The Engagement (Inkheart789 & Eyeris)

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Remington stood a foot or two behind Cara as she searched through. "Strawberry... Blueberry..." He would rattle off their names politely. "And those are boysenberries, gooseberries, and currants." he added quickly.

He followed her down the road, hands behind his back.

"I'm sure Hibiscus would grant such a request. I think she likes you... Well enough. Don't you think?" This human girl was bringing quite a bit of interest and entertainment to his existence. Hibiscus was a worthy master, however, she was boring when left to her own devices, and Remington had had quite enough of that.

"Hm, let us continue this way, there is a fine butcher just over here, I have been his customer before." Remington gestured to a permanent storefront a bout a block down. There, a small woman with big hair salt and pepper hair, a long black apron was standing on a crate in order to hang long strips of jerky to sell. She was fleshy but fit, with bright blue eyes and pouting lips. She'd squint from her perch, noticing Remington, she would smile and wave, then go back to her task.
"I think she likes me more than she likes you." Cara admitted with a slight smile. "I do not know why, but she does not like all the things you point out. I personally find them very helpful." She said, taking a couple of the fruits to try.

As they walked down she would occasionally stop to pick up some vegetables, or ingredients to make fresh bread. Cara noticed that some people seemed to know Remington and she inferred that he did most of the shopping.

"I do not know much about meats Remington, do you think you could pick me out one that is easy to cook?" Cara had not worked with meat as much, nothing besides chicken that is and here there seemed to be many more.

"Also are there any meals that the cooks normally make that you think would be good for me to make?" Cara was creative when she had only a few ingredients to work with. Right now she was have difficultly choosing from so many different choices.
"But of course." Remington bartered with the woman-butcher, in a few moments, he gave her a handful of coins, and she handed him a neatly wrapped white package. Remington added it to the basket he was carrying with the other fruits and vegetables Cara had been selecting.

"I know quite a few recipes. I would be happy to offer you any assistance in the kitchen you require."

They continued until they came to a stall selling livestock, and Remington would select a fat orange hen. It was put in a small cage with a handle atop for traveling and handed over to the foot-man.
She smiled at her words and nodded. "Thank you Reminington. I did not have as much to work with at my old home, so this is all new to me." Cara explained, watching the hen.

"Perhaps we can get some eggs out of her first before we need to use her for cooking." She suggested. Cara knew how to cook eggs and had for awhile before they had to kill their own hens for meat.

As they continued a weak dog came up to them, sniffing at the basket. The moment Cara's eyes met the dogs she was heart broken. "Do you think we can keep this one? He needs some loving." She said softly, letting the dog sniff her hand.
Remington was surprised that Cara, a girl with little cooking experience, was so eager to step into her role as lady-of-the-house.

I suppose she hasn't got much choice, she could pine away in the high tower like some damsels do, bored to tears.

Remington examined the mutt, kneeling beside it, he lifted it's paw, then ran his fingers through it's hair. "This one will do just fine, I think." He lifted it's back leg and checked underneath, poked it's ribs, then scratched it's rump with his gloved hand. "It will need a bath."
Cara watched as he examined the dog, biting back the urge to tell him to be careful. "I'll bathe her when we get back, I'll bring the water outside and wash her." She said softly, smiling at the dog.

"Do you think it would eat a carrot? Those were not terribly expensive and she looks starving." Cara said, hopeful. Remington seemed to be a nice man and did not care too much about what his master said. Perhaps he would allow her to feed the dog, so it would follow them and want to come with them.
"Why don't you give it a try." The foot-man stepped back, observing Cara. So gentle and innocent... it was a wonder that his Master desired such a thing in his life. Her work required ruthless cunning. Perhaps a bit of her humanity survived and desired... well... this. Hibiscus insisted that Cara would not interfere in her work, that nothing would change now that she was here. But, humans were not like that. If the master actually cared about this Cara, that would make Cara a weakness.

