? I don't even have a body.

I don't need a body. She reminded herself. I can still protect her. If she likes it... or me... is no matter. I will at least find a way to protect her before I fade away.

Hibiscus, however, did not know how deep the girl's hatred for magic went. She of course did not know about the maid, or how much her parents had made her practice. Yet, Neither Hibiscus, The Maid, her Parents or even Cara herself suspected just how talented she was...

"You'll see an old house, go round the back and you'll find an old wine cellar." Once you get in let me know."

Indeed, there would be an old abandoned dilapidated estate, reclaimed by nature. The carved basin of a fountain, a few statues, and foundation were evidence of what had once existed here.

Hibiscus had expected the wine-cellar to be a hard find. She had not been to this place in many years, yet, when Cara found it it would not be covered in thorns. She would find the hole in the ground, the rotten oak doors cracked and caved in, the stone steps lead into the darkness.
Cara dismounted and kept her hand on the horses reigns. She might need it again. After turning she started to count her steps, counting out loud. "1.....50.....68.....72." She murmured. Once she was finished Cara looked up and saw a house that was completely covered in vines. "How many of these do you have Hibiscus? Did you keep records of them?" She asked, hoping that she had not. Cara would be safer if only Hibiscus knew about these places. As she walked to the back Cara didn't watch her step and ended up tripping over the first step of the stairs to the cellar. She let out a small scream and let go of the horse as she fell. Cara knew enough to curl herself into a ball to keep from getting too hurt.

Once she was at the bottom Cara groaned softly and waited a moment before standing. "I think I found the cellar." She muttered.
Hibiscus felt a flutter.

"What just happened?"

She had found the cellar. Perfect. "No, they are not written down anywhere. Walk to the back, if there is a wine rack there just cast it aside, on the wall there is a hidden door. Use your finger to make ah... an 'x' with... well... outline the 'x' rather, and put a circle at each end. Start at the top left and work your way around."

She waited a few moments. "When your done. Hold your hand in the middle and say 'Is farsuing béul a bhothain.'

"Do you need me to repeat that?"
"The stair case was hidden, I tripped and fell down them. It doesn't matter though, I did not get hurt." Cara murmured before opening the one door and walking in.

She listened to the instructions carefully and shook her head at the mention of Hibiscus repeating it. " my parents made sure I knew that one." Cara said harshly. The simple magic had been used every day when she was little. They had made it so she would not get food unless she did everything with magic. Cara hadnt known that they would break until after the incident when she tried to starve herself.

Slowly Cara pushed the wine rack aside, wincing at the loud clanking it brought about. She wondered if it really was wine in those bottles or some other kind of liquid. With a shudder Cara brushed it off and continued to the door.

As she made the symbols it was as if she was thrown back to her younger years. Cara said the words of magic with no emotion, with nothing behind them and the door opened. Most people who were not talented at magic had to plead with the words, try to appeal to them to make them work. Cara, however, could say them casually, it was as if the words were pleading for her to come back to their world.

"What now?" She asked, walking into the newly opened area.
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