That was the wonderful thing about working with humans. They were addicted to their weaknesses. ]

He smiled to himself, watching the mangy mutt approach Cara.
She smiled slightly and took a carrot from the basket. Cara slowly held it out for the dog. After some hesitation the dog reached out and took it, making a face as she ate it, but still eating it.

"Well, I don't think it likes it too much, but it must be so hungry that it will eat anything." Cara said with a sigh. "We'll have to be careful on what we feed her until she bulks up."

"Do you think that we will need more ingredients or is this enough for now?" She asked, looking up at Remington as she pet the dog. Cara didn't notice, but the dog moved closer to her and nuzzled into her.
"I think we are just about done here." Remington lead the way back down the street toward their horse and carriage. Every so often he'd stop and purchase this-or-that. Then he'd drive the girl and her dog back to the castle.


Hibiscus was back down her 'office' mulling over an ancient tome, she used a set of thin tweezers rather than her fingers to turn the pages.

The candles flickered out, then re-lit, blue.

"Fancy a re-match, 'mum?"

"What do you want?" She didn't look up from the book, not right away, as if this visitor and his darkness did not phase her in the least.

"O it will be all in good fun, a small wager..."

"I don't recall summoning you, state your business."

"I'll wager that, mum, if you win I'll tell you my message, if you loose... well... the soul of a lovely you girl would suffice... "

"You lost her, by your own rules. I will not gamble with you tonight. Also, I should not have to win a wager in order to receive your message, you have probably been conscripted to do so anyhow... else you shall meet your demise?"

No time for cards? How a bout a quickie? A riddle, 'mum? What goes around the castle, but never touches it?

"I taught you that riddle... I never took you for a sore looser. You have won plenty of other mortal souls, leave me in peace with my one-and-only."

"Hah. I thought you humorless, 'mum! This one... she's so... fresh and simply... grommet-quality, if-you-know-what-I-mean."

The demon could be seen in the blue light, like a man, but it's features and proportions exaggerated, a caricature of a human.

Hibiscus looked up from her work, her dark eyes knife-sharp.

"I did not summon you. Tell me, Ashmedai-Montague-Cardsharp, who has sent you here? If you do not tell me in the next minute, you will be subject to torture, and not the kind you like."

"Enjoy her while you can, she will be mine again soon. Only the best could stop me."
He stepped closer to her desk, put his hands on it.

"I am the best." She stood, they were eye-to-eye she and the demon.
"Not for long. He smiled, his lips blue in the blue candlelight, my maker is returning... and he has not forgiven you."
It took of it's hat and bowed, message delivered, it famished into shadow, the blue candles flickered out, then sprang back into their customary orange glow.
Cara sat in the carriage and pet the dog absentmindedly throughout the ride. Every once in awhile she would slip him a bit of fruit or lettuce.

"Do you always have a sit down dinner?" She asked as they neared the castle. Cara would need to get dinner ready quickly since the sun was already starting to go down.

As soon as the carriage stopped she got out, taking one of the baskets of food and calling for the dog to follow.

"And do you think that Hibiscus would allow me to keep the dog inside tonight? I think it will get cold. If not perhaps there is an area that we could keep him in that is warm?" Cara asked, feeling bad for the poor dog.
"Not usually." Remington answered, he would assist her, fetching a barrel of water and a bar of soap for the dog.

He stopped, sniffing the air for a moment, then returning his attention to the girl.

"I'm sure the master will accept that arrangement..." He put down the barrel and dipped the soap in the water.

"Did you have a pet back home? I'm curious about... You. You seem to have been so sheltered in your childhood yet... you must have a few stories... tender moments... fond memories... along with the unplesantries."
Cara shook her head as they started washing the dog. "No, my parents didn't allow lets as I got older. When I was younger I think we had some, but I don't remember much. We had money when I was young and I was able to go out and see everything. As I got older they kept me in, but one day a year they would let me go to the market. It was my favorite day." She explained, smiling at the memory.

"In the market lots of animals would come up to me, they like me for some reason and I like that. I would feed them if I had food or would pet them if I did not." She rubbed the soap in, hoping the dog would feel better after being cleaned.
"You don't remember." Remington seemed disappointed. "What a shame..." he wrung the soapy water from his hands, watching the girl work on the dog. "Did they... hurt you?" Boredom was not always the worst tormentor of a cloistered damsel. If it was only boredom, he wondered what she did to entertain herself.

"Or the market, tell me about the market. Is it much different from ours? Your home was near a much busier city..."
Cara sighed softly, "My parents never hurt me physically, but emotionally they did every day. The others that were supposed to look after me... Lets just say I'm not as innocent as everyone thinks. I've seen evil, I just choose to ignore it. The markets were different, it was not as organized, and there were many things. I do not remember the names since I was not able to buy them, but people would come from surrounding areas to participate in it. The day I was able to go was the day of the large gathering. Sometimes I think my parents wish I would be taken by some travelers, but I always managed to come back home."

Once the dog was full of soapy water, Cara started to rinse him off. "Do you think we should name the dog? Is that what people usually do to a pet?"
"I believe that is customary..." He wondered what sort of things the 'people who had taken care of her' did. He smiled, keeping his thoughts to himself. He was a foot-man to this lady after-all, he should not overstep his bounds too much.

"Choose the name wisely, a name is an important thing, 'm lady." He folded his hands.

What's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.

Would it?

They might simply call it dog, or sandy, or sod-all, would it make a difference?

To call her girl or Cara or M'lady, have the same effect?

To call him demon, or Remington or... any other name. The rose would smell just as sweet, but the thorns could be culled or sharpened by it.
Cara nodded and thought for awhile, making sure that the dog was free of soap. "How about Chester?" She suggested, tilting her head. Cara supposed it did fit the dog's looks at least.

"Or we could wait and name him later, once we see his personality." She started to use a cloth to wipe the dog dry as best she could.

He would most likely still be dripping wet because of how much fur the water had to cling to. "He looks a little better." Cara decided, looking the dog over. He was still small and looked like he was in great need of food, but he was clean now,
"Certainly. Fit enough to enter the premises." Remington nodded in approval, and walked back into the castle.


Hibiscus caught sight of the girl and the dog as she was walking about the castle deep in thought. She noticed them, but continued on her way into the next room--but stopped short. Realizing that there was one extra person in their company.

The dog.

She walked backward into the corridor where she could see the dog and the girl more clearly.

She frowned, The girl wasn't kidding when she said that animals liked her. Her first day outside and she found one! "So... this is... the dog?"
Cara jumped at the voice, but then smiled slightly at Hibiscus. "Yes, I was thinking of calling him Chester." She said as she turned towards her. The dog stayed by Cara's side, nuzzling his face into her leg.

She laughed softly and pet the dog with one hand. "Do you want to pet him? He's pretty friendly and clean now."

Cara was sure she would have hated the sight of the dog if he had not been cleaned, but now the dog looked somewhat presentable. She still wasnt sure how Hibiscus would react though, she might not want to be near the dog at all.
"Chester is a... good name." Hibiscus made eye contact with the dog. "No... thank you." She declined to pet the thing, folding her arms she turned to Cara.

"Did you find everything you needed during your... outing?" She was not accustomed to making small-talk. Yet, this girl made her feel stuck, her large hazel eyes begged to be comforted. Perhaps that was not the right word, Hibiscus was unsure if she was seeing something unique or something that all women possessed... She hadn't made small-talk with one in years.

"I look forward to dinner." She nodded to Remington as well, who carried the groceries past Hibiscus and down toward the kitchen. The chicken clucked at Hibiscus rather rudely. Remington would get a head start, lighting the fire under the cauldron and sharpening the knives.
"Yes, I think we did. I did not know how much to get though, so Remington helped me out." Cara admitted, petting the dog to keep him calm.

When she mentioned dinner, Cara's eyes widened. "I must start on that, I forgot with the washing of the dog. I should be off doing that... Would you be opposed to letting me give some scraps to Chester? He doesn't seem to have had much to eat in awhile and I do not want him to starve."
